99 research outputs found

    A Note on the kk-colored Crossing Ratio of Dense Geometric Graphs

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    A \emph{geometric graph} is a graph whose vertex set is a set of points in general position in the plane, and its edges are straight line segments joining these points. We show that for every integer k≥2k \ge 2, there exists a constat c>0c>0 such that the following holds. The edges of every dense geometric graph can be colored with kk colors, such that the number of pairs of edges of the same color that cross is at most (1/k−c)(1/k-c) times the total number of pairs of edges that cross. The case when k=2k=2 and GG is a complete geometric graph, was proved by Aichholzer et al.[\emph{GD} 2019]

    Colouring the Triangles Determined by a Point Set

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    Let P be a set of n points in general position in the plane. We study the chromatic number of the intersection graph of the open triangles determined by P. It is known that this chromatic number is at least n^3/27+O(n^2), and if P is in convex position, the answer is n^3/24+O(n^2). We prove that for arbitrary P, the chromatic number is at most n^3/19.259+O(n^2)

    Carathodory's theorem in depth

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    Let X be a finite set of points in RdRd . The Tukey depth of a point q with respect to X is the minimum number tX(q)tX(q) of points of X in a halfspace containing q. In this paper we prove a depth version of Carathéodory’s theorem. In particular, we prove that there exist a constant c (that depends only on d and tX(q)tX(q) ) and pairwise disjoint sets X1,…,Xd+1¿XX1,…,Xd+1¿X such that the following holds. Each XiXi has at least c|X| points, and for every choice of points xixi in XiXi , q is a convex combination of x1,…,xd+1x1,…,xd+1 . We also prove depth versions of Helly’s and Kirchberger’s theorems.Postprint (updated version

    On the Connectivity of Token Graphs of Trees

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    Let kk and nn be integers such that 1≤k≤n−11\leq k \leq n-1, and let GG be a simple graph of order nn. The kk-token graph Fk(G)F_k(G) of GG is the graph whose vertices are the kk-subsets of V(G)V(G), where two vertices are adjacent in Fk(G)F_k(G) whenever their symmetric difference is an edge of GG. In this paper we show that if GG is a tree, then the connectivity of Fk(G)F_k(G) is equal to the minimum degree of Fk(G)F_k(G)
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