49 research outputs found

    Musculoskeletal disorders and incongruous postures in workers on ropes: A pilot study

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    Background:Occupational hazards believed to cause musculoskeletal disorders in rope workers are traditionally associated with maintaining incongruous postures for prolonged periods of time. Design and methods:A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 132 technical operators in the wind energy and acrobatic construction sectors, who work on ropes, analysing the ergonomic characteristics of the environments, the way in which tasks are carried out, the strain perceived by individual workers, and assessing the presence of any musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) by means of an objective examination focused on the anatomical districts that were the object of our study. Results:Analysis of the data obtained showed that there were differences in the perception of the level of physical intensity and perceived exertion between the groups of workers. Statistical analysis also revealed a significant association between the frequency of MSDs analysed and perceived exertion. Discussion:The most significant finding to emerge from this study is the high prevalence of MSDs of the cervical spine (52.94%), the upper limbs (29.41%), and the dorso-lumbar spine (17.65%). These values differ from those classically found in those exposed to the risk of conventional manual handling of loads. Conclusions:The high prevalence of disorders of the cervical spine, the scapulo-humeral girdle and the upper limbs, indicates the need to consider the forced position to be assumed for a large part of the work activity, staticity, and the inability to move the lower limbs for long periods as the predominant risk in rope work

    Musculoskeletal disorders and incongruous postures in workers on ropes: A pilot study

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    Background: Occupational hazards believed to cause musculoskeletal disorders in rope workers are traditionally associated with maintaining incongruous postures for prolonged periods of time. Design and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 132 technical operators in the wind energy and acrobatic construction sectors, who work on ropes, analysing the ergonomic characteristics of the environments, the way in which tasks are carried out, the strain perceived by individual workers, and assessing the presence of any musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) by means of an objective examination focused on the anatomical districts that were the object of our study. Results: Analysis of the data obtained showed that there were differences in the perception of the level of physical intensity and perceived exertion between the groups of workers. Statistical analysis also revealed a significant association between the frequency of MSDs analysed and perceived exertion. Discussion: The most significant finding to emerge from this study is the high prevalence of MSDs of the cervical spine (52.94%), the upper limbs (29.41%), and the dorso-lumbar spine (17.65%). These values differ from those classically found in those exposed to the risk of conventional manual handling of loads. Conclusions: The high prevalence of disorders of the cervical spine, the scapulo-humeral girdle and the upper limbs, indicates the need to consider the forced position to be assumed for a large part of the work activity, staticity, and the inability to move the lower limbs for long periods as the predominant risk in rope work

    Role of cannabinoids in the treatment of Tinnitus

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    Tinnitus is a frequent symptom in audiological clinical practice characterized by an abnormal noise perceived in one or both ears or in the head, in which a patient has a conscious hearing percept in absence of external sound. Tinnitus might be caused by a homeostatic response of central dorsal cochlear nucleus auditory neurons that makes them hyperactive in compensation to auditory input loss. One hypothesis suggests that tinnitus is a sensory form of epilepsy that involves the cochlear nucleus and the inferior colliculus, which display impairment in the electrical activity in the auditory system. This alteration determines a synaptic plasticity in the dorsal cochlear nucleus that becomes a target for pharmacological compounds able to treat tinnitus. There is no effective drug treatment for tinnitus, but different studies propose the use of cannabinoid receptors agonist for their anti-epileptic activity, although their practical effects are still unclear. In this review, we want to analyze the emerging pharmacological approaches of cannabinoid receptor agonists to the therapy of tinnitus

    Acetaldehyde effects in the brain

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    The effects of alcohol have been widely studied during the past century as alcohol abuse is a major health problem in Western society. In the last years, a growing body of evidence indicates that acetaldehyde, the first oxidation product of ethanol, is one of the mediators of peripheral and central effects of ethanol. Indeed, acetaldehyde has been recently taken into account as the mediator of the rewarding properties of alcohol. The role of acetaldehyde in ethanol-related properties has been proved by enzymatic manipulation studies in which the inactivation of acetaldehyde potentially synthesized in the brain produces the same results as blocking the formation of acetaldehyde by inhibiting brain catalase activity. Moreover, electrophysiological and pharmacological analyses showed that acetaldehyde is able to stimulate dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens through enhancement of firing rate, spikes/burst, and burst firing of ventral tegmental neurons. Thus, the aim of this review is to summarize latest results on the role of acetaldehyde as the mediator of ethanol-central effects


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    Le cinnammido benzammidi rappresentano una classe di sostanze biologicamente attive di grande interesse farmaceutico. Nonostante siano state descritte per svariate attività biologiche, nessun dato è stato riportato sulla loro attivita antitumorale. Inizialmente una serie di 2-cinammidobenzammidi variamente sostituite sono state sintetizzate e valutate per la loro attività antiproliferativa. Partendo dal derivato risultato più attivo, il 2-cinnammido-5-iodobenzammide, che ha mostrato una percentuale di inibizione della crescita sulle K562 del 74% a 10μM, sono stati sintetizzati una serie di derivati al fine di approfondirne la SAR.I composti così ottenuti sono risultati attivi nei confronti di numerose linee cellulari tumorali a concentrazioni micromolari e submicromololari inducendo un blocco del ciclo cellulare delle K562 in fase G2M. Inoltre i derivati sintetizzati sono in grado di indurre apoptosi nelle cellule HEP G2

    Composizione e attività biologica di “idrolati” di agrumi

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    Gli idrolati, o acque aromatiche, sono prodotti naturali ricavati dalla distillazione di piante o parti di piante fresche che conservano intatte le loro proprietà e possono essere utilizzati a diverso scopo1. Essi sono comunemente considerati un sottoprodotto degli oli essenziali, ma in realtà, data la diversa composizione e la conseguente maggiore delicatezza, hanno un loro apprezzabile utilizzo, legato comunque al mantenimento delle proprietà delle piante da cui derivano. Nell’industria agrumaria gli idrolati sono il risultato della produzione degli oli essenziali attraverso spremitura a freddo delle bucce degli agrumi e sono considerati un rifiuto da smaltire. Lo studio della composizione chimica dell’idrolato è poco noto: gli idrolati sono comunque ricchi di composti prevalentemente ossigenati che oltre a conferire un gradevole profumo, possono donargli numerose proprietà biologiche. Abbiamo quindi deciso di intraprenderne uno studio di caratterizzazione LC-MS e GC-MS sull’idrolato dell’arancia di Ribera per identificare sostanze di interesse farmaceutico, cosmetico, ecc. e di possibile attività biologica. Questo potrebbe rappresentare per l’industria agrumaria un valore aggiunto nel valorizzare un prodotto attualmente di scarto. I risultati biologici preliminari hanno indicato che l’estratto organico inibisce la crescita di forme planctoniche di S. Aureus ATCC 25923 ad una concentrazione 5 mg/mL. Sono in corso ulteriori studi per valutare l’attività contro ceppi Gram-negativi e di inibizione di biofilm di Gram-positivi e Gram-negativi. Bibliografia 1 Lante, A.; Tinello, F. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2015, 27, 154–15

    Synthesized benzamido derivatives exert antiproliferative effects by DNA damage and ROS generation.

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    In this study we explored the effect and the biological action of synthesized benzamido derivatives bearing the (1S,2S)-2-phenyl-cyclopropane-1-carboxamido, 1,1'-biphen-2-carboxamido and 1,1'-biphen-4-carboxamido moieties on K562, a human leukemia cell line. Among the synthesized compounds a particular antiproliferative action was observed with the benzamido derivative bearing the 2-1,1'-biphenyl moiety with the substitution at the 5 position of the benzamido moiety with iodine. This compound showed cytotoxic effects in K562 leukemic cells at nanomolar concentrations and was, therefore, chosen as compound to explore its mode of action. Our analyses provided evidence that this benzamido derivative induced a reduction in cell number and volume with the appearance of a shrunken cytoplasm at 24h, followed by a widespread cell fragmentation at 48h. As demonstrated by flow cytometry analyses, the effect was dose- and time-dependent, causing a G2/M cell cycle arrest in the first phase of treatment (24h), followed by an apoptotic death at 48h (IC50 0.5 ÎĽM ). The elucidation of the underlying mechanism also disclosed that DNA arrest in G2/M phase of cell cycle was consequent to DNA lesions, since an increase in phospho-ATM and yH2AX, two known markers of DNA repair response system, was observed. Prolonging the time of treatment, the effects, which were observed only in leukaemic cells but not in normal bronchial epithelial cells, were accompanied by ROS production, JNK phosphorylation and induction of a caspase-dependent apoptosis

    Isoxazolo[3,4-d]pyridazin-7(6H)-one derivatives endowed with anti-proliferative Activity.

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    Isoxazolo[3,4-d]pyridazin-7(6H)-one derivatives endowed with antiproliferative Activity B. Maggio1, G. Cancemi1, D. Raffa1, M. V. Raimondi1, F. Plescia1, A. D’Anneo2,M. Lauricella3, G. Barone4, R. Bonsignore4, G. Daidone1 1. Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies Section, University of Palermo, ViaArchirafi 32, 90123, Palermo, Italy 2. Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, Laboratory of Biochemistry, University of Palermo. 3.Department of Experimental Biomedicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Laboratory of Biochemistry, University of Palermo. 4. Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, University of Palermo. [email protected] A screening carried out by NCI (Bethesda, USA) on compounds available in our laboratory,in order to ascertain their antiproliferative activity against a panel of 60 human tumor cell lines, allowed to discovery the 3,4-diphenylisoxazolo[3,4-d]pyridazin-7(6H)-one 1a [1] as an hit compound, often showing GI50values at sub-micromolar level. We synthesized some analogs of 1a, i.e.1b-gand other derivatives in which the NHgroup is variably alkylated, with the aim to obtain more active compounds as well as to perform structure-activity relationship(SAR) studies. We obtained a quite active antiproliferative compound, the 3,4-di-p-tolylisoxazolo[3,4-d]pyridazin-7(6H)- one 1d, and verified the importance for the antiproliferative activity of the aril, and not alkyl, groups linked to the isoxazolo-pyridazinone moiety. Studies performed on the cell cycle progression and on some cellular target (ATM, procaspase-2 proteins and H2AX histone) demonstrated that 1d produces an increase of the cell population in pre-G0/G1 and induces cellular death by apoptosis, damaging the DNA by double strand breaks. UV-vis titration and viscosity measurement showed that the compound is able to give an interaction with the B-DNA. 1. Renzi G., Dal Piaz V. (2004)Gazz. Chim. It.95: 1478–149

    Progettazione e sintesi di nuovi derivati 4-chinazolinonici potenziali inibitori della diidrofolato reduttasi

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    I chinazolinoni sono composti eterociclici azotati che, insieme alle chinazoline, rappresentano degli importanti farmacofori in possesso di un ampio spettro di proprietà biologiche tra cui quella antitumorale. Recentemente sono stati riportati in letteratura dei derivati 4-chinazolinonici in grado di inibire in vitro l’enzima diidrofolato reduttasi (DHFR) con IC50 comprese tra 0.4 e 1.0 µM [1]. Allo scopo di progettare la sintesi di nuovi potenziali inibitori della DHFR, è stato condotto uno studio di modellistica molecolare considerando tale enzima come biotarget. Tale studio ha portato alla selezione di 42 nuovi derivati 4-chinazolinonici (Figura 1). Attualmente, sono stati sintetizzati 20 dei 42 nuovi derivati 4-chinazolinonici, che sono stati saggiati preliminarmente sulla linea cellulare K562. Il derivato più attivo ha mostrato una IC50 di 18 µM. Sono in corso saggi enzimatici per valutare in vitro l’inibizione dell’enzima DHFR. Bibliografia 1 Al-Omary F.A.M.; et al, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, 18, 2849