1,990 research outputs found

    Inactive materials matter: How binder amounts affect the cycle life of graphite electrodes in potassium-ion batteries

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    Recent results on the intercalation of potassium into graphite suggest that graphite might become yet again a negative electrode material of choice for an alkali-ion battery system. Compared to its mature application state in Li-ion batteries, graphite for K-ion applications is still in an early development stage. Although cycling of graphite-potassium half-cells over 200 cycles has been demonstrated, the electrodes clearly suffer from more severe capacity fading, as compared to the corresponding Li system. This study demonstrates that the capacity fade is strongly linked to the binder content in the composite electrode. High binder contents of 8 wt% (this study) or more (literature) show significant cycle life improvements over electrodes comprising of more practical binder contents of 4 wt% or less. The results highlight the need for revised or entirely new strategies to control the formation and stability of the electrode–electrolyte interphase in K-ion batteries

    Expression and refolding of the protective antigen of Bacillus anthracis: A model for high-throughput screening of antigenic recombinant protein refolding

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    Bacillus anthracis protective antigen (PA) is a well known and relevant immunogenicprotein that is the basis for both anthrax vaccines and diagnostic methods. Properly foldedantigenic PA is necessary for these applications. In this study a high level of PA was obtained inrecombinant Escherichia coli. The protein was initially accumulated in inclusion bodies, whichfacilitated its efficient purification by simple washing steps; however, it could not be recognizedby specific antibodies. Refolding conditions were subsequently analyzed in a high-throughputmanner that enabled nearly a hundred different conditions to be tested simultaneously. Therecovery of the ability of PA to be recognized by antibodies was screened by dot blot usinga coefficient that provided a measure of properly refolded protein levels with a high degreeof discrimination. The best refolding conditions resulted in a tenfold increase in the intensityof the dot blot compared to the control. The only refolding additive that consistently yieldedgood results was L-arginine. The statistical analysis identified both cooperative and negativeinteractions between the different refolding additives. The high-throughput approach describedin this study that enabled overproduction, purification and refolding of PA in a simple andstraightforward manner, can be potentially useful for the rapid screening of adequate refoldingconditions for other overexpressed antigenic proteins.Fil: Pavan, MarĂ­a Elisa. Biochemiq; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de QuĂ­mica BiolĂłgica; ArgentinaFil: Pavan, Esteban E.. Politecnico di Milano; ItaliaFil: Cairo, Fabian Martin. Biochemiq; ArgentinaFil: Pettinari, MarĂ­a Julia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de QuĂ­mica BiolĂłgica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de QuĂ­mica BiolĂłgica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentin

    Comparing the Solid Electrolyte Interphases on Graphite Electrodes in K and Li Half Cells

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    In both Li-ion and K-ion batteries, graphite can be used as the negative electrode material. When potassium ions are stored electrochemically in the graphite host, the electrode capacities fade faster than in the lithium ion counterpart. This could be due to the high reactivity of the potassium metal counter electrode (CE) in half cells or a less stable solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) in the potassium case. Previous surface studies on graphite electrodes cycled in K half cells have focused on the SEI characteristics of different electrolyte formulations or different states of charge. In this study, we exploit the fact that graphite can store both lithium and potassium ions. Cell and component parameters have been largely maintained the same, with the only differences between Li and K half cells being the cation of the electrolyte salt and the alkali metal at the CE. The SEI layers formed under these conditions in either setup are studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with the aim to draw a direct comparison between the surface layers in both charged and discharged states. The results show a considerable crosstalk under OCV conditions between K-metal and the working electrode. Furthermore, the relative SEI layer composition after cycling varies considerably between Li and K half cells. Different dominant SEI species are present depending on the alkali metal used. The strong capacity fade observed in graphite–K half cells is likely linked to much smaller concentrations of inorganic compounds, such as KF, and increased amounts of organic compounds in the SEI

    Cosmology inference at the field level from biased tracers in redshift-space

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    Cosmology inference of galaxy clustering at the field level with the EFT likelihood in principle allows for extracting all non-Gaussian information from quasi-linear scales, while robustly marginalizing over any astrophysical uncertainties. A pipeline in this spirit is implemented in the \texttt{LEFTfield} code, which we extend in this work to describe the clustering of galaxies in redshift space. Our main additions are: the computation of the velocity field in the LPT gravity model, the fully nonlinear displacement of the evolved, biased density field to redshift space, and a systematic expansion of velocity bias. We test the resulting analysis pipeline by applying it to synthetic data sets with a known ground truth at increasing complexity: mock data generated from the perturbative forward model itself, sub-sampled matter particles, and dark matter halos in N-body simulations. By fixing the initial-time density contrast to the ground truth, while varying the growth rate ff, bias coefficients and noise amplitudes, we perform a stringent set of checks. These show that indeed a systematic higher-order expansion of the velocity bias is required to infer a growth rate consistent with the ground truth within errors. Applied to dark matter halos, our analysis yields unbiased constraints on ff at the level of a few percent for a variety of halo masses at redshifts z=0, 0.5, 1z=0,\,0.5,\,1 and for a broad range of cutoff scales 0.08 h/Mpc≤Λ≤0.20 h/Mpc0.08\,h/\mathrm{Mpc} \leq \Lambda \leq 0.20\,h/\mathrm{Mpc}. Importantly, deviations between true and inferred growth rate exhibit the scaling with halo mass, redshift and cutoff that one expects based on the EFT of Large Scale Structure. Further, we obtain a robust detection of velocity bias through its effect on the redshift-space density field and are able to disentangle it from higher-derivative bias contributions

    Degradation Phenomena in Silicon/Graphite Electrodes with Varying Silicon Content

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    The degradation phenomena of Silicon/Graphite electrodes and the effect of FEC as electrolyte additive was investigated through galvanostatic cycling, XPS analyses and SEM cross section analyses. To understand the direct influence of silicon on the electrode degradation, the silicon amount was varied between 0%–30%. By evaluating the cycling performance and the accumulated capacity loss of the different Si/Gr electrodes (cycled with and without 10 vol-% of FEC), we see that the capacity decay can be distinguished into two phenomena, where one is independent of the Si/Gr ratio while the other one depends on the Si content. As expected, adding FEC improves the cell performance and minimizes the capacity decay. Combing our XPS data and SEM cross section analyses on cycled electrodes, this improvement stems from a thin and flexible SEI including poly(vinyl carbonate) that helps maintaining the overall electrode integrity as we observe less electrode fractures and less pronounced thickness increase. Si/Gr electrodes with 10 and 20% Si content showed very similar accumulated irreversible capacity losses over 100 cycles indicating that with 10 % FEC as electrolyte additive, also higher Si contents could be feasible for future high energy density anodes

    Stress und Studienzufriedenheit bei Bachelor- und Diplom-Psychologiestudierenden im Vergleich: eine Erklärung unter Anwendung des Demand-Control-Modells

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    In unserer Studie wandten wir das Demand-Control-Modell auf die Studiensituation von Psychologiestudierenden im Bachelor/ Diplomstudium an. An der 2009 bis 2010 durchgeführten Erhebung nahmen insgesamt 405 Studierende verschiedener Psychologischer Institute teil. Es zeigte sich, dass nach Kontrolle von Alter und Fachsemester der in vielen Studierendensurveys erfasste Studienaufwand (in Stunden pro Woche) nur einen geringen Beitrag zur Erklärung von Stress und Studienzufriedenheit leistete, während die Dimensionen des Demand-Control-Modells die Unterschiede in Stress und Studienzufriedenheit zwischen Bachelor- und Diplomstudierenden mediierten. Regressionsanalysen identifizierten hohe Anforderungen als Hauptprädiktor für Stress im Studium und hohe Anforderungen und geringe Entscheidungsfreiräume als relevante Prädiktoren für eine geringe Studienzufriedenheit. Die Ergebnisse verweisen auf konkrete Ansatzpunkte für mögliche Verbesserungen des Bachelorstudiums

    A scale-coupled numerical method for transient close-contact melting

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    We introduce a numerical workflow to model and simulate transient close-contact melting processes based on the space-time finite element method. That is, we aim at computing the velocity at which a forced heat source melts through a phase-change material. Existing approaches found in the literature consider a thermo-mechanical equilibrium in the contact melt film, which results in a constant melting velocity of the heat source. This classical approach, however, cannot account for transient effects in which the melting velocity adjusts itself to equilibrium conditions. With our contribution, we derive a model for the transient melting process of a planar heat source. We iteratively cycle between solving for the heat equation in the solid material and updating the melting velocity. The latter is computed based on the heat flux in the vicinity of the heat source. The motion of the heated body is simulated via the moving mesh strategy referred to as the Virtual Region Shear-Slip Mesh Update Method, which avoids remeshing and is particularly efficient in representing unidirectional movement. We show numerical examples to validate our methodology and present two application scenarios, a 2D planar thermal melting probe and a 2D hot-wire cutting machine
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