104 research outputs found

    Exploring the Contemporary Challenges of Urbanization and the Role of Sustainable Urban Development: A Study of Lagos City, Nigeria

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    As urbanization accelerates, sustainable approaches are necessary to counter the adverse environmental impacts. The study investigates the multifaceted challenges of Lagos City due to urbanization and evaluates the effectiveness of sustainable urban development in tackling these problems. It employed a mixed-methods approach to provide informed decisions for liveable urban environments. Census data, satellite imagery, interviews, surveys, and focus group discussions provided a comprehensive understanding of Lagos’s urbanization and its effects. Findings reveal pressing problems such as housing shortages, infrastructure strain, traffic congestion, waste management difficulties, and socio-economic disparities in Lagos City. Local authorities and NGOs have implemented sustainable urban development initiatives, including transport upgrades, green space promotion, waste management, and housing solutions. Such case studies have revealed various interventions, such as informal settlement transformation, renewable energy integration, and urban regeneration. However, persistent issues still exist due to the city’s urbanization. Therefore, Integrated urban planning, inclusivity in policy-making, and technological advances are essential for tackling these challenges. The findings contribute to the academic discourse by providing insights into Lagos City’s urbanization and practical implications for sustainable urban development. It also highlights the need for comprehensive strategies to build a prosperous, equitable, and eco-friendly city

    The Pragmatics of Aggravation in Coetzee’s Disgrace Novel

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    التصعيد هو فعل متسلسل يقوي قوة الخطاب؛ لذلك، يعتدي المتكلم على الصورة الذاتية للخصم، ويدعم الصراع أو النضال. لم يحظ التصعيد باهتمام كبير من المنظور التداولي؛ لذلك، يحاول هذه البحث تحديد الجوانب البراغماتية للتصعيد في رواية  "الخزي" لكوتزي. على وجه التحديد، يضع هذا العمل مهمة الإجابة على الأسئلة التالية: (1) ما هي أكثر أفعال الكلام شيوعًا المستخدمة في رواية الخزي (2) ما هي أكثر استراتيجيات التصعيد المستخدمة في الرواية المختارة؟ وما هو أكثر قول من اقوال او حكم   غريس قد استخدم يصوره  غير  مقصودة في هذه الرواية؟ وبالتالي، تهدف الدراسة إلى تحديد أفعال الكلام الأكثر شيوعًا المستخدمة في التصعيد، وإظهار الاستراتيجيات الأكثر شيوعًا  للتصعيد المستخدمة في هذه الرواية وتحديد مبدأ عدم التقيد الأكثر شيوعًا. ويفترض الباحثين انه  سوف  يتم استخدام افعال الكلام الاكثر تمثيلا  وتعبيرا  بشكل متكرر في الرواية المختارة.  التصعيد الإيجابي هو الإستراتيجية الأكثر استخدامًا، والمبدأ الكمي هو في أغلب الأحيان المبدأ الأكثر استخداما. تقتصر هذه الدراسة على تحليل خمسة نصوص من الرواية المختارة.Aggravation is as an act of sequences that strengthen the universal illocutionary force; therefore, the speaker assaults the self-image of the target, and supporting conflict or struggle. Aggravation has been little attention from a pragmatic perspective; therefore, this paper attempts to identify the pragmatic aspects of aggravation in Coetzee’s Disgrace novel. Specifically, this work sets itself the task of answering the following questions: (1) What are the most predominant speech acts  used in the novel Disgrace (2) What are the most frequently strategies of  aggravation utilized in the chosen novel? And which is the most common non-observed Grice’s maxim in this novel? Consequently, the study aims at identifying the most common speech acts employed in using  aggravation, showing the most frequent  strategies of aggravation utilized in such novel and identifying the most frequently non-observance maxim. It is hypothesized that: Representative and expressive speech acts are more frequently used in the chosen novel. Positive aggravation is the most frequently strategy employed, and quantity maxim is the most frequently non-observance maxim. This study is limited to analyze five texts from ''Disgrace'' novel which written in 1999  by Coetzee . The study ends up with a variety of conclusions, the most central of which is that speech acts of representative, declarative, and expressive are used in Disgrace novel and the use of conversational maxims are to make the communication effective.

    Ayurvedic mangement of Stroke - A Case Report

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    Stroke is one of the leading causes of adult neurological disability across the globe. Its prevalence ranges from 40 to 270 per 100,000 population. The timely management of stroke is so crucial so as to limit the upcoming disability. Stroke is the condition of sudden onset of weakness, numbness, paralysis, slurred speech, aphasia, problems with vision and other manifestations of a sudden interruption of blood flow to a specific anatomical area of the brain. Ayurvedic management is having results in this regard as per reported studies. The present article deals with a diagnosed case of subacute non-haemorrhagic infarct involving the right fronto parieto temporal region and the ganglio capsular region, presented as left sided hemiplegia. Stroke is quite clearly defined along with its symptoms, prognosis and management in Ayurveda in the context of Pakshaghata as a Vatavyadhi, affecting Madhyama Rogamarga, in which Sira and Snayu are mainly affected. Rookshana followed by Sneha-Sweda, Sodhana, Vasthi and Nasya along with selected Samana drugs were administered to the patient. Assessments were done before and after treatment using Motor Assessment Scale for Stroke. Supine to sitting over side of bed, balanced sitting, sitting to standing and walking are the main domains which got maximum improvement as per the assessment. The recovery was promising and worth detailing

    Exploring the Factors Hindering the Use of Green Architecture in Nigeria

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    The construction industry in Nigeria has continuously witnessed rapid development as a result of massive investments in infrastructural projects such as housing. The continuous growth of this industry and the conventional approach to construction practices in Nigeria have negatively affected the environment and the wellbeing of the populace. Therefore, the concept of green architecture, also known as sustainable architecture, is a new approach in Nigeria’s construction industry that strives to achieve environmental sustainability. However, various factors have hindered its adoption and utilisation. This study, therefore, examined the various factors hindering the use of green architecture through various literature reviewed and administered questionnaires to built environment professionals in Nigeria to ascertain their perception of those identified factors. Data gathered from the questionnaires were analysed using descriptive statistical tools and ranked according to each factor’s mean index score and relative importance index. The results of the study revealed the most prominent factors hindering the utilisation of green architecture in Nigeria. Hence, findings from this study suggest that more efforts such as public enlightenment and the provisions of incentives are needed to be done by the government, built environment professionals, and other stakeholders in Nigeria’s construction industry for the promotion of green architecture

    Understanding the Challenges of 21st Century Urbanization in Northern Nigeria’s Largest City, Kano

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    Kano, the largest city in Northern Nigeria, has experienced tremendous and unprecedented urban growth since the late 10th Century, following the emergence of the city as one of the oldest and most prominent urban centers for Trans-Saharan trade that linked Sub-Saharan Africa with North Africa, Northern Arab, and other European countries. The city’s rapid urbanization is mainly attributed to the influx of people as a result of socio-economic trading activities. However, the inability of relevant government authorities to actively respond to the city’s rapid urbanization, coupled with the demographical and spatial expansion, has contributed to the enormous contemporary challenges. Therefore, the present study examined the various challenges faced due to the tremendous urbanization in Kano city, Nigeria. The study identified the city’s challenges to include infrastructure decay, environmental pollution, problem of urban mobility and traffic congestion, unemployment, and increased crime rates. It also analyzed the implementation of several strategies and initiatives of the relevant government authorities in tackling these problems while carefully recommending further solutions aimed at addressing these contemporary challenges. This is with a view of having a cosmopolitan city that continuously attracts the inflow of populace due to its socio-economic status without jeopardizing the city’s sustainable growth

    Defect types.

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    This chapter provides an overview of the common types of defects found in various structural materials and joints in aircraft. Materials manufacturing methods (including large-scale production) have been established in the aircraft industry. However, as will be seen in this chapter, manufacturing defects and defects during in-service conditions are very common across all material types. The structural material types include metals, composites, coatings, adhesively bonded and stir-welded joints. This chapter describes the defect types as a baseline for the description of their detection with the methods of Chap. 5 to 8. Based on the understanding of the defect types, there is great expectation for a technical breakthrough for the application of structural health monitoring (SHM) damage detection systems, where continuous monitoring and assessment with high throughput and yield will produce the desired structural integrity

    Strengthening students’ character through TPACK-based learning

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    This study aims to describe strengthening students’ character through TPACK-based learning. It’s implemented in Pancasila and Civics Education teaching and learning process at SMA Negeri 1 Palembang, one of favorite high school in Palembang city.   Although this school has been recognized as a superior school and is the oldest public high school in the city of Palembang, but this school is still focused on students’ character. The data collection used in this study were observation, questionnaire, and documentation. It’s implemented by applying TPACK-based learning with teaching materials which was held four times. Data were analyzed by comparing the results of observations before and after learning. Based on the result and discussion, it can be concluded that strengthening students' character can be improved through the application of TPACK-based learning. The TPACK-based learning includes the teacher's ability to design and applied technology (a learning video developed, power point media, values cases), pedagogy (models of teaching, teaching approaches, teaching strategy and methods), and content knowledge that integrates characters, namely religious values, nationalism, independence, integrity, and cooperation the course values relevant to the learning objectives and indicators of basic competencies so that it  makes teaching and learning process can strength the students’ character and very interactive, joyful and achieve learning objectives

    Assessment the knowledge of mothers ‘toward home accident among children less than five years in Polytechnic University of Sulaimani

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    Children accidents are an essential source of death and wounds among children during the first of life. Annually, millions of children are constantly becoming handicap or blemished because of mishaps.Objective: To assess knowledge of children mothers toward home accidents in polytechnic University of Sulaimani. Methodology: A simple random sample of (110) respondents were selected.. The data collected and composed during the utilization of a created questionnaire, with two parts; the first part assessed the knowledge of children mothers with (20) yes or no questions and the second part includes the mothers' demographic attributes. A pilot study was carried out for the period of December 18th to 28th 2015 in order to conclude the questionnaire accuracy during the use of (Test – Retest). A panel of (8) experts was include in the determination of the questionnaire content validity Data were analyzed through the application of descriptive statistical data analysis approach (frequency and percentage), and inferential data analysis approach (Mean of Scores).).The results of the study revealed, the mean age of the mothers was (1.86) years, (58.2%) of them had completed secondary school, (88.2%) of mothers have more than five children, (89.1%) of mother’s were in moderate socio-economic status, (47.3%) of mothers have personal reading information,(58.2) of the child were male,(13.6%) of mothers have knowledge about safe housing condition held in Maternal and Child Health Centers.The conclusion of this study revealed that, inadequate children mothers’ knowledge regarding home accidents among children less than six years held in Maternal and Child Health Centers during the antenatal period. So the recommendation are suggested, reinforces the need for effective education program via mass media, for mothers

    Electronic cigarettes consumption and associated factors among general population in Western Saudi Arabia

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    Background: In recent years, consumption of E-cigarettes has increased dramatically. Several studies have focused on the prevalence of E-cigarettes among specific groups of people, using it as a substitute to traditional cigarettes, or the participant knowledge regarding risks. This research was aimed on E-cigarettes’ prevalence and its association to several factors in the general population of Western Saudi Arabia. Design and Methods: Using an observational cross-sectional study, data were collected from (n=465) above 18 years old smokers during the survey at public attractions. A validated self-administered questionnaire acquired from previous studies was employed to insure the suitability for the general population of Jeddah Saudi Arabia. Sample size was calculated via Raosoft@ and adults of either gender were included in the study. Descriptive or inferential statistical analysis was performed using SPSS. Results: The preponderance of e-cigarette smokers used entertainment as the reason for smoking, with an average of (33.9%). Although one reason for e-cigarette consumption was to cease traditional smoking, results showed an average of (49.4%), which is the majority of those who attempted to cease traditional smoking via e-cigarette, did not succeed in quitting traditional smoking. This study also demonstrated that participant that believed that e-cigarette is beneficial had a higher chance to cease conventional smoking than who did not (32.1% versus 14.6%) which is significant (p<0.001). Conclusions: In conclusion, this study estimated the prevalence of e-cigarette consumption among the population of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia along with assessment of elements which help increase the overall e-cigarette consumption in Jeddah