56 research outputs found

    Hyperuricemia and hypertension

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    Hiperuricemia is associated mostly with gout and urolithiasis. However, it is now known that it affects a number of other health problems. It plays an important role in the development of hypertension, metabolic syndrome and other cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the relationship between hyperuricemia and obesity, hyperlipidemia, stroke and vascular dementia, renal disease, obstructive sleep apnea and insulin resistance has been proven. Increased serum uric acid is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and contributes to increased mortality in patients with ischemic heart disease. The preferred drugs for the treatment of hypertension with increased uric acid concentration are calcium channel blockers (urinary properties) and losartan. From diuretics aldosterone antagonists are prefered. Other blockers of the angiotensin receptor should be avoided because they reduce the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys. B-blockers, thiazide and loop diuretics, ACE inhibitors are also inadvisable

    Tonsilities – symptoms, causes and diagnosis

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    Diseases of the throat and tonsils are one of the most frequent causes of patient visits to pediatricians and family doctors. It should be emphasized that to protect the vast majority of them, symptomatic management is sufficient. When applying for pharmacological interventions, the physician should be guided by experience, while supporting himself with objective scientific data confirming the effectiveness of the recommended treatment. It is worth emphasizing the necessity to implement the vaccination calendar as a proven effective method of protecting patients from serious complications of infectious diseases

    Drug Nephrotoxicity in Family Doctor Practice

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    Drug Nephrotoxicity is a frequent and growing phenomenon. It is reported that up to 20% of episodes of acute renal failure are due to medication. In the practice of the family doctor, the problem of drug nephrotoxicity is significant. The family physicians are dealing with an aging population of patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, circulatory insufficiency, and pre-existing renal function. This group of patients is subjected to many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that may worsen the function of kidneys, and often use numerous drugs, and abuse analgesics. Most drugs that cause kidney damage work through such mechanisms: disorder of intra-glomerular hemodynamics, direct damage to the kidney tubules, an inflammatory process, nephropathy associated with the formation of crystals, rhabdomyolysis, thrombotic microangiopathy. Most cases of drug-induced kidney damage are reversible as long as it is diagnosed early and the factor responsible for damage is eliminated

    Nutrition in selected thyroid diseases

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    The most important course in thyroid diseases is pharmacological treatment - thyroid hormone supplementation or inhibition of gland function in case of its hyperactivity. There is more and more evidence for the beneficial effect of a proper diet on the course of the disease and the effectiveness of the therapy. There are also a lot of scientifically unjustified myths functioning in society, mistakenly imposing too restrictive approaches to people's diet. Nutrition in thyroid diseases should be individualized and adapted to the needs and preferences of a particular patient. Great attention should be paid to the caloric content of meals and the content of micronutrients, especially iodine. A properly developed diet can significantly improve the course of the disease and the quality of life of patients. There is no justification for introducing a gluten-free or lactose-free diet in all cases of Hashimoto's disease

    Measles - a disease that should be a thing of the past, but returns

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    The measles is a viral respiratory disease, in the form of an acute febrile illness with mucous membrane involvement and a rash. Human being is the only reservoir for this pathogen. Measles are highly contagious, spreads through the coughs and sneezes and by direct contact with secretions of an infected person. The risk of developing measles in a non-immune person, is more than 90% after contact with the pathogen. One ill person can infect 12-18 people. Permanent immunity gives the suffering from measles in the past, two doses of the vaccine give a resistance of 97%. Newborns are protected for the first 6-12 months of life with antibodies their get in the womb from mother if she is immune from getting sick. Measles is a mild or moderately severe disease. Complications occur in about 30% of patients. It include: inflammation of the middle ear, pneumonia, brain, myocardium, blindness, and a very rare complication - subacute sclerosing inflammatory brain - progressive CNS neurodegeneration that leads to death a few or a dozen years after the measles eradication. There is no causative treatment in a case of measles. We can only use symptomatic treatment - antipyretic drugs, antitussive, proper hydration and nourishment of the patient, rest, darkening of the room in the case of photophobia. For specific measles prevention methods, we include preventive vaccination and passive immunoprophylaxis. The MMR vaccine is usually well tolerated, rarely gives vaccine adverse events. . Anti-vaccinations movements have been gaining popularity in the world for years, unfortunately contributing to the recurrence of disease epidemics that have nearly been eliminated

    Analysis of changes in the morphology of erythrocytes – microscopic evaluation of peripheral blood smears

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    Microscopic assessment of peripheral blood smears belongs to the basic techniques of quantitative and qualitative analysis of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets. Modern hematology analyzers allow accurate and precise assessment of blood cells, flagging parameters that are beyond the limit of the norm. Despite advanced technologies, the automatic peripheral blood smear is devoid of detailed data on abnormalities in the shape of erythrocytes, the presence of inclusions and erythroblasts, which can only be obtained by manual evaluation of peripheral blood smears. The following work aims to highlight the role of manual evaluation of peripheral blood smears, with particular emphasis on the assessment of abnormalities in the morphology of erythrocytes, which despite the passage of time should still be routinely performed as a supplement to modern diagnostic tools

    Diagnostics and treatment of chronic urticaria in the family doctor's office

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    Urticaria is classified as a sever, chronic, allergic disease with a phase of remission and exacerbation. The basic dermatitis is wheal. The classification of urticaria is based on the causing factor and the duration of symptoms. The UAS-7 score is used to assess the severity of symptoms. It is as a simple tool used by patients and physicians. In the diagnosis of urticaria, the most important element is a meticulous interview, which may indicate the cause of the disease but usually it remains unknown. Treatment is based on H1 receptor antagonists usually in high dosage - even 4 time higher than the standard one

    Methods of preventing and retarding the progression of myopia

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    Myopia is an increasing problem worldwide. Its prevalence is predicted to over 4 billion of people in 2050, what would be almost 50% of the population. Therefore, authors have analyzed available literature in terms of treatment that may be able to prevent or slow the progression of myopia. There are risk factors such as genetic factors which nowadays could not be modified. However, there are other risk factor such as near work or protective factor such as time spent outdoor which could be modified. Moreover, therapeutic interventions seem to play more significant role. Among available methods it is mentioned: pharmacology including drops of atropine and pirenzepine, undercorrection, contact lenses, orthokeratology, bifocal or multifocal spectacles and soft multifocal contact lenses. Methods are described with their mechanism of action and efficacy

    Proper treatment of pain as a public health priority

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    Pain is a global public health problem. Untreated, insufficiently treated or poorly controlled is the most common health problem. It affects the structure of society, its functioning and the economic situation on a global scale. Therefore, effective pain control should be one of the priority objectives of European health policy. Pain is a complex phenomenon. It is necessary to correctly diagnose it and treat it properly

    Probiotics and prebiotics - characteristics and application among children and adolescents

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    Dietary supplements containing live microorganisms and nutrients that support the human body are used with ever increasing frequency by parents among children and adolescents. Preparations available on the market have a diverse composition, which may be problematic when deciding which product to choose and in which disease entity to use it. The purpose of the articles is to approximate the characteristics of probiotics and prebiotics and determine the indications for their use
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