128 research outputs found

    On a possible origin for the lack of old star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We model the dynamical interaction between the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds and their corresponding stellar cluster populations. Our goal is to explore whether the lack of old clusters (7\gtrsim 7 Gyr) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) can be the result of the capture of clusters by the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), as well as their ejection due to the tidal interaction between the two galaxies. For this purpose we perform a suite of numerical simulations probing a wide range of parameters for the orbit of the SMC about the LMC. We find that, for orbital eccentricities e0.4e \geq 0.4, approximately 15 per cent of the SMC clusters are captured by the LMC. In addition, another 20 to 50 per cent of its clusters are ejected into the intergalactic medium. In general, the clusters lost by the SMC are the less tightly bound cluster population. The final LMC cluster distribution shows a spatial segregation between clusters that originally belonged to the LMC and those that were captured from the SMC. Clusters that originally belonged to the SMC are more likely to be found in the outskirts of the LMC. Within this scenario it is possible to interpret the difference observed between the star field and cluster SMC Age-Metallicity Relationships for ages 7\gtrsim 7 Gyr.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    And yet it moves: The dangers of artificially fixing the Milky Way center of mass in the presence of a massive Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Motivated by recent studies suggesting that the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) could be significantly more massive than previously thought, we explore whether the approximation of an inertial Galactocentric reference frame is still valid in the presence of such a massive LMC. We find that previous estimates of the LMC's orbital period and apocentric distance derived assuming a fixed Milky Way are significantly shortened for models where the Milky Way is allowed to move freely in response to the gravitational pull of the LMC. Holding other parameters fixed, the fraction of models favoring first infall is reduced. Due to this interaction, the Milky Way center of mass within the inner 50 kpc can be significantly displaced in phase-space in a very short period of time that ranges from 0.3 to 0.5 Gyr by as much as 30 kpc and 75 km/s. Furthermore, we show that the gravitational pull of the LMC and response of the Milky Way are likely to significantly affect the orbit and phase space distribution of tidal debris from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy (Sgr). Such effects are larger than previous estimates based on the torque of the LMC alone. As a result, Sgr deposits debris in regions of the sky that are not aligned with the present-day Sgr orbital plane. In addition, we find that properly accounting for the movement of the Milky Way around its common center of mass with the LMC significantly modifies the angular distance between apocenters and tilts its orbital pole, alleviating tensions between previous models and observations. While these models are preliminary in nature, they highlight the central importance of accounting for the mutual gravitational interaction between the MW and LMC when modeling the kinematics of objects in the Milky Way and Local Group.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 16 pages, 11 figure

    Neutron star mergers and rare core-collapse supernovae as sources of r-process enrichment in simulated galaxies

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    We use cosmological, magnetohydrodynamical simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies from the Auriga project to study their enrichment with rapid neutron capture (r-process) elements. We implement a variety of enrichment models from both binary neutron star mergers and rare core-collapse supernovae. We focus on the abundances of (extremely) metal-poor stars, most of which were formed during the first ~Gyr of the Universe in external galaxies and later accreted onto the main galaxy. We find that the majority of metal-poor stars are r-process enriched in all our enrichment models. Neutron star merger models result in a median r-process abundance ratio which increases with metallicity, whereas the median trend in rare core-collapse supernova models is approximately flat. The scatter in r-process abundance increases for models with longer delay times or lower rates of r-process producing events. Our results are nearly perfectly converged, in part due to the mixing of gas between mesh cells in the simulations. Additionally, different Milky Way-mass galaxies show only small variation in their respective r-process abundance ratios. Current (sparse and potentially biased) observations of metal-poor stars in the Milky Way seem to prefer rare core-collapse supernovae over neutron star mergers as the dominant source of r-process elements at low metallicity, but we discuss possible caveats to our models. Dwarf galaxies which experience a single r-process event early in their history show highly enhanced r-process abundances at low metallicity, which is seen both in observations and in our simulations. We also find that the elements produced in a single event are mixed with ~10^8 Msun of gas relatively quickly, distributing the r-process elements over a large region.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Revised version: added Figure 13 (on mixing of iron and r-process elements) and an Appendix (on iron and magnesium abundances) and updated the r-process yields (Tables 1 and 2 and normalization of abundances

    Selecting ultra-faint dwarf candidate progenitors in cosmological N-body simulations at high redshifts

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    The smallest satellites of the Milky Way ceased forming stars during the epoch of reionization and thus provide archaeological access to galaxy formation at z>6z>6. Numerical studies of these ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs) require expensive cosmological simulations with high mass resolution that are carried out down to z=0z=0. However, if we are able to statistically identify UFD host progenitors at high redshifts \emph{with relatively high probabilities}, we can avoid this high computational cost. To find such candidates, we analyze the merger trees of Milky Way type halos from the high-resolution Caterpillar{\it Caterpillar} suite of dark matter only simulations. Satellite UFD hosts at z=0z=0 are identified based on four different abundance matching (AM) techniques. All the halos at high redshifts are traced forward in time in order to compute the probability of surviving as satellite UFDs today. Our results show that selecting potential UFD progenitors based solely on their mass at z=12 (8) results in a 10\% (20\%) chance of obtaining a surviving UFD at z=0z=0 in three of the AM techniques we adopted. We find that the progenitors of surviving satellite UFDs have lower virial ratios (η\eta), and are preferentially located at large distances from the main MW progenitor, while they show no correlation with concentration parameter. Halos with favorable locations and virial ratios are 3\approx 3 times more likely to survive as satellite UFD candidates at z=0.z=0.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication at MNRAS after minor revision

    The Caterpillar Project: A Large Suite of Milky Way Sized Halos

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    We present the largest number of Milky Way sized dark matter halos simulated at very high mass (\sim10410^4 M_\odot/particle) and temporal resolution (\sim5 Myrs/snapshot) done to date, quadrupling what is currently available in the literature. This initial suite consists of the first 24 halos of the CaterpillarCaterpillar ProjectProject (www.caterpillarproject.org) whose project goal of 60 - 70 halos will be made public when complete. We resolve \sim20,000 gravitationally bound subhalos within the virial radius of each host halo. Over the ranges set by our spatial resolution our convergence is excellent and improvements were made upon current state-of-the-art halo finders to better identify substructure at such high resolutions (e.g., on average we recover \sim4 subhalos in each host halo above 108^8 M_\odot which would have otherwise not been found using conventional methods). For our relaxed halos, the inner profiles are reasonably fit by Einasto profiles (α\alpha = 0.169 ±\pm 0.023) though this depends on the relaxed nature and assembly history of a given halo. Averaging over all halos, the substructure mass fraction is fm,subs=0.121±0.041f_{m,subs} = 0.121 \pm 0.041, and mass function slope is dNN/dMM1.88±0.10M\propto M^{-1.88 \pm 0.10} though we find scatter in the normalizations for fixed halo mass due to more concentrated hosts having less subhalos at fixed subhalo mass. There are no biases stemming from Lagrangian volume selection as all Lagrangian volume types are included in our sample. Our detailed contamination study of 264 low resolution halos has resulted in obtaining very large and unprecedented, high-resolution regions around our host halos for our target resolution (sphere of radius \sim1.4±0.41.4 \pm 0.4 Mpc) allowing for accurate studies of low mass dwarf galaxies at large galactocentric radii and the very first stellar systems at high redshift (zz \geq 10).Comment: 19 pages; 14 figures; 6 tables; Received September 3, 2015; Accepted November 15, 2015; Published February 2, 201

    On a possible origin for the lack of old star clusters in the small magellanic cloud

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    We model the dynamical interaction between the Small and LargeMagellanic Clouds and their corresponding stellar cluster populations.Our goal is to explorewhether the lack of old clusters (≳7 Gyr) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) can be the result of the capture of clusters by the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) as well as their ejection due to the tidal interaction between the two galaxies. For this purpose, we perform a suite of numerical simulations probing a wide range of parameters for the orbit of the SMC about the LMC.We find that, for orbital eccentricities e ≥ 0.4, approximately 15 per cent of the SMC clusters are captured by the LMC. In addition, another 20-50 per cent of its clusters are ejected into the intergalactic medium. In general, the clusters lost by the SMC are the less tightly bound cluster population. The final LMC cluster distribution shows a spatial segregation between clusters that originally belonged to the LMC and those that were captured from the SMC. Clusters that originally belonged to the SMC are more likely to be found in the outskirts of the LMC. Within this scenario, it is possible to interpret the difference observed between the star field and cluster SMC age-metallicity relationships for ages ≳7Gyr.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat