14 research outputs found

    مقاصد الشريعة في الوصيّة : دراسة تحليلية

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    ملخص البحث: الوصيّة كانت معروفة قبل مجيء الإسلام، ولكن الإسلام جاء عليها بشروط لم تكن موجودة، فقد كان صاحب المال يعطي من ماله وصية لمن يشاء ويحرم من يشاء؛ لذلك لم تكن للوصية قيمة إلى أن جاء الإسلام وأقرها بشروط معينة، وقد اقتضت حكمة التشريع الإسلامي مراعاة المصالح العام للناس في تشريعاته المتعددة لتشريع الإسلام الخالد، يهدف دائمًا إلى جلب كل ما تحققت فائدته، ودرء كل ما تحققت مفسدته، ومن هذا التشريع الوصية، وذلك لحاجة الناس إليها، فهذه الورقة تأتي لتجلي هذا المقصد من مقاصد الدين الحنيف، حيث إن الشارع لم يغلق باب الخير ويمنع تدارك ما فات فأجاز للعباد التصرف في جزء من مالهم ليعوّضوا ذلك التقصير، وليكون زيادة في حسناتهم قبل انقضاء آجالهم

    Unveiling the Microplastics Menace: A Bibliometric Analysis from 2011 to 2023

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    The escalating production of Microplastics in marine environments has become a critical environmental issue. This in-depth study examines the worrying issue of microplastic pollution in aquatic environments, revealing notable gaps in the literature and presenting significant research opportunities. Microplastics, derived from the degradation of plastic waste, represent a major challenge for aquatic ecosystems due to their ease of ingestion by wildlife, with common polymers as the main sources. Major pathways of introduction include urban wastewater discharges and the mass disposal of plastic waste. Bioaccumulation, effects on marine ecosystems and identification techniques are areas requiring further exploration. At the same time, the increasing production of microplastics in marine environments is a critical environmental issue. Bibliometric analysis reveals key themes, including sources, production pathways, ecological impacts, and mitigation strategies. This research not only highlights current concerns, but also identifies emerging topics such as advanced monitoring technologies and sustainable production alternatives. Together, these findings offer crucial insights to guide future investigations aimed at mitigating the growing challenges associated with microplastic production in marine ecosystems

    مقاصد الشريعة في الوصية: شركة الصالح ين ترستي أنموذجًا

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    ملخص البحث ة ّ الوصي هدية مال أو منافعه اليت تثبت بعد وفاة املوصي. وهي صحيحة بغض النظر عن إجيادها يف حالة الصحة أو املرض األخري. و كانت معروفة قبل جميء اإلسالم، ولكن اإلسالم جاء عليها بشروط مل تكن موجودة يف املاضي. فقبل اإلسالم كان صاحب املال يعصي من ماله وصية ملن يشاء وحيرم َّ م ها بشروط معينة. وقد اقتضت حكمة التشريع اإلسالمي مراعاة املصاحل العام ن يشاء؛ لذلك مل تكن للوصية قيمة إىل أن جاء اإلسالم وأقر ة للناس ا إىل جلبكل ما حتققت فائدته، ً يف تشريعاته املتعددة؛ لذلك فهو يهدف دائم ودرء كل ما حتققت مفسدته، ومن هذه التشريعات الوصية، و ذلك حلاجة الناس إليها. وهذه الورقة أتيت لتجلي مقاصد الوصية؛ حيث إن الشارع مل يغلق ابب اخلري و مل مينع تدارك ما فات، فأجاز للعباد الوصية يف جزء ّضوا ذلك التقصري، وليكون زايدة يف حسناهتم قبل انقضاء آجاهلم. ويظهر هذ من ماهلم ليعو ا املقصد للوصية من خالل نشاطات شركة الصاحلني ترسيت. Abstract Will (waÎiyyah) is a gift of property or a gift of the benefits of property which is established after the death of the testator. It is valid irrespective of it being made in a state of health or during the final illness. It was well known before Islam, but Islam introduced conditions for it, which did not exist in the past. In the pre-Islamic era, the owner of property simply used to make a will to whomever he wished and deprived whomever he wanted. This is why the will had no value during that era, till Islam came and approved it under certain conditions. The wisdom of Islamic Shariah requires the consideration of public interest in its various legislations. So, the Shariah always aims to achieve all those aspects whose benefits are well established, and to prevent all those aspects whose harms are well established. One of these legislations is making wills because human beings need it. This paper highlights the objectives of will, such as the Law Giver neither closed the door of doing good deeds, nor did He prevent from rectifying what is missing. So, He permitted His servants to make wills over a portion of their property, so that they can make up for their short comings and increase their good deeds before their deaths. This objective of will appears in the activities of the As-Salihin Trustee Compan

    Application of the water quality index (IQEs) to assess the quality of groudwater in the Ghiss-Nekkour aquifer, Al-Hoceima, Northern Morocco

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    The determination of water quality with simple, accurate and easily understood expressions by managers and decision-makers has become a crucial situation in the environmental context, in order to help stakeholders make appropriate decisions. The aim of this study is to assess the quality of groundwater in the Ghiss-Nekkour aquifer, located in northeastern Morocco, using the Water Quality Index (WQI). The method is based on the analysis of 11 different physico-chemical parameters (pH, EC, Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, K+, HCO3-, SO2-4, Cl-, NO3-, NO-2) of this groundwater. By applying this WQI, the water was classified into four categories (Water: good quality, poor, very poor, unsuitable for consumption). The study showed that the water from most wells is unsuitable for domestic consumption and requires treatment

    Characterization of sludge from the Fez wastewater treatment plant

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    The Fès wastewater treatment plant is of the activated sludge type. It has been in service since 2014, and receives 155,400 cubic meters per day of domestic wastewater from numerous urban and rural communities: Fès, Ras El Ma, Oulad Tayeb and Ain Chkef. On the one hand, this WWTP generates clean, purified water which is discharged into the receiving environment without any harm to the environment, and on the other, it produces huge quantities of residual sludge, i.e. 5,100 t/year. The aim of this study is to characterize the sludge from the Fez wastewater treatment plant, following sludge treatability tests by monitoring the various analytical parameters. To be able to choose the right technique for the type of sludge to be treated. In our case, for sludge from the Fez wastewater treatment plant, physico-chemical characteristics were carried out for COD, BOD5, TSS, total nitrogen and phosphorus, showing the sludge’s richness in nutrients. The characterization of the sludge from the Fez wastewater treatment plant showed the potential of this product to be valorized

    Assessment of Trace Metal Contamination in Bivalve, Mytilus galloprovincialis, By Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) in the Moroccan Mediterranean Coast Environment

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    This study investigates the pollution of Morocco’s Mediterranean coastal zones by trace metals, highlighting its significance due to detrimental impacts on marine ecosystems and potential health risks through the food chain, exacerbated by the expansion of coastal areas in recent years. It focuses on measuring concentrations of trace metals such as copper, cadmium, lead, and chromium in the bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis and surrounding seawater across three sites along the northern Moroccan Mediterranean coast. This research aims to evaluate metal bioaccumulation levels using the Biota Concentration Factor (BCF). Seawater samples were examined using both flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry, while bivalve tissue samples underwent analysis through Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry. Findings indicate that M. galloprovincialis significantly accumulates trace metals, with concentrations in descending order: Pb, Zn, Cr, Cu, and Cd. Conversely, the seawater metal concentration sequence was Zn, Cu, Cr, Cd, and Pb. The study applied BCF thresholds from Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) and the US EPA’s Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), categorizing metals as “bioaccumulative” (BCF between 1000 and 5000) and “very bioaccumulative” (BCF over 5000). This distribution provides insights into the toxicity and bioaccumulation of metals, underscoring the environmental and health implications for the marine ecosystem and species like M. galloprovincialis

    Exploring salinity origins in the Ghiss-Nekor aquifer, northern Morocco: A multivariate statistical analysis

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    The Ghiss-Nekor coastal aquifer is characterized by high salinity stemming from multiple sources, remains poorly investigated. This study aims to address this knowledge gap by employing both univariate (descriptive statistics) and multivariate statistical analyses, including correlation matrix and principal component analysis (PCA). Groundwater samples were collected from 52 sites across the study area and meticulously analyzed for pH, TDS, EC, and the ions such as Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, NH4+, HCO3-, NO3-, NO2-,Cl-, SO42-, PO43-, and SiO2. Descriptive statistics, notably standard deviation (SD), highlight the diverse sources contributing to salinization, among which seawater intrusion (SWI) emerges as a significant factor. Correlation matrix analysis underscores multiple pathways for salinization, implicating SWI, salt dissolution, chemical weathering, secondary salt leaching, and anthropogenic activities. PCA elucidates 81.05% of the total variance in physicochemical parameters, with strong loadings observed for EC, Na+, Cl-, and Mg2+, corroborating the influence of SWI and suggesting evaporation processes. Moreover, PCA reinforces the potential influence of both geogenic and anthropogenic factors in salinization within the study area. This comprehensive investigation provides valuable insights into the elevated salinity levels observed in the Ghiss-Nekor aquifer, contributing to a deeper understanding of its hydrogeochemical dynamics

    Initial Discovery of Microplastic Presence in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Certain Fish Species in Al-Hoceima Bay

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    The accumulation of plastic waste in ocean environments is a critical ecological issue impacting marine wildlife and human health. This study assesses the presence of microplastics in the gastrointestinal tracts of fish from Al-Hoceima Bay, a key part of the Mediterranean marine ecosystem. Using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, we analyzed 90 individuals from two different species, finding that 33% of the examined fish contained microplastics. Specific occurrences were 26% in mackerel and 40% in gilthead sea bream. These findings highlight significant contamination even in commercial fishing areas, raising urgent questions about the long-term ecological effects and health risks. Therefore, the need for effective plastic waste management policies is critical to protect our marine ecosystems and food safety

    Assessing the Efficacy of Commercial Activated Carbon Adsorption in Removing Emerging Contaminants from Wastewater

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    Powdered activated carbon was used in different studies for evaluation in micropollutants removal. In this study, powdered activated carbon was tested to evaluate its removal efficiency for about 46 micropollutants. A total of 33 compounds were found in raw wastewater. The PAC was found to be efficient towards total suspended solids elimination. Powdered activated carbon reached high removal percentage for heavy metals (90%), while the majority of the other compounds it varied between 60 and 80%. The impact of advanced treatments combination with conventional treatments could lead to high removals

    The Objectives of Shariah in Will: A Case Study of As-Salihin Trustee Company: مقاصد الشريعة في الوصية: شركة الصالحين ترستي أنموذجًا

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    الوصيّة هدية مال أو منافعه التي تثبت بعد وفاة الموصي. وهي صحيحة بغض النظر عن إيجادها في حالة الصحة أو المرض الأخير. وكانت معروفة قبل مجيء الإسلام، ولكن الإسلام جاء عليها بشروط لم تكن موجودة في الماضي. فقبل الإسلام كان صاحب المال يعصي من ماله وصية لمن يشاء ويحرم من يشاء؛ لذلك لم تكن للوصية قيمة إلى أن جاء الإسلام وأقرَّها بشروط معينة. وقد اقتضت حكمة التشريع الإسلامي مراعاة المصالح العامة للناس في تشريعاته المتعددة؛ لذلك فهو يهدف دائمًا إلى جلب كل ما تحققت فائدته، ودرء كل ما تحققت مفسدته، ومن هذه التشريعات الوصية، وذلك لحاجة الناس إليها. وهذه الورقة تأتي لتجلي مقاصد الوصية؛ حيث إن الشارع لم يغلق باب الخير ولم يمنع تدارك ما فات، فأجاز للعباد الوصية في جزء من مالهم ليعوّضوا ذلك التقصير، وليكون زيادة في حسناتهم قبل انقضاء آجالهم. ويظهر هذا المقصد للوصية من خلال نشاطات شركة الصالحين ترستي. الكلمات المفتاحية: الوصية، مقاصد الشريعة، شركة الصالحين ترستي، المصلحة.Will (waṣiyyah) is a gift of property or a gift of the benefits of property which is established after the death of the testator. It is valid irrespective of it being made in a state of health or during the final illness. It was well known before Islam, but Islam introduced conditions for it, which did not exist in the past. In the pre-Islamic era, the owner of property simply used to make a will to whomever he wished and deprived whomever he wanted. This is why the will had no value during that era, till Islam came and approved it under certain conditions. The wisdom of Islamic Shariah requires the consideration of public interest in its various legislations. So, the Shariah always aims to achieve all those aspects whose benefits are well established, and to prevent all those aspects whose harms are well established. One of these legislations is making wills because human beings need it. This paper highlights the objectives of will, such as the Law Giver neither closed the door of doing good deeds, nor did He prevent from rectifying what is missing. So, He permitted His servants to make wills over a portion of their property, so that they can make up for their short comings and increase their good deeds before their deaths. This objective of will appears in the activities of the As-Salihin Trustee Company.   Keywords: Will, Maqāṣid al-SharīꜤah, As-Salihin Trustee Company, Interest. https://doi.org/10.31221/osf.io/3wfd