4 research outputs found

    Easiest, almost easiest and easy : A linguistic examination of three labelling systems for easy-to-read books

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    In this essay easy-to-read books from three different publishers are examined. The publishers use their own type of levelling system and have different backgrounds in such a way that one of them (LL-förlaget) is a state company, while the other two are commercial publishers (Nypon and Vilja). The purpose of the essay is partly to see whether the levelling systems used by these three publishers contain the requested language for easy-to-read books or not, partly to investigate which likenesses and differences there are between the three levelling systems used. The result shows that the system used by the state publisher contains a greater degree of language difficulties regarding the lowest levels as well as the highest levels. The result also shows that the language in the books representing the levelling systems sometimes match the demands set by the publisher, and sometimes not. The greatest discrepancy between what is requested for and what can be seen in the material, is found when the publishers ask for specific language traits, while demands of a more overall nature are easier to meet. Moreover, the result shows that books categorized in one certain level not always match that level, that books representing the same level show differences regarding linguistic complexity, and that books from a certain level not automatically guarantee the increase in language difficulties that the labelling of that level speaks for

    Easiest, almost easiest and easy : A linguistic examination of three labelling systems for easy-to-read books

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    In this essay easy-to-read books from three different publishers are examined. The publishers use their own type of levelling system and have different backgrounds in such a way that one of them (LL-förlaget) is a state company, while the other two are commercial publishers (Nypon and Vilja). The purpose of the essay is partly to see whether the levelling systems used by these three publishers contain the requested language for easy-to-read books or not, partly to investigate which likenesses and differences there are between the three levelling systems used. The result shows that the system used by the state publisher contains a greater degree of language difficulties regarding the lowest levels as well as the highest levels. The result also shows that the language in the books representing the levelling systems sometimes match the demands set by the publisher, and sometimes not. The greatest discrepancy between what is requested for and what can be seen in the material, is found when the publishers ask for specific language traits, while demands of a more overall nature are easier to meet. Moreover, the result shows that books categorized in one certain level not always match that level, that books representing the same level show differences regarding linguistic complexity, and that books from a certain level not automatically guarantee the increase in language difficulties that the labelling of that level speaks for

    Easiest, almost easiest and easy : A linguistic examination of three labelling systems for easy-to-read books

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    In this essay easy-to-read books from three different publishers are examined. The publishers use their own type of levelling system and have different backgrounds in such a way that one of them (LL-förlaget) is a state company, while the other two are commercial publishers (Nypon and Vilja). The purpose of the essay is partly to see whether the levelling systems used by these three publishers contain the requested language for easy-to-read books or not, partly to investigate which likenesses and differences there are between the three levelling systems used. The result shows that the system used by the state publisher contains a greater degree of language difficulties regarding the lowest levels as well as the highest levels. The result also shows that the language in the books representing the levelling systems sometimes match the demands set by the publisher, and sometimes not. The greatest discrepancy between what is requested for and what can be seen in the material, is found when the publishers ask for specific language traits, while demands of a more overall nature are easier to meet. Moreover, the result shows that books categorized in one certain level not always match that level, that books representing the same level show differences regarding linguistic complexity, and that books from a certain level not automatically guarantee the increase in language difficulties that the labelling of that level speaks for

    Jämställd text : En genuskritisk textanalys av fem texter från Region Gävleborgs hemsida

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    I den här genuskritiska textanalysen undersöks fem texter från Region Gävleborgs hemsida. Detta görs mot bakgrund av att man inom Region Gävleborg arbetat med att jämställdhetsintegrera verksamheten. Det huvudsakliga syftet är att se om det informationsmaterial som skrivits eller spridits efter att jämställdhetsarbetet ägt rum riktar sig på ett likvärdigt sätt till kvinnor och män samt inkluderar olika familjekonstellationer. Ett delsyfte är också att se om texter som skrivits med utgångspunkt i en jämställdhetsintegrerad verksamhet blir jämställda. Resultatet visar att textmaterialet stundtals vidarebefordrar en stereotyp uppfattning kring ett manligt och ett kvinnligt föräldraskap, där det kvinnliga föräldraskapet framställs som det primära i både text och bild. Vidare tenderar män att osynliggöras i diskursen och en tvåsamhet förväntas i koppling till föräldraskapet. Detta blir synligt dels i språkets könsmarkerade och köns(o)markerade konstruktioner, dels i textens presuppositioner och drag. När det kommer till köns(o)markerade konstruktioner visar analysen att direkt tilltal är problematiskt i relation till jämställd text, då tilltalet tenderar att skapa snäva mottagargrupper med exkludering och normering som följd