49 research outputs found

    GADAI SYARIAH LAHAN PRODUKTIF (Studi Kasus Di Desa Prancak Kecamatan Pasongsongan Kabupaten Sumenep)

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    This article is derived from 2 (two) research focuses, they are: firstly, how is the system of syariah pawning/security of productive land at Prancak village, Pasongsongan district, Sumenep regency? Secondly, how is the legal status of syariah pawning of productive land at Prancak village, Pasongsongan district, Sumenep regency from the perspective of syariah economy? The research result shows that (1) the pawning practice, done in at Prancak village, Pasongsongan district, Sumenep regency, has been completed from person to person (personal relationship) to help each other. The form of credit has been converted into value of things (gold and fertilizer) to protect and anticipate the value of credits form inflation since there is no time limitation during the transaction. This is considered as legal practice as far as it is not aimed at taking any advantages from murtahin side against the rahin side.  (2) The legal status of syariah pawning of productive land at Prancak village, Pasongsongan district, Sumenep regency from the perspective of syariah economy has fulfilled the Islamic law. However, there remains imperfectness in the process of transaction because rahin does not provide the land certificate as the legal document toward the murtahin. From the view point of the use of syariah pawning of productive land at Prancak village, Pasongsongan district, Sumenep regency, it is cultivated by the rahin but it is collectively managed by both rahin and murtahin. The former is responsible for the cultivation and the latter is responsible for the operating cost, and there has been a profit sharing of the harvest. This practice is legal from the perspective of Islamic law since both sides are in mutual profit sharing and rahin is still able to function the pawning

    OBLIGASI SYARIAH; Antara Konsep dan Implementasinya

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    Obligasi syariah dikenal juga sebagai muqaradhah bond, diajukan sebagai alternatif pengganti interest-bearing bonds. Muqaradhah adalah sinonim qiradh yang juga sama dengan mudharabah. Terjemahan sederhananya adalah pinjaman bagi hasil atau profit-loss sharing. Instrumen keuangan ini sudah mendapatkan pengesahan dari IOC Academy. Artinya sudah dapat cap halal secara internasional. Obligasi syariah termasuk dalam kategori permasalahan mudharabah muqayyadah dari segi transaksi. Para ulama fiqh membagi akad mudharabah kepada dua bentuk: yaitu, mudharabah muthlaqah (penyerahan modal secara muthlak, tanpa syarat dan pembatasan); dan mudharabah muqayyadhah (penyerahan modal dengan syarat dan batasan tertentu). Dalam mudharabah muthlaqah pekerja (emiten obligasi) bebas mengelola modal itu dengan usaha apa saja yang menurutnya akan mendatangkan keuntungan. Akan tetapi dalam mudharabah muqayyadhah harus mengikuti syarat-syarat dan batasan-batasan yang dikemukakan oleh pemilik modal. Misalnya, harus sesuai dengan syariah dan bersih dari unsur unsur bisnis yang dilarang (haram)

    GADAI SYARIAH; Perspektif Fikih Muamalah dan Aplikasinya dalam Perbankan

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    Gadai Syariah (Ar-Rahn) merupakan akad perjanjian antara pihak pemberi pinjaman dengan pihak yang meminjam uang. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan ketenangan bagi pemilik uang atau jaminan keamanan uang yang dipinjam. Oleh karena itu, gadai pada prinsipnya merupakan suatu kegiatan utang piutang yang murni dan berfungsi sosial, sehingga dalam berbagai literatur fikih muamalah akad ini merupakan akad tabarru’ (akad derma) yang tidak mewajibkan imbalan. Praktik gadai ini telah ada sejak zaman Rasulullah SAW. dan beliau sendiri pun pernah melakukannya

    OBLIGASI SYARIAH; Antara Konsep dan Implementasinya

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    Obligasi syariah dikenal juga sebagai muqaradhah bond, diajukan sebagai alternatif pengganti interest-bearing bonds. Muqaradhah adalah sinonim qiradh yang juga sama dengan mudharabah. Terjemahan sederhananya adalah pinjaman bagi hasil atau profit-loss sharing. Instrumen keuangan ini sudah mendapatkan pengesahan dari IOC Academy. Artinya sudah dapat cap halal secara internasional. Obligasi syariah termasuk dalam kategori permasalahan mudharabah muqayyadah dari segi transaksi. Para ulama fiqh membagi akad mudharabah kepada dua bentuk: yaitu, mudharabah muthlaqah (penyerahan modal secara muthlak, tanpa syarat dan pembatasan); dan mudharabah muqayyadhah (penyerahan modal dengan syarat dan batasan tertentu). Dalam mudharabah muthlaqah pekerja (emiten obligasi) bebas mengelola modal itu dengan usaha apa saja yang menurutnya akan mendatangkan keuntungan. Akan tetapi dalam mudharabah muqayyadhah harus mengikuti syarat-syarat dan batasan-batasan yang dikemukakan oleh pemilik modal. Misalnya, harus sesuai dengan syariah dan bersih dari unsur unsur bisnis yang dilarang (haram)

    GADAI SYARIAH; Perspektif Fikih Muamalah Dan Aplikasinya Dalam Perbankan

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    Gadai Syariah (Ar-Rahn) merupakan akad perjanjian antara pihak pemberi pinjaman dengan pihak yang meminjam uang. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan ketenangan bagi pemilik uang atau jaminan keamanan uang yang dipinjam. Oleh karena itu, gadai pada prinsipnya merupakan suatu kegiatan utang piutang yang murni dan berfungsi sosial, sehingga dalam berbagai literatur fikih muamalah akad ini merupakan akad tabarru' (akad derma) yang tidak mewajibkan imbalan. Praktik gadai ini telah ada sejak zaman Rasulullah SAW. dan beliau sendiri pun pernah melakukannya


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    Sistem Ekonomi Islam berangkat dari kesadaran tentangetika, sebuah ethical economy, sedangkan sistem ekonomi lain,baik kapitalisme maupun sosialisme, berangkat darikepentingan (interest). Kapitalisme berangkat darikepentingan perorangan (selfishness) dan sosialismeberangkat dari kepentingan kolektif (collectivism). EkonomiIslam meletakkan hak individu dan masyarakat dalamneraca keseimbangan yang adil. Berkenaan denganbagaimana konsep ekonomi Islam itu, terdapat tiga madzhabyang memiliki pandangan yang berbeda, yaitu: Pertama,madzhab Bagir al-Sadr yang memandang bahwa ilmuekonomi (economics) tidak pernah bisa sejalan dengan Islam,karena keduanya berasal dari filosofi yang salingkontradiktif. Karenanya, madzhab ini menggunakan istilahiqtishâd, bukan ekonomi Islam. Kedua, madzhab Mainstreamyang berpandangan bahwa, sebagaimana ekonomikonvensional, kelangkaan sumber daya menjadi penyebabmunculnya masalah ekonomi. Ketiga, madzhab AlternatifKritis yang berpendapat bahwa analisis kritis bukan sajaharus dilakukan terhadap sosialisme dan kapitalisme, tetapijuga terhadap ekonomi Islam itu sendiri


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    The meaning of “Reconstruction of Economic Growth” in this research is an effort to  reconceptualize the economic concepts of conventional development, structure and economic system formulated by West through the mind frame offerred by Muhammad Umer Chapra. This mind set has a purpose of reconstructuring the economic growth that can make the society prosperous as the Islamic teaching law, so that it can create a new theory as a future economic developmental concept.  To build a fairness economic system and to reach the economic goals, M. Umer Chapra offerred a reconstruction on some strategic elements. They are filter mechanism which stressed on the moral filter, people’s motivation to put social interests forward, socioeconomical reconstruction, and the country complementer’s active role in economy. To make it true, he offerred some policies, they are: 1) enlighting the humanity factors; 2) decreasing the property concentration; 3) making the economic reconstruction; 4) making fund reconstruction; 5) making a strategic policy with the society’s welfare as the orientation. The essence of all his offering about economic growth is a balanced development in two sides, economy and moral. Because it is impossible to bulid a fairness welfare without any  moral development

    Maslahah Oriented sebagai Rasionalitas Bisnis dalam Ekonomi Islam

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    Abstract: The concept of economic rationality developed by capitalists and socialists today invites very serious problems in society. The current economic rationale is more in favor of personal interests and ignores the values ​​of humanism so that it often clashes with other economic actors. Humans are considered to act rationally if the individual directs his behavior to reach the maximum stage in accordance with Islamic law. The benefit orientation in business is one of the most needed orientations in Islamic Economics. Enforcement of benefit is oriented to the goodness of life throughout the universe. Life in this world is the beginning of the afterlife. The benefit that occurs in the world becomes the forerunner to the realization of benefit in the hereafter. Benefit rests on the values ​​of justice, compassion, welfare and perfect wisdom. The existence of the concept of maslahah in the Islamic economic system can accommodate all forms of economic behavior and actions of every human being, both concerning interpersonal and inter-group relations. This is because the concept of maslahah is constructed not only for individual or personal interests but also for collective or community interests. Keywords: Maslahah Oriented, Business Rationality in Islamic Economics   Abstrak: Konsep rasionalitas ekonomi yang dibangun oleh kapitalis dan sosialis saat ini mengundang problem yang sangat serius di masyarakat. Rasionalitas ekonomi yang dijalankan saat ini lebih berpihak pada kepentingan pribadi dan mengabaikan nilai-nilai humanisme sehingga sering berbenturan dengan pelaku ekonomi lain. Manusia dianggap bertindak rasional apabila individu tersebut mengarahkan perilakunya untuk mencapai tahapan maksimum sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Orientasi kemaslahatan dalam bisnis menjadi salah satu orientasi yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam Ekonomi Islam. Penegakan kemaslahatan berorientasi pada kebaikan kehidupan seluruh alam semesta. Kehidupan di dunia ini merupakan awal dari adanya kehidupan akhirat. Kemaslahatan yang terjadi dunia menjadi cikal bakal terwujudnya kemaslahatan di akhirat. Kemaslahatan bertumpu pada nilai-nilai keadilan, kasih sayang, kesejahteraan dan kebijaksanaan yang sempurna. Adanya konsep maslahah dalam sistem ekonomi Islam dapat mengakomudir semua bentuk perilaku dan tindakan ekonomi setiap manusia, baik menyangkut hubungan antar pribadi maupun antar kelompok. Hal ini dikarenakan konsep maslahah dikonstruksi tidak hanya untuk kepentingan individu atau pribadi tetapi juga kepentingan kolektif atau masyarakat secara bersama-sama. Kata Kunci: Maslahah Oriented, Rasionalitas Bisnis dalam Ekonomi Isla

    Pengaruh Potongan Margin (Muqashah Ar-Ribhi) Terhadap Minat nasabah dalam Memanfaatkan Pembiayaan Murabahah di Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) Bhakti Sumekar (Studi Kasus di Kantor Cabang Bluto Sumenep)

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    PT. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Branch Bluto Sumenep is one of Bank Syari’ah Financing which functions as an intermediary that has its own the market in distributing financial products, namely the public and small businesses that need capital but in analyzing the customer worthy or not to be given financig by using the ratings analysis 5C to anticipate the risk of financing as doubted, less smooth and credit jammed. This type of research used in this research is quantitative research using using simple linear regression method where the purpose of simple linear regression is to forecast or predict systematically about what is most likely to happen in the future based on the information of the past and present-have for mistakes can be minimized. The data used are primary data obtained through questionnaires. Sample of 73 customers. The instruments used in data collection is by using the questionnaire method, documentation and interviews. While proving the hypothesis using a calculation by the classical assumption test, t test and f test. The results of this research using simple linear regression analysis which states that there is influence between margin pieces (muqashah ar-Ribhi), the equation Y = 19.060 + 0.345 X. Based on the results of testing the hypothesis with t test and F test shows significant value where t count> t table = 6.784 0.000 ˃1.666 with significant level of 0,000 less than 0.05. And the F test showed the value of Fcount ˃ Ftabel (46.027 ˃ 3.98) with the level of sig. Of as big as 0000. It can be concluded that simultaneously margin pieces (muqashah ar-Ribhi) has a significant effect on the customers' interest in utilizing financing murabaha at Bank Financing Shari’ah People (BPRS) Bhakti Sumekar (Case Study at the Branch Office Bluto Sumenep)

    Peranan Pengawasan Dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Divisi Marketing Pada Koperasi UGT Sidogiri Kelurahan Bugih Pamekasan

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    Supervision is an examination to ensure that what is done in accordance with company goals, evaluating the implementation of the work, as well as improving what is being done to ensure the achievement of optimal results. Therefore, any financial institutions need to be done Supervision so that the achievement of set targets will be easily achieved, and preventing the occurrence of aberrations on what had been planned in advance. Issues to be discussed in this research first, how the implementation of the Supervision which is conducted at Cooperation UGT Sidogiri of the Village Bugih Pamekasan, and secondly, how the role of supervision in Increasing Employee Productivity Marketing Division at Cooperation UGT Sidogiri of Village Bugih Pamekasan. This type of research used is descriptive qualitative, which depicts or describes a case according to what is in the field. Sources of data are interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that: 1) Implementation of Supervision at Cooperation UGT Sidogiri of Village Bugih Pamekasan are: a) Supervision is done by the Branch Head of Cooperation UGT Sidogiri of Village Bugih Pamekasan, b) Supervision applied is Supervision directly and indirectly, periodic monitoring and supervision performed before activity, during the event, and after the activity. 2). The Role of Supervision in Increasing Employee Productivity Marketing Division at cooperation UGT Sidogiri of village bugih pamekasan is : a) to prevent the occurrence of various aberrations or errors, so it can be known earlier of various forms of aberration and errors.b) To guarantee or striving the implementation of activities to suit plans have been made before in order to achieve the goal. c) To correct errors or aberrations occurring