18 research outputs found

    Resource Wars: An On the Ground Understanding of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining in Appalachia, West Virginia

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    This article sketches student responses and subsequent political action to directly witnessing the tragedy of Mountaintop Coal Mining (MTR) on Kayford Mountain in West Virginia. I have created an "engaged anthropological curriculum" as part of my Resource Wars of 21st Century (an upper level elective course) where students spend four days on an active battlefield in order to a) expose students first-hand to the stories and testimonials of social, economic, physical degradation caused by MTR

    Registro y monitoreo de especies exóticas invasoras en parques provinciales de Buenos Aires

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    Fil: Fabricant, Nicole. Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Humanidades; Argentina.Una de las principales causas de la desaparición de flora y fauna es la destrucción del hábitat. Esto se debe a distintos factores que influyen en mayor o en menor medida a esta problemática. Un ejemplo de ello son las especies exóticas invasoras. En nuestro país existen más de 700 especies con dichas características que amenazan ecosistemas locales, como los parques provinciales de Buenos Aires. Para controlarlas y combatirlas se utilizan actualmente métodos tradicionales que no les permiten a los guardaparques, que son quienes llevan a cabo estas tareas, poder intervenir de una forma más rápida y eficiente. Es por eso que, en conjunto con Adox, nace la propuesta Avistar: cuidando a nuestras especies. Se trata de un sistema de registro y monitoreo conformado por componentes tecnológicos que buscan agilizar y mejorar las técnicas de avistamiento de especies exóticas invasoras para tener un seguimiento más cercano y completo, con el objetivo de preservar a las especies nativas, los ecosistemas y la biodiversidad

    Mapping a New Geography of Space and Power

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    In this paper, I analyze the ways in which MST-Bolivia (Movimiento Sin Tierra) forged a national-level movement through one counter-hegemonic event: the Fifth Indigenous March for Land and Territory, which originated in Santa Cruz de la Sierra in October 2006.&nbsp; This march enacted a powerful performance of pan-indigenous solidarity and nationalistic sentiment which led to a public declaration by president Evo Morales to approve the New Agrarian Reform Law. I focus in particular on the organizational and spatial structure of the march, and on the significance of seizing public space in protest. &nbsp;En este trabajo analizo c&oacute;mo el MST-Bolivia (Movimiento Sin Tierra) forj&oacute; un movimiento de alcance nacional a trav&eacute;s de un evento contra-hegem&oacute;nico: la Quinta Marcha Ind&iacute;gena por la Tierra y el Territorio, originada en Santa Cruz de la Sierra en octubre de 2006. Esta Marcha articul&oacute; un poderoso performance de solidaridad y nacionalismo pan-ind&iacute;gena que llev&oacute; al Presidente Evo Morales a declarar p&uacute;blicamente la aprobaci&oacute;n de la Ley de Reconversi&oacute;n Comunitaria de la Reforma Agraria. En mi trabajo me enfoco particularmente en la estructura organizativa y espacial de la Marcha como tambi&eacute;n en los efectos que produce la toma del espacio p&uacute;blico en signo de protesta.</div

    Bolivia in the Age of Gas by Bret Gustafson (review)

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    Recordando a Benjamin Kohl

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    In memoriam of Benjamin Koh

    Imagining Socio-economic and Agro-ecological Alternatives in a Moment of Climate Crisis: Voices from Movements in Latin America and Baltimore

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    Dr. Fabricant examines grassroots activists\u27 envisioning, dreaming and working towards alternative land ownership, agro-ecology, and the building of land trusts in Bolivia and Baltimore. The ideas coming directly from Native and Black communities are systemic and holistic solutions to our economic, public health, and climate crisis. Her presentation incorporates the multiple voices of Black and Brown activists while also proposing some policy recommendations as we move towards a Green New Deal for Housing/Green New Deal for Education

    The Bolivian Climate Justice Movement Mobilizing Indigeneity in Climate Change Negotiations

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    The Bolivian Platform against Climate Change is a coalition of civil society and social movement organizations working to address the effects of global warming in Bolivia and to influence the global community. Many of the organizations use indigenous philosophy and worldviews to contest normative conceptions of development. A study of the growth of this movement drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in 2010 reveals a complex relationship between state and nonstate actors that has had a striking impact on the global community despite the failure of multilateral climate change negotiations