24 research outputs found
Pemanfaatan Limbah Buah Salak Pondoh Sebagai Substrat Nata De Salacca Melalui Aplikasi Bioteknologi di Dusun Tegal Domban, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Dusun Tegal Domban is one of the highest Salak Pondoh produce in Sleman District. However there is a problemfaced by salak farmers due to the overproduction and overripe which mightcause waste. Implementation of Biotechnology should be one of the alternativesolutions to overcome this problem. The aims of the program were to utilize the salak fruits wasteto produce Natade Salaccausing biological agents, such as Acetobacter xylinum, and to implement the education for sustainability development which subjected toa women organization PKK Dusun Tegal Domban who accompanyed by the team from Biotechnology Master Program UGM in order to learn how to produce Nata de Salacca. This program was initiated with the laboratory experiments to find the fine composotion of nata substrates to get the optimal nata product. The following action was to acompany the women who aplicate the nata production process. Results from the laboratory experiment showed that the best composition of substrat and water ratiowas 1:4, and the nata thickness was 0.62 cm, while the nata weight was 542.22 g. Those parameters were used for nata standard indicators.Results from the activities of nata production by women groups PKK Dusun Tegal Domban were showed the similar results with the nata standard for thickness, however nata weight was slightly lower than the nata standard
Karakterisasi Staphylococcus aureus Isolat Susu Sapi Perah Berdasar Keberadaan Protein-A pada Media Serum Soft Agar terhadap Aktivitas Fagositosis Secara In Vitro
Staphylococcus aureus merupakan salah satu bakteri penyebab utama mastitis. Protein-A berperan penting dalam adesi dan kolonisasi bakteri pada sel inang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan aktivitas fagositosis S. aureus berdasarkan keberadaan protein-A pada media serum soft agar. Sebanyak 19 isolat S. aureus susu sapi perah asal Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah digunakan pada penelitian ini. Seluruh isolat tersebut direidentifikasi dengan dipupuk pada media plat agar darah (PAD), koloni bakteri kemudian diidentifikasi dengan pewarnaan Gram, uji mannitol salt agar (MSA), katalase dan uji koagulase. Karakterisasi S.aureusdilakukan dengan menanam bakteri pada media serum soft agar (SSA) yang mengandung serum kelinci untuk mengetahui keberadaan protein-A, kemudian dilakukan uji fagositosis dengan menggunakan sel polimorfonuklear. Dari 19 isolat tersebut seluruhnya teridentifikasi sebagai S. aureus yang ditunjukkan dengan Gram positif, sel berbentuk kokus bergerombol, mampu memfermentasi manitol pada media MSA, positif pada uji katalase, 15,79% sampel menunjukkan hasil koagulase negatif, sedangkan 84,21% menunjukkan hasil koagulase positif. Pertumbuhan pada media SSA menunjukkan hasil 12 isolat (63,16%) koloni berbentukkompak dan 7 isolat (36,84%) koloni berbentuk difus. Koloni kompak menunjukkan bakteri tersebut memiliki protein-A, koloni difus menunjukkan bakteri tersebut tidak memiliki protein-A atau memiliki protein-A tetapi tertutup oleh kapsul. Hasil uji fagositosis menunjukkan S. aureus yang memiliki protein-A lebih sedikit difagosit oleh leukosit polimorfonuklear (2,99 bakteri/sel) dari pada S. aureus yang tidak memiliki protein-A, atau mempunyai protein-A tetapi tertutup oleh kapsul (3,85 bakteri/sel). Staphylococcus aureus yang memiliki protein-A lebih patogen daripada S. aureus yang tidak memiliki protein-A. Isolat S. aureus asal Jawa Tengah lebih virulen dibandingkan isolat S. aureus asal Jawa Barat ditinjau dari sifat hemolisis, koagulase, dan protein-A
The Empowerment of Livestock Farmers in Subclinical Mastitis Test with GAMA Anti-Haptoglobin in “Sahabat Ternak” Etawah Crossbreed Goat Farm
Sahabat Ternak is one of the Etawah crossbreed (PE) goat farm groups in Sleman. This farm group focuses on goat milk production and processed goods. Problems that commonly arise in dairy goat farms are the cases of subclinical mastitis, which are quite high. This disease may cause a decrease in milk production and quality. The mastitis subclinical detection method which is often used by the farming community is the somatic cell count (SCC) and California mastitis test (CMT). However, both tests have low accuracy. Recently, a new method named GAMA Anti-Haptoglobin, which is more accurate and can be done easily has been established by livestock farmers. This community service aims to empower livestock farmers in applying GAMA Anti-Haptoglobin as a sensitive, rapid, and accurate subclinical mastitis detection kit in Sahabat Ternak goat farm. The method used in this activity consisted of discussion, socialization, and training for livestock farmers, as well as laboratory testing, evaluation of test findings, and treatment for PE goats. After the training, the livestock farmers were able to apply GAMA Anti-Haptoglobin mastitis detection method effectively. The implementation of this easy and accurate field mastitis detection method, as well as personnel with reliable skills, will support in the decrease of mastitis cases and increase milk production and quality, as well as community welfare
Deteksi Staphylococcus aureus dan Staphylococcus sp. secara Langsung dari Susu Segar Kambing Peranakan Etawa dengan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
The genus of Staphylococcus is one of the bacterial pathogens that cause mastitis causing economic losses in Etawa crossbreed goat. Among Staphylococcus sp. which can grow well in raw milk, Staphylococcus aureus is known causing foodborn disease in human because of its ability to produce enterotoxins that are resistance to digestive enzymes or heating treatment. The purpose of this study was to detect Staphylococcus sp. and S. aureus directly from raw milk of Etawa crossbreed goat using PCR. The study was carried out by extracted DNA from fresh milk using spin column method and then amplified specific 23S rRNA for Staphylococcus sp. and S. aureus. PCR examination revealed that 37 (61%) and 1 (1,6%) raw milk samples were positive for Staphylococcus sp. and S. aureus respectively. The PCR Method is usefull to reduce defection time of Staphylococcus sp. contaminants
Deteksi Staphylococcus aureus dan Staphylococcus sp. Secara Langsung Dari Susu Segar Kambing Peranakan Etawa dengan Teknik PCR
Genus Staphylococcus merupakan salah satu patogen bakteri penyebab mastitis yang menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi pada kambing Peranakan Etawa. Diantara Staphylococcus sp. yang dapat tumbuh dengan baik dalam susu segar, diketahui Staphylococcus aureus dapat membahayakan kesehatan manusia yang mengkonsumsi (food borne disease) karena kemampuannya dalam memproduksi enterotoksin yang tahan terhadap enzim pencernaan maupun pemanasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeteksi Staphylococcus sp. dan S. aureus secara langsung dari susu kambing peranakan etawa dengan teknik PCR.Metode yang dilakukan adalah mengekstraksi DNA dari 60 sample susu segar dengan prinsip spin column-based nucleic acid purification dan kemudian dilakukan amplifikasi gen spesifik 23S rRNA Staphylococcus sp. dan S. aureus. Hasil PCR diketahui 37 (61%) sampel susu positif mengandung Staphylococcus sp. dan hanya 1 (1,6%) sampel mengandung S. aureus. Metode deteksi dengan PCR dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi kontaminan Staphylococcus sp. dan S. aureus dengan waktu yang singka
Deteksi Gen Penyandi Sifat Resistensi Metisilin, Penisilin dan Tetrasiklin pada Isolat Staphylococcus aureus Asal Susu Mastitis Subklinis Sapi Perah
Detection of gene encoding resistance of bacteria could be used as an accurate method to determine resistance of Staphylococcus aureus which is causing mastitis in dairy cows to the several antibiotics. This research aimed to detect the gene encoding resistance of methicillin, penicillin and tetracycline from identified S. aureus. Sixty milk samples were collected from subclinical mastitis of cows from various dairy farming in Yogyakarta. Isolation and identification of S. aureus based on the culture, Gram staining and biochemical test. Phenotypes of S. aureus resistances against antibiotics were carried out by disc diffusion method, meanwhilespecies specific gene of S. aureus and the gene encoding methicillin, penicillin and tetracycline were confirmed by PCR method. The results showed 11 isolates representing of Methicillin Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) could be identified, wherein 5 isolates were harboring both of penicillin and tetracycline resistant genes respectively
Development of antibodies against recombinant staphylococcal enterotoxin B from food poisoning cases
Background and Aim: Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is the most common serotype involved in food poisoning. The aim of this study was to develop immunoassay detection methods using a recombinant enterotoxin B antigen protein to produce recombinant polyclonal antibodies in vivo.
Materials and Methods: Staphylococcus aureus isolated from a food poisoning case (strain JH5800) was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and confirmed to contain a seb gene of 477 bp. A SEB segment was amplified, cloned, sequenced, and aligned. The PCR product corresponding to the predicted mature SEB peptide was inserted into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE-3) expression vector and expressed as a hexahistidine-SEB fusion protein. Antiserum against recombinant SEB protein was produced by immunization of Balb/c mice.
Results: In the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the polyclonal antibodies produced had a titer of 1:3200. The seb gene of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from a poisoning case (JH5800) had a molecular size of about 477 bp and a band of recombinant SEB toxin was observed at approximately 30 kDa on SDS-PAGE gel. The polyclonal anti-SEB antibody titer, as revealed by indirect ELISA, was 1:3200 at 59 days.
Conclusion: SEB recombinant protein could be used to produce polyclonal antibodies. ELISA and Western blotting were used to analyze the specificity and sensitivity of the recombinant polyclonal antibodies. Polyclonal antibodies produced could be used to detect SEB on a large-scale
Genetic Analysis of The Leptin Gene in Goats Based on GenBank DNA Sequences
The Leptin gene is the gene that produces the leptin hormone, which is released from adipose tissue and can increase the productivity of animals. This study aimed to identify polymorphic nucleotides, changes in amino acid components, and species of goats based on GenBank Leptin DNA sequence data. A total of five goat leptin DNA sequences were extracted from NCBI GenBank data. The leptin DNA sequence was aligned with Bioedit to locate SNPs and amino acid changes. The tree produces cultivars grown using Clustal Omega Ver. 1.2.4. Based on the DNA sequencing results of leptin genes in five goats, five SNPs were located in the coding sequence (CDS), SNPs g.17T/A, g.43T/A, g.74G/A, g.93C/A. and d. 386A/G. SNP was a missense mutation and a silent mutation. The analysis of phylogenetic trees of Leptin showed that there were three breeds of goats in one branch and two breeds of goats in different branches. These results provided the first report for further studies on the genetic diversity of leptin genes in different local goat breeds
Distribution of antimicrobial resistance genes of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from animals and humans in Yogyakarta Indonesia
Background and Aim: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has been known as a highly pathogenic bacteria in animals and humans, which is still becoming a global health issue. The prevalence of MRSA infection continues to increase worldwide and has become a global concern as a dangerous zoonotic disease. The World Health Organization estimates that by 2050 MRSA will be the leading cause of death. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of MRSA in S. aureus isolates of veterinary and human origin in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Materials and Methods: A total of 42 cases of S. aureus infection were examined in this study, consisting of nine isolates from cattle, five from goat, and 28 from human. All isolates were confirmed as S. aureus based on bacterial culture and detection of 23S rRNA and thermonuclease nuc gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Results: Among 42 isolates, 35 isolates (83.3%) were identified as MRSA by PCR positive of mecA gene encoding methicillin resistance. Most MRSA strains were found in human isolates (100%), followed by cattle isolates (55.5%) and goats (40%). All MRSA strains were also multi-resistant to penicillin (blaZ gene) and tetracycline (tetK, and tetM genes) with a prevalence of about 98%.
Conclusion: MRSA prevalence in humans and animals has increased significantly in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, compared to the previous study. The antimicrobial resistance pattern of MRSA animal isolates tends to be similar to humans and, thus, raises public health concerns about MRSA zoonotic spread
Diverse human and bat-like rotavirus G3 strains circulating in suburban Bangkok.
Although rotavirus vaccines are available in many parts of the world and are effective in reducing the overall incidence of rotavirus infection, it remains a major cause of diarrhea in less-developed countries. Among various rotavirus group A (RVA) strains, the increasingly common genotype G3 (defined by the VP7 gene) has been identified in both humans and animals. Our previous epidemiological surveillance in Bangkok found several unusual non-vaccine-like G3 strains in patients with diarrhea. In this study, we sequenced and characterized the genomes of seven of these G3 strains, which formed combinations with genotypes P[4], P[6], P[9], and P[10] (defined by the VP4 gene). Interestingly, we identified a bat-like RVA strain with the genome constellation G3-P[10]-I3-R3-C3-M3-A9-N3-T3-E3-H6, which has not been previously reported in the literature. The amino acid residues deduced from the nucleotide sequences of our G3 strains differed at the antigenic epitopes to those of the VP7 capsid protein of the G3 strain in RotaTeq vaccine. Although it is not unusual for the segmented genomes of RVA to reassort and give rise to emerging novel strains, the atypical G3 strains identified in this study suggest possible animal-to-human RVA zoonotic spillover even in urban areas