36 research outputs found

    Book Review - The Bible as Dream

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    Book Review -Third half, fair play

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    In the book entitled “Terzo tempo, fair play. I valori dello sport per il contrasto all’omofobia e alla transfobia”, p. 147, Mimesis editions, 2017, edited by Giuliana Valerio, Associate Professor of General and Specialized Pediatrics at the University of Naples Parthenope, Manuela Claysset, President of the National Council Uisp, Responsible for Gender Policies, and Paolo Valerio, Full Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Naples Federico II, the documents of the Conference organized in Naples on 22.04.2015 by the Parthenope University, by C.I.R.B. (Inter-University Center for Bioethics Research) and by other promoting bodies are collected

    Mask as an epiphenomenon of the complex in psychotherapy

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    One of the pitfalls in the psychotherapeutic field can be traced when working on the patient's complexes. In order to highlight the implications offered by the function of the mask, capable even of being revealed as a true epiphenomenon of the complexes in the psychotherapeutic path, the work presented, starting from the analytical theoretical framework, highlights the semantic peculiarities offered by C.G. Jung in reference to the concepts that the analytical psychologist himself offers on the themes attributable to the mask and the complex. The methods through which analytical psychology moves in the therapeutic path allow us to grasp the originals of - as they are not produced with a conscious intention – the therapeutic possibilities offered by the analysis of the dream. Indeed, it will be through the interpretation of dreams, that the highlighting of a patient's psychotherapy complexes will be most possible. In the final phase, the conclusions will be drawn on the principal limits and resources of the analytical therapeutic pathway

    Book Review - The Game

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    Compassion and suppression in caregivers: twin masks of tragedy and joy of caring

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    Background: Compassionate caregiving is a critical skill for workers among the helping professions, but the degree of empathy required by caregivers can place high demands on their mental and emotional resources. While many professionals employ successful coping strategies to mitigate these stressors, others experience compassion fatigue or burnout from emotional exhaustion. The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationships between caregivers’ demographic/career variables, compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and psychodynamic defense mechanisms such as suppression, repressive function, regression in the service of the Ego, and rationalization. Methods: Participants were 250 caregivers with 178 (71,2%) women and 72 men (28,8%) between 18 and 80 years old (Mean age = 41,37; SD = 13,78). Standardized instruments were used to assess compassion in its different meanings (Professional Quality of Life Measure, ProQOL-5) and deployment of defense mechanisms such as suppression (Suppression Mental Questionnaire, SMQ). Correlational analyses were performed. Results: Greater compassion satisfaction was positively associated with more years of study and inversely associated with increasing age and working days per week. Burnout was positively correlated with greater age, more working hours per week, and more working days per week. Higher secondary traumatic stress was associated with increasing age, higher working hours, and more working days per week, while it was inversely associated with more years of study. Regarding the psychological defense mechanisms, more years of study was inversely associated with lower deployment of the repressive function, regression in the service of the Ego, and rationalization. Advancing age was negatively correlated with repression and regression in the service of the Ego, while it was positively correlated with rationalization. A higher number of working days per week was associated with greater utilization of all defense mechanisms, and higher working hours per week was correlated with higher SMQ total scores and greater use of the repressive function. Greater deployment of nearly all defense mechanisms was associated with greater secondary traumatic stress, while compassion satisfaction was associated with less utilization of repression, rationalization, and lower total SMQ scores. Conclusions: Excessive reliance on psychodynamic defense mechanisms can increase caregivers’ risk for burnout or secondary traumatic stress. Compassion satisfaction might serve as one coping strategy to mitigate emotional exhaustion among professionals

    Ontogenesis of the kiss: an exploratory analysis

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    The study presents an exploratory investigation of the function of the kiss and is aimed at validating a quantitative psychological instrument useful to highlight its ontogenesis. The construction of the questionnaire identified possible 25 items with the aim of analysing the origin of the meaning processes related to kiss, starting from the relationships with the main caregivers. In this sense, the items were constituted starting from the subject’s representations regarding parental desires, to move to secondary relationships and to the introduction of the term "third" in their dynamics of affectivity projection. The study involved 227 subjects with a male prevalence (M=53,3%) and aged between 18 and 42 years old (Mean= 23,84; SD= 3,47).  The weight of such items demonstrated to be representative of the kissing signification experiences along the psycho-affective development stages were reported. Through the factorial exploratory analysis, three factors were identified, called respectively "kiss desire origin", "Objectual kiss" and "Thirdness"

    Vulnerability and physical well-being of caregivers: what relationship?

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    Objectives. To assess relationships among burden, compassion, and well-being and health among an active group of caregivers. Methods. 301 caregivers with female prevalence (F = 61.1%, M = 38.9%) and ages between 18 and 84 years old (average = 38.72; SD 13.36) participated. Evaluation was carried using standardized instruments to assess: Burdens (CBI), dimensions related to Compassion and Burnout (ProQOL-5), State of Well-being (Who-5) and particular health-related domains (Emotional state, Physical health, Depressive Polarity, Dysphoric Polarity-SF-36). Correlational analyses and multivariate linear regressions were performed. Results. Positive correlations emerged between Burdens and Compassion Fatigue, Well-being and Satisfaction; inverse correlations emerged among Well-being and Burnout, Compassion Satisfaction and Emotional State, with the exception of Time Dependence. Multivariate linear regression indicated relations among Compassion Fatigue with Depression and Social Burden, Compassion Satisfaction with Depressive Polarity and Dysphoria and Burnout with Social Burden. Conclusions. Caregivers’ work presents various risks, with negative outcomes that need to be addressed for this group of professionals. These risks present a professional and human development opportunity

    Personality and phobias in adolescence: age and gender in psychopathological expressions

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    Background: Although the understanding of adolescent phobias is important, this phenomenon has thus far not been adequately researched. This report, based on clinical experience, highlights prevalent phobic phenomena linked to personality characteristics. Methods: A sample of 241 adolescents from High School and the University of Messina, Italy was evaluated for phobic responses using the SAFA Scales. Personality types and aspects were assessed by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator F Form. Results: The results were consistent with the reported literature and revealed that psychopathological phenomena such as anxiety, obsession, eating disorders and phobias decreased with aging; however, depression remained constant over time. Significant differences emerged regarding gender, with the presence of higher scores on all scales except obsession for the female group. Personality analysis revealed aspects linked to the relations between psychopathological variables, introversion/ extraversion (such as polar dimensions), and rational/ irrational functions. Conclusion: This research indicates that phobic phenomena may be underestimated in adolescents and links personality types and symptoms with phobic phenomena, indicating the potential need for interventions in adolescents

    La relazione fraterna come dimensione paritaria dei rapporti umani

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    Il tema della fraternità risulta essere un fatto fondativo nella relazionalitàmatura, nella misura in cui coinciderebbe con la avvenuta maturazionepsichica. Nell'articolazione delle figure affettive di riferimento e nella loro successioneintegrativa, infatti, si esplica l'ammissione dell'Altro nel passaggio dallaprimità alla secondità e alla terzeità e, dunque, nel superamento delle criticità diogni fase. Ciò comporta che l'ammissione delle necessità dell'Altro, la comprensionee la riconciliazione, possano essere considerate come l'esito di maturazionidi immagini e rappresentazioni intrapsichiche legate ad un tema affettivo. Lafenomenologia delle immagini e dell'affettività, le loro successioni e, con riferimentoagli esiti patologici, la loro immaturità consentono la comprensione. Conun ponte tra la letteratura teologica e la clinica psicologica risulta comprensibilel'esplicarsi di processi che si ripercuotono su di noi a partire dalla vita quotidianaper finire alla vita politica. In tal senso, un tema così fine come l'ottica della considerazione dell'Altro attraverso la lente della fraternità, consente di chiarirecome alla maturità psichica corrisponda una matura considerazione dell'alterità,comprensiva al contempo della uguaglianza nel diritto e delle evidenti differenze.Parole chiave: Fraternità. Psicologia della fraternità. Rapporti umaniResumo: O tema da fraternidade acaba sendo um fato fundador da relacionalidadehumana, na medida em que coincide com a completa maturidade psíquica. Naarticulação das figuras afetivas de referência e na sua sucessão integrativa, defato, se explica a admissão do Outro na passagem da primidade à secundidadee, então, à terceidade e, portanto, na superação dos pontos críticos de cadafase. Isso implica que a integração de necessidades do Outro, a compreensão ea reconciliação, podem ser consideradas como o resultado do amadurecimentode imagens e representações intrapsíquicas ligadas a um tema afetivo. A fenomenologiadas imagens e da afetividade, as suas sucessões e, com referênciaaos êxitos patológicos, a sua imaturidade consentem a compreensão. Com umaponte entre a literatura teológica e a clínica psicológica torna-se compreensívela explicação de processos que repercutem sobre nós desde a vida cotidianaaté a vida política. Neste sentido, um tema como a ótica da consideração doOutro através da lente da fraternidade, permite esclarecer como à maturidadepsíquica corresponda uma madura consideração da alteridade, que compreendeao mesmo tempo a igualdade de direitos e as evidentes diferenças.Palavras-chave: Fraternidade. Psicologia da fraternidade. Relacionamentoshumanos

    Psychological Types and Learning Styles

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    The aim of the research is to measure the relations and the directions of two modalities to study the approach to objects and learning. An observation group of 213 subjects, 93 males (43,7%) and 120 females (56,3%), (average of 24,73 years old; SD 2,28) all students from the V year Medicine and Surgery from the University of Messina, were involved. The evaluation was carried out with The Kolb's LSI II (Italian Adaptation) and the Mayers-Bryggs Type Indicator. Descriptive and correlational analysis were carried out.  Significant correlations emerged respectful to the Jung's introversion and extraversion (Hp 1), so that we assist to a positive correlation among every style. Referring to Learning Styles and the Jung's functions (Hp 2), significant positive and negative correlations emerged, but for AE. Significant and negative correlations emerged for judging functions, AC and RO (Hp 3). Negative correlations were highlighted by the relation among the two Leaning Styles groups and judging functions (Hp 4). The study could provide an integrative way to consider the teaching activity and  the curricula . The relations suggest that the awareness of the students about their learning and adaptation process can provide a viable mode to satisfy their desires