4 research outputs found


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    Basic data on habitat, behavior, and reproduction arelacking for most Neotropical frog species and even highertaxonomic groups (Crump 1974; Haddad and Prado2005), particularly for those restricted to the AtlanticForest. Basic reproductive features are the basis of comparativestudies on evolution of major natural historyfeatures (Harvey and Pagel 1998), such as the interspecific relationship between body size and egg number/size (Salthe and Duellman 1973, Crump 1974, Stearns1992). Here, we present data on habitat, reproductivebehavior and quantitative parameters such as adult sizes,egg numbers/sizes of ten sympatric frogs of an altitudinalAtlantic Forest site in Southeastern Brazil

    Food habits and ontogenetic diet shifts of the litter dwelling frog proceratophrys boiei (wied)

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    Here is described the diet of Proceratophrys boiei (Wied, 1825), a leaf litter frog of the Atlantic Forest, and test for relationships between frog size and prey size and type. The diet was determined by stomach content analysis. In 38 frogs, was found 76 prey items belonging to 23 taxa. Insects predominate in the diet and the most frequent categories were coleopterans (39.4% of total volume) and orthopterans (25.0%). There was a positive correlation between frog size and volume of prey taken. The most important ontogenetic shift in prey type was an increase in the consume of coleopterans and insect larvae with increasing frog size