177 research outputs found

    Measurement of the position resolution of the Gas Pixel Detector

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    The Gas Pixel Detector was designed and built as a focal plane instrument for X-ray polarimetry of celestial sources, the last unexplored subtopics of X-ray astronomy. It promises to perform detailed and sensitive measurements resolving extended sources and detecting polarization in faint sources in crowded fields at the focus of telescopes of good angular resolution. Its polarimetric and spectral capability were already studied in earlier works. Here we investigate for the first time, with both laboratory measurements and Monte Carlo simulations, its imaging properties to confirm its unique capability to carry out imaging spectral-polarimetry in future X-ray missions.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A; 15 figures, 3 table

    Expectations and perspectives of X-ray photoelectric polarimetry

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    La polarimetria è l'ultima branca dell'Astronomia nella banda dei raggi X ancora inesplorata. Nonostante un vasto interesse testimoniato da un'estesa letteratura, il suo sviluppo è stato impedito dalla mancanza di dispositivi la cui sensibilità giustificasse l'inserimento di polarimetri X a bordo delle missioni spaziali moderne. Ciononostante nuovi strumenti basati sull'effetto fotoelettrico, capaci di risolvere le tracce dei fotoelettroni in un gas, offrono oggi la possibilità di colmare il divario tra aspettative teoriche e gli scarsi risultati ad oggi raggiunti: in questo ambito, uno dei progetti più avanzati è il Gas Pixel Detector (GPD), sviluppato in Italia dall'INFN di Pisa e dall'INAF/IASF di Roma. Questa tesi ha contribuito dell'inserimento del GPD a bordo delle prossime missioni in differenti aspetti. Innanzitutto è stata misurata la risposta dello strumento a radiazione polarizzata di alcuni keV, ovvero nell'intervallo energetico di massima sensibilità, grazie ad una sorgente di calibrazione basata sulla diffrazione di Bragg a circa 45 gradi. Quest'ultima, insieme a sorgenti radioattive e a tubi a raggi X, è stata montata su un sistema meccanico, progettato e costruito in modo tale che lo strumento in esame potesse essere spostato, inclinato e ruotato rispetto al fascio incidente. Questo rende disponibile una struttura per la completa caratterizzazione del GPD (e di altri strumenti): prime e preliminari misure di calibrazione sono state effettuate grazie ad essa e sono di seguito presentate. Infine ho calcolato la sensibilità del GPD nel caso in cui esso sia posto nel piano focale di telescopi progettati per le prossime missioni spaziali, come PolariX e IXO, e ho discusso ulteriori applicazioni del GPD e dei polarimetri fotoelettrici in generale. In particolare, sono presentati il possibile utilizzo di questi dispositivi come strumenti a grande campo di vista o e quello come rivelatori sensibili fino ad energie di decine di keV.Polarimetry is the last unexplored branch of X-ray Astronomy. Despite a wide interest proved by an extended literature, its development has suffered the lack of instruments which could assure a sufficient sensitivity to justify the inclusion of X-ray polarimeters on-board modern missions. Nevertheless new devices based on photoelectric absorption, which are able to image the track of photoelectrons in a gas mixture, offer today the possibility to fill the gap between theoretical expectations and the current meagre results: in this regard, one of the most advanced project is the GPD (Gas Pixel Detector), developed in Italy by INFN of Pisa and INAF/IASF of Rome. This work of thesis contributed to the use of the GPD on-board future space missions from different points of view. The response of the instrument to polarized radiation at a few keV, namely in the energy range of maximum sensitivity, was measured thanks to a calibration source based on Bragg diffraction at nearly 45 degrees. This source, together with radioactive unpolarized sources and X-ray tubes, were also interfaced with a mechanical assembly which was designed and built allowing for the movement, the inclination and the rotation of the instrument with respect to the incident beam. This makes available a facility for the complete characterization of the GPD (and other instruments) and the first and preliminary systematic measurements of calibration are presented. I also derive the scientific performances of the GPD when the instrument is placed in the focal plane of realistic X-ray telescopes planned for future missions, such as PolariX or IXO, and discuss some further applications of the GPD and of the photoelectric polarimeters in general. In particular the possible use of these devices as large field of view instruments or at energies up to tens of keV are presented

    Probing magnetars magnetosphere through X-ray polarization measurements

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    The study of magnetars is of particular relevance since these objects are the only laboratories where the physics in ultra-strong magnetic fields can be directly tested. Until now, spectroscopic and timing measurements at X-ray energies in soft gamma-repeaters (SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXPs) have been the main source of information about the physical properties of a magnetar and of its magnetosphere. Spectral fitting in the ~ 0.5-10 keV range allowed to validate the "twisted magnetosphere" model, probing the structure of the external field and estimating the density and velocity of the magnetospheric currents. Spectroscopy alone, however, may fail in disambiguating the two key parameters governing magnetospheric scattering (the charge velocity and the twist angle) and is quite insensitive to the source geometry. X-ray polarimetry, on the other hand, can provide a quantum leap in the field by adding two extra observables, the linear polarization degree and the polarization angle. Using the bright AXP 1RXS J170849.0-400910 as a template, we show that phase-resolved polarimetric measurements can unambiguously determine the model parameters, even with a small X-ray polarimetry mission carrying modern photoelectric detectors and existing X-ray optics. We also show that polarimetric measurements can pinpoint vacuum polarization effects and thus provide an indirect evidence for ultra-strong magnetic fields.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Correlation methods for the analysis of X-ray polarimetric signals

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    X-ray polarimetric measurements are based on studying the distribution of the directions of scattered photons or photoelectrons and on the search of a sinusoidal modulation with a period of {\pi}. We developed two tools for investigating these angular distributions based on the correlations between counts in phase bins separated by fixed phase distances. In one case we use the correlation between data separated by half of the bin number (one period) which is expected to give a linear pattern. In the other case, the scatter plot obtained by shifting by 1/8 of the bin number (1/4 of period) transforms the sinusoid in a circular pattern whose radius is equal to the amplitude of the modulation. For unpolarized radiation these plots are reduced to a random point distribution centred at the mean count level. This new methods provide direct visual and simple statistical tools for evaluating the quality of polarization measurements and for estimating the polarization parameters. Furthermore they are useful for investigating distortions due to systematic effects

    a versatile facility for the calibration of x ray polarimeters

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    INAF/IASF BolognaVia Gobetti 101, I-40129 Bologna, ItalyE-mail:[email protected] presenta versatilefacility builtat IASF/INAF ofRomeforthecalibrationof X-rayinstrumentsin the energy range above 1.65 keV. Both unpolarized and polarized radiation can be generated.The former is produced by means of radioactive sources or X-ray tubes. Polarized photons areinstead obtainedbyBraggdiffractionat nearly45degrees. High fluxesat 2.29,2.69, 3.69and4.51keV are produced by diffracting the emission lines of X-ray tubes with molybdenum, rhodium,calcium and titanium anodes on suitable crystals. Diffraction of continuum emission is insteadexploited for the productionof polarized photons at 1.65 keV and 2.04 keV. Moreoverit is used togenerate polarized photons at higher energies corresponding to the different orders of diffraction.The size and the divergence of beam is controlled with diaphragms and capillary plates. Thedirection of polarization, the position and the inclination of the beam are accurately controlled bymeans of high precision motorized stages. This allows to map the response of imaging devicesto both polarized and unpolarized radiation. Moreover it is used to study the reponse to inclinedbeams up to ∼60 degrees.Polarimetry days in Rome: Crab status, theory and prospectsOctober 16-17, 2008Rome, Ital

    Modelling the X-ray polarimetric signatures of complex geometry: the case study of the "changing look" AGN NGC 1365

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    "Changing look" Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are a subset of Seyfert galaxies characterized by rapid transitions between Compton-thin and Compton-thick regimes. In their Compton-thin state, the central engine is less obscured, hence spectroscopy or timing observations can probe their innermost structures. However, it is not clear if the observed emission features and the Compton hump are associated with relativistic reflection onto the accretion disc, or complex absorption by distant, absorbing gas clouds passing by the observer's line-of-sight. Here, we investigate these two scenarios under the scope of X-ray polarimetry, providing the first polarisation predictions for an archetypal "changing look" AGN: NGC 1365. We explore the resulting polarisation emerging from lamp-post emission and scattering off an accretion disc in the immediate vicinity of a supermassive black hole. The computed polarisation signatures are compared to the results of an absorption-dominated model, where high column density gas partially covers the central source. While the shape of the polarisation spectrum is similar, the two models differ in net polarisation percentage, with the relativistic reflection scenario producing significantly stronger polarisation. Additionally, the variation of the polarisation position angle is distinctly different between both scenarios: the reflection-dominated model produces smooth rotations of the polarisation angle with photon energy whereas circumnuclear absorption causes an orthogonal switch of the polarisation angle between the soft and the hard X-ray bands. By comparing the predicted polarisation of NGC 1365 to the detectability levels of X-ray polarimetry mission concepts proposed in the past, we demonstrate that with a large, soft X-ray observatory or a medium-sized mission equipped with a hard (6 - 35 keV) polarimeter, the correct interpretation would be unambiguous.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ