6 research outputs found

    Rendimento de tubérculos de clones elite de batata

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar o desempenho de sete clones elite de batata quanto a caracteres de rendimento de tubérculos, em comparação com cultivares utilizadas em grande escala no Brasil. O experimento foi conduzido no campo experimental da Embrapa Produtos e Mercado, Canoinhas-SC. Foram avaliados sete clones elite desenvolvidos pelo Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Batata da Embrapa e duas cultivares comerciais (Agata e Asterix), no cultivo de primavera de 2012. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e parcelas compostas de uma linha com 10 plantas. Aos 110 dias após o plantio foram realizadas a colheita e avaliações de caracteres componentes do rendimento de tubérculos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, agrupamento de médias por Scott & Knott e correlações fenotípicas. Com exceção de F22-08-01, todos os clones superaram as testemunhas quanto a caracteres de rendimento, com destaque para os clones F74-08-09 e F17-08-01. O rendimento total de tubérculos foi determinado principalmente pela massa média de tubérculos e pouco influenciado pelo número total de tubérculos por planta, enquanto a massa de tubérculos comerciais foi determinada pelo número de tubérculos comerciais e massa média de tubérculos

    Stability Evaluation for Heat Tolerance in Lettuce: Implications and Recommendations

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    Lettuce is an important cool-temperature crop, and its principal abiotic stress is low heat tolerance. Lettuce production has become more challenging in the context of global warming changes. Hence, the main objective of this research was to investigate the relationship between stability and lettuce heat tolerance. Field and greenhouse trials were run in 2015 (summer) and 2016 (fall and spring). The environments were composed of a combination of season and place (field, glass, and plastic greenhouse), and the assessed genotypes were BRS Leila and Mediterrânea, Elisa, Everglades, Simpson, and Vanda. Statistical analysis showed a significant effect (p < 0.05) of environments (E), genotypes (G), and the GEI. BRS Leila, Elisa, and BRS Mediterrânea showed the greatest means to the first anthesis in suitable environments (milder temperatures). Among these cultivars, BRS Mediterrânea was the most stable and adapted to hot environments. The environmental conditions studied in this research, mainly high temperatures, could become a reality in many lettuce-producing areas. Therefore, the results can help indicate and develop lettuce varieties with greater heat tolerance

    Divergência genética entre acessos de batata-doce utilizando caracteres fenotípicos de raiz Genetic divergence among sweet potato accessions based on root traits

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    Estudos de quantificação da divergência genética entre acessos e caracterização dos recursos genéticos têm sido de grande importância em programas de melhoramento, auxiliando na identificação de genitores e no conhecimento do material genético disponível. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: (1) avaliar os acessos de batata-doce pertencentes ao banco de germoplasma da Embrapa com base em caracteres de raiz; (2) calcular a importância relativa dos caracteres morfo-agronômicos quantitativos na discriminação dos acessos e, (3) obter indicações das combinações híbridas mais promissoras para cruzamentos. Foi avaliada uma coleção de 11 clones pertencentes ao Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Embrapa por meio de um experimento conduzido na Embrapa SPM/EN, em Canoinhas-SC. Os acessos foram cultivados em condições de campo no delineamento em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, onde a parcela experimental foi composta por 10 plantas. As plantas de cada parcela foram colhidas e avaliadas para 12 caracteres fenotípicos de raiz. O estudo indicou que os caracteres número e massa total de raízes e peso específico foram os que mais contribuíram para a divergência genética. A maioria dos acessos é bastante similar quanto aos caracteres quantitativos avaliados. Porém, há a possibilidade de ganhos com a heterose, geração de variabilidade genética e de progênies superiores cruzando-se os acessos dos diferentes grupamentos formados; pois os genótipos mais contrastantes '1228', '051-1' e '1270' foram agrupados entre os melhores para várias características como massa e número total de raízes, massa comercial de raízes; os dois primeiros apresentaram elevado peso específico e o '1270' apresentou coloração alaranjada intensa, indicativo de alto teor de &#946;-caroteno.<br>The estimation of the genetic divergence among accessions of a germplasm bank, as well as their characterization are very important in breeding programs in order to identify the best parental genotypes and to provide a better understanding of the available plant genetic resources. Considering this information, the objectives of this research were: (1) evaluate the sweet potato plant accessions of Embrapa Germplasm Bank based on root traits; (2) estimate the relative importance of quantitative morphoagronomic characters in the genotype discrimination; and (3) find out promising hybrid combinations for crosses. Then, 11 sweet potato clones from Embrapa Germplasm Bank were evaluated in a trial at Embrapa SPM/EN Canoinhas, Brazil. The genotypes were cultivated in field conditions on a randomized blocks experimental design with four replications; the experimental plot was composed of 10 plants. In each experimental plot the plants were harvested and 12 characteristics of the roots were evaluated. The total number and mass of roots, and the specific gravity were the characteristics with the greatest influence on the genetic divergence. Most of the evaluated genotypes were closely related considering their quantitative characteristics. However, it is possible to obtain useful gains with heterosis and the generation of superior progenies, through crosses between genotypes from the different groups; because the most contrasting genotypes '1228', '051-1' and '1270' were grouped among the best ones for various characteristics such as mass and total number of roots, marketable root mass, the first two showed a high specific weight and '1270' intense orange color, indicative of high levels of &#946;-carotene

    BRS F63 (Camila): A fresh market potato cultivar, with high yield potential and resistance to virus Y

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Camila potato, registered and protected as BRS F63, is a cultivar for the fresh market, with oval tubers of attractive appearance, having shallow eyes, yellow and smooth skin, and light yellow flesh. It presents medium specific gravity (dry matter), which allows greater culinary versatility than ‘Agata’. Cooked tubers have a firm texture and distinctive flavor, with potential for use even in gourmet kitchen, for preparing salads and other similar dishes. The vegetative growth cycle and dormancy are medium. It presents high productive potential, with high percentage of marketable tubers. It is moderately resistant to greening. Concerning physiological disorders in the tubers, ‘BRS F63’ (Camila) is similar to ‘Agata’ and ‘Asterix’ in crops of subtropical ecosystem, but the incidence increases in plantations outside the Winter crop in tropical ecosystem. It is moderately susceptible to Phytophthora infestans and Alternaria spp., which can be managed effectively with fungicides. It has extreme resistance to virus Y (Ry sto ), which reduces the loss of seed quality, allowing more generations of multiplication.</p></div