31 research outputs found

    Television Violence: Analysis of Television Programming for Children

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    Televizija je kao oblik globalnog medijskog fenomena postala gotovo neizbježan aspekt svakodnevnih životnih aktivnosti. Mogućnost gledanja raznolikih televizijskih programa znači brz i lak pristup mnogobrojnim nasilnim sadržajima koji se na televizijskim ekranima pojavljuju na svakodnevnoj razini. Iako se mnoge teorijske perspektive bave analiziranjem koncepta nasilja, najčeŔće tumačenje vezano je za definiranje nasilja kao upotrebu fizičke sile koja rezultira Å”tetnim posljedicama. Mnoge se teorije dotiču objaÅ”njavanja razloga za emitiranje sadržaja nasilnog karaktera, no istinsko razumijevanje motiva pojavljivanja nasilja na televiziji može se konstruirati samo ako se prepoznaju, promotre i detaljno analiziraju metode funkcioniranja medijske industrije, kao i Å”iroki druÅ”tveni kontekst koji razotkriva kulturalnu, političku i ideoloÅ”ku pozadinu u kojoj se odvijaju ovi složeni procesi. Ukoliko se kvalitetno proučava televizijsko nasilje, neophodno je imati na umu činjenicu da postoje raznovrsni načini njegove recepcije koji ovise o samom gledatelju, odnosno o druÅ”tvenim, kulturnim, političkim i ekonomskih čimbenicima koji uvelike utječu na razumijevanje pojedinog sadržaja prikazanog na televiziji. Pojavljivanje niza različitih teorija koje su tijekom druge polovice 20. stoljeća pokuÅ”avale opisati koncept nasilja i odrediti stvaran opseg njegova djelovanja na pripadnike publike potaknulo je medijske stručnjake na provedbu mnogih znanstvenih istraživanja o televizijskom nasilju. Neke od najznačajnijih studija temelje se na analizama sadržaja na televiziji i utvrđivanju količine prikazivanja nasilnih činova u određenom vremenskom periodu, a posebnu pozornost znanstvenici su posvećivali učestalosti emitiranja nasilja u programima za djecu. U tom istraživačkom duhu, ovaj rad uključuje kratku analizu nasilnih televizijskih sadržaja namijenjenih dječjoj populaciji koja pruža uvid u vrste dječjih programa koji se emitiraju na televiziji, kao i količinu prikazivanja nasilja na vodećim hrvatskim televizijskim postajama

    Representation of Psychiatric Disorders an Illnesses in the Media and Analysis of Social Perception of Mentally Ill Persons

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    Psihički su poremećaji i bolesti jedan od najaktualnijih i najkompleksnijih problema danaÅ”njice, s čak viÅ”e od 450 milijuna ljudi diljem svijeta koji pate od ozbiljnih negativnih posljedica naruÅ”enog mentalnog zdravlja, Å”to psihička oboljenja smjeÅ”ta na sam vrh najčeŔćih i najzastupljenijih uzroka bolesti kod pripadnika opće populacije. DuÅ”evne bolesti i poremećaji uvelike mogu nepovoljno utjecati na čovjekovo ponaÅ”anje, funkcioniranje i raspoloženje, čineći svakodnevan život prožet velikom emocionalnom boli te neugodnim psihičkim teÅ”koćama koje mogu ostaviti traga u svim segmentima čovjekova životnog djelovanja. Raznovrstan je i Å”irok raspon psihičkih bolesti, a na globalnoj se razini, prema svim dostupnim statističkim pokazateljima, među najčeŔćim oblicima mentalnih oboljenja pojavljuju anksiozni i poremećaji raspoloženja, posebice depresivni poremećaj. Nadalje, kada se govori o psihičkim oboljenjima i osobama koje od njih boluju, neizbježno je spomenuti Å”iroku druÅ”tvenu rasprostranjenost predrasuda i stigmatizirajućih stavova koji vrlo često potiču Å”irenje netolerancije i diskriminacije prema duÅ”evnim bolesnicima, a nerijetko su prisutni u svim sferama života psihički oboljele osobe. U procesu kreiranja i Å”irenja stereotipizirajućih ponaÅ”anja i predrasuda prema duÅ”evnim bolesnicima važnu ulogu, ali i veliku odgovornost, imaju upravo mediji koji nerijetko putem iskrivljenih, neistinitih i negativnih predodžbi doprinose daljnjem Å”irenju i povećanju ionako visoke stope druÅ”tvene stigmatizacije i diskriminacije mentalno oboljelih. Brojne znanstvene studije provedene s ciljem istraživanja i analiziranja problematike psihičkih bolesti ukazuju i upozoravaju na (pre)često netočne, Å”tetne i senzacionalističke reprezentacije psihičkih bolesti u medijima. Takvi iskrivljeni prikazi duÅ”evnih oboljenja mogu znatno utjecati na oblikovanje i Å”irenje negativne druÅ”tvene slike o mentalnim bolestima te tako posljedično sudjelovati u učvrŔćivanju stereotipa, predrasuda i diskriminirajućih stavova koje veliki broj ljudi već ionako ima o osobama koje pate od psihičkih bolesti. Kako bismo se Å”to bolje i kvalitetnije upoznali s razmiÅ”ljanjima i stavovima pojedinaca o psihički oboljelim osobama, u sklopu ovog rada provedeno je anketno istraživanje čiji je glavni cilj pružiti uvid u stajaliÅ”ta i miÅ”ljenja ukupno 62 ispitanika o načinima medijske reprezentacije psihičkih oboljenja, ali i njihova vlastita iskustva s teÅ”koćama, poremećajima ili bolestima mentalnoga zdravlja

    Interactions of variously coated gold and silver nanoparticles with a bis(triarylborane) photodyanmic therapy (PDT)-dye; their cellular uptake, cytotoxicity and photo-activity

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    Background and purpose: Diethynylarene-linked bis(triarylborane) tetracations can be used as probes for fluorimetric and Raman sensing of biomacromolecules, as well as promising theragnostic agents. Among them, bis(triarylborane) fluorophore (TAB3), when bonded to Ag nanoparticles (NP), stood out with specific properties such as Raman signal enhancemen of the TAB3 dye in a cuvette. However, TAB3 dye - nanoparticle composites have not been studied in biological systems. For this reason, questions arose as to whether different types of metal nanoparticles (Au or Ag-based) with different coatings (negatively charged citrate or neutral PVP) could be efficiently stained with the TAB3 dye in a cuvette. The aim of this research was to examine Au and Ag nanoparticles of similar size (20-25 nm) with different stabilizers for their cellular uptake, cytotoxicity in the dark and under visible light radiation, to characterize the interactions of nanoparticles with the TAB3 fluorophore, and to study NP-TAB3 composites in cells, evaluate their intracellular staining, as well as possible photoinduced release and biological activity. Materials and methods: The binding constants of Au- and Ag- based nanoparticles with TAB3 were determined by fluorimetric titrations. The cytotoxic effect of NPs was determined by the survival of A549 cells (MTT assay). Cellular uptake of both NP and NP-TAB3 composites were performed by live cell imaging experiments. Results: The Au- or Ag-based NPs with different coatings bind to the TAB3 with high affinity. These NPs, as well as TAB3-NP complexes, efficiently enter living human cells, accumulating in cytoplasm with no apparent selectivity for a particular organelle. Even prolonged 3-day treatment with the NPs studied did not show any toxic effect on the cells. Bioimaging studies in cells revealed that the TAB3-NP complex does not intracellularly dissociate; the previously reported photo-bioactivity of TAB3 is completely inhibited by binding to NPs. Conclusion: Au- and Ag NPs were non-covalently stained by TAB3, irrespective of the different coatings, with similar binding affinities. Emission from TAB3 is strongly quenched by the NPs, but not completely. Experiments on living human cells revealed that neither free NPs, nor their composites with TAB3, were toxic. Bioimaging studies by confocal microscopy revealed that all NPs efficiently enter living cells within 90 min. Colocalization experiment with simultaneous collection of data in the reflection and fluorescence modes demonstrated that the TAB3 dye remained bound to NPs inside cells. Strong irradiation of TAB3-NP inside cells with a 457 nm laser did not yield any damage to the cells, at variance with our previously shown very strong photo-bioactivity of the TAB3 dye alone. Thus, binding of a chromophore to a nanoparticle can inhibit the chromophoreā€™s ability to undergo photo-induced singlet oxygen production, consequently blocking its photo-bioactivity

    Selective electric field assisted dissolution as a technique for micro and nano structuring of metal thin films

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    A technique for patterning compact thin metal layers is presented. The technique is based on a successive application of well known, cost-effective, and simple methods of glass poling and electric field assisted dissolution. A microstructure from the patterned anode was copied onto a thin silver layer on a glass substrate. It is demonstrated that electric field assisted dissolution can be used for selective dissolution of compact metal layers. Nanostructuring of compact metal layers is interesting as it can be used in the production of metamaterials, metasurfaces, and optical circuits. The proposed two-step technique does not involve expensive equipment, and the duration of the structuring process is independent of the size of the required structured surface

    Dangers and safety measures while using machines for plant protection in agriculture

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    DanaÅ”nja poljoprivredna proizvodnja bila bi nezamisliva bez primjene sredstava za zaÅ”titu bilja. S obzirom na neželjene kratkoročne i dugoročne posljedice na zdravlje do kojih može doći prilikom primjene pesticida, svaka informacija o nepravilnom rukovanju može zaÅ”tititi zdravlje radnika, ali i ljudi. U ovom radu prikazane su moguće opasnosti u primjeni pesticida, te mjere sigurnosti koje bi trebalo primijeniti kako bi se smanjio njihov Å”tetan utjecaj. Iz dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja se može zaključiti da je pri uporabi pesticida ugrožen velik broj ljudi (Konradsen, 2007). Cilj ovog rada je istraživanjem primjene uređaja za zaÅ”titu bilja utvrditi uzroke neželjenih posljedica te educirati radnike koji obavljaju postupak zaÅ”tite bilja u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Potrebno je djelovanje na nacionalnoj i međunarodnoj razini kako bi se smanjila trovanja pesticidima kao globalni zdravstveni problem.The todayā€™s agricultural production would be unthinkable without the usage of plant protection products. Considering the unwanted short and long term consequences for health which can appear during the usage of pesticides, each information on improper handling can protect the health of workers, but people as well. This paper presents the possible dangers in the usage of pesticides, as well as safety measures which should be applied in order to decrease their harmful influence. It can be concluded from previous researches that while using pesticides many people are at risk (Konradsen, 2007). The goal of this paper was to determine causative agents of the unwanted consequences and to educate workers who perform the procedure of plant protection in agricultural production by researching the application of machines for plant protection. Action is needed on national and international level in order to decrease pesticide poisoning as the global health problem

    Cytology and HPV testing in detection of cervical high grade squamous intraepithelial lesions

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    The first organized national cytology screening program for detecting cervical lesions in Croatia was initiated at the end of 2012. This screening program is currently under review. The working proposal is to screen women aged 20ā€“29 by cytology alone, those aged 30ā€“34 by cytology and hrHPV cotesting, and woman 35ā€“64 years old by high risk Human papillomavirus (hrHPV testing) without cytology cotesting. The objective is to contribute to the selection of cervical screening options among various possibilities in our population. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of preceding cervicovaginal cytology and hrHPV test results in biopsy proven HSIL between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016. This included 143 HSIL cases from patients aged 18ā€“85. Results: In detecting HSIL Pap test has been abnormal in 99% (142/143), and hrHPV test in 80% (115/143). The cytology, analyzed within one year prior to the HSIL biopsy, has reported ASC-H/HSIL in 87% (125/143) cases, whereas 12% (17/143) and 0.7% (1/143) have reported ASC-US/LSIL and negative respectively. The hrHPV negative test has been found in 13% (5/39) of the 20ā€“29 age group, 21% (7/33) of the 30ā€“34 age group, and 22% (15/68) of the 35ā€“65 age group. Conclusions: Our data suggest that approximately 22% of analyzed woman in the 35ā€“64 age group may be misdiagnosed for HSIL, when using HPV testing as the only cervical screening method. The widespread replacement of cytology by hrHPV testing should be subject to further investigation and given careful consideration


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    Procjenjuje se da od nereumatske atrijske fibrilacije (nAF) boluje 1ā€“2% svjetskog stanovniÅ”tva. NajčeŔća komplikacija te aritmije jesu tromboembolijski događaji, među kojima prednjači ishemijski moždani infarkt. On je u bolesnika s nAF, u odnosu na bolesnike sa sinusnim ritmom, praćen težim kliničkim tijekom, značajno većom smrtnoŔću, a u preživjelih bolesnika značajno sporijim oporavkom i težim trajnim duÅ”evnim i tjelesnim oÅ”tećenjima. Primjena antikoagulantnog liječenja u bolesnika s nAF značajno smanjuje pojavnost ishemijskih moždanih infarkta, a u onih koji ga dožive tijekom njegove primjene poboljÅ”ava ishod liječenja. Stoga smjernice stručnih druÅ”tava preporučuju primjenu antikoagulantnog liječenja u većine bolesnika s nAF. Istodobno, strah od krvarenja uzrokovanog antikoagulantnim liječenjem uzrok je njegova, često neopravdanog, neprimjenjivanja u bolesnika s velikim tromboembolijskim rizikom. U ovom radu prikazujemo sustave CHA2DS2-VASc i HAS-BLED, koji su preporučeni u procjeni tromboembolijskog rizika i rizika od krvarenja, prilikom odabira tromboprofilaktičkog liječenja u bolesnika s nAF.It is estimated that approximately 1ā€“2% of the world population are affected with non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation (nAF). The most frequent complications of this arrhythmia are thromboembolic events, primarly ischemic stroke. In comparison with patients in sinus rhythm, stroke affected nAF patients have more severe clinical course and significantly higher mortality rate, and the survivors have significantly lower recovery rate and more serious permanent mental and physical impairments. The administration of anticoagulants to patients with nAF significantly reduces the incidence of stroke, while those who were stroke affected during the anticoagulant therapy show better treatment outcomes. Therefore, professional associations guidelines recommend the anticoagulant treatment for the majority of patients with nAF. The fear of bleeding caused by anticoagulants results in their frequently unjustified omission from the therapy in patients with high thromboembolic risk. This paper presents CHA2DS2-VASc- and HAS-BLED systems recommended for thromboembolic and bleeding risk assessment when deciding on thromboprophylactic therapy in patients with nAF