13 research outputs found

    Herzbergova dvofaktorska teorija delovne motivacije na primeru zaposlenih v turizmu

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    Prispevek obravnava delovno motivacijo kontaktnega osebja v turizmu v Sloveniji. Motivacijo opredeljujemo na podlagi Herzbergove dvofaktorske teorije, ki temelji na dveh vrstah faktorjev delovne motivacije, in sicer na motivatorjih, ki zaposlene motivirajo, in higienikih, ki zaposlenih ne motivirajo, a so brez njih nezadovoljni. Rezultati izvedene empirične raziskave kažejo, da imajo motivatorji (npr. priznanje, odgovornost) zelo močan vpliv na delovno motivacijo, medtem ko higieniki (npr. viŔina plače) nanjo nimajo statistično značilnega vpliva. Izhajajoč iz izsledkov raziskave lahko vodstva turističnih podjetij posvetijo večjo pozornost oz. povečajo pomen motivatorjev, v smislu povečanja odgovornosti kontaktnega osebja, uvedbe priznanj, omogočanja usposabljanj in podajanja ustreznih informacij, saj so le-ti dejavniki ključnega pomena za motiviranost zaposlenih.The article focuses on work motivation of Slovenian front-line employees working in tourism. The motivation is analyzed using a Herzbergs Two Factor Theory of work motivation, which is based on two factor groups of work motivation growth factors that motivate, and hygiene factors that do not motivate, yet their absence causes work dissatisfaction. The empirical research results indicated that growth factors (e.g. recognition and responsibility) have a major impact on work motivation, while hygiene factors (e.g. salary) did not show statistically signicant impact. The ndings of the research could be useful for management in tourism industry, who should give more attention to growth factors or strengthen their meaning by increasing front-line employees responsibilities, recognition, enabling additional trainings and giving adequate information as these factor have a pivotal meaning for employees work motivation


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    Purpose ā€“ The impact of tourism is an ongoing research interest among scholars as it is directly related to the tourism development process. Residentsā€™ perceptions of tourism impacts can indicate development guidelines if planners pay attention to them. Design ā€“ We examine residentsā€™ perceptions of tourism impacts and their support for sustainable tourism development in two similar tourism destinations, Portorož and Opatija, based on their similarity, closeness, and connectedness through time to the present. Approach ā€“ There is an urgent need for a strategic development change for both destinations, which are coping with typical negative impacts of tourism, including seasonality, noise and, overcrowding. Methodology ā€“ Four hundred and forty-six residents surveyed indicated that tourism development is an important issue. Two databases were combined in order to conduct inference data analysis using SPSS 21 statistical software. Depending on the type of variables, t-test and ANOVA were used for the analysis in addition to the descriptive statistics. Findings ā€“ Residents point out a clear and strong message for the importance of their inclusion and active involvement in the decision-making processes of sustainable tourism development. Furthermore, our results revealed higher criticism of tourism impacts among those personally involved in tourism (employed or economically dependent on tourism) and among Portorož locals. Originality - We provide theoretical and practical implications of the research, especially suitable for planners of the destination development, who should be cautious about residentsā€™ reaction to tourism at the destination

    An Attempt to Attain New Information in Reconstruction of Road Traffic Accidents Applying Digital Image Processing

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    Court expertise dealing with the reconstruction of road traffic accidents often have to take into account the possibility that an accident could have been a set-up. Such suspicions can be eliminated only by considering all the evidence material from the accident scene. In case of photographic material experts come across the missing material, bad lighting, lack of contrast, different angle perspectives, blurring, omitting important details, etc. Therefore, different methods in forensics image processing have been developed. Most of these methods are primarily used in the processing of different types of photographic material, but some can be applied in the field of road accidents analyses. This paper shows the implementation of digital image processing methods used for processing of remotely sensed imagery. Even though the photographic evidence is incomplete, it is possible to determine the position and dispersion of different materials. This gives the experts additional information that can help in understanding with relatively high probability if the collision between vehicles occured at all and if it did, where. The paper consists of the presentation and description of methods used for digital image processing in a real case study while reconstructing the road accident. KEY WORDS: road traffic accidents, forensics, induced traffic accidents, image classification, digital image processin

    No one asks the children, right?

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    Modern tourism planning and development of a destination should include input from all levels of society, including different age groups and varying interest groups within a local community. However, it is very rare that, in the process of participatory planning, youths and school groups are invited to express their views on development plans or have the opportunity to take an active part in decision-making. In this study, a nonverbal semantic differential was used in order to learn about how children in Slovenian primary schools view tourists and tourism. A sample of students from three primary schools located in developed, semi developed and poorly developed tourist destinations completed an "activity book" containing questions and a methodology for drawing a picture of "tourists", "hosts", and "children\u27s parents\u27 perception of tourists". This study showed that children from regions where tourism is highly developed have significantly different attitudes toward tourists than children living in regions where tourism is not as developed. However, the study also takes a perspective of the importance of sustainability in the tourism offer and how this may affect the views of children & youth in general and in different regions in particular

    No one asks the children, right?

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    Modern tourism planning and development of a destination should include input from all levels of society, including different age groups and varying interest groups within a local community. However, it is very rare that, in the process of participatory planning, youths and school groups are invited to express their views on development plans or have the opportunity to take an active part in decision-making. In this study, a nonverbal semantic differential was used in order to learn about how children in Slovenian primary schools view tourists and tourism. A sample of students from three primary schools located in developed, semi developed and poorly developed tourist destinations completed an "activity book" containing questions and a methodology for drawing a picture of "tourists", "hosts", and "children\u27s parents\u27 perception of tourists". This study showed that children from regions where tourism is highly developed have significantly different attitudes toward tourists than children living in regions where tourism is not as developed. However, the study also takes a perspective of the importance of sustainability in the tourism offer and how this may affect the views of children & youth in general and in different regions in particular

    Site selection for a permanent geomagnetic observation station in Slovenia

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    Raziskave na področju geomagnetizma lahko označimo kot prve raziskave na področju geofizike. Opazovanje geomagnetnega polja je bistvenega pomena za razumevanje temeljnih postopkov v srediŔču Zemlje, njeni skorji in bližnji okolici planeta Zemlja. V prispevku je predstavljena metodologija izbire lokacije za postavitev geomagnetnega observatorija na ozemlju Republike Slovenije. Izbira temelji na večstopenjskem in večkriterijskem modelu odločitve. Prvi del je zasnovan v okolju GIS kot postopek analize in vrednotenja prostora ter opredelitve lokacije glede na predhodno postavljena merila. Nadaljnja analiza temelji na metodi utežne vsote, saj moramo upoÅ”tevati različne skupine parametrov, ki v končni oceni primernosti lokacije nimajo enakega pomena. Pri zasnovi modela je bil poseben poudarek na izločitvi območij, kjer je mogoče pričakovati viÅ”je ravni elektromagnetnega Å”uma. Na potencialno primernih območjih so bili opravljeni terenski ogledi in preliminarne meritve homogenosti gradienta totalne intenzitete magnetnega polja ter absolutne, bazne in trikomponentne meritve geomagnetnega polja.The study of geomagnetic fields is one of the earliest studies in the field of geosciences. At present, measurement of the geomagnetic field is concerned with answering the fundamental questions about the Earthā€™s deep interior, mantel conductivity, structure and the thermo-mechanical properties of its crust, its lithosphere and the near-Earth environment. This paper presents a method that addresses the problem of site selection for a new geomagnetic field observatory in the Republic of Slovenia. The method relies on a multi-stage multi-criteria decision model. The Geographic Information System (GIS) was used as a platform enabling the management of the criteria data, spatial analysis, cartographic modelling and production of map layers. Feasible areas were produced using a Boolean overlay, followed by the application of the multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) method on feasible areas to select the best one. Furthermore, preliminary measurements of geomagnetic fields were observed, including the measurement of the total-intensity gradient of the magnetic field vector, the measurement of the geomagnetic field at a basepoint, as well as the absolute and the three component measurements of the geomagnetic field