299 research outputs found

    Matrix quality and disturbance frequency drive evolution of species behavior at habitat boundaries

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    Previous theoretical studies suggest that a species' landscape should influence the evolution of its dispersal characteristics, because landscape structure affects the costs and benefits of dispersal. However, these studies have not considered the evolution of boundary crossing, that is, the tendency of animals to cross from habitat to nonhabitat ("matrix"). It is important to understand this dispersal behavior, because of its effects on the probability of population persistence. Boundary-crossing behavior drives the rate of interaction with matrix, and thus, it influences the rate of movement among populations and the risk of dispersal mortality. We used an individual-based, spatially explicit model to simulate the evolution of boundary crossing in response to landscape structure. Our simulations predict higher evolved probabilities of boundary crossing in landscapes with more habitat, less fragmented habitat, higher-quality matrix, and more frequent disturbances (i.e., fewer generations between local population extinction events). Unexpectedly, our simulations also suggest that matrix quality and disturbance frequency have much stronger effects on the evolution of boundary crossing than either habitat amount or habitat fragmentation. Our results suggest that boundary-crossing responses are most affected by the costs of dispersal through matrix and the benefits of escaping local extinction events. Evolution of optimal behavior at habitat boundaries in response to the landscape may have implications for species in human-altered landscapes, because this behavior may become suboptimal if the landscape changes faster than the species' evolutionary response to that change. Understanding how matrix quality and habitat disturbance drive evolution of behavior at boundaries, and how this in turn influences the extinction risk of species in human-altered landscapes should help us identify species of conservation concern and target them for management

    Wetland buffers are no substitute for landscape-scale conservation

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    Wetlands in farmland are at risk of contamination by fertilizers and pesticides. One recommendation for reducing wetland contamination is to maintain a buffer of contiguous uncropped land around the wetland (a wetland buffer). Many agricultural water protection policies around the world recommend 5 to 50-m wide uncropped buffers around water bodies, but it is unclear how large wetland buffers must be to effectively protect against these chemicals. In addition, it is unclear whether wetland buffers have similar—or stronger—effects on fertilizer and pesticide contamination than reducing the amount of cropped land within the larger landscape context around wetlands. Our study, conducted across 37 wetlands in eastern Ontario, Canada, addressed the following questions: (1) Does increasing buffer width, or increasing the amount of contiguous uncropped land within recommended buffer width guidelines, reduce nutrient and pesticide levels in agricultural wetlands? (2) Does increasing uncropped land cover in the broader landscape reduce nutrient and pesticide levels in agricultural wetlands? and (3) What is the relative importance of buffer size and landscape-scale uncropped cover for reducing nutrient and pesticide levels in agricultural wetlands? A rigorous site selection process was employed to minimize the correlation between buffer size and landscape-scale uncropped cover, minimize spatial gradients in these predictor variables, and minimize variation in potentially confounding variables. We obtained nutrient and pesticide data by collecting water samples from each wetland under similar weather conditions in June–July 2015. Nitrate concentrations were measured using ion chromatography, and atrazine and neonicotinoid (pesticide) concentrations using a combination of high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. We found that nitrate, atrazine, and neonicotinoid concentrations in study wetlands were unaffected by wetland buffer size. However, concentrations of each chemical decreased with uncropped land cover in the surrounding 150 to 300-m radius landscapes. To effectively protect w

    Mechanisms affecting population density in fragmented habitat

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    We conducted a factorial simulation experiment to analyze the relative importance of movement pattern, boundary-crossing probability, and mortality in habitat and matrix on population density, and its dependency on habitat fragmentation, as well as inter-patch distance. We also examined how the initial response of a species to a fragmentation event may affect our observations of population density in post-fragmentation experiments. We found that the boundary-crossing probability from habitat to matrix, which partly determines the emigration rate, is the most important determinant for population density within habitat patches. The probability of crossing a boundary from matrix to habitat had a weaker, but positive, effect on population density. Movement behavior in habitat had a stronger effect on population density than movement behavior in matrix. Habitat fragmentation and inter-patch distance may have a positive or negative effect on population density. The direction of both effects depends on two factors. First, when the boundary-crossing probability from habitat to matrix is high, population density may decline with increasing habitat fragmentation. Conversely, for species with a high matrix-to-habitat boundary-crossing probability, population density may increase with increasing habitat fragmentation. Second, the initial distribution of individuals across the landscape: we found that habitat fragmentation and inter-patch distance were positively correlated with population density when individuals were distributed across matrix and habitat at the beginning of our simulation experiments. The direction of these relationships changed to negative when individuals were initially distributed across habitat only. Our findings imply that the speed of the initial response of organisms to habitat fragmentation events may determine the direction of observed relationships between habitat fragmentation and population density. The time scale of post-fragmentation studies must, therefore, be adjusted to match the pace of post-fragmentation movement responses

    A species-centered approach for uncovering generalities in organism responses to habitat loss and fragmentation

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    Theoretical models predict strong influences of habitat loss and fragmentation on species distributions and demography, but empirical studies have shown relatively inconsistent support across species and systems. We argue that species' responses to landscape-scale habitat loss and fragmentation are likely to appear less idiosyncratic if it is recognized that species perceive the same landscapes in different ways. We present a new quantitative approach that uses species distribution models (SDMs) to measure landscapes (e.g. patch size, isolation, matrix amount) from the perspective of individual species. First, we briefly summarize the few efforts to date demonstrating that once differences in habitat distributions are controlled, consistencies in species' responses to landscape structure emerge. Second, we present a detailed example providing step-by-step methods for application of a species-centered approach using freely available land-cover data and recent statistical modeling approaches. Third, we discuss pitfalls in current applications of the approach and recommend avenues for future developments. We conclude that the species-centered approach offers considerable promise as a means to test whether sensitivity to habitat loss and fragmentation is mediated by phylogenetic, ecological, and life-history traits. Cross-species generalities in responses to habitat loss and fragmentation will be challenging to uncover unless landscape mosaics are defined using models that reflect differing species-specific distributions, functional connectivity, and domains of scale. The emergence of such generalities would not only enhance scientific understanding of biotic processes driving fragmentation effects, but would allow managers to estimate species sensitivities in new regions.this study was supported by US National Science Foundation grants (NSF-ARC-0941748 and DEB-1050954

    Past and present effects of habitat amount and fragmentation per se on plant species richness, composition and traits in a deforestation hotspot

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    Worldwide, human activities are rapidly changing land cover and its spatial configuration. While it is widely acknowledged that habitat loss is a major cause of biodiversity loss, there is less agreement on how biodiversity responds to changes in habitat configuration. We assessed the effects of forest amount and forest fragmentation per se (the number of patches for a given forest amount, an aspect of configuration) on woody species richness, composition, and traits in the Dry Chaco forest, a global deforestation hotspot. We sampled woody plants in 24 forest sites varying in forest amount and fragmentation per se in the surrounding landscapes. Using Generalized Linear Modeling we tested whether a model with just forest amount was at least as able to predict species richness as a model with either patch size or isolation or the combination of both. We also tested whether forest amount and fragmentation per se influenced species richness, composition, and the density of four species traits. Finally, we compared these responses to forest amount and fragmentation per se measured in the past (2009) vs. in the present (2017) to look for time-lagged responses. We found that: 1) in support of the habitat amount hypothesis, species richness was more strongly related to forest amount than to the size and/or isolation of the forest patch containing the sample plot; 2) the positive effect of forest amount on species richness was more important than the effect of fragmentation per se (also positive); 3) fragmentation per se changed species composition such that plots in landscapes with more fragmented forest had species with smaller leaves and seeds, and higher wood density; and 4) species richness showed a time-lagged response to forest amount but not to forest fragmentation per se. Our results suggest that preservation of native Dry Chaco forest should be prioritized regardless of its fragmentation level, for conserving woody plant species diversity

    Resolving the SLOSS dilemma for biodiversity conservation: a research agenda

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    The legacy of the ‘SL > SS principle’, that a single or a few large habitat patches (SL) conserve more species than several small patches (SS), is evident in decisions to protect large patches while down-weighting small ones. However, empirical support for this principle is lacking, and most studies find either no difference or the opposite pattern (SS > SL). To resolve this dilemma, we propose a research agenda by asking, ‘are there consistent, empirically demonstrated conditions leading to SL > SS?’ We first review and summarize ‘single large or several small’ (SLOSS) theory and predictions. We found that most predictions of SL > SS assume that between-patch variation in extinction rate dominates the outcome of the extinction–colonization dynamic. This is predicted to occur when populations in separate patches are largely independent of each other due to low between-patch movements, and when species differ in minimum patch size requirements, leading to strong nestedness in species composition along the patch size gradient. However, even when between-patch variation in extinction rate dominates the outcome of the extinction–colonization dynamic, theory can predict SS > SL. This occurs if extinctions are caused by antagonistic species interactions or disturbances, leading to spreading-of-risk of landscape-scale extinction across SS. SS > SL is also predicted when variation in colonization dominates the outcome of the extinction–colonization dynamic, due to higher immigration rates for SS than SL, and larger species pools in proximity to SS than SL. Theory that considers change in species composition among patches also predicts SS > SL because of higher beta diversity across SS than SL. This results mainly from greater environmental heterogeneity in SS due to greater variation in micro-habitats within and across SS habitat patches (‘across-habitat heterogeneity’), and/or more heterogeneous successional trajectories across SS than SL. Based on our review of the relevant theory, we develop the ‘SLOSS cube hypothesis’, where the combination of three variables – between-patch movement, the role of spreading-of-risk in landscape-scale population persistence, and across-habitat heterogeneity – predict the SLOSS outcome. We use the SLOSS cube hypothesis and existing SLOSS empirical evidence, to predict SL > SS only when all of the following are true: low between-patch movement, low importance of spreading-of-risk for landscape-scale population persistence, and low across-habitat heterogeneity. Testing this prediction will be challenging, as it will require many studies of species groups and regions where these conditions hold. Each such study would compare gamma diversity across multiple landscapes varying in number and sizes of patches. If the prediction is not generally supported across such tests, then the mechanisms leading to SL > SS are extremely rare in nature and the SL > SS principle should be abandoned

    New policy directions for global pond conservation

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    © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Despite the existence of well-established international environmental and nature conservation policies (e.g., the Ramsar Convention and Convention on Biological Diversity) ponds are largely missing from national and international legislation and policy frameworks. Ponds are among the most biodiverse and ecologically important freshwater habitats, and their value lies not only in individual ponds, but more importantly, in networks of ponds (pondscapes). Ponds make an important contribution to society through the ecosystem services they provide, with effective conservation of pondscapes essential to ensuring that these services are maintained. Implementation of current pond conservation through individual site designations does not function at the landscape scale, where ponds contribute most to biodiversity. Conservation and management of pondscapes should complement current national and international nature conservation and water policy/legislation, as pondscapes can provide species protection in landscapes where large-scale traditional conservation areas cannot be established (e.g., urban or agricultural landscapes). We propose practical steps for the effective incorporation or enhancement of ponds within five policy areas: through open water sustainable urban drainage systems in urban planning, increased incentives in agrienvironment schemes, curriculum inclusion in education, emphasis on ecological scale in mitigation measures following anthropogenic developments, and the inclusion of pondscapes in conservation policy

    Evaluating the effectiveness of road mitigation measures.

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    The last 20 years have seen a dramatic increase in efforts to mitigate the negative effects of roads and traffic on wildlife, including fencing to prevent wildlife- vehicle collisions and wildlife crossing structures to facilitate landscape connectivity. While not necessarily explicitly articulated, the fundamental drivers behind road mitigation are human safety, animal welfare, and/or wildlife conservation. Concomitant with the increased effort to mitigate has been a focus on evaluating road mitigation. So far, research has mainly focussed on assessing the use of wildlife crossing structures, demonstrating that a broad range of species use them. However, this research has done little to address the question of the effectiveness of crossing structures, because use of a wildlife crossing structure does not necessarily equate to its effectiveness. The paucity of studies directly examining the effectiveness of crossing structures is exacerbated by the fact that such studies are often poorly designed, which limits the level of inference that can be made. Without well performed evaluations of the effectiveness of road mitigation measures, we may endanger the viability of wildlife populations and inefficiently use financial resources by installing structures that are not as effective as we think they are. In this paper we outline the essential elements of a good experimental design for such assessments and prioritize the parameters to be measured. The framework we propose will facilitate col- laboration between road agencies and scientists to undertake research programs that fully evaluate effectiveness of road mitigation measures. We discuss the added value of road mitigation evaluations for policy makers and transportation agencies and provide recom- mendations on how to incorporate such evaluations in road planning practices
