1,249 research outputs found

    Protection of entanglement for a two-qutrit V-type open system on the basis of system-reservoir bound states

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    In this work, a mechanism for long time protection of entanglement of a two-qutrit V-type atomic system each of which interacts independently with a dissipative reservoir is investigated. It is shown that the protection process is related exclusively on the formation of bound states in the system-reservoir energy spectrum. It is demonstrated that the degree of boundedness for the system-reservoir bound states is well-controlled by entering other V-type qutrits into the reservoirs, and also through the manipulation of the spontaneously generated interference related to decay channels of the V-type atoms.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Are Cryptocurrencies Ḥaram? A Critical Analysis toward MUI’s Fatwā

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    This paper critically examines the Indonesian Ulema Council's fatwā which prohibits cryptocurrency. The critique focuses on three aspects of the ban. The first is criticism for banning cryptocurrency which is considered to contain garar and ḍarār, and is contrary to Law No. 7 of 2011 and Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 17 of 2015. The second is criticism of the illegality of buying/selling cryptocurrency, which is positioned as a digital asset/commodity that contains garar, ḍarār, qimār, and does not meet the sil’ah criteria. The third is criticism of the permissibility of cryptocurrency as a commodity/asset when it fulfills the sil’aḥ criteria and has underlying and clear legal benefits to be traded. This study adopted a qualitative approach. The conclusion reveals that MUI's fatwā on cryptocurrencies was not built on solid legal reasoning and did not consider the benefits of technological advances. The MUI's fatwā is based on the principles of Islamic law, specifically garar, ḍarār, and qimār, which are used to evaluate the legality of trading commodities or digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies. However, it is important to note that the MUI's fatwā does not consider the potential benefits of cryptocurrencies, such as their use as a new form of investment and their potential to revolutionize industries by enhancing security, and efficiency, and creating new trading opportunities in the digital age. In terms of non-Sharia technology, it is seen as a tool that can be used for good or evil, and its permissibility depends on its use. Blockchain technology, which underpins cryptocurrencies, is considered acceptable because it makes transactions more secure and enables the use of smart contracts.Paper ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kritik terhadap argumentasi hukum pengharaman uang kripto oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Kritik akan difokuskan pada ketiga poin yang menjadi dasar pengharaman uang kripto. Pertama, kritik pengharaman uang kripto yang dinilai mengandung gharar, dharar dan bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang nomor 7 tahun 2011 dan Peraturan Bank Indonesia nomor 17 tahun 2015. Kedua, kritik ketidaksahan jual beli uang kripto yang diposisikan sebagai komoditi/aset digital karena mengandung gharar, dharar, qimar dan tidak memenuhi syarat sil’ah secara syar’i, yakni ada wujud fisik, memiliki nilai, diketahui jumlahnya secara pasti, hak milik dan bisa diserahkan ke pembeli. Ketiga, kritik atas bolehnya uang kripto sebagai komoditi/aset yang memenuhi syarat sebagai sil’ah dan memiliki underlying serta memiliki manfaat yang jelas hukumnya sah untuk diperjualbelikan. Penelitian ini mangadopsi pendekatan kualitatif-interpretatif dengan melibatkan dua tahapan. Pertama, desk-based analysis yang fokus pada analisis berbasis dokumen seperti buku, jurnal, dan rujukan lain yang terkait dengan topik kajian ini. Kedua, thematic content methods yang lebih mengarah pada proses penyusunan tema berdasarkan data atau teori yang telah ditetapkan peneliti. Penyusunan tema dalam riset ini berdasarkan tiga argumentasi hukum pengharaman uang kripto oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Kesimpulan riset ini menegaskan bahwa argumentasi hukum yang menghasilkan kesimpulan keharaman uang kripto oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia tidak dibangun dengan nalar hukum yang solid serta tidak mempertimbangkan dimensi manfaat dari kemajuan teknologi pada keseluruhan aspek kehidupan manusia. Bahwa teknologi pada dasarnya adalah nir-syariah, dalam artian tidak terikat dengan status halal-haram sejauh keberadaannya dimanfaatkan dan digunakan untuk kebaikan bersama


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    Dalam mensosialisasikan produk SOPP Pos, Marketing PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Banda Aceh menggunakan variabel bauran pemasaran yaitu : Periklanan, Personal Selling dan Promosi Penjualan.Media promosi yang digunakan PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Banda Aceh meliputi : radio, televisi, spanduk, brosur, poster, web site dan pensponsoran (event)

    Evaluation of failure mechanism of pile under pullout test in loose sand by PIV method

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    In order to ensure safe design of structures we need to study on behavior of structure’s components before and after failing. Consequences effects of failing are important in some structural cases. For instance, piles as a member of structures can be failed because of structural collapses or soil’s body failure. Extensive experimental investigations have been carried out to study the behavior of failure mechanism of piles in sand subjected to axial compressive, inclined, or lateral loads. However, studies regarding piles subjected to uplift load are limited. This study reports a series of small scale physical modeling test designed to investigate the uplift resistance of piles with diameter of 5cm and with slenderness ratio L/D=1,2,3 and 4 in loose sand with unit weight of 14.2 kN/m2. A close photogrammetric technique and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) were employed to observe the failure patterns due to uplift force on pre formed concrete piles with a different slenderness ratio. The results from the laboratory tests were verified with a Finite Element Method software (PLAXIS 2D and 3D) and analytical method proposed by B. C. Chattopadhyay1et.al (1986). It was found that, the depth of the failure surface increases with the increase of the slenderness ratio. An acceptable agreement has been observed between the measured and predicted values of uplift capacities (PLAXIS 2D and 3D

    People of Colour Matter Too: An Analysis of Scholar Strike Canada

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    Regardless of decades-long social and political advocacy aimed at reversing the damaging discriminatory practices embedded in Canadian laws, societal beliefs, and cultural practices, Canadian BIPOC communities have not achieved equality, nor are they treated equitably. Thus, the current research project intended to critically evaluate and expose the systemic nature of racism by examining the information presented in a recent online conference: The Scholar Strike Canada. In this conference, several BIPOC scholars dispersed their knowledge and their demands for equity via teach-ins that occurred on September 9th and 10th 2020. By conducting a qualitative content analysis of the sessions, five major themes emerged as key foci of BIPOC advocates in Canada: systems of oppression, the institution of policing, lived experiences of BIPOC, the white settler state, and finally resistance. These findings speak to the many disparities that BIPOC survive through in Canada and the US and provide an opportunity to learn about how BIPOC scholars see racism and other forms of institutional oppression to impact their lives. The results and findings demonstrate how racism is a systemically embedded issue in Canada, particularly where the criminal justice system and education systems intersect