22 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, snoring is not only a social problem, but it became a disease, especially when associated to obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). It is associated to many other illnesses, such as systemic arterial hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction and erectile dysfunction. The treatment for snoring and OSAHS remains a challenge for medicine. Although the gold standard treatment is CPAP, many surgeries have been proposed as alternatives to its resolution. In this chapter, the authors will discuss the surgical procedures most commonly performed for snoring and OSAHS control.O ronco deixou de ser apenas um incômodo social e junto com a Síndrome da Apnéia/Hipopnéia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAHOS) passou a ser considerado um problema de saúde. Segundo constatações atuais, o ronco e as apnéias estão associados a outras patologias, como: hipertensão arterial, acidente vascular cerebral, infarto do miocárdio e disfunção eréctil. O tratamento ainda é um desafio para a medicina. O tratamento atualmente considerado ideal é o uso de pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas (CPAP), porém diversas cirurgias vêm sendo propostas nos últimos anos como alternativas à resolução do problema. Neste capítulo iremos discutir as cirurgias comumente utilizadas para o controle do ronco e das apnéia

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    À medida que à escala mundial se vai constituindo um híper-sector de produção, circulação e acesso de notícias, marcado por fenómenos de convergência, homogeneização cultural e instrumentalização propagandística, os estudos na área da comunicação assumem um papel relevante para a compreensão das reconfigurações da esfera pública. Face à mudança nas atividades profissionais da área da comunicação, em termos tecnológicos, organizacionais e laborais, tornou-se uma prioridade resgatar memórias que tendem a ser ignoradas e esquecidas, nas fontes oficiais e nos registos institucionais, da área da comunicação social. As ciências sociais têm vindo a valorizar a recolha de memória oral como recurso informativo, sustentando a sua pertinência epistemológica pela capacidade de dar voz a um leque mais plural de indivíduos e grupos, favorecendo o estudo de novas temáticas, que sem os testemunhos orais dificilmente poderiam ser objeto de pesquisa. Enquanto terreno de investigação a recuperação da memória oral tem vindo a afirmar-se como espaço multidisciplinar favorável à inovação. O Arquivo de Memória Oral das Profissões da Comunicação visa recolher, preservar e disponibilizar registos de memória oral sobre as profissões da comunicação.N/

    Bruxism in children with nasal obstruction

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    Introduction: Bruxism is characterized by repeated tooth grinding or clenching. The condition can occur in all age ranges and in both genders, being related or not to other oral habits. Objective: The objective of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of bruxism in children with nasal obstruction and to determine its association with other factors. Methods: Sixty children with nasal obstruction seen at the Otorhinolaryngology Outpatient Clinic of the University Hospital. of Ribeirao Preto participated in the study. The data were obtained using a pre-established questionnaire applied to the person responsible and by orofacial evaluation of the patient. The participants were divided into two groups: group with bruxism (GB) as reported by the relatives and with the presence of tooth wear detected by clinical evaluation, and group without bruxism (GWB), consisting of children with none of the two symptoms of bruxism mentioned above. Results: The presence of bruxism exceeded its absence in the sample studied (65.22%). There was no significant difference (P < 0.05) between groups regarding gender, phase of dentition, presence of hearing diseases, degree of malocclusion, or child behavior. Conclusion: Bruxism and deleterious oral habits such as biting behavior (objects, tips and nails) were significantly present, together with the absence of suction habits, in the children with nasal obstruction. (c) 2007 Elsevier Iretand Ltd. All. rights reserved

    Objective reduction in adenoid tissue after mometasone furoate treatment

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    Objective: Chronic rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy are the main causes of nasal obstruction in children and proper treatment of these factors seem essential for controlling nasal obstructive symptoms. This study aims to evaluate the effects of topical mometasone treatment on symptoms and size of adenoid tissue in children with complaints of nasal obstruction and to compare this approach to continuous nasal saline douching plus environmental control alone. Methods: Fifty-one children with nasal obstructive complaints were submitted to a semi-structured clinical questionnaire on nasal symptoms, prick test and nasoendoscopy. Nasoendoscopic images were digitalized, and both adenoid and nasopharyngeal areas were measured in pixels. The relation adenoid/nasopharyngeal area was calculated. Patients were subsequently re-evaluated in two different periods: following 40 days of treatment with nasal douching and environmental prophylaxis alone; and after an subsequent 40 day-period, when topical mometasone furoate (total dose: 100 mu g/day) was superposed. Results: Nasal symptoms and snoring significantly improved after nasal douching, and an additional gain was observed when mometasone furoate was included to treatment. Saline douching did not influence the adenoid area, whereas a significant reduction on adenoid tonsil was observed after 40 days of mometasone treatment (P &lt; 0.0001). Conclusion: Nasal saline douching significantly improved nasal symptoms without interfering in adenoid dimension. In contrast, mometasone furoate significantly reduced adenoid tissue, and led to a supplementary improvement of nasal symptoms. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    The Effect of Adenoidectomy or Adenotonsillectomy on Occlusal Features in Mouth-breathing Preschoolers

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate mouth-breathing and nasal-breathing children prior to surgical intervention and 28 months postoperatively, comparing the occlusal features obtained pre- and postoperatively through orthodontic study costs. Methods: The mouth-breathing (MB) group consists of 33 MB children who underwent surgery and presented a nasal-breathing (NB) pattern after surgery The control group comprised 22 NB children. The orthodontic examinations were accomplished prior to surgery (77) and an average of 28 months postoperatively (T2). Results: At T1, the MB and NB children presented no statistically significant difference in any analyzed occlusal features and measurements. At T2, the MB presented larger overjet comparing to NB children (P.05) concerning intercanine and intermolor distances, second primary molar terminal plane and canine relationship, overbite, crossbite, and open bite. From T1 to T2, the MB and NB groups showed a statistically significant difference in the molar terminal plane. Conclusion: Neither the breathing pattern nor the surgery had any effect on occlusal features in 3- to 6-year-olds. (Pediatr Dent 2012;34:10842) Received May 14, 2010 vertical bar Last Revision April 11, 2010 vertical bar Accepted April 12, 201

    The Effect of Adenoidectomy or Adenotonsillectomy on Occlusal Features in Mouth-breathing Preschoolers

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate mouth-breathing and nasal-breathing children prior to surgical intervention and 28 months postoperatively, comparing the occlusal features obtained pre- and postoperatively through orthodontic study costs. Methods: The mouth-breathing (MB) group consists of 33 MB children who underwent surgery and presented a nasal-breathing (NB) pattern after surgery The control group comprised 22 NB children. The orthodontic examinations were accomplished prior to surgery (77) and an average of 28 months postoperatively (T2). Results: At T1, the MB and NB children presented no statistically significant difference in any analyzed occlusal features and measurements. At T2, the MB presented larger overjet comparing to NB children (P&lt;.05). MB and NB groups presented statistically similar results (P&gt;.05) concerning intercanine and intermolor distances, second primary molar terminal plane and canine relationship, overbite, crossbite, and open bite. From T1 to T2, the MB and NB groups showed a statistically significant difference in the molar terminal plane. Conclusion: Neither the breathing pattern nor the surgery had any effect on occlusal features in 3- to 6-year-olds. (Pediatr Dent 2012;34:10842) Received May 14, 2010 vertical bar Last Revision April 11, 2010 vertical bar Accepted April 12, 201

    Angiogenic non-Hodgkin T/natural killer (NK)-cell lymphoma: Report of three cases

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    Angiogenic T/natural killer (NK)-cell lymphoma is a non-Hodgkin lymphoma characterized by necrosis and vascular destruction that is strongly associated with Epstein-Barr virus and AIDS. Early diagnosis is essential to improve the chances of patient survival, but severe local inflammatory infiltrate impairs histologic diagnosis by obscuring neoplastic cells. The most common markers are CD2, CD56, cytoplasmic CD3, and CD43 EBV We describe 3 cases of angiogenic T/NK-cell lymphoma that show the diverse Presentation of the same disease. Patient I was HIV positive and had nasal obstruction, facial edema, and ulceration of the nasal mucosa. Patient 2 had fever, a sore throat, and weight loss. Patient 3 had facial edema, fever, proptosis, and rapid development Of neurologic alterations. Several biopsies were needed for histologic confirmation in these patients, despite positivity for the CD3 and CD56 markers

    Respiratory Viruses Are Continuously Detected In Children With Chronic Tonsillitis Throughout The Year.

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    To evaluate the oscillations on the viral detection in adenotonsillar tissues from patients with chronic adenotonsillar diseases as an indicia of the presence of persistent viral infections or acute subclinical infections. Cross-sectional prospective study. Tertiary hospital. The fluctuations of respiratory virus detection were compared to the major climatic variables during a two-year period using adenoids and palatine tonsils from 172 children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy and clinical evidence of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome or recurrent adenotonsillitis, without symptoms of acute respiratory infection (ARI), by TaqMan real-time PCR. The rate of detection of at least one respiratory virus in adenotonsillar tissue was 87%. The most frequently detected viruses were human adenovirus in 52.8%, human enterovirus in 47.2%, human rhinovirus in 33.8%, human bocavirus in 31.1%, human metapneumovirus in 18.3% and human respiratory syncytial virus in 17.2%. Although increased detection of human enterovirus occurred in summer/autumn months, and there were summer nadirs of human respiratory syncytial virus in both years of the study, there was no obvious viral seasonality in contrast to reports with ARI patients in many regions of the world. Respiratory viruses are continuously highly detected during whole year, and without any clinical symptomatology, indicating that viral genome of some virus can persist in lymphoepithelial tissues of the upper respiratory tract.781655-6