16 research outputs found

    Prevalensi, Agen Penyebab, dan Analisis Faktor Risiko Infeksi Tinea Unguium pada Peternak Babi di Kecamatan Tanah Siang, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    Prevalensi Tinea unguium di Indonesia rendah yakni 5% jika dibandingkan di negara-negara barat, hal tersebut dikarenakan oleh beberapa faktor. Infeksi ini diketahui menyebabkan gangguan klinis yang cukup signifikan, bersifat kronis, dan sulit untuk diobati. Tujuan penelitian ingin mengetahui prevalensi, etiologi infeksi, dan analisis faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan Tinea unguium pada peternak babi yang diperoleh di Desa Konut dan Desa Sungai Lunuk di Kecamatan Tanah Siang, Kalimantan Tengah. Jenis penelitian analitikobservasional dengan desain studi Cross-sectional. Pengumpulan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2011. Sebanyak 40 sampel hasil kerokan kuku kaki ataupun kuku tangan dari peternak babi yang menunjukkan gejala Tinea unguium. Pemeriksaan mikroskopis dilakukan terhadap sampel klinis baik secara langsung dengan KOH 40% maupun kultur pada media Sabaroud's Dextrose Agar (SDA) dengan KOH 10%. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan mikroskopis, Tinea unguium ditemukan pada 14 (35%) sampel, diantara sampel positifdiketahui 10 (71%) infeksi terjadi pada perempuan. Kebiasaan menggunakan alat pelindung diri berdasarkan uji Chi-square menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan dengan terjadinya infeksi (p = 0,007). Candida sp ditemukan pada hampir semua kultur spesimen. Prevalensi Tinea unguium pada peternak babi cukup tinggi dan faktor yang menunjukkan hubungan signifikan dengan infeksi adalah kebiasaan menggunakan pelindung diri

    Efektivitas Air Rendaman Jerami Alang-Alang (Imperata cylindrica) sebagai Atraktan terhadap Jumlah Telur Aedes aegypti

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    The use of ovitrap with attractants modification has been known as an alternative method in controlling DHF vectors. Attractant material will be better if it uses natural ingredients that are cheap and easy to obtain and easy to manufacture. Attractant material is recommended to use natural ingredients that are cheap and easy to obtain and are easy to make. Imperata plants can be easily obtained and easily processed as attractant material. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of attractants on a laboratory scale in the form of immersion water from the straw of the Imperata cylindrica plants in various concentration levels to Aedes aegypti eggs number. Research with an experimental design using a completely Randomized Design (CRD) was conducted at the Entomology Laboratory of the Tanah Bumbu Research and Development Center, in July 2019. Treatment concentrations consisted of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%, control using akuades. Samples for testing using Ae. aegypti gravid mosquitoes. Treatment with 5 repetitions, carried out for 7 days. Data analyzed by normality test, Anova test, and Least Significant Differences (LSD) test. The average number of eggs at concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% respectively was 45.00; 78.60; 129.40; and 174.00. Anova test showed Imperata cylindrica straw soaking attractant had a significant effect on oviposition of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. LSD test results showed attractant 15% is the optimal concentration in increasing the number of eggs in the ovitrap

    Brugia malayi dan Dirofilaria spp sebagai penyebab Filariasis pada hewan reservoir di daerah endemis di Kalimantan

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    Abstrak. Penyakit limfatik filariasis dan dirofilariasis berpotensi zoonosis di Indonesia. Kurangnya data tentang dirofilariasis pada manusia dan hewan menjadi dasar alasan dilakukannya studi ini menggunakan metode studi observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Sebanyak 201 hewan reservoir digunakan pada penelitian ini, yaitu kucing rumah (Felis catus), lutung (Presbytis cristatus), monyet ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis), kucing hutan (Felis silvestris) dan anjing (Canis familiaris) di dua daerah endemis filariasis, yaitu Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU) dan Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat (KOBAR), Kalimantan. Pengambilan darah hewan melalui vena dilakukan pada malam hari. Keberadaan mikrofilaria dalam darah dideteksi melalui preparat ulas darah tebal dan tipis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 21%  dan 28,7% hewan reservoir di Kabupaten HSU dan KOBAR secara berurutan terinfeksi mikrofilaria. Hewan domestikasi yang terinfeksi mikrofilaria lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan hewan liar. Berdasarkan agen penyebabnya,  Dirofilaria spp. (20,89%) lebih dominan menginfeksi hewan reservoir, diikuti dengan Brugia malayi (2,48%). Infeksi campuran diperoleh dari 1,49% hewan reservoir. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa hewan reservoir di kedua kabupaten tersebut berpotensi sebagai sumber penularan filariasis, sekaligus sebagai sumber agen zoonosis pada kasus dirofilariasis. Pemantauan secara rutin dan terintegrasi serta kolaborasi antar stake holder lintas program harus terus dilakukan untuk memutus mata rantai penularan filariasis dan menghambat terjadinya penularan zoonosis dari dirofilariasis

    Dengue vector surveillance (Aedes albopictus) with ovitrap and attractants from imperata immersion (Imperata cylindrica)

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    Efforts to control the vector in reducing the population of Aedes albopictus can be done by using attractants with ovitrap. This study aims to determine the variation of Imperata cylindrica raeusch's immersion straw immersion dose on the number of eggs and hatchability of Aedes albopictus in the laboratory. Research type is a true experiment with a completely randomized design (CRD). The material used is Imperata cylindrica raeusch soaking with 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% concentration and aquadest as a control with 5 replications. The results showed that Imperata grass soaking was proven to be effective as an attractant in Aedes albopictus mosquitoes and was able to inhibit the number of eggs that hatch. Utilization of Imperata straw soaking can be used as an additive in the ovitrap in dengue vector surveillance

    Efektifitas Penggunaan Manitoba Trap dalam Surveilans penyakit Bersumber Lalat di Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, Kalimantan Selatan

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    Flies-vector control programs are essential to prevent flies-borne diseases. These activities consist of surveillance to determine the multiplication and distribution patterns of flies, as well as efforts to control flies populations. Flies trap as a surveillance tool was vary according to the interests of the user. Manitoba trap and bottled trap have been widely used to control flies population. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of both traps type and their modification form for the benefit of the survey, thus it can be a recommendation for flies surveillance program manager. This was a quasi-experimental study design conducted on January 2016 in twocattle farm in Kersik Putih and Segumbang Village, Tanah Bumbu District, South Kalimantan. There were 4 types of trap used in this study: 1) Manitoba trap with black cloth; 2) Manitoba trap with domestic waste or animal excreta as bait; 3) Bottled trap filled with sugar and vinegar solution; and 4) Bottled trap with domestic waste or food scraps. Each type of trap was doubled.Traps was put in pre-randomized spot around cattle cage and leftfor 4 days. The number of flies trapped ranged between 0-55, with Stomoxys calcitrans and Musca Linnaeus as the most species found trapped. Manitoba trap with domestic waste or animal excreta has the highest mean of density compared to the other three trap types. This study showed that Manitoba trap is fairly effective to be used as a surveillance tool in the open area offarm. &nbsp

    Efektivitas Atraktan terhadap Daya Tetas dan Jumlah Telur Nyamuk Aedes albopictus di Laboratorium

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    Abstract. Aedes albopictus can act as a primary or secondary vector of dengue hemorrhagic fever andchikungunya. Its population needs to be controlled. One of the environmentally-friendly control methods isthe use of ovitrap. Ovitrap will be more optimal if it added by attractant substances from easily obtainedingredients in the surrounding environment. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of attractants inthe form of water-soaked paddy (Oryza sativa), cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) and Indian goosegrass(Eleusine indica). An experimental study with a completely randomized design (CRD) was carried out at theEntomology Laboratory of Balai Litbangkes Tanah Bumbu in January - April 2018. The population of thisstudy is the 10th filial of Ae. albopictus laboratory colonization and gravid female mosquito as samples.Material combination in the study was paddy straw soaking water (ARJP), Indian goosegrass immersionwater, cogongrass soaking water, Ae albopictus used eggs laying water (ABT), and distilled water as control(K). Repetition was done five times. Effectiveness of attractants analyzed by ANOVA and LSD tests. Datanormality tested by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, if it was not fulfilled, the Kruskal Wallis test was used. Theresults showed that the use of attractants of water-soaked paddy, Indian goosegrass and cogongrass provedto have a different effect on the number of Aedes albopictus mosquito eggs compared to aquades and eggslaying water, but there was no influence between the three types of attractants

    Efektifitas Penggunaan Manitoba Trap Dalam Surveilans Penyakit Bersumber Lalat Di Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, Kalimantan Selatan

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    Flies-vector control programs are essential to prevent flies-borne diseases. These activities consist of surveillance to determine the multiplication and distribution patterns of flies, as well as efforts to control flies populations. Flies trap as a surveillance tool was vary according to the interests of the user. Manitoba trap and bottled trap have been widely used to control flies population. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of both traps type and their modification form for the benefit of the survey, thus it can be a recommendation for flies surveillance program manager. This was a quasi-experimental study design conducted on January 2016 in twocattle farm in Kersik Putih and Segumbang Village, Tanah Bumbu District, South Kalimantan. There were 4 types of trap used in this study: 1) Manitoba trap with black cloth; 2) Manitoba trap with domestic waste or animal excreta as bait; 3) Bottled trap filled with sugar and vinegar solution; and 4) Bottled trap with domestic waste or food scraps. Each type of trap was doubled.Traps was put in pre-randomized spot around cattle cage and leftfor 4 days. The number of flies trapped ranged between 0-55, with Stomoxys calcitrans and Musca Linnaeus as the most species found trapped. Manitoba trap with domestic waste or animal excreta has the highest mean of density compared to the other three trap types. This study showed that Manitoba trap is fairly effective to be used as a surveillance tool in the open area offarm

    Spot survei entomologi di Desa Binawara, Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu pasca pemberian obat pencegahan massal filariasis

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    Filariasis in South Kalimantan is still a problem, especially in rural areas, this is possible because there are still many potential places for vector breeding such as rice fields, forests and swamps. In Tanah Bumbu District, filariasis cases were reported as many as 38 cases where as many as 35 cases were found in Batulicin and Kusan Hilir Sub-districts, while as many as 3 recent cases in 2015 in Angsana District. The purpose of this study was to determine various types of mosquitoes, density, age, and habitat characteristics of potential mosquitoes as filariasis vectors in Binawara Village, Tanah Bumbu District. The study was carried out with descriptive observasional design and cross sectional approach in May 2018. Entomological surveys conducted included habitat surveys, mosquito capture by human bait, and surgery. The results showed the dominance of the habitat found was swamp. There were 12 species of mosquitoes caught i. e.  Ma. uniformis, Ma. dives, Ma. bone, An. barbirostris, An. maculatus, Ae. linnetaopenis, Ae. albopictus, Ae. aegypti, Cx. sitiens,, Cx. crasipes, Cx. quinquefasciatus, and Cq. crassipes. The density of mosquitoes sucks the highest blood, Ma. dives, with a value of 4 mosquitoes / person / hour (MHD) and 3 mosquitoes / person / night (MBR). The results of surgery are high parity  for Ma.dives, Ma.uniformis and Cx. quinquefasciatus shows that the mosquito has undergone a gonothrophic cycle with a relative age of mosquitoes that have the opportunity to be filariasis vectors. Longevity of mosquito age that should be suspected as filariasis vectors are 42.43 days for Ma.uniformis and 47.96 days for Cx. quinquefasciatus. Although filariasis transmission has not been proven in this study, but with the discovery of potential vectors and the discovery of positive patients, the awareness of filariasis transmission needs to be increased. In terms of increasing vector control of PHBS and self protection from mosquito bites (repellent and the use of closed clothing) can be a form of control in order to avoid filariasis transmission

    Aktivitas nokturnal Aedes (stegomyia) aegypti dan Aedes (stegomyia) albopictus di berbagai daerah di Kalimantan

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    Dengue and chikungunya are increasing global public health concerns due to their rapid geographical spread and increasing disease burden. Knowledge of the activity of sucking blood at night (nocturnal) Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in some areas of Borneo need to be known. Natural population of Aedes was collected by human bait collection and resting collection from 18:00 to 06:00 out door and indoor. The biting activities of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus occurred throughout the night from 18:00 to 05:50 out door and indoor in Dadahup and Mandomai, Kapuas District, Central Kalimantan (2015), Pulau Ku’u, Tabalong district, South Kalimantan (2011), Bangkal Ulu, Kutai Timur district, East Kalimantan (2012), and Antaraya and Karyajadi, Barito Kuala district, South Kalimantan (2016). These results showed that the biting activities of Ae. aegypti dan Ae. albopictus did not only occur diurnally but also nocturnally

    Gambaran Bakteriologis Lalat dan Culicidae (Ordo: Diptera) di Lingkungan Balai Litbang P2B2 Tanah Bumbu

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    Flies (Diptera) are the important vector for food transmitted disease transmitted due to they  spread  from  their  body surfaces to  the  human food  mechanically.  Their fully  body surfaces  of  hairs-like  structure  were  good  carrier  for  pathogens.  Meanwhile,  the monitoring  and  surveillance  program  were  not  held  completely  and  periodicaly.  This survey  aimed  to  identify  the  diversity  of  flies  and  bacteriological  information  of  their  body surface. The   information  can be discuss for  policy program. The survey was conducted in June 2015, in the area of Zoonoses Research Office of T anah Bumbu precisely in the staff housing  area.  Flies  trapped  then  identified,  dissected  and  cultured  aseptically  to determined existence of bacteria on the  part of their  body.  Result showed that  most of the flies  contained  bacteria  on  almost  all  of  the  part  of  body  surface.  The  sanitation improvement  became  meant recomendation  to  control  of  these  flies. Lalat (Diptera) merupakan vektor penting penyakit yang ditularkan melalui makanan karena  mereka  dapat  menyebarkan  penyakit  secara  mekanis  ke  makanan  yang dikonsumsi  manusia.  Permukaan  tubuhnya  yang  dipenuhi  dengan  struktur  seperti rambut halus menjadi media pembawa yang sesuai bagi organisme patogen. Kegiatan monitoring  dan  surveilans  keberadaan  lalat  masih  kurang,  penelitian  ini  bertujuan untuk  melihat keragaman  lalat  dan  gambaran  bakteriologis  pada  bagian  tubuh  lalat yang  ditangkap.  Penelitian  dilaksanakan  pada  bulan  Juni  2015  di  lingkungan  Balai Litbang P2B2 T anah Bumbu tepatnya di lingkungan perumahan pegawai Balai Litbang P2B2 T anah Bumbu. Lalat dan nyamuk ditangkap, diidentifikasi, dibedah, dan dikultur secara  aseptis  untuk  menentukan  keberadaan  bakteri  pada  bagian  tubuhnya.  Hasil menunjukkan  bahwa  lalat  yang  ditemukan  sebagian  besar  mengandung  bakteri  di hampir semua bagian tubuhnya. Perbaikan sanitasi lingkungan menjadi rekomendasi utama  dalam  pengendalian  serangga  ini.  </p