9 research outputs found


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    Cervical cancer is cancer with number incident number four the most what happens to women The whole world and cancer most freguently within the country low income (Mustafa dkk 2016) cervical cancer is a malignity caused by exists language cell growth ephithelium cervix Uncontrollable(mirayashi 2013).according to cervical cancer 99,7% caused by human papillomavirus (hpv) oncogene that attacks the uterus cervical cancer is most malignant tumor Which grow inside cerviks that is lowest part womb attaced at the top female genitals (hartati dkk 2014).based on the exposure cervical cancer or which known as cancer cerviks is tumor Most malignant  is cerviks caused by human papillomavirus the main cause cervical cancer is Human papilloma virus (HPV)more than 90% cancer cerviks womb is sguamous is  wich contain DNA virus human papilloma virus (HPV) and 50% cervical cancer associated with human papilloma  virus type 16. Virus HPV can spread through contact sexual especially in relationships sexual which is not safe. The HPV virus attacks the membranes in the mouth  and esophagus and anus .and will cause the formation  of precancerous cells in the long term.(ridayani 2016).the HPV virus will attach to the cell surfare reseptor by means of an attachment virus that spreads or the survace of the virus.HPVthat will attach to the cell surface receptors will penetrate , the existence of a wound makes it easier for the virus to enter the cell.the virus enters and releases the genome after which the capsit is destroyed afte the virus enters the cell nucleus, the virus performs transcription by turning its DNA into MRNA.(Yanti , 2013),the mechanisme of cervical cancer is related to the cell cycle expressed by HPV.the main proteins associated with carcinogens are E6 and E7. The silkular HPV geno form if integrated will become linear and truncated between the E2 and E1 genes . integration between the HPV genome and human DNA causes the E2 gene to malfunction so that it stimulates E6 to bind to p53 and E7 to bind to prb.     &nbsp

    Montessory Method in Training Development of Health Protocol Ambassadors Facing the Post COVID-19 Pandemic Era at SD Muhammadiyah 01 Medan

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    Along the decline COVID-19 cases in Indonesia, the implementation of Limited Face-to-face Learning (PTM) in education units was again carried out by observing the implementation of strict health protocols by education units. In the implementation, various problems were found, such as the lack of awareness of students in implementing health protocols. The solutions offered by the Community Service team to support preventing the spread of COVID-19 and improving healthy lifestyles include developing a health protocol ambassador program through a peer teaching program with the Montessori method. This activity was carried on August 8, 2022 with assistance and monitoring carried out until August 22, 2022 at SD Muhammadiyah 01 Medan with a total sample of 60 people. The results showed an increase before and after the activity, before the activity was carried out as many as 31 (51.7%) respondents were at a moderate level of knowledge, 37 (61.7%) positive attitudes and 32 (53.3%) good behavior respondents. After the activities were carried out, 47 (78.3%) respondents had high knowledge, 60 (100%) positive attitudes and 46 (76.7%) good behavior. Therefore, this method is effective in increasing the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of students' awareness about health protocols and prevention of COVID-19 transmission


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    Cervical cancer is a malignancy of the cerviks (cervical) caused  by HPV(Human papilloma virus )and is the second most common cancer experienced by women world wide including indonesia.one of the caused of the high death rate from the cervical cancer in women  is the lack of understanding and knowledge about cervical cancer.The detection tehcnigue that will be carried out is the iva tekhnigue (visual inspection of acetic acid),namely cervical cancer screening examination by looking directly at changes in the cervix after being stained with 3-5% Acetic acid.Using the iva method,pre-cancero cervical lesions can also be identified.This IVA screening method is relatively inexpensive and can be performedby a general practitioner or nursewho has been trained.the method used in the activity goes trhoug a serie of stages including training and mentoring.The community was formed through several activities,namely : coordinating with the hamlet rt administrators and community leaders providing heal training on Early detection of cervical cancer, giving rewards to mothers , giving door prizes after maternal service activities, giving rewards to cadres. The purpose of this training activity is to increase the knowledge of health workers regarding the prevention and early detection of cervical cancer using the IVA test and pap smear method . The result achieved after participating in the training and discussion are that the community and health workers know about cervical cancer self-detection training in the form of IVA tests and pap smears


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    Most of  the people with their daily lives are not far from the risk factors for cancer.for example,on petaru who are in contact with pesticides so that it can be a risk of cancer ,or construction workers who do not use PPE (Early Protective Equipment) sp they can be exposed to buil ding asbestos. This servive aims to increasing knowledge of cervical cancer in villages ,especially in efforts to prevent cancer and early detection of (cervical) cancer .This activity also aims to facilitate monitoring and commucation regarding new cases of cancer (especially cervical cancer) through village cadres. The method used in this activity is counseling. The result of this activity is an increase in knowledge related to cervical cancer. There needs to be cervical education for cadres or motherson an ongoing basis by health workers.This incidence of cervical cancer is 90% in developing countries. Indonesia is a developing country with the sixth highest number of cervical cancer suffers in Asia and an estimated incidenceof this disea is around 17 per 100,000 population . Lack of counselingand limited information about cervical  cancer causes people’s knowledge to be low . This condition causes almost no high-risk women to detect and preventcervical cancer.It is feared that this will lead to an increase in the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in the region the future

    The Effect of Administering Vitamin C Lozenges Towards the Increasing of Saliva Secretion of Hemodialysis Patient

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    Hemodialysis is a dialysis method to secrete bodily fluid when the kidneys are progressively or acutely unable to do it. This research aims to know the effect of administering vitamin C lozenges on the increasing saliva secretion of hemodialysis patients. The research used an experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test design. The T-test result was mostly dependent (paired sample test). A purposive sampling technique was used to acquire 30 hemodialysis patients. The result shows that 26 patients (86.7%) have an increase in saliva secretion while four patients (13.3%) have not. The p-value was 0.000 (p<0.05). It can be concluded that administering vitamin C lozenges to hemodialysis patients increases saliva secretion. This research suggests that Royal Prima Medan Public Hospital administer vitamin C lozenges as an alternative medicine to increase the saliva secretion of hemodialysis patients


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    Transmission of HIV/AIDS occurs through body fluids containing the HIV virus, namely through sexual intercourse, both homosexual and heterosexual, injection needles in narcotics users, blood transfusions, and from HIV-infected mothers to their babies born. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between spiritual level and the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) at the Medan Plus Foundation, Medan. The design of this research is quantitative with observational analysis using a cross sectional approach. HIV/AIDS infection has now affected all groups of people, both high-risk groups and the general. The results of the study showed that the number of respondents with a low spiritual level in PLWHA was 16 respondents, all of them with poor quality of life were 15 respondents (68.1%), and 1 respondent had a good quality of life (4.5%). Meanwhile, as many as 6 respondents who have a good spiritual level with a quality of life of PLWHA less than 2 respondents (9.0%), and 4 respondents who have a good quality of life (18.1%). With the results of the Chi-Square analysis obtained p value = 0.015. It can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between spiritual level and quality of life. Spirituality is an important dimension that must be considered in assessing the quality of life because spiritual disturbances will cause severe psychological disorders, including suicidal ideation

    Improved Knowledge and Attitude about Healthy Snack at School through Peer Education

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    The consumption of snacks becomes a habit of the children. The habit finds at all the socioeconomic level of society and at all the age level of children, especially in the school-age children. The peer educator is an education given to peer group which aims to increase knowledge, skill for a group member, especially in the health sector, including nutrition requirement for body covering balanced nutrition, healthy diet, prevention of dietary deviation, balanced menu arrangement, and proper nutrition when exercising. The peer education about nutrition for school children include nutritional needs, regulate health and nutritious snacks, meals to prevent the occurrence of illness due to errors in consuming the type of food. This study was aimed to determine the improved knowledge and attitude of students about the healthy snacks thought peer education. The study used a Quasi-experimental design. The sample of the research consists of 35 students. The result of the study shows that peer education increases the knowledge of 33 students (94,3%) in the good category and increase the attitude of 35 students (100%) good category. The results of the study suggested that the school administrators should select the food that had been sold in the canteen and optimized the UKS program for teachers, staff, and students. The school administration should talk about healthy snacks to the parents of children


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    Background: Nurse performance plays an important role in ensuring high quality care to achieve patient outcomes in hospitals. Therefore, factors related to the performance warrant investigation. Emotional intelligence and workplace culture are assumed to be related to nurse performance. Objective: To determine the relationship of emotional intelligence, workplace culture, and nurse performance at one of private hospitals in Medan Indonesia. Methods: This study employed a cross-sectional design with 126 associate nurses who were selected using a simple random sampling technique. Emotional intelligence, workplace culture, and nurse performance were measured using valid questionnaires. Spearman-Rank correlation test was used for data analysis. Results: Majority of nurses had high performance, emotional intelligence and workplace culture. There were significant relationships between emotional intelligence, workplace culture, and nurse performance, with a strong (r= .68; p= .01) and medium level (r= .30; p= .01), respectively. Conclusion: Nurses with high emotional intelligence and good workplace culture would show good performance in providing professional nursing care to patients. It is recommended for the hospital managers and nurse managers to improve emotional intelligence of nurses and create better workplace culture in order to improve the nurse performance

    Jajanan Sehat Dan Bahaya Junk Food Pada Orang Tua Dan Sekolah Dengan Metode Digital

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    Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak usia sekolah harus optimal seperti pemberian nutrisi dengan kualitas dan kuantitas yang baik serta benar, bila tidak benar dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pada banyak organ tubuh anak usia sekolah. Cara efektif yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan promosi kesehatan mengenai jajanan sehat dan bahaya junk food. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dimaksudkan kepada orang tua dan sekolah untuk mengurangi paparan anak sekolah terhadap makanan  jajanan yang tidak sehat dan tidak aman. Kegiatan promosi kesehatan di SD Muhammadiyah I Medan dilakukan pada bulan Maret sampai Agustus menggunakan metode digital yang disampaikan melalui Whatsapp group, dilakukan pre dan postest kemudian pemaparan dengan menggunakan media leaflet, video dan diikuti dengan diskusi. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap orangtua dan sekolah dalam makanan sehat dan bahaya junk  food