144 research outputs found

    Perancangan Kampanye “Remomber” untuk Meningkatkan Kedekatan Emosional Ibu yang Bekerja dan Anak

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    Wanita karir adalah sebuah istilah yang kini lazim didengar. Kedudukan wanita yang sekarang dianggap setara dengan pria membuat sebuahperubahan yang signifikan dalam alur kehidupan manusia. Wanita yang kini tidak lagi bekerja di rumah mengurus rumah tangga, kini juga ikutmemenuhi kebutuhannya. Hakikatnya seorang wanita memprioritaskan diri untuk merawat keluarganya sendiri. Namun, yang terjadi malah anak–anak ditinggal pergi bekerja oleh ibunya. Perancangan kampanye ini dimaksudkan untuk mengingatkan para ibu agar tetap menjaga komunikasidengan anak-anaknya. Meskipun para ibu tidak berada di rumah, dengan komunikasi yang baik, keduanya masih bisa saling merasakankeberadaannya dan merasa aman

    Peningkatan Perilaku Sopan Santun pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di Taman Kanak-kanak PGRI Ketapang

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    The purpose of this research is to improve the behavior of manners through methods a role play in children aged 5-6 years with descriptive methods. In general it can be concluded that: 1) Planning of learning that teachers, among others: making RKH according to the theme and sub-themes, choose the main ingredient, determine learning outcomes. 2) Implementation of the learning that teachers, among others: a) Implement environmental footing, b) Implement a foothold before the play, c) Perform footing while playing, d) Implement a foothold after the play. 3) Improved behavior manners through methods a role play include: children are accustomed to say thank you, children get used to patiently wait their turn, the child to get used to ask for permission

    Peningkatan Pengenalan Sains Sederhana Melalui Metode Demonstrasi Pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun

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    .This research is a form of action research with descriptive methods. Subjects were children who totaled 16 children. The location was used as a place of study is early childhood education districts Purnama South Pontianak Pontianak City. The purpose of this research is to improve the introduction of simple science demonstration method in children aged 4-5 years. Based on the research that has been conducted and the results obtained through the analysis after the data held that: 1) Planning has conducted teacher learning include: Formulating learning objectives, choose a theme, choose the main ingredient, determine the method of learning, making learning outcomes assessment. 2) Implementation of the learning can be categorized as good, as for the implementation of a teacher who has performed, among others: the teacher prapembelajaran activities, the teacher opened the lesson, the teacher\u27s core activities of learning, teacher learning close. 3) Evaluation of learning can be categorized as developed as expected with an increase in the introduction of children\u27s science

    Meningkatkan Perilaku Prososial Melalui Metode Sosiodrama Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Paud

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh masih banyak anak-anak di PAUD Mekar Baru Nanga Pinoh sekitar 70 % dari 15 anak belum mampu menunjukkan perilaku prososial diantaranya kurangnya tindakan suka berbagi sesama teman, belum mampu menunjukkan sikap mau kerjasama, kurang sikap suka menolong. Bentuk Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan metode deskriftif. Subjek Penelitian adalah anak-anak pada kelompok B yang berjumlah 15 (lima belas) orang yang terdiri dari 4 (empat) orang laki-laki dan 11 (sebelas) orang perempuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dan melalui data yang diperoleh setelah dilakukan proses analisis data, secara umum dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa: 1) Perencanaan pembelajaran dengan skor 3,00. 2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan skor 2,98. 3) Hasil peningkatan perilaku prososial anak antara lain: a) Anak memiliki perilaku mau berbagi meningkat sebesar 53 %. b) Anak memiliki perilaku mau menolong meningkatkan sebesar 87 %. c) Anak memiliki perilaku suka menolong meningkat sebesar 53 %. Kata Kunci: Perilaku Prososial, Metode Sosiodrama Abstact: This reseacrh is motivated by many childrens in PAUD Mekar Baru Naga Pinoh approximately 70 % of the 15 children have not been able to show such a lack of action prosocial behavior like sharing among friends, not able to show the attitude of willing cooperation, less attitude of helpfulness. This reseacrh is a form of classroom with descriptive method. The reseacrh subjects were children in group B, amounting to fifteen consisting of four men and eleven women. Based on the research that has been done and through the data obtained after the data analysis process , in general it can be concluded that: 1) Planning learning with a score of 3,00. 2) Implemention of learning with a score of 2,98. 3) The result of an increase in prosocial behavior children include: a) The child has behavioral \u27d share increased by 53 % . b ) The child has behavior would help increase by 87 % . c ) The child has behavior helpfulness increased by 53 %

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Problem Solving di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 Sadaniang

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    This research is motivated teacher can not provide a learning problem solving. One problem is the lack of ability of the students in solving a problem that is characterized among other things: 1) Solving the problem of the introduction of custom homes, 2) Designing problem-solving plan on language differences West Kalimantan, 3) Analyzing the introduction song of West Kalimantan. Based on the analysis of data, the general concluded, among others: 1) design study model of learning with problem solving categorized as "very appropriate", through the assessment phase, design phase and the production phase model of problem solving learning model for the formation of attitudes of cultural diversity. 2) Prototype application of learning models problem solving categorized as "very appropriate", in this case the activities performed: preliminary activities, core activities, activities cover problem solving learning model for the formation of attitudes of cultural diversity. 3) The attitude shown students to the cultural diversity categorized as "very good", among others: the enthusiasm of the students in analyzing the introduction of the song West Kalimantan, student responses in designing the plan of solving the differences of regional languages ​​of West Kalimantan, the response of students in solving problems concerning the introduction of home custom

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Bertanya Melalui Cerita Bergambar Pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun

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    The purpose of this study aims to determine the increase in the activity of asking through illustrated stories, background on the importance of improving the ability to ask the child from an early age, the ability to ask is an effort to do. 1) lesson plans for increased activity through picture story ask the children aged 4-5 years in cycle 1 was obtained either category, and at cycle 11 obtained very good category. 2) Implementation of an increase in the activity of learning to ask questions in a picture story in children aged 4-5 years is to optimize the use of picture stories so that children can understand and be interested in cycle 1 was obtained either category and the 11 cycles to obtain a very good category. 3) an increase in the ability to ask through picture stories in children aged 4-5 years, there is increase in the segnifikan. This study uses action research. While the method used is the media image. Subjects in this study were children who totaled 15 people, comprising 7 boys and 8 girls

    Peran Guru dalam Pengembangan Bahasa Lisan pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di Paud Kecamatan Belimbing

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    Teachers\u27 Role in Language Development of spoken language 5- 6 Years Old School Early Childhood Education Belimbing districts that teachers have not maximized the involvement of children so that teachers implement learning by methods such as writing, submission of materials, question and answer, basically just pressing on the concept of textual achievement alone but not the growth or development of learning activities, and make children become lazy and bored in following the lessons, especially during the development of oral language of children. Based on the results of data analysis shows that the role of teachers as a motivator in the development of spoken languageof children aged 5-6 years in early childhood education Belimbing District is good with the amount of 70.97%. the role of teachers as a mediator in the development of spoken languageof children aged 5-6 years in early childhood education Belimbing District is good with the amount of 65.52%. The role of teachers as facilitators in the development of spoken language children aged 5-6 years in early childhood education Belimbing District is good with number 48.39%. The role of teachers as evaluators in the development of spoken languagechildren aged 5-6 years in early childhood education District Belimbing i is good. with a total of 87.1%. It is expected that in the implementation of the teacher\u27s performances more carefully on the techniques or methods used