226 research outputs found

    Validation of a complex needs indicator for veterans in the UK using a composite indicators’ method

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    Objective: To construct an indicator for assessing the complexity of UK veterans’ needs. Study design: Cross-sectional, secondary analysis. Methods: The study applied principal component (PCA) analysis as the method to determine the weights of different needs based on their interactions with each other, the effectiveness of the model was evaluated using bootstrapping. The dataset on UK veterans’ support provided by the “Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Associations” (SSAFA) (N = 35,208) was considered. The grant applications for different categories of support were used as indicators of different needs. The dimensions of breadth (number of different needs) and depth (number of grant applications to address the need) were incorporated in the assessment of complexity. Results: The complex needs indicator for the current sample was validated. The majority of cases had a complexity score of 1 or less. Conclusions: The research suggested and tested an assessment method for the complexity of veterans’ needs, that may be positively associated with higher risk of adverse health outcomes. This indicator can be used by decision-makers for risk stratification of the veteran population, thus supporting the allocation of resources in a more effective way

    Tactics of managing a patient with fatty liver disease coursing in the background of a polyorgan digestive tract: clinical observation

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    Preparations of glycyrrhizic acid (GA) and ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) are effective in the treatment of various forms of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurring against the background of duodeno-gastroesophageal reflux. However, their effectiveness in the treatment of hologenic diarrhea and reflux gastritis has not been sufficiently studied. Currently, there are no clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with hologenic diarrhea and reflux gastritis, including those with obesity and NAFLD. It is assumed that the combined administration of GA and UDCA can be accompanied by a mutual potentiation of the effect of the drugs. The article presents a clinical case of a patient with NAFLD, obesity, dyslipidemia, GERD, refractory to treatment with proton pump inhibitors, associated with duodenogastroesophageal reflux, reflux gastritis and hologenic diarrhea. It was shown that GERD, reflux gastritis, and hologenic diarrhea developed in the long-term period after cholecystectomy. At the same time, the appointment of a complex preparation containing GA (35 mg) and UDCA (250 mg) made it possible to stop the manifestations of a typical reflux syndrome in patients with a form of GERD refractory to proton pump inhibitors, reflux gastritis, and diarrheal syndrome associated with an excess of bile acids, improve lipid profile parameters. It has been shown that the administration of GA (35 mg) and UDCA (250 mg) can improve the parameters of the intestinal microbiome and lipid metabolism, which can be used in the treatment of patients with atherogenic dyslipidemia. At the same time, patients with comorbid pathology, including NAFLD, GERD, reflux esophagitis, hologenic diarrhea, and dyslipidemia require long-term maintenance therapy with GA (35 mg) and UDCA (250 mg)


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    One of the most important stages of the high-purity chalcogenide glasses’ analytical control is the determination of matrix elements’ content with the uncertainty at the levels of 0.1–0.2 mol.%.  The content of the macro-components may differ from the composition of the initial charge; therefore, an important task is the macro-composition determination of the final materials. This article describes the development of the technique for determining the matrix elements of high-purity Ge-Se-Te glasses in the range of germanium content from 10 to 35 mol. %, selenium and tellurium content from 20 to 50 mol. % with the expanded uncertainty within 0.01–0.2 mol. % (P = 0.95) using the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). A simple technique for the preparation of primary calibration solutions from pure elementary Ge, Se and Te is proposed. The correctness of the analysis results is confirmed by comparing the calculated matrix composition of model glass samples, prepared by direct synthesis from high-purity simple substances in the sealed quartz glass ampoule, with the analysis results.  The main advantage of the proposed analysis technique is the absence of the need for the reference samples identical to the analyzed material, which is especially important for determination of new materials’ matrix composition. The minimum sample mass for the determination of matrix elements is about 1 mg, which makes it possible to analyze not only bulk glass samples, but also fibers and expensive materials.Key words: Ge-Se-Te chalcogenide glasses, determination of matrix elements, high accuracy, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.24.4.002 D.A. Fadeeva, I.I. Evdokimov, V.G. PimenovG.G. Devyatykh Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Box-75, 49 Tropinin Str., Nizhny Novgorod, 603951, Russian FederationОдин из важнейших этапов аналитического контроля высокочистых халькогенидных стекол, используемых для изготовления оптоволоконных устройств, является установление содержания матричных элементов с неопределенностью на уровне 0.1–0.2 % мол. Необходимость данного этапа аналитического контроля возникает из-за сложности получения высокочистых халькогенидных стекол с необходимой точностью задания матричного состава, что связано, отчасти, с возможными потерями матричных элементов на многочисленных стадиях синтеза и очистки. Методик определения матричных элементов стекол системы Ge-Se-Te с необходимыми метрологическими характеристиками найти не удалось. В статье описана разработка методики определения матричных элементов высокочистых стекол вышеуказанной системы в диапазоне содержания германия от 10 до 35 % мол., селена и теллура – от 20 до 50 % мол. с расширенной неопределенностью результатов анализа на уровне 0.01–0.2 % мол. (P = 0.95) с использованием атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой. Предложен способ приготовления первичных градуировочных растворов, необходимых для достижения заявленного уровня неопределенности, с использованием германия, селена и теллура в форме чистых простых веществ. Корректность оценки точности результатов анализа подтверждена сопоставлением расчетного матричного состава модельных образцов стекол, изготовленных прямым синтезом из высокочистых простых веществ в запаянной ампуле из кварцевого стекла, с результатами анализа. Главное достоинство предложенной методики анализа – отсутствие потребности в образцах сравнения, идентичных анализируемому материалу, что особенно важно при установлении матричного состава новых материалов (т.е. когда образцы сравнения, и даже способы их изготовления отсутствуют в принципе). Минимальная для определения матричных элементов масса пробы составляет около 1 мг, что позволяет проводить анализ не только массивных образцов стекол, но и изготавливаемых из них волокон, а также дорогостоящих материалов.Ключевые слова: халькогенидные стекла Ge-Se-Te, определение матричных элементов, высокая точность, атомно-эмиссионная спектрометрия с индуктивно связанной плазмой.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.24.4.00

    ICP-AES analysis of high-purity arsenic

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    В настоящее время практически отсутствуют экспрессные многоэлементные методики анализа мышьяка, позволяющие определять широкий круг примесей на уровне 10⁻⁷-10⁻⁵ % мас. (в соответствии с современными требованиями), включая близкие по летучести к матрице элементы: P, S, Sb, Se и Te. Это связано с тем, что искровая масс-спектрометрия и нейтронно-активационный анализ сейчас труднодоступны, а атомно-эмиссионная спектрометрия с дуговым разрядом в сочетании с предварительным концентрированием примесей, позволяющая определять примеси до уровня 10⁻⁸-10⁻⁴ % мас., сокращает число определяемых примесей (например, P, S, Sb, Se, Te теряются при концентрировании отгонкой матрицы), отличается повышенной трудоёмкостью и длительностью анализа. В данной работе оценены возможности анализа высокочистого мышьяка доступным и широко распространённым методом атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой. Исследованы матричные помехи при распылении в индуктивно связанную плазму растворов с концентрацией мышьяка до 150 мг/мл. Установлено, что для достижения низких пределов определения примесей целесообразно анализировать растворы проб с концентрацией мышьяка ~100 мг/мл, что не вызывает технических трудностей. Проведение пробоподготовки в химически стойкой посуде из PFA (PerFluoroAlkoxy polymer) и использование доочищенных реактивов (вода, азотная кислота) позволило снизить влияние загрязнений на пределы определения большинства примесей. Разработана методика определения 39 элементов-примесей в высокочистом мышьяке, включая наиболее распространённые металлы (Al, Ca, Cu, Mg, Fe) и Si, и обычно теряемые при концентрировании отгонкой матрицы элементы (B, P, S, Sb, Se, Te). Пределы определения примесей в мышьяке составили ~10⁻⁷-10⁻⁵ % мас. При необходимости круг определяемых примесей может быть расширен, исходя из возможностей определения конкретных элементов методом атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой с учётом предложенной методики пробоподготовки и наличия соответствующих стандартных растворов солей определяемых элементов.The arc discharge atomic emission spectrometry method with pre-concentration of impurities is mainly used for multi-element analysis of high-purity arsenic. Spark ionization mass-spectrometry and neutron activation analysis are applied less often. The use of spark ionization mass-spectrometry and neutron activation analysis is quite problematic at the present time. Arc discharge atomic emission spectrometry in combination with pre-concentration of impurities makes it possible to determine the impurities at the level of 10⁻⁸-10⁻⁴ % mass. At the same time the number of the determined impurities is reduced (e.g., P, S, Sb, Se, Te are getting lost during concentration by matrix sublimation) with the increase in the duration of the analysis. Thus, at the present time the express multi-element techniques of analysis of arsenic which can provide the determination of wide range of impurities at the level of 10⁻⁷-10⁻⁵ % mass. (according to the modern requirements), including the elements P, S, Sb, Se and Te (with volatility close to that of the matrix) are actually absent. In the present paper the capabilities of available and widely used method of inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry are estimated for analysis of high-purity arsenic. The matrix interference was investigated in the process of spraying the solutions with arsenic concentration up to 150 mg/mL into inductively-coupled plasma. It was found that in order to attain low limits of quantification of impurities it is expedient to analyze sample solutions with arsenic concentration ~100 mg/mL. It does not present a problem technically. Preparation of samples in chemically resistant vials of PFA (PerFluoroAlkoxy polymer) and the use of additionally purified reagents (water, nitric acid) made it possible to decrease the effect of contaminations on the limits of quantification of most impurities. A technique for determination of 39 elements in high-purity arsenic has been developed. The diapason of determined impurities includes the most abundant metals (Al, Ca, Cu, Mg, Fe) and Si, as well as the elements usually getting lost during concentration by matrix sublimation (B, P, S, Sb, Se, Te). The limits of quantification (as well as the limits of detection) of impurities in arsenic are equal ~10⁻⁷-10⁻⁵ % mass. If necessary, the range of impurities can be widened in view of the possibilities of inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, the possibilities of the suggested sample preparation technique and the availability of the corresponding standard solutions of the determined elements

    Investigation of releasing therapeutic solutions from soft contact lens surfaces constructed by nanoparticles

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    This article reveals the recent achievements in the field of alternative drug delivery in ophthalmology to treat glaucoma combined with myopia. During in vitro experiments it was demonstrated that lossless and prolonged drug delivery is feasible if soft contact lenses of various materials are utilized as drug carriers. However, among two studied model solutions, only one of them passed all drug release tests with all five types soft contact lenses material

    Source material for breeding winter bread wheat in the north of the Middle Volga region

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    Background. Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), due to significant progress in breeding, has high potential of biological productivity, but its implementation is quite low. To change the situation for the better, it is necessary to increase the resistance of developed cultivars to unfavorable abiotic and biotic factors in the regions of its cultivation. To solve this problem, source material is required. The purpose of this research was to evaluate a set of winter wheat accessions from the VIR collection, and first of all, the newly introduced accessions, and the accessions from the working collection of Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences for variability of agronomic traits and stability under the conditions of the north of the Middle Volga region, and to identify sources promising for inclusion in the crossing programs.Materials and methods. A three-year field study of 166 winter bread wheat accessions was carried out. All accessions were assessed for their overwintering and plant and ear productivity traits using the methods developed by VIR and the State Variety Trials. The best accessions, or sources, were selected by comparing them with the reference cv. ‘Kazan 560’, taking into account the quantitative values of such indicators as “general adaptability” (ОАСi ), variance of “specific adaptability” (σ2САСi ) and “relative stability” (Sgi) for each accession according to A. V. Kilchevsky and L. V. Khotyleva.Results and conclusion. Descriptions of winter bread wheat accessions are presented in the context of their agronomic traits. Groups and subgroups of accessions with different trait variability levels were identified. Some accessions with stable levels of trait manifestation exceeded the reference in ear productivity. All of them are promising for wheat breeding programs. It is shown that the group of accessions “weakly changing” over the years of study differs from the group of “moderately/strongly changing” accessions in values of correlations between traits and the number of significant correlations

    Source material for breeding winter bread wheat for grain quality in the north of the Middle Volga Region

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    Background. Development of cultivars with high stable yields and high grain quality is the main trend in wheat breeding. The aim of this study was to characterize a set of winter bread wheat accessions from the VIR collection and the working collection of Kazan Scientific Center in terms of their yield, protein content in grain (P, %), and swelling of flour in acetic acid (S, ml), and select the best accessions for the combination of these characters for use in a crossbreeding program.Materials and methods. Twenty-three winter bread wheat accessions were studied for the abovementioned characters in the north of the Middle Volga Region using conventional techniques. The study lasted three years (2016–2019).Results and conclusion. The yield of the accessions varied across the years of studies; however, none of them surpassed the reference cv. ‘Kazanskaya 560’. The values of protein content in grain were medium or high. The following accessions had high and stable levels of protein content in grain (15.1–16.1%): ‘TAW 42971/80’ (k-58363, Germany); ‘Lutescens 471 N8’ (Kazakhstan); ‘Rita’ (k-58057), ‘Scotty’ (k-59322) and ‘Nelson’ (all from the U.S.); ‘Moskovskaya 39’ (k-65160, Russia); ‘Bilotserkivchanka’ (k-64330) and ‘Barkan’ (k-64495) (both from Ukraine). Flour swelling power in acetic acid did not fall below 50 ml, attesting to the formation of high-quality grain. This was also confirmed by the protein quality index determined by the S : P ratio, which ranged from 3.6 to 4.7. Sources with high-quality protein were selected from the tested accessions for use in breeding: ‘CDC Clair’ (k-64168, Canada), ‘Lutescens 471 Н8’ (Kazakhstan), ‘Moskovskaya 39’ (Russia), ‘Barkan’ (Ukraine), and ‘Favorytka’ (k-64337, Ukraine)

    The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Creating Digital Twins of the Earth Model

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    The report discusses the possibilities of using digital twins for monitoring territories on satellite images, describes the model for using the Cesium library in conjunction with neural networks, and provides examples of including 3D models in the developed solution

    Clinical cases of microscopic colitis: Diagnosis and treatment issues. Case report

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    Currently, there is an increase in the incidence of microscopic colitis. There are difficulties in diagnosing this disease due to the variability of histological signs, variability of morphological changes in the mucous membrane of the colon in different parts of the colon, and the combination in one patient of not only various forms of microscopic colitis, but also other intestinal diseases. The article describes the differential diagnosis, an example of its staging and successful treatment of various forms of microscopic colitis with budesonide (two clinical cases presented)