16 research outputs found

    Studi Pemetaan Batimetri Untuk Keselamatan Pelayaran Di Pulau Parang, Kepulauan Karimunjawa, Kabupaten Jepara, Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Pulau Parang merupakan salah satu pulau dari 5 pulau di Kepulauan Karimunjawa yang berpenghuni.Pulau Parang juga termasuk kawasan konservasi yang berada di bawah pantauan Balai Taman Nasional Karimunjawa.Kurangnya informasi mengenai alur pelayaran yang jelas di Pulau Parang menyebabkan kapal yang ingin menuju ke pulau tersebut harus berhati-hati terhadap karang yang berada di dasar perairan karena lokasinya yang dangkal.Oleh karena itu, mendiskripsikan batimetri dasar laut diperlukan di perairan Pulau Parang ini sebagai pedoman jalur pelayaran yang jelas agar kapal yang melintas tidak karam terkena terumbu karang.Berdasarkan uraian tersebut maka penelitian batimetri di Pulau Parang, Kepulauan Karimunjawa perlu dilakukan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan pemetaan batimetri menggunakan pancaran gelombang akustik dengan alat Singlebeam Echosounder dan koreksi pasang surut serta pembuatan alur pelayaran berdasarkan hasil pemetaan batimetri dan analisa pasang surut guna keselamatan pelayaran di Pulau Parang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif yang dilaksanakan 5 (lima) hari yaitu pada tanggal 18, 19, 20, 25 dan 28 september 2012. Kedalaman di Pelabuhan Pulau Parang antara 0 s/d 2,7 m sedangkan di luar pelabuhan kedalaman mencapai 36 m atau lebih. Perairan Pulau Parang memiliki tipe pasang surut campuran condong harian tunggal, dengan hasil MSL 102 cm, HHWL 157,28 cm dan LLWL 46,52 cm. Kapal dengan draft di bawah 2,9 m dari MSL yang hanya dapat berlabuh di Pulau Parang. Ada 2 jalur yang digunakan untuk alur pelayaran di Pulau Parang. Jalur pertama digunakan hanya ketika air laut pasang karena morfologi kedalaman pada jalur ini antara kurang dari 1 m s/d 32 m. Namun ketika air laut surut kapal harus memutar Pulau Kumbang terlebih dahulu agar dapat masuk ke dermaga Pulau Parang

    Identification of Ambiguous Sentence Pattern in Indonesian Using Shift-Reduce Parsing

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    In a sentence writing, mistakes often happened unconsciously by the writers that caused a sentence has double meaning. This research developed a software that can identify the pattern of ambiguous sentences in Bahasa using Shift Reduce Parsing. Input for this software is a single sentence in Bahasa. This research involved three preprocessing namely case folding, tokenizing, and Part of Speech (POS) Tagging. Then the result of preprocessing used in identifying ambiguous sentence. In the process of identifying ambiguous sentences, Shift Reduce Parsing used to the parsing’s result of a sentence. As the result, this software that can differentiate whether if it is an ambiguous sentence or not. Accuracy of identifying the pattern of ambiguous sentence in Bahasa using Shift Reduce Parsing reaches 83%


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    AbstractThis study aims to improve the basic technique of shooting at the goal in a soccer game with a variety of exercises for players or players who take part in soccer extracurriculars at SMA N 8 Pontianak. -post test design and use shooting test instruments at the goal. The sample of this study was all football players who took part in extracurricular football at SMA N 8 Pontianak, totaling 20 people with the technique of saturated sampling technique. Based on the results of the research, the initial test shooting data at the goal was a score of 156 with an average of 7.8 and the final test increased to 219 with an average value of 10.95, thus there was an increase in the shooting test towards the goal, which was 3.15% from the initial test. The statistical test T count is greater than T tabe tau 4.55> 2.093, so there is an effect of variation training on the basic technique of shooting at the goal in soccer games, with the variation of training, players will always repeat and kick towards the goal in accordance with trainer's instructions and experience.Keywords: Practice Variations, Basic Soccer Shooting Techniqu

    Identification of Ambiguous Sentence Pattern in Indonesian Using Shift-Reduce Parsing

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    In a sentence writing, mistakes often happened unconsciously by the writers that caused a sentence has double meaning. This research developed a software that can identify the pattern of ambiguous sentences in Bahasa using Shift Reduce Parsing. Input for this software is a single sentence in Bahasa. This research involved three preprocessing namely case folding, tokenizing, and Part of Speech (POS) Tagging. Then the result of preprocessing used in identifying ambiguous sentence. In the process of identifying ambiguous sentences, Shift Reduce Parsing used to the parsing\u27s result of a sentence. As the result, this software that can differentiate whether if it is an ambiguous sentence or not. Accuracy of identifying the pattern of ambiguous sentence in Bahasa using Shift Reduce Parsing reaches 83%

    Simplification Complex Sentences in Indonesia Language Using Rule-Based Reasoning

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    Complex sentence consist of two or more single sentence and one or more conjunctions. Complex sentences have many meaning, so that is quite difficult to be simplified because the results of simplification complex sentence does not match the original sentence. To solve this problem, this research using Rule-Based Reasoning method and Surface Expression Rules. Because Rule-Based Reasoning method can be adapted to the rules of surface expression that can look for patterns of complex sentences, so thus simplifying precise and accurate results. The results of researchis the Rule-Based Reasoning methods used in accordance with the accuracy of 93.8% and an assessment of questionnaires obtained values 76-10


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    This research is based on the impact of the covid-19 virus outbreak on education, one of which is physical education of sports and health which results in the learning process being conducted online. This study aims to find out the point of view or Perception of Physical Education Online Learning in High Schools in Pontianak City. This study uses quantitative descriptive method with survey research type, samples used in this study as many as 12 teachers from 8 schools, the analysis used in this study is validity test and reliability test. The result of this study is conducted validity test on 35 statements consisting of 4 indicators, there are 29 valid statement items and 6 invalid statement items with rhitung value > rtabel (0.334), followed by reliability test to see the questionnaire can be accepted or not to be conducted research then obtained a value of 0.783 which means the questionnaire is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that the Perception of Physical Education to online learning in high schools in Pontianak, has a percentage of 63% which means it can facilitate or help

    Simplification Complex Sentences in Indonesia Language using Rule-Based Reasoning

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    Complex sentence consist of two or more single sentence and one or more conjunctions. Complex sentences have many meaning, so that is quite difficult to be simplified because the results of simplification complex sentence does not match the original sentence. To solve this problem, this research using Rule-Based Reasoning method and Surface Expression Rules. Because Rule-Based Reasoning method can be adapted to the rules of surface expression that can look for patterns of complex sentences, so thus simplifying precise and accurate results. The results of researchis the Rule-Based Reasoning methods used in accordance with the accuracy of 93.8% and an assessment of questionnaires obtained values 76-10


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    Abstract--Database analysis applications diseasethrough a blood test is designed as a container databasedata storage and data management to diagnose the diseasewith a dynamic knowledge base. This knowledge is obtainedfrom various sources including data that can be directlyfrom the laboratory Hospital Port of Palembang. Theknowledge base is structured such that into a database withmultiple tables including tables tbl_jenkel, tbl_pasien,pemeriksaan_darah,hasil_pemeriksaan_darah,detail_hasil_lab_darah, item_periksa_darah, detail_case,case, tbl_diagnosa, range_usia to facilitate the performanceof the system in conclusion. Application analysis of thisdisease will display patient data with the results of a bloodtest that has been diagnosed. The purpose of this study wasto design a database that is devoted to analysis applicationsdisease through blood tests in the laboratory Hospital Portof Palembang.Keyword---Database;blood;laboratory;hospital ABSTRAK--Database aplikasi analisis penyakit melaluihasil tes darah ini merupakan database yang dirancangsebagai wadah penyimpanan data dan pengelolaan datauntuk mendiagnosis penyakit dengan basis pengetahuanyang dinamis. Pengetahuan ini didapat dari berbagaisumber diantaranya data yang di dapat langsung darilaboratorium Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan Palembang. Basispengetahuan disusun sedemikian rupa ke dalam suatudatabase dengan beberapa tabel diantaranya tabeltbl_jenkel, tbl_pasien, pemeriksaan_darah,hasil_pemeriksaan_darah, detail_hasil_lab_darah, digunakan di rumah sakit saat ini untuk meningkatkanefesien yaitu dengan menggunakan komputer dimanajemen rumah sakit. Sistem informasi dapatdigunakan sebagai sarana strategis untuk memberikanpelayanan yang berorientasi kepada kepuasanpelanggan.Selain untuk mempermudah pelayanan, sistemkomputerisasi di rumah sakit tidak hanya digunakan dibagian administrasi khususnya di personalia, tetapikomputerisasi bisa digunakan di berbagai unit pelayanandi rumah sakit. Permasalahan yang ada di rumah sakitpada saat ini yaituantara lain masih terjadinya redudansi item_periksa_darah, detail_case, case, tbl_diagnosa,range_usia untuk mempermudah kinerja sistem dalampenarikan kesimpulan. Aplikasi analisis penyakit ini akanmenampilkan data pasien beserta hasil tes darah yang telahdi diagnosa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancangdatabase yang dikhususkan untuk aplikasi analisispenyakit melalui hasil tes darah pada laboratorium RumahSakit Pelabuhan Palembang.Kata Kunci--- Database, Darah, Laborarium, Rumah Saki

    Peningkatan Fungsionalitas Perangkat Lunak Melalui Restrukturisasi Data (Studi Kasus: Sistem Informasi Akademik Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Unsri)

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    Peningkatan Fungsionalitas Perangkat Lunak Melalui Restrukturisasi Data (Studi Kasus: Sistem Informasi Akademik Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Unsri