3 research outputs found


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    A angina de Ludwig é uma forma de celulite aguda com envolvimento bilateral dos espaços submandibulares, sublingual e provocando o enrijecimento do assoalho bucal. Foram feitas buscas de artigos nas bases de dados do PubMed, SciELO e Lilacs. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar a literatura sobre os aspectos relevantes da angina de Ludwig dentro da odontologia, a fim de se evitar complicações mais sérias. Segundo a literatura, o conhecimento da anatomia da região de cabeça e pescoço é essencial para entender a forma de apresentação clínica da angina de Ludwig e as possíveis complicações dessa infecção. A angina de Ludwig tem-se tornado menos comum após o aparecimento dos antibióticos e devido às orientações dos cirurgião-dentista tem tido melhoras nas condições de saúde bucal da população. Ainda assim, a gravidade da doença continua a mesma, pela obstrução das vias aéreas, secundária ao edema sublingual e submandibular, ou numa fase mais tardia do processo, em que a disseminação da infecção pode levar à mediastinite, fasceíte necrosante ou sepse. O diagnóstico é eminentemente clínico. O tratamento deve consistir de manutenção das vias aéreas, antibioticoterapia adequada, quando realizado tardiamente se torna uma infecção potencialmente fatal. Mediante o estudo, pudemos concluir que é de extrema importância que o cirurgião-dentista saiba identificar sinais e sintomas da angina de ludwig, para proceder diante dessa complicação, além de encontrar métodos para conscientizar os pacientes a fim de que se evite complicações mais severas

    Diagnostic aspects of juvenile ossificant fibroma: A case study

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    Juvenile ossifying fibroma is an uncommon, fast-growing benign neoplasm classified within the group of fibro-osseous lesions that directly affect the face and the jaws. Although it is not followed by metastasis, it usually presents a highly aggressive nature. It is histopathologically divided into two patterns: trabecular and psammomatoid. It can be differentiated through the age of the patients, anatomic location and behavior of the lesion. In this context, this paper reports on the findings of a rare pathology case: juvenile ossifying fibroma, focusing primarily on its clinical, medical imaging and histopathological features characteristics, in order to familiarize the dentist, provide correct diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment

    Morphometric and histologic characterization of alveolar bone from hypertensive patients

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    Hypertension is considered a risk factor in implant dentistry but the underlying reasons remain unclear. It may be that hypertension has a negative impact on the local bone quality. Purpose Here we evaluated the structural and histological parameters of bone collected from hypertensive patients treated by antagonists of the renin-angiotensin system, and of bone collected from normotensive patients. Material and methods A total of 30 patients were referred for rehabilitation with dental implants to be placed in the posterior mandible. The first group were hypertensive patients treated with RAS antagonists. The second group were normotensive patients not taking medication. Bone biopsies collected during implant installation were subjected to analysis. Micro CT revealed the structural parameters. Histological analyses together with immunohistochemical staining of osteogenic markers were performed. Results The structural parameters of bone volume, trabecular thickness, trabecular number, separation of the trabecular, and total porosity were similar between the 2 groups (P > .05). The histological appearance of bone derived from hypertensive patients was normal. The staining pattern of Runx-2, osteopontin, and osteocalcin were comparable in both groups. Conclusions These observations suggest that hypertensive patients treated with renin-angiotensin system antagonists have regular alveolar bone with respect to bone structure and histological parameters19611061113COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESSem informaçã