305 research outputs found

    Perjuangan Politik Perempuan Meraih Kursi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir pada Periode 2014-2019

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    The public concern in political issues recently rises up. They concern to the embodiment of woman representation in Indonesian election. Hence, the power of woman attraction indeed takes another enthusiastic in some political issues. R.A Kartini ,Former political woman, drags the spirit in early her movement. The spirit of Kartini brings another chance for women empowered to be involved in political part. 30% of women quota proves their dedication for Kartinis spirit. With constitution agreement, the public incredulity and hesitance still continue. The public assumption of women nature in line with their inabilities in politics is implicit. Moreover, women do not have a principal standing in political parties and appropriate rank in election process actually.Though, cultures, families, elites do not prevent their political willing for women interest needs. They build their own power through women organizations, background and hierarchy to compete in election process. The coherence both politic and women unified. Thus, because women consciousness of political rights. Affirmative action pushes women representation as constitution shows No. 8 2012 General Election of DPR, DPD dan DPD Chapter 56 Ayat (2), Dalam setiap 3 (tiga) bakal calon perempuan dapat ditempatkan pada urutan 1, atau 2, atau 3 dan demikian seterusnya, tidak hanya pada nomor urut 3, 6, dan seterusnya. Keyword : Woman and Politic, Affirmative Action, Election Keyword : Woman and Politic, Affirmative Action, Electio


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    ABSTRAKSI: Selama ini proses komunikasi menggunakan teknologi terrestrial, tetapi peggunaan teknologi semacam itu memerlukan biaya investasi yang sangat tinggi dan waktu pengembangan yang lama.sehingga, dewasa ini pengembangan-pengembangan jaringan telekomunikasi beralih ke teknologi satelit yang dipandang sebagai salah satu teknologi yang sesuai untuk menyediakan solusi yang memadai VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal), . VSAT ialah terminal yang berbentuk seperti piringan yang berukuran besar dan menghadap ke langit. Dengan peralatan ini maka sinyal digital diterima dan dikirimkan ke satelit. Satelit berfungsi sebagai penerus sinyal untuk dikirimkan ke titik lainnya di atas bumi.Teknologi satelit VSAT (very small aperture terminal) menawarkan beberapa kelebihan dibandingkan dengan jaringan terestrial. Dalam hal jangkauan, sebuah satelit GEO (Geostasionary Earth Orbit) dapat meliput lebih dari sepertiga (+ 40%) permukaan bumi. Wilayah liputan yang sedemikian luas ini secara ekonomis menyebabkan komunikasi satelit jauh lebih murah dibanding jika harus membangun jaringan serat optik ataupun jaringan terestrial lainnya untuk luas cakupan yang sama. Hasil simulasi pada sistem dengan modulasi QAM yaitu modulasi 16-QAM dan 64- QAM menunjukkan bahwa untuk memperoleh performansi sistem yang sama dengan yang ada pada RRI yaitu nilai BER sebesar 10-7 maka Eb/No sistem yang menggunakan modulasi QAM lebih besar dibandingkan dengan nilai Eb/No yang ada saat ini yaitu 7,5 dB. Sedangkan untuk penggunaan bandwidth dari hasil simulasi maka sistem dengan modulasi QAM dapat mengefisienkan bandwidth yang ada menjadi 68% untuk modulasi 16-QAM dan 45% untuk modulasi 64-QAM dari sistem yang ada saat ini pada hubungan antar stasiun RRI.Kata Kunci : -ABSTRACT: Nowadays, communication process using terrestrial technology, but using that technology needs very high investment and also needs a long time for development .So now , many developing of telecommunication networks change to satellite communications which believed as one of technology which can resolve that problem. VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal), VSAT is terminal item which has the shape like a very big plate and looks out to the space. With this item, digital signal can be received and transmitted to the satellite. In this case, satellite as transit place for the digital signal before the digital signal is transmitted to the other place in the earth. VSAT technology has some advantage then the terrestrial technology. In the case of coverage, a GEO satellite can covers more than 40 % of the earth surface. Economically, the wide coverage area causes satellite communication is cheaper than if we must build the optical network or the other terrestrial technology for the same wide coverage area. The simulation result in system which using QAM modulation that is 16-QAM and 64-QAM shows that to get the same parameter performance of RRI’s system which has BER 10-7 then Eb/No’s system which using QAM modulation must larger than Eb/No in this time, It is equal to 7,5 dB. While for the use of bandwidth from the result of simulation, communication system with QAM modulation can increase the bandwidth of transponder equal to 68% for 16-QAM and 45% for 64-QAM in comparison with the existing the communication system in this time of RRI’s station .Keyword:

    The Casimir Effect in Spheroidal Geometries

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    We study the zero point energy of massless scalar and vector fields subject to spheroidal boundary conditions. For massless scalar fields and small ellipticity the zero-point energy can be found using both zeta function and Green's function methods. The result agrees with the conjecture that the zero point energy for a boundary remains constant under small deformations of the boundary that preserve volume (the boundary deformation conjecture), formulated in the case of an elliptic-cylindrical boundary. In the case of massless vector fields, an exact solution is not possible. We show that a zonal approximation disagrees with the result of the boundary deformation conjecture. Applying our results to the MIT bag model, we find that the zero point energy of the bag should stabilize the bag against deformations from a spherical shape.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Lokasi Terbaik Jual Bakso Di Kota Malang Dengan Metode Basis Data Fuzzy

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    The meatballs are very popular and can be found throughout Indonesia from the cart street vendor to big restaurant. Emerging entrepreneurs meatballs good food at a roadside Malang and building a medium-sized or large like kiosks, shops and malls most locations are not chosen properly and appropriately.The purpose of this research is a decision support system by determining the best location in town selling meatballs poor with fuzzy database method. The method applied in this study is developing a system (SDLC) Software Development Life Cycle.Based on test results concluded that the Decision Support System Application provides information determining the best location to display the options that facilitate decisions on employers in determining the best location and the right to run a business Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Location, Database Fuzz

    Comparison of Volume Fraction of Carbon Tow/Epoxy Composites Between Vacuum Infusion Manufacturing and Filament Winding Methods

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    Several methods can be applied in composite manufacturing, including the vacuum infusion and filament winding methods. In order to apply this method in the manufacture of composites, it is necessary to know which produces composites with a good target ratio of fiber and resin, namely 60%/40%. The aim of this research is to compare the manufacturing methods that produce the distribution of fibers and resins that are close to the target. The composites in this study used a carbon tow reinforcement material with a matrix, namely araldite LY5052 epoxy resin and aradur 5052 CH hardener. In composite manufacturing, there are three stages, namely molding preparation, process manufacturing, and demolding. Then SEM photo observations were made on the specimen pieces from the composite results with three different locations. Of the two methods, vacuum infusion produces SEM photos with denser fiber distribution than filament winding and voids produced in the filament winding manufacturing method. The volume fraction of the test on the vacuum infusion sample with an average yield of 56.79% and 54.01% for filament winding

    Study Patterns of Assistance Field School Integrated Crop Management Rice in Riau Province

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    Study pattern of Assistance Field School Integrated Crop Management (FS-ICM) Rice in Riau Province was conducted in 2011 focused on acquiring data and information (FS-ICM) attending patterns were effective. Experiment was conducting in nine county region of Riau Province. Stipulating location sample of data mining and farming groups in purposive random sampling method. Primary data collected through focus group discussions (FGD), involved an extension worker, community leaders and participating farmers (FS-ICM) as well as ICM demonstration plot farmer cooperators. Collected data had been validated, and classified regarding clustered topic in order information distributed related to discussion topics. Moreover, the data was interpreted by reference and expertise team. Data was analysed by SWOT analysis method (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat). The results of internal environmental analysis (ALI), strength variable value was greater than weakness variable value (379> 355). Results of analysis of the external environment (ALE), the chance variable values is smaller than threat variable value (360 <390). Patterns of innovation assistance accomodated SL-PTT on aspects bases on paddy power (potential region, motivation, market access); aspects of weakness bases (Adoption of technology, labor, cost of production); aspects of opportunity bases (Agroecosystems, VUB rice, promotion of innovation SL-PTT); and aspects of threats bases (climate, mentoring systems, technology development)

    An alternative anterior tension free preperitoneal patch technique by help of the endoscope for femoral hernia repair

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    AbstractBackgroundFemoral hernias are relatively uncommon and have a higher risk for strangulation and incarceration. We introduce an alternative anterior tension free inlay patch technique by help of the endoscope for femoral hernia repair.MethodCharacteristics of patients undergoing femoral hernia repair between March 2006–April 2011 and description of the surgical technique is presented.ResultsWe analyzed our experience with this technique in 26 consecutive patients with femoral hernias (1 bilateral, 15 right, 10 left femoral hernia) in 5 year period. Seven of these 26 femoral hernias were recurrent and 2 of them were concomitant with inguinal hernia. Mean operation time was 30.0 ± 12.1 min. Seroma was seen in 2 patients at postoperative 1st week. There were no; hematoma, wound infection and separation of wound edges and early recurrence at postoperative 1st week and 1st month. The mean follow up period was 41.8 ± 18.2 months. All of 22 patients who were contacted were satisfied with the operation. There was no recurrence, chronic pain and foreign body feeling in any patient at the end of the follow-up period.ConclusionThis feasible and safe alternative anterior inlay patch repair might be used in all femoral hernias with the exception of the ones requiring intestinal resection

    Azolla Microphylla Bioremoval as Countermeasures Alternative of Heavy Metals (Zn) in the Cultivation Media

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    This research was conducted from March until April 2015 at the Laboratory of Environmental Quality Cultivation of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau. The aim of this research to find out the ability of Azolla microphylla remove heavy metals (Zn) in reducing the content of heavy metals (Zn) in the cultivation media. The method used was experimental method and complete randomized design (CAD) with 1 factor 4 treatments and 3 replications.The results of this research that giving of Azolla microphylla with different density give effect to the decrease in heavy metals (Zn) in the cultivation media. The best density during research was 30 g Azolla microphylla/L of water could reduce Zn content in the cultivation media was 57,69%
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