41 research outputs found
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Akuntansi Melalui Teknik Think Pair Share Di SMA Negeri 2 Ketapang
: This research aimed at improving the students\u27 learning outcomes, at which it focused on an ability to both identify financial statement and overcome students\u27 learning difficulty in implementing the financial statement of commercial enterprise at accounting. The study was taken to the twelfth grade students at State Senior High School No 2 in Ketapang Regency . Besides, the researcher did it into 3 cycles. The procedures of the cycles consists of (1) Planning, (2) Implementation, (3) Observation (4) Reflection.The study result showed that the cooperative learning with the think pair share technique was significantly more effective to improve the students\u27 low mark and learning outcomes of the twelfth grade students at State Senior High School No 2 in Ketapang Regency\u27 response concerned with the cooperative learning with the think pair share technique about the financial statement of the commercial enterprise was about 80 percents stated easier to remember, about 86 percents stated understandable, about 75 percents stated pleased to the concept financial statement of the commercial enterprise and there were about 88 percents of the students
Does Diversification and Executive Compensation Affect Corporate Values in Family Firm: Case of Indonesia
Free trade in the Asia-Pacific region (AFTA) and Southeast Asia (MEA) becomes a challenge for family firms in developing their business activities. Strategies that can be taken by family firms to cope with existing market pressures can be pursued by implementing a diversification and compensation strategy. This study aims to explain and analyze the influence of diversification in related models, diversification on unrelated models, and executive compensation to firm value. In this study the population taken is a family firm in the manufacturing sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the year 2012-2016 amounted to 140. The important finding of the research is that the diversification in the related model has no significant effect on firm value, the diversification on the unrelated model has no significant effect on firm value, the executive compensation in the related diversified company has a significant negative effect on firm value, then the executive compensation on the unrelated diversified company has a significant positive effect on the value of the company
Keywords: Related Diversification, Unrelated Diversification, Executive Compensation, Firm Value, Family Fir
Methaemoglobin as a surrogate marker of primaquine antihypnozoite activity in Plasmodium vivax malaria: A systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis
Background: The 8-aminoquinolines, primaquine and tafenoquine, are the only available drugs for the radical cure of Plasmodium vivax hypnozoites. Previous evidence suggests that there is dose-dependent 8-aminoquinoline induced methaemoglobinaemia and that higher methaemoglobin concentrations are associated with a lower risk of P. vivax recurrence. We undertook a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis to examine the utility of methaemoglobin as a population-level surrogate endpoint for 8-aminoquinoline antihypnozoite activity to prevent P. vivax recurrence. Methods and findings: We conducted a systematic search of Medline, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library, from 1 January 2000 to 29 September 2022, inclusive, of prospective clinical efficacy studies of acute, uncomplicated P. vivax malaria mono-infections treated with radical curative doses of primaquine. The day 7 methaemoglobin concentration was the primary surrogate outcome of interest. The primary clinical outcome was the time to first P. vivax recurrence between day 7 and day 120 after enrolment. We used multivariable Cox proportional-hazards regression with site random-effects to characterise the time to first recurrence as a function of the day 7 methaemoglobin percentage (log base 2 transformed), adjusted for the partner schizonticidal drug, the primaquine regimen duration as a proxy for the total primaquine dose (mg base/kg), the daily primaquine dose (mg/kg), and other factors. The systematic review protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42023345956). We identified 219 P. vivax efficacy studies, of which 8 provided relevant individual-level data from patients treated with primaquine; all were randomised, parallel arm clinical trials assessed as having low or moderate risk of bias. In the primary analysis data set, there were 1,747 patients with normal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity enrolled from 24 study sites across 8 different countries (Indonesia, Brazil, Vietnam, Thailand, Peru, Colombia, Ethiopia, and India). We observed an increasing dose-response relationship between the daily weight-adjusted primaquine dose and day 7 methaemoglobin level. For a given primaquine dose regimen, an observed doubling in day 7 methaemoglobin percentage was associated with an estimated 30% reduction in the risk of P. vivax recurrence (adjusted hazard ratio = 0.70; 95% confidence interval [CI] [0.57, 0.86]; p = 0.0005). These pooled estimates were largely consistent across the study sites. Using day 7 methaemoglobin as a surrogate endpoint for recurrence would reduce required sample sizes by approximately 40%. Study limitations include the inability to distinguish between recrudescence, reinfection, and relapse in P. vivax recurrences. Conclusions: For a given primaquine regimen, higher methaemoglobin on day 7 was associated with a reduced risk of P. vivax recurrence. Under our proposed causal model, this justifies the use of methaemoglobin as a population-level surrogate endpoint for primaquine antihypnozoite activity in patients with P. vivax malaria who have normal G6PD activity
Kimura’s disease Mimicking Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: An unusual cause of parotid swelling
Kimura’s disease (KD) is a rare, benign chronic inflammatory disease of unknown aetiology, typically presents in the Orientals as subcutaneous masses in the head and neck region that could be easily misdiagnosed as a malignant tumour, leading to unnecessary radical surgery or intensive cytotoxic therapy. It has been mainly reported in the Chinese and Japanese literature. It is difficult to diagnose before tissue biopsy and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has limited value. Hence, unless the pathologists are aware of this entity, it might be mistaken as a malignant lesion. We encountered a case of KD in a Malay patient presenting as a parotid mass that was initially diagnosed as Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL). This disorder should be suspected in young male Asian patients presenting with a painless unilateral mass in the head and neck region with associated hypereosinophili
Does Diversification and Executive Compensation Affect Corporate Values in Family Firm: Case of Indonesia
Free trade in the Asia-Pacific region (AFTA) and Southeast Asia (MEA) becomes a challenge for family firms in developing their business activities. Strategies that can be taken by family firms to cope with existing market pressures can be pursued by implementing a diversification and compensation strategy. This study aims to explain and analyze the influence of diversification in related models, diversification on unrelated models, and executive compensation to firm value. In this study the population taken is a family firm in the manufacturing sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the year 2012-2016 amounted to 140. The important finding of the research is that the diversification in the related model has no significant effect on firm value, the diversification on the unrelated model has no significant effect on firm value, the executive compensation in the related diversified company has a significant negative effect on firm value, then the executive compensation on the unrelated diversified company has a significant positive effect on the value of the company
Keywords: Related Diversification, Unrelated Diversification, Executive Compensation, Firm Value, Family Fir
بأندرويد في مادّة النّحو والصّرف ISpring Suite فعاليّة الوسيلة التّعليمية
Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas media pembelajaran iSpring Suite berbasis android pada mata pelajaran Nahwu Shorof untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswi kelas VII (Putri) MTsN 2 Rejoso. Metode penelitian menggunakan Research and Development (RnD) jenis 4D Thiagarajan. Instrumen penelitian memakai observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Data penelitian berupa data pretest posttest dianalisis menggunakan nilai rata-rata dan Uji Wilcoxon sedangkan angket dianalisis menggunakan skala Likert. Hasil persentase angket mencakup efektivitas pembelajaran Nahwu Shorof bersama guru sebesar 52,27% masuk kategori cukup, sementara minat terhadap media pembelajaran iSpring Suite sebesar 91,35% masuk kategori sangat baik. Rata-rata posttest 85,90 menunjukkan lebih baik daripada pretest yang hanya sebesar 44,49, Uji Wilcoxon pada pretest posttest mendapatkan hasil 0,000<0,05 menujukkan bahwa hipotesis diterima. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa media pembelajaran iSpring Suite berbasis android efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar. ملخّص البحثهدف البحث لتعريف فعالية الوسيلة التعليمية iSpring Suite على أساس أندرويد في مادّة النحو والصرف لارتفاع إنجاز التعلم للتلميذات في الفصل الأول بالمدرسة المتوسطة الإسلامية الحكومية ٢ رجوسو. واستخدمت الباحثة طريقة البحث والتطوير (Research and Development) في 4د تياغرجان. أدوات البحث ملاحظة ومقابلة واستفتاء. وتحليل البيانات من والإختبار القبليّ (pretest) والإختبار البعديّ (posttest) بقدر المتوسط و Wilcoxon Test و الاستفتاء بمقياس ليكر (Likert). أظهرت النسبة المثوية في استفتاء لفعالية دراسة النحو والصرف مع المدرس 52,27% دلّت على الكفاية بينما الاحتياجة على الوسيلة التعليمية iSpring Suite 91,35% دلت على جيد جدا. والقدر المتوسط في الإختبار البعديّ (posttest) 85,90 أحسن من الإختبار القبليّ (pretest) 44,49 و WilcoxonTest يعني 0,000<0,05 أظهرت الفرضية مقبولة. وقيل أنّ الوسيلة التعليمية iSpring Suite على أساس أندرويد فعالية لارتفاع إنجاز التعلم
Persebaran Logam Berat pada Tanah dan Air Tanah Akibat Aktivitas Industri Rumah Tangga Peleburan Limbah Elektronik
Industri pengolahan PCB di suatu daerah di Jawa Timur telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2015 hingga tahun 2020, Paska penutupan industri belum diketahui dampak terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Kemudian dilakukan analisis pendahuluan pada kualitas air tanah dan tanah di wilayah tersebut. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terjadi pencemaran logam berat Pb sebesar 0,52 mg/L dan Cu sebesar 0,27 mg/L. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persebaran logam berat Pb dan Cu pada tanah dan air tanah di sekitar wilayah industri dan mengetahui jarak aman sumur yang layak konsumsi terhadap sumber kontaminan sesuai dengan Pergub Jatim Nomor 72 Tahun 2013. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur sebaran logam berat adalah model transport kontaminan satu dimensi. Model ini menggunakan solusi numerik dengan metode beda hingga. Langkah dasar metode ini antara lain membagi grid waktu hingga 5 tahun dan membagi grid jarak per 100 meter hingga jarak terjauh yaitu 700 meter, mentransformasikan persamaan diferensial parsial model transport satu dimensi ke persamaan kerja beda hingga, dan melakukan simulasi konsentrasi. Hasil model simulasi konsentrasi Pb dari konsentrasi sumber 0,52 mg/L, 0,92 mg/L, 1.72 mg/L, 2.53 mg/L, 3.26 mg/L, 4.34 mg/L dan simulasi konsentrasi Cu dari konsentrasi sumber 0,27 mg/L, 0,65 mg/L, 0,83 mg/L, 1.64 mg/L, 1.94 mg/L, 2.18 mg/L, menunjukkan bahwa seluruh hasil persebaran logam berat Pb dan Cu dari grid jarak 100 hingga 700 m yang disimulasikan mengalami persebaran melebihi grid jarak terjauh 700 meter. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari hasil simulasi semua konsentrasi pada grid jarak dan waktu masih terdapat sisa konsentrasi. Jarak aman sumur terhadap titik pembakaran untuk logam berat Pb minimal 200 m dan logam berat Cu minimal 100 m. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi persebaran kontaminan pada air tanah berdasarkan simulasi model secara berurutan adalah adveksi, disperse, dan faktor retardasi