121 research outputs found

    « Géomorphosites »

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    Fruit d’une collaboration entre le comitĂ© Ă©ditorial de la revue Dynamiques Environnementales et la Commission du patrimoine gĂ©omor-phologique du ComitĂ© National Français de GĂ©ographie (CNFG), un cahier « GĂ©omorphosites » est inaugurĂ© dans le prĂ©sent numĂ©ro de la revue, faisant suite Ă  la rubrique « Les gĂ©osites », et en Ă©cho Ă  certains numĂ©ros rĂ©cents fortement marquĂ©s par la thĂ©matique gĂ©opatrimoniale : n° 31 (2013) ; n° 34 (2015) ; n° 35 (2016). Les lignes qui suivent sont destinĂ©es Ă  prĂ©se..

    « Géomorphosites »

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    Fruit d’une collaboration entre le comitĂ© Ă©ditorial de la revue Dynamiques Environnementales et la Commission du patrimoine gĂ©omor-phologique du ComitĂ© National Français de GĂ©ographie (CNFG), un cahier « GĂ©omorphosites » est inaugurĂ© dans le prĂ©sent numĂ©ro de la revue, faisant suite Ă  la rubrique « Les gĂ©osites », et en Ă©cho Ă  certains numĂ©ros rĂ©cents fortement marquĂ©s par la thĂ©matique gĂ©opatrimoniale : n° 31 (2013) ; n° 34 (2015) ; n° 35 (2016). Les lignes qui suivent sont destinĂ©es Ă  prĂ©se..

    Integrated Water Resource Management : what challenges and opportunities for the Regional Nature Parks of the South-East France ? Experimentation of a reflection companion device in the Park of Luberon

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    Alors qu’à l’échelle globale la rĂ©partition et la concurrence des usages de l’eau mettent cette ressource « sous pression » (AcadĂ©mie de l’eau, 2008), les Ă©volutions sociodĂ©mographiques, Ă©conomiques et climatiques en cours dans les Parcs naturels rĂ©gionaux (PNR) du Sud- Est de la France, induisent, depuis les derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, une pression croissante sur la ressource susceptible de remettre en question la pĂ©rennitĂ© et la qualitĂ© de l’approvisionnement en eau. Dans ce contexte, certains de ces territoires ont lancĂ©, depuis quelques annĂ©es, en partenariat avec le Groupement des Amis des Parcs naturels rĂ©gionaux du Sud- Est, une politique volontariste de gestion de la ressource en eau, pour rĂ©pondre Ă  la fois aux objectifs de protection de la ressource et de dĂ©veloppement local, inhĂ©rents Ă  leur charte et Ă  la dimension sociale et institutionnelle de la Gestion intĂ©grĂ©e des ressources en eau (GIRE). Cette volontĂ© se concrĂ©tise, depuis 2013, par la rĂ©alisation d’une thĂšse CIFRE (Convention industrielle de formation par la recherche) permettant ainsi d’engager une dĂ©marche de recherche appliquĂ©e sur la dimension participative de la gestion intĂ©grĂ©e de l’eau dans les PNR du Sud-Est. Cet article a pour vocations de montrer les enjeux du travail de thĂšse en cours vis-Ă -vis de l’engagement des PNR du Sud-Est en matiĂšre de gestion intĂ©grĂ©e de l’eau, de donner un aperçu des premiers rĂ©sultats et analyses, et de montrer comment le PNR du Luberon s’est positionnĂ© en territoire pilote pour expĂ©rimenter des outils de modĂ©lisation participative pour accompagner le contrat de gestion du bassin-versant du Largue et de la Laye.While water seems apparently abundant on the global scale, the resource is increasingly threatened and « under pressure » because of the unequal distribution and the multiplication of competing and conflicting uses. (AcadĂ©mie de l’Eau, 2008). The Regional Nature Parks of the South-East France have to cope with a growing pressure on the water resource due to the demographic, economic and climatic changes of the last decades. In this context, these territories have launched, in recent years, a proactive program on water resources management in partnership with the “Friends of the South East’s Parks Association”. The main purpose of this program is to help the parks to achieve their goals about resource protection and local development and to develop the social and institutional dimension of the integrated water resource Management concept (IWRM). This has been strengthened since 2013 by the establishment of a PhD Thesis which initiates a process of applied research on the participatory dimension of IWRM. The main objectives of this paper are to show the PhD issues related to the commitment of regional french parks about IWRM, to provide an overview and analysis of the first results and to show how the Park of Luberon is acting as a pilot area to experiment participatory modeling tools to support the Largue and Laye basin management plan

    The Concepts of Heritage and Heritage Resource Applied to Karsts: Protecting the Choranche Caves (Vercors, France)

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    In 2005, French Ministry of Ecology started procedure to inscribe 18 Caves of Chorance into the World Heritage list of UNESCO. The application has to answer to three objectives: the scientific interest, definition of the territory, and to propose the management model. For the first all the heritage sources has to be identified, such as flowstone formations, karst water objects and historical curiosities. This are very important and sensitive questions specially because they have been not answered before the procedure of the inscription started off

    Particularidades do património geomorfológico no contexto da geoconservação

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    Apresentam-se as caracterĂ­sticas que distinguem o patrimĂłnio geomorfolĂłgico no contexto das estratĂ©gias de geoconservação e que determinam especificidades metodolĂłgicas relacionadas com as suas identificação, avaliação e gestĂŁo. O patrimĂłnio geomorfolĂłgico Ă© parte fundamental do patrimĂłnio geolĂłgico, o qual corresponde Ă  componente abiĂłtica do patrimĂłnio natural. É constituĂ­do por formas do relevo e processos ativos que, devido ao seu elevado valor cientĂ­fico, devem ser protegidos de degradação natural e antrĂłpica. Estes elementos da geodiversidade desempenham um papel fundamental no conhecimento da histĂłria da Terra, podendo ter igualmente fortes conexĂ”es com a biodiversidade e com elementos culturais. Nestes contextos, podem constituir serviços ecossistĂ©micos de suporte a habitats e espĂ©cies ou integrar componentes culturais com valor patrimonial, em grande parte determinados pelo contexto geomorfolĂłgico em que estĂŁo inseridos. Contudo, as caracterĂ­sticas que mais diferenciam o patrimĂłnio geomorfolĂłgico de outros tipos de patrimĂłnio geolĂłgico estĂŁo relacionadas com a estĂ©tica, a dinĂąmica e a escala. Estas especificidades podem influenciar e condicionar a seleção de locais em procedimentos de inventariação, a definição de critĂ©rios em metodologias de avaliação quantitativa e a prĂłpria gestĂŁo dos geossĂ­tios ao nĂ­vel de açÔes de conservação, de promoção e de monitorização. Entre os diferentes tipos de geossĂ­tios, os geomorfossĂ­tios sĂŁo frequentemente os mais espetaculares e populares. Quedas de ĂĄgua, desfiladeiros, montanhas ou praias, por exemplo, contribuem para paisagens visualmente atraentes que despertam elevado interesse e atraem a atenção das pessoas. A beleza do cenĂĄrio natural, que resulta fundamentalmente da combinação de geoformas com diferentes tamanhos, formas, origens e idades tem esse poder de atratividade, ao mesmo tempo que desempenha um papel importante em açÔes de educação ambiental e de geoturismo. De igual forma, Ă© nos geomorfossĂ­tios onde melhor podemos observar processos geolĂłgicos ativos. O patrimĂłnio geolĂłgico Ă© muitas vezes entendido pelo pĂșblico como algo estĂĄtico e de cariz museolĂłgico. Contudo, grande parte dos geomorfossĂ­tios apresentam uma dinĂąmica elevada, sendo mesmo possĂ­vel observar mudanças significativas em perĂ­odos reduzidos. Ao mesmo tempo, podem conter registos de processos do passado, os quais ocorreram sob condiçÔes ambientais significativamente diferentes. A escala Ă© um tĂłpico muito relevante no Ăąmbito do patrimĂłnio geomorfolĂłgico, podendo as geoformas variar muito nas suas dimensĂ”es espacial e temporal. A dimensĂŁo espacial tem particular relevĂąncia em questĂ”es de avaliação e de gestĂŁo, na medida em que as geoformas podem ocorrer como elementos isolados, em grupos restritos ou em grandes ĂĄreas, influenciando o modo como se selecionam e comparam os locais e se implementam açÔes de conservação e de divulgação. As particularidades do patrimĂłnio geomorfolĂłgico no contexto do patrimĂłnio geolĂłgico e das estratĂ©gias de geoconservação estiveram na base da criação, em 2001, do grupo de trabalho “Geomorphosites” da Associação Internacional de GeomorfĂłlogos (IAG), cujas atividades cientĂ­ficas se tĂȘm centrado na discussĂŁo de metodologias para avaliação e cartografia de geomorfossĂ­tios e para a promoção do patrimĂłnio geomorfolĂłgico no Ăąmbito da educação ambiental e do geoturismo

    Cave and Karst evolution in the Alps and their relation to paleoclimate and paleotopography

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    Progress in the understanding of cave genesis processes, as well as the intensive research carried out in the Alps during the last decades, permit to summarize the latest knowledge about Alpine caves. The phreatic parts of cave systems develop close to the karst water table, which depends on the spring position, which in turn is generally related to the valley bottom. Thus, caves are directly linked with the geomorphic evolution of the surface and reflect valley deepening. The sediments deposited in the caves help to reconstruct the morphologic succession and the paleoclimatic evolution. Moreover, they are the only means to date the caves and thus the landscape evolution. Caves appear as soon as there is an emersion of limestone from the sea and a water table gradient. Mesozoic and early tertiary paleokarsts within the alpine range prove of these ancient emersions. Hydrothermal karst seems to be more widespread than previously presumed. This is mostly due to the fact that usually, hydrothermal caves are later reused (and reshaped) by meteoric waters

    InterGEO: a digital platform for university education on geomorphological heritage

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    The project InterGEO was carried out with the objective to disseminate knowledge on geomorphological heritage by developing a digital learning platform. It aims at improving students' autonomy by the reduction of face-to-face teaching and increasing autonomous learning as well as promoting international interactions between students interested in geomorphological heritage. A completely free-access virtual course on geomorphosites was developed with the Learning Management System Moodle. The course is divided into 24 thematic chapters, each of them containing a short description, a list of references and selected publications, as well as other educational material (videos, virtual fieldtrips, etc.). In particular, several videos allow presenting in a dynamic way concepts and examples. The paper presents the tool and its use in academic programmes in six European universities, where it was tested, in various contexts (Bachelors' and Masters' programmes; students in geography or geology; general courses in geomorphology and specific courses on geoheritage and geoconservation), before discussing the advantages and challenges the tool is facing. The InterGEO platform is an easy-to-use and friendly educational tool, which allows developing blended learning activities; it is flexible and adaptable in various learning contexts.The coordination tasks (appointment of an assistant) and two workshops in Lausanne were financed by the University of Lausanne (Teaching Innovation Fund and Investment Fund of the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, FGSE). The videos were designed and created with support of the universities of Lausanne (TIF) and Savoie Mont Blanc (IDEFI Promising and ReflexPro; LabEx ITEM)

    Karstology and development challenges on karst. I -Water, par M. Knez, M. Petric et T. Slabe (Eds), 2011

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    Hobléa Fabien. Karstology and development challenges on karst. I -Water, par M. Knez, M. Petric et T. Slabe (Eds), 2011. In: Karstologia : revue de karstologie et de spéléologie physique, n°58, 2e semestre 2011. FantÎmisation des calcaires lutétiens (Bassin de Paris) pp. 60-61

    Karsts et Geoparks : un mariage heureux

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    Le karst est déjà bien représenté au sein de la liste du Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO (Chine du sud, Parc de Gunun Mulu en Malaisie, Tsingy de Behamara à Madagascar, Parc de Phang Nah au Viet Nam, Parc de Durmitor au Monténégro, de la Nahanni au Canada...). Mais il se retrouve également dans de nombreux Geoparks, autre label territorial supporté par l'UNESCO, plus récent et moins connu (du moins en France), que nous nous proposons de présenter ici au regard de ses développements dans les régions karstiques.Hobléa Fabien. Karsts et Geoparks : un mariage heureux. In: Karstologia : revue de karstologie et de spéléologie physique, n°59, 1er semestre 2012. Karst et fantÎmes de roche. pp. 57-59
