21 research outputs found

    Chronogram of the Labridae family

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    This file contains the consensus chronogram of the Labridae family in the nexus format

    Chronogram of the Chaetodontidae family

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    This file contains the consensus chronogram of the Chaetodontidae family in the nexus forma

    Chronogram of the Pomacentridae familiy

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    This file contains the consensus chronogram of the Pomacentridae family in the nexus format

    Relationships between phylogenetic beta diversity (PBD) and compositional beta diversity (CBD).

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    <p>These relationships are shown according to the Sorenson's dissimilarity index (a) and the Jaccard's dissimilarity indices (b) and their phylogenetic analogues (PhyloSor and UniFrac). Values of PBD and CBD were calculated according to simulated communities (see main text for more details). The relationship between the turnover components of PBD and CBD are also shown (c and d), as well the relationship between the phylogenetic diversity component of PBD and the nestedness component of CBD (e and f).</p

    Phylogenetic relationships between two regional pools of labrid reef fish species.

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    <p>Two examples of between-region comparison are presented (a: Great Barrier Reef vs. Panama, and b: Great Barrier Reef vs. Togian). Red color shows branch length shared by the two communities compared. Green and blue colors represent the total branch length unique to each community.</p

    Three simple examples of phylogenetic tree associated to a pair of communities.

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    <p>Each community is composed of four species. All species are scored as present or absent in each example. All branch lengths are set to one, except for the last example (c) for which species 7 and species 8 display a branch length equal to 0.5. The three examples show similar level of compositional beta diversity (i.e. communities have no species in common) but differ in regards to the level of phylogenetic beta diversity (see main text for more details).</p

    Relationships between phylogenetic beta diversity (PBD) and its turnover and phylogenetic diversity components.

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    <p>These relationships are shown according to the PhyloSor index (a, c, e) and the UniFrac index (b, d, f). Values of PBD were calculated according to simulated communities (see main text for more details).</p

    An example of six communities associated to a hypothetical phylogenetic tree.

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    <p>All species are scored as present or absent in each example and all branch lengths are set to one. Phylogenetic beta diversity (PBD) values were computed for several pairs of communities according to the PhyloSor and UniFrac indices and their respective turnover and phylogenetic diversity components (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042760#pone-0042760-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> and main text for more details).</p

    Numerical examples showing the decomposition of the total amount of phylogenetic beta diversity into two components accounting for ‘true’ turnover of lineages and difference in phylogenetic diversity, respectively.

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    <p>Numerical examples showing the decomposition of the total amount of phylogenetic beta diversity into two components accounting for ‘true’ turnover of lineages and difference in phylogenetic diversity, respectively.</p