251 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasional Dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan PT. Pln (Persero) P3b Jb App Malang)

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    An organization is required to handle the human resources appropriately, in an effort to improve employee performance, so as to make the organization more dynamic and growing rapidly. Many factors affect the performance of employees among other factors organizational commitment and leadership style.This study aims to clarify the effect of organizational commitment and leadership styles on employee performance in PT PLN (Persero) P3B JB APP Malang. Independent variables in this study consisted of organizational commitment (X1) and leadership style (X2), while the dependent variable is the performance of the employee (Y). The population in this study amounted to 162 employees and sampling techniques with propotional random sampling and using Slovin formula so that in can sample by 62 employees. In this study using the classical assumption test, multiple linear analysis and hypothesis testing, in the process using SPSS 19.Partially organizational commitment and leadership styles have a significant effect on employee performance. This is evident from the calculated t value is greater than t table. While simultaneously organizational commitment and leadership styles have a significant effect on employee performance. This is evident from the calculated F value is greater than the F table

    Pengaruh Audit Operasional dan Prosedur Persediaan Barang terhadap Efektivitas Persediaan Barang (Studi Kasus pada Pt.indomarco Prismatama Cabang Bandung) Juduxl Bahasa Inggris

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    In line with the development of the company, the management is required to manage the activities of company operations effectively. Operational audits is required in the management of inventory, that overcome the various issues that arise in management inventory. Meanwhile, procedure inventory needed as guidelines for employee in do activities warehousing. So at the end operational audits and procedure is expected to improve the effectiveness inventory. The objective of this research was to determine the influence of the operational audits and procedure inventory on effectiveness inventory. This Research use descriptive verification method . The population of this research is part of inventory admin, receiving, warehouse with sample of 53 respondents. The data  used in this research is primary data through questionnaires and interviews, and secondary data through library research. The methods of analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis, simultaneous test (F test) and partial test (t test). The result obtained of coefficient determination R Square is 76,1%. The result of this research indicate that simultaneously operational audist and procedure inventory significantly influence the effectiveness inventory, while operational audits partially not significantly influence the effectiveness inventory and procedure inventory significantly influence the effectiveness inventory

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    Peerreview Jurnal Panorama

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    Pereview Jurnal Panorama Hukum

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    Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial dan Kemampuan Karyawan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan ( studi empiris pada PT.BRIS POEY TRANS )

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of social support and employee skills on employee performance caused by the lack of support and missed communication between employees at PT. BRIS POEY TRANS. Based on the results of the study, the relationship between social support and employee performance was 4.209 and a significant value of 0.000 showed that there was a positive and significant effect, in addition to the Employee Ability of 3.953 and a significant value of 0.000, there was a positive and significant effect because t > 0. Contribution in measuring the effect of social support and the ability of employees to employee performance of 0.551 or 55.1%. So it can be seen that the influence of social support and employee ability has a strong influence and the biggest influence on employee performance is the social support variable. Based on the results of the study showed a positive and significant influence between social support and employee performance and showed a positive and significant influence between employee abilities on employee performance. The influence is marked by the high ability possessed by employees such as the magnitude of the sense of responsibility and loyalty of the employees of PT. Bris Poey Trans. Keywords: Social Support, Employee Ability, Employee Performance &nbsp

    Comparative Study Catching Business Between Fishing Catch Ambai and Pengerih in the Village Meskom Subsdistrict Bengkalis District Bengkalis Riau Province

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    Study was conducted in July and August 2016 in the village Meskom subsdistrict Bengkalis district Bengkalis Riau Province.This study aims to know the investment, the gross income, net income ,and feasibility business between a fishing catch Ambai and Pengerih in the village Meskom subsdistrict Bengkalis district Bengkalis. Business investment a fishing catch Ambai less than Pengerih, where business investment Ambai Rp 17.290.000,- (5 bags) and Rp 21.002.500,- (7 bags), business investment with a fishing catch Pengerih Rp 18.812.000,- (5 bags) and Rp 22.680.000,- (7 bags). Gross income and net income per year received Ambai business less than Pengerih, when the income gross and net Ambai business 5 bags Rp 74.949.000,- and Rp 54.549.000,- then 7 bags Rp 109.869.000,- and Rp 87.939.000,- while business pengerih 5 bags Rp 100.501.000,- and Rp 75.834.000,- then 7 bags Rp 134.961.000,- and Rp 111.469.000,-. Based on analysis of the feasibility study conducted shows that effort arrest used a fishing catch Pengerih deserve developed than a fishing catch Ambai

    Tingkat Keberhasilan Hidup Bibit Mangrove Rhizophora Mucronata, R. Apiculata Dan Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza Di Delta Upang Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan

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    The research of the survival level of mangrove seed Rhizophora mucronata, R. apiculata and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza had been conducted during August to December 2009 in Upang Delta, Banyuasin. The objective of conducting this research was to find out the percentage of survival level of mangrove seed Rhizophora mucronata, R. apiculata, and Bruguiera gymorrhiza and to obtain some information to analyzed the level of adaptation among those three species of mangrove seed. The decision of survival level was observed based on the ability to live (%), the height of bud (cm), the number of leaf it has (sheet), and the stem illustration of observed object through sample data under such circumstances. The rate's of presentation lives mangrove seed from threes station. First station Rhizophora mucronata 100-73,3 %, R. apiculata 100-60 % and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 100-66,6 %. Second station, Rhizophora mucronata 100-66,6 %, R. apiculata 100-86,6 % and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 100-73,3 %, on third station, Rhizophora mucronata 100-66,6 %, R. apiculata 100-80 % and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 100-66,6 %. The level adaptation of but has changed comparisons of stem diameters and quantity of leaf. Keywords: Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Mangrove, Rhizophora apiculata and R. mucronata Penelitian tingkat keberhasilan hidup bibit mangrove Rhizophora mucronata, R. apiculata dan Bruguiera gymnorrhiza telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus- Desember 2009 di Delta Upang Banyuasin. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui persentase keberhasilan hidup bibit mangrove Rhizophora mucronata, R. apiculata dan Bruguiera gymnorrhiza serta mengetahui dan menganalisa tingkat adaptasi ketiga bibit mangrove. Penentuan tingkat keberhasilan diamati dari persentase hidup (%), tinggi tunas (cm), jumlah daun (helai), serta diameter batang (mm). Analisis data yang digunakan secara deskriftif yaitu dengan cara memberikan gambaran terhadap objek yang diteliti melalui data sampel sebagaimana adanya. Rata-rata tingkat persentase hidup dari masing-masing bibit mangrove ketiga stasiun Rhizophora mucronata stasiun satu 100-73,3 %, R. apiculata 100-60 %, dan Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 100-66,6 %. Stasiun dua Rhizophora mucronata 100-66,6 %, R. apiculata 100-86,6 % dan Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 100-73,3 %, Pada stasiun tiga Rhizophora mucronata 100-66,6 %, R. apiculata 100-80 % dan Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 100-66,6 %. Tingkat adaptasi tinggi tunas mengalami Perubahan dibandingkan diamater batang dan jumlah daun
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