8 research outputs found

    Dealing with Modern Market Poor Housewife Response in the Presence of Supermarkets and Malls in Madiun and the Surrounding Area

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    Numbers of data have shown modern market Infiltration up at the local level, one through the establishment of franchise supermarkets. The construction certainly disrupts the traditional market mechanisms and economic families, especially poor families. It should be realized as in traditional markets are social relations that sustain poor families in meeting their needs.This study shows that poor families, especially housewives from poor families develop a response to the existence of the modern market. This response is developed starts with building a social construction of fulfillment and "building" modern market, especially supermarket. They developed the concept of "safe" and "comfortable." This conclusion results from studies with mixed-method approach in a number of poor families in Madiun and surrounding areas. Keywords: Modern Market, Supermarket, Poor Families, Social Constructio

    Public View Towards Civil Service Police Role Shifting in the Society Order and Security in East Java

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    P One element of the Regional Government Regulation enforcement is Civil Service Police Unit. Because of its function and how, Civil Service Police Unit is experiencing repudiation in public. On the other hand, government policies that remove Hansip may strengthen the position of Civil Service Police Unit. Civil Service Police Unit did not move for the success of the Regional Regulation only, but ensuring security and order in public. Such functional relationship will improve the image of the Civil Service police Unit. By using a mixture (mix method), this study examine the role of Civil Service police Unit post the policy. However, based on studies in five regencies in East Java, the regulations had not yet completely change the image of Civil Service police Unit.   Keywords: Keywords: Role Shifting, Civil Service Police Unit, Society Order and Security


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    The reality of plurality in the context of humanity is something that Allah Almighty has desired, and the human task is to nurture and develop mutual respect and appreciation among people (tolerant). In this regard, the purpose of this study is to explore and explain exactly what kind of religious construction of kiai pesantren about pluralism and multiculturalism, the basis of references used, because it is related to the kiai’s point of view in resolving social conflicts that sometimes occur in the community. The data research was collected through survey and depth interview with some kiai pesantren in East Java. Data analysis was conducted with qualitative narrative and through Forum Group Discussion (FGD). The result shows that the mapping of religious construction of kiai pesantren in East Java consists of (1) religious construction with inclusive and exclusive categories and (2) religious construction with exclusive categories. Realitas pluralitas dalam konteks kemanusiaan merupakan kehendak Allah SWT, tugas manusialah memelihara dan mengembangkan rasa saling menghormati dan menghargai sesama (toleran). Dalam hal ini, tujuan penelitian ini mengeksplorasi dan menjelaskan dengan tepat konstruksi religius kiai pesantren tentang pluralisme dan multikulturalisme, dasar referensi yang digunakan, karena ini terkait dengan sudut pandang Kiai dalam menyelesaikan konflik sosial yang kadang-kadang terjadi di masyarakat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui survei dan wawancara mendalam dengan beberapa kiai pesantren di Jawa Timur. Analisis data dilakukan dengan narasi kualitatif dan melalui Forum Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembangunan agama Pesantren Kiai di Jawa Timur pada pluralisme dan multikulturalisme dapat dipetakan menjadi dua, yaitu (1) konstruksi keagamaan dengan kategori inklusif dan eksklusif dan (2) konstruksi keagamaan dengan kategori eksklusif

    The Influence of Muslim Batik Entrepreneurs' Financial Literacy of The Banking Sector on Productivity

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    The batik business in the Islamic community of the North coast of East Java is categorized as a micro and small business. One of the main problems of the business is capital adequacy. Capital adequacy is one instrument to run and increase productivity. Although the government has provided soft capital loans through banking instruments and rural development program, not all micro and small businesses are willing and able to access it. It is heavily relied on the entrepreneurs' financial literacy on banking sector and their willingness to use banking access. The survey results show that there are variations of the financial literacy level of batik entrepreneurs on banking sector. Batik entrepreneur who have high financial literacy were motivated to access the bank financiang service and improve its productivity.Education and location play a significant role to financial literacy on banking sector


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    Tesis ini tak lain merupakan usaha untuk memahami fenomena perilaku masyarakat Jawa di kota besar akhir-akhir ini, yakni tentang pola perilaku mencari kasekten. Tanpa disadari, fenomena itu nampak merata terjadi pada masyarakat kota besar di Indonesia, mereka melakukan kegiatan-kegitan apa yang disebut dengan ngakoni, yakni menjalankan laku tertentu untuk mendapatkan kasekten. Yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah di alam sekarang ini, bagaimana makna nglakoni bagi mereka, sekaligus untuk memahami kerangka atau pengetahuan budaya. Masalah-masalah itu kemudian dipahami dengan melalui berbagai pendekatan, antara fenomenologi, konstruksi sosial dan antropologi kognitif


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    ABSTRACT Background: The aim of the MDGs improving maternal health, one indicator is the proportion of aid delivery by trained health personnel. Related to this field which is spearheading the village midwife. The presence of the midwife profession not within the vacant land, because the tradition of the existence of traditional birth attendants have been there first. In the geographical and social conditions of a diverse society, where they can be a wealth of cultural treasures. Becomes interesting when the two interests are aligned but different backgrounds met in the field. How their existence in society, especially in rural areas whose traditions are still strong. Methods: This study was conducted in 2011 in four districts in East Java is Sampang, Probolinggo, Jombang and Madison. Refers to the characteristics of the election districts in East Java community is Madura, pandalungan, arek and Mataraman. This study combines quantitative and qualitative research. The data was collected by observation and in-depth interviews, informants were village midwives and traditional birth attendants in each region was selected health centers. Results: There is a dichotomy of senior midwives and midwives young. Senior midwife came mostly from outside the region. While a limited number of wide area coverage, it is not un comm on to make them choose to live in the central districts. As aresuIt, service delivery is limited. Relations senior midwife with pregnant women is quite high. Meanwhile, a young midwife from the local community though, is not necessarily acceptable in the neighborhood. Midwives are considered inexperienced young because young age, unmarried status or newly married. Meanwhile, the role of traditional birth attendants in rural areas is still quite significant, especially in Sampang and Probolinggo, there are still bold to help direct labor. In addition to knowledge of hereditary shamans, also based on modern medical knowledge gained through the course. Suggestion: Patterns midwife partnership with shamans only one way to improve the coverage of deliveries by health personnel. The approach must be done from two sides, which is also in the community. The abilityof midwives to promotive and preventive accordance with the local culture are factors in addition to the factors of education and knowledge in society itself. Key words: midwives, tradistional birth attendants, East Java ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Tujuan MDGs yang berupa meningkatkan kesehatan ibu, salah satu indikatornya adalah proporsi pertolongan kelahiran oleh tenaga kesehatan terlatih. Terkait dengan hal tersebut yang menjadi ujung tombak dilapangan adalah bidan desa. Kehadiran profesi bidan bukan berada di dalam lahan yang kosong, karena secara tradisi keberadaan dukun bayi telah ada terlebih dahulu. Pada kondisi geografis dan sosial masyarakat yang beragam, keberadaan mereka bisa menjadi khazanah kekayaan budaya. Menjadi menarik ketika dua kepentingan yang sejalan tetapi berbeda latar belakang ini bertemu di lapangan. Bagaimana eksistensi mereka di masyarakat terutama di perdesaan yang tradisinya masih kuat. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan gabungan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2011 di empat kabupaten di Jawa Timur yaitu Sampang, Probolinggo, Jombang dan Madiun. Pemilihan kabupaten mengacu pada karakteristik masyarakat di Jawa Timur yaitu Madura, Pandalungan, Arek dan Mataraman. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan wawancara mendalam, informannya adalah bidan desa dan dukun bayi pada tiap wilayah puskesmas terpilih. Data dianalisis dengan teknik analisis domain, kategorial dan komponensial, sehingga membentuk matriks atau tipologi. Hasil: Terdapat dikotomi bidan senior dan bidan muda. Bidan senior kebanyakan berasal dari luar daerah. Jumlahnya terbatas sementara cakupan wilayah yang luas, tidak jarang membuat mereka memilih tinggal di pusat kecamatan. Akibatnya, pelayanan persalinan menjadi terbatas. Relasi bidan senior dengan ibu hamil cukup tinggi. Sedangkan bidan muda meskipun berasal dari masyarakat setempat, tidak serta merta diterima di lingkungannya. Bidan muda dianggap belum berpengalaman karena muda usia, statusnya yang belum menikah atau baru menikah. Sementara itu, peran dukun bayi di pedesaan masih cukup signifikan terutama di Sampang dan Probolinggo, ada yang masih berani menolong persalinan secara langsung. Pengetahuan dukun disamping dari turun temurun, juga berdasarkan pengetahuan medis modern yang diperoleh lewat kursus. Kesimpulan: Bahwa pola kemitraan bidan dengan dukun hanya salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan cakupan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan. Pendekatannya harus dilakukan dari dua sisi, yaitu juga pada masyarakat. Kemampuan bidan untuk melakukan promotif dan preventif sesuai dengan kultur setempat menjadi faktor penentu disamping faktor pendidikan dan pengetahuan pada masyarakatnya itu sendiri. Kata Kunci: Bidan, dukun bayi, Jawa Timu

    KONSTRUKSI SOSIAL DAN TINDAKAN IBU DENGAN BALITA GIZI BURUK (STUDI KASUS DI SAMPANG DAN BOJONEGORO) Social Construction and Action of Mother of Malnutrition Toddler (A Case Study in Sampang and Bojonegoro)

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    Background: East Java is a province with good economical growth and adequate health facilitation, thus it’s to be lamented that we still find many health problems, especially toddlers’ malnutrition. Methods:This study observed social construction and mothers’ action on toddlers’ malnutrition problems. It was an observasional study with qualitative approach. The study was performed in 2012 in Sampang and Bojonegoro. Result:The exclusive breastfeeding had not been applied yet, and there was too early in giving solid food to babies (honey, coconut, banana). Mothers realized that their children have undernutrition status at the time of health examination. Mother who put the social status of their family above anything else, having children with malnutrition is considered to be a shameful problem, so she will look for the health services to solve the problem. Many mothers felt confident about the growth of their children based on their past experiences and did not consider that malnutrition on child was a problem, and they would keep away from health services. Conclusion:A family, especially the mother, has built up social contruction about her undernutrition child. The social costruction will influence the response of family (mother) to the child. Recommendation:It is important to give health education with considering social construction to make positive behavior changes