17 research outputs found

    APPLE-II innovative undulators dedicated to Synchrotron SOLEIL and compact Free Electron Lasers

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    Les centres de rayonnement synchrotron et les Lasers à Électrons Libres (LEL) sont des sources de rayonnement utilisant des Électrons relativistes. Les onduleurs en constituent un élément important : ces instruments qui génèrent un champ magnétique périodique le long de la trajectoire des électrons, guident ces derniers de façon à les faire rayonner ou à rendre l’onde lumineuse émise plus intense. Ce travail porte sur l’étude d’onduleurs de différents types appliqués au Synchrotron SOLEIL, et sur leur possible application sur un LEL. Une première partie du travail porte sur la réalisation pour SOLEIL de deux onduleurs de type APPLE-II. Ce type d’onduleurs permet d’émettre du rayonnement de polarisation variable et les deux onduleurs construits présentent certaines spécificités par rapport à la plupart des onduleurs de ce type. Le premier (HU36) génère un champ magnétique de courte période tout en conservant une valeur crête relativement importante, ce qui lui permet de rayonner sur une large gamme spectrale. Ces caractéristiques entrainent cependant une hystérésis expliquée par la déformation des supports. Les moyens mis en œuvre pour atteindre ces caractéristiques magnétiques et pour réduire l’hystérésis sont présentés. Le deuxième onduleur APPLE-II construit (HU64) présente la double particularité d’être quasipériodique (ou apériodique) afin de réduire la pollution rayonnée aux harmoniques de la longueur d’onde fondamentale, et de permettre l’accès à de la polarisation linéaire inclinée sur une plage de 180° grâce à son châssis étendu. L’optimisation magnétique de sa structure apériodique est détaillée et les difficultés découlant des configurations étendues sont expliquées. Dans un deuxième temps, la réalisation pour SOLEIL d’un troisième onduleur d’un tout autre type est présentée. Il s’agit d’un onduleur hybride sous-vide appelé U20. Des pôles intercalés entre les aimants guident les lignes de champ de façon à augmenter la densité de flux magnétique sur axe, et l’assemblage magnétique ainsi obtenu est installé dans la chambre à vide, ce qui permet de réduire l’entrefer minimum à 5.5 mm et donc, d’accroitre considérablement la valeur crête du champ magnétique généré. Compte-tenu des connaissances acquises pendant la construction des deux onduleurs APPLE-II et de l’onduleur sous-vide, l’étude d’un onduleur combinant ces deux aspects est ensuite proposée. Cet onduleur de tyoe « APPLE-II sous-vide » serait extrêmement polyvalent puisqu’il permettrait l’émission de rayonnement de différentes polarisations sur une large gamme spectrale. L’étude de principe menée ici met en évidence les nombreuses difficultés à surmonter et propose différentes solutions. La dernière partie du travail porte sur l’étude de l’interaction qui s’opère dans le cas d’un LEL au sein de l’onduleur entre les électrons et l’onde lumineuse, conduisant à l’amplification de cette dernière. Des expériences menées en configuration SASE et en mode injecté sur le SPARC (Italie, Frascati) sont rapportées, puis des calculs sont réalisés dans le cadre du projet LUNEX5, pour évaluer l’efficacité de cette interaction dans un onduleur apériodique, et dans l’onduleur APPLE-II sous-vide envisagé précédemment.Storage rings and Free Electron Lasers (FEL) are relativistic electron based radiation sources, in which an important element is a device called undulator. This apparatus generates a periodic magnetic field along the electron trajectory, guiding the particles in such a way that they lose energy to the benefit of the radiation. This work deals with the study of several undulators of different types, and also their application on FEL sources. A first part of the work is dedicated to the construction of two APPLE-II type undulators for SOLEIL. Undulators of this type are able to emit radiation of variable polarization states, and the two studied devices present some special characteristics with respect to most of APPLE-II undulators. The first one (HU36) generates a short period high value magnetic field, leading to radiation emitted on a large spectral range. These parameters brought about a hysteresis explained by the deformation of the magnet supports, which was reduced. The second APPLE-II undulator (HU64) is characterized by two particularities: its field is quasi-periodic (or aperiodic) in order to reduce the pollution emitted at harmonics of the fundamental wavelength, and it is based on a special frame enabling radiation of tilted linear polarization on the full range of 180°. The optimization of the aperiodic structure is detailed and the difficulties brought about by the extended frame are explained. The third undulator built for SOLEIL is a hybrid in-vacuum one. Ferromagnetic poles guide the magnetic flux lines in order to increase the on-axis flux density, and the magnetic part of the undulator is included inside the vacuum chamber, which leads to a higher value of the generated field. Starting from the knowledge of both APPLE-II and in-vacuum undulators, the study of a device combining both characteristics is then proposed. Such an in-vacuum APPLE-II undulator would consist in a very performant and flexible apparatus because it could emit radiation of variable polarization on a large spectral range. The study points out the technical difficulties and suggests some solutions. The last part of the work deals with the study of the interaction realized in a FEL between electrons and radiation, resulting in the amplification of the light. Experiments performed in both SASE and injected configurations at the FEL SPARC (Italy, Frascati) are reported. Then calculations are made in the case of the FEL French project LUNEX5 to estimate the interaction efficiency when realized inside a quasi-periodic undulator and also through the previously studied in-vacuum APPLE-II one

    Onduleurs APPLE-II innovants appliqués au Synchrotron SOLEIL et aux Lasers à Electrons Libres compacts

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    Storage rings and Free Electron Lasers (FEL) are relativistic electron based radiation sources, in which an important element is a device called undulator. This apparatus generates a periodic magnetic field along the electron trajectory, guiding the particles in such a way that they lose energy to the benefit of the radiation. This work deals with the study of several undulators of different types, and also their application on FEL sources. A first part of the work is dedicated to the construction of two APPLE-II type undulators for SOLEIL. Undulators of this type are able to emit radiation of variable polarization states, and the two studied devices present some special characteristics with respect to most of APPLE-II undulators. The first one (HU36) generates a short period high value magnetic field, leading to radiation emitted on a large spectral range. These parameters brought about a hysteresis explained by the deformation of the magnet supports, which was reduced. The second APPLE-II undulator (HU64) is characterized by two particularities: its field is quasi-periodic (or aperiodic) in order to reduce the pollution emitted at harmonics of the fundamental wavelength, and it is based on a special frame enabling radiation of tilted linear polarization on the full range of 180°. The optimization of the aperiodic structure is detailed and the difficulties brought about by the extended frame are explained. The third undulator built for SOLEIL is a hybrid in-vacuum one. Ferromagnetic poles guide the magnetic flux lines in order to increase the on-axis flux density, and the magnetic part of the undulator is included inside the vacuum chamber, which leads to a higher value of the generated field. Starting from the knowledge of both APPLE-II and in-vacuum undulators, the study of a device combining both characteristics is then proposed. Such an in-vacuum APPLE-II undulator would consist in a very performant and flexible apparatus because it could emit radiation of variable polarization on a large spectral range. The study points out the technical difficulties and suggests some solutions. The last part of the work deals with the study of the interaction realized in a FEL between electrons and radiation, resulting in the amplification of the light. Experiments performed in both SASE and injected configurations at the FEL SPARC (Italy, Frascati) are reported. Then calculations are made in the case of the FEL French project LUNEX5 to estimate the interaction efficiency when realized inside a quasi-periodic undulator and also through the previously studied in-vacuum APPLE-II one.Les centres de rayonnement synchrotron et les Lasers à Électrons Libres (LEL) sont des sources de rayonnement utilisant des Électrons relativistes. Les onduleurs en constituent un élément important : ces instruments qui génèrent un champ magnétique périodique le long de la trajectoire des électrons, guident ces derniers de façon à les faire rayonner ou à rendre l’onde lumineuse émise plus intense. Ce travail porte sur l’étude d’onduleurs de différents types appliqués au Synchrotron SOLEIL, et sur leur possible application sur un LEL. Une première partie du travail porte sur la réalisation pour SOLEIL de deux onduleurs de type APPLE-II. Ce type d’onduleurs permet d’émettre du rayonnement de polarisation variable et les deux onduleurs construits présentent certaines spécificités par rapport à la plupart des onduleurs de ce type. Le premier (HU36) génère un champ magnétique de courte période tout en conservant une valeur crête relativement importante, ce qui lui permet de rayonner sur une large gamme spectrale. Ces caractéristiques entrainent cependant une hystérésis expliquée par la déformation des supports. Les moyens mis en œuvre pour atteindre ces caractéristiques magnétiques et pour réduire l’hystérésis sont présentés. Le deuxième onduleur APPLE-II construit (HU64) présente la double particularité d’être quasipériodique (ou apériodique) afin de réduire la pollution rayonnée aux harmoniques de la longueur d’onde fondamentale, et de permettre l’accès à de la polarisation linéaire inclinée sur une plage de 180° grâce à son châssis étendu. L’optimisation magnétique de sa structure apériodique est détaillée et les difficultés découlant des configurations étendues sont expliquées. Dans un deuxième temps, la réalisation pour SOLEIL d’un troisième onduleur d’un tout autre type est présentée. Il s’agit d’un onduleur hybride sous-vide appelé U20. Des pôles intercalés entre les aimants guident les lignes de champ de façon à augmenter la densité de flux magnétique sur axe, et l’assemblage magnétique ainsi obtenu est installé dans la chambre à vide, ce qui permet de réduire l’entrefer minimum à 5.5 mm et donc, d’accroitre considérablement la valeur crête du champ magnétique généré. Compte-tenu des connaissances acquises pendant la construction des deux onduleurs APPLE-II et de l’onduleur sous-vide, l’étude d’un onduleur combinant ces deux aspects est ensuite proposée. Cet onduleur de tyoe « APPLE-II sous-vide » serait extrêmement polyvalent puisqu’il permettrait l’émission de rayonnement de différentes polarisations sur une large gamme spectrale. L’étude de principe menée ici met en évidence les nombreuses difficultés à surmonter et propose différentes solutions. La dernière partie du travail porte sur l’étude de l’interaction qui s’opère dans le cas d’un LEL au sein de l’onduleur entre les électrons et l’onde lumineuse, conduisant à l’amplification de cette dernière. Des expériences menées en configuration SASE et en mode injecté sur le SPARC (Italie, Frascati) sont rapportées, puis des calculs sont réalisés dans le cadre du projet LUNEX5, pour évaluer l’efficacité de cette interaction dans un onduleur apériodique, et dans l’onduleur APPLE-II sous-vide envisagé précédemment

    Cryo-Ready Undulator U15: Passing SOLEIL's 2 Meters Threshold in Useful Magnetic Length

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    International audienceThe U15 is an in-vacuum undulator designed to operate at room temperature and at 70K. It is the first in-vacuum undulator designed, assembled and which will be used in SOLEIL's storage ring that have support beams for magnets longer than 2 meters. A clear gap is felt in the technologies used for manufacturing and assembling compared to our standard 2m length in-vacuum undulators. This is due, in part, to the tolerances imposed by the maximum phase error admissible in SOLEIL's storage ring. The poster will shine lights on those difficulties from a design and manufacturing point of view

    Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulator for an FEL Application

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    International audienceA Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulator (CMPU) is capable of achieving high brightness radiation at short wavelengths, by taking advantage of the permanent magnets' enhanced performance at low temperature. A CPMU of period 18 mm (U18) that has been built at Synchrotron SOLEIL is used for the COXINEL project to demonstrate Free Electron Laser (FEL) at 200 nm using a laser plasma acceleration source. Another undulator of period 15 mm (U15) is currently being built to replace U18 undulator for FEL demonstration at 40 nm. A new method is also introduced, using SRWE code, to compute the spectra of the large energy spread beam (few percent) taking into account the variation of the Twiss parameters for each energy slice. The construction of U18 undulator and the magnetic measurements needed for optimization, as well as the mechanical design of U15, are presented

    Construction and Optimization of Cryogenic Undulators at SOLEIL

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    International audienceWith permanent magnets undulator operation at cryogenic temperature, the magnetic field and the coercivity can be enhanced, enabling shorter periods with high magnetic fields. The first full scale (2 m long, 18 mm period) hybrid cryogenic undulator [1] using PrFeB [2] magnets operating at 77 K was installed at SOLEIL in 2011. Photon spectra measurements, in good agreement with the ex-pectations from magnetic measurements, were used for precise alignment and taper optimization. The second and third 18 mm PrFeB cryogenic undulators, modified to a half-pole/magnet/half-pole structure, were optimized without any magnet or pole shimming after assembly but mechanical sortings and some geometrical corrections had been done before assembly. A systematic error on individual magnets on the third U18 was also compensated. In-situ measurement benches, including a Hall probe and a stretched wire to optimize the undulator field at room and cryogenic temperature are presented. An upgrade of these in-situ benches will be detailed with the fabrication of a 15 mm 3 m long PrFeB cryogenic undulator at SOLEIL

    SOLEIL Status Report

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    International audienceSOLEIL is both a synchrotron light source and a research laboratory at the cutting edge of experimental techniques dedicated to matter analysis down to the atomic scale, as well as a service platform open to all scientific and industrial communities. This French 2.75 GeV third generation synchrotron light source provides today extremely stable photon beams to 29 beamlines (BLs) complementary to ESRF. We report facility performance, ongoing projects and recent major achievements. A significant work was performed in order to secure the operation of the two canted 5.5 mm in-vacuum cryogenic permanent magnet undulators (CPMUs). Major R&D areas will also be discussed, and progress towards a lattice baseline for making SOLEIL a diffraction limited storage ring

    Transportation and Manipulation of a Laser Plasma Acceleration Beam

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    International audienceThe ERC Advanced Grant COXINEL aims at demonstrating free electron laser amplification, at a resonant wavelength of 200 nm, based on a laser plasma acceleration source. To achieve the amplification, a 10 m long dedicated transport line was designed to manipulate the beam qualities. It starts with a triplet of permanent magnet with tunable gradient quadrupoles (QUAPEVA) that handles the highly divergent electron beam, a demixing chicane with a slit to reduce the energy spread per slice, and a set of electromagnetic quadrupoles to provide a chromatic focusing in a 2 m long cryogenic undulator. Electrons of energy 176 MeV were successfully transported throughout the line, where the beam positioning and dispersion were controlled efficiently thanks to a specific beam based alignment method, as well as the energy range by varying the slit width. Observations of undulator radiation for different undulator gaps are reported

    Electron Transport on COXINEL Beam Line

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    International audienceCOXINEL experiment aims at demonstrating free electron laser (FEL) amplification with a laser plasma accelerator (LPA). For COXINEL, a dedicated 8 m transport line has been designed and prepared at SOLEIL. We present here LPA beam transport results around 180 MeV through this line. Different electron beam optics were applied

    Study of the Electron Transport in the COXINEL FEL Beamline Using a Laser-Plasma Accelerated Electron Beam

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    International audienceThe ERC Advanced Grant COXINEL aims at demonstrating free electron laser (FEL) at 200 nm, based on a laser-plasma accelerator (LPA). To achieve the FEL amplification a transport line was designed to manipulate the beam properties. The 10 m long COXINEL line comprises a first triplet of permanent-magnet variable-strength quadrupoles (QUAPEVA), which handles the large divergence of LPA electrons, a magnetic chicane, which reduces the slice energy spread, and finally a set of electromagnetic quadrupoles, which provides a chromatic focusing in a 2-m undulator. Electrons were successfully transported through the line from LPA with ionization-assisted self-injection (broad energy spectra up to~250 MeV, few-milliradian divergence)

    Control of Laser Plasma Accelerated Electrons: A Route for Compact Free Electron Lasers

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    International audienceThe recent spectacular development of laser plasma ac- celerators that now can deliver GeV electron beams in an extremelyshortdistancemakesthemverypromising. Ap- plications for light sources based on undulator radiation and free electron laser appear as an intermediate step to move from an acceleration concept to an accelerator qual- ification. However, the presently achieved divergence and energy spread require some electron beam manipulations. The COXINEL test line was designed for enabling Free Elec- tron Laser operation with baseline reference parameters. It comprises variable permanent magnet quadrupoles for di- vergence handling, a magnetic chicane for electron energy sorting, a second set of quadrupole for chromatic focusing and an undulator for synchrotron radiation emission and/or free electron laser gain medium. The transport along the line is controlled [1]. The synchrotron radiation emitted by the undulator radiation is studied under different conditions of detection (CCD camera, spectrometer), electron beam manipulation and undulator parameters. These observations pave the way towards Laser Plasma Acceleration based Free Electron Laser