16 research outputs found

    A homiletic reflection on the theological aesthetics involved in picturing God in a fragmented South African society

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    This article investigates the problematic field of authentic speech in a fragile South African society where the imminence of shattering fragmentation is often addressed either by aggravating hate- speech or pacifying speech that seems to lack the will to come to terms with the full implications of the issues at hand. We attempt to reflect on the possibility of authentic speech in this context by picturing God and his purposeful presence in our fragmented world; speech that reflects and acts out the implications of what is observed in the revealing light of God`s living Word. In addressing the research problem the following aspects are researched: (1) we briefly reflect on the theological aesthetics involved in picturing God through the eyes and acts of faith, (2) explore the painful manifestation of fragmentation in the South African society (with poverty and HIV and AIDS as examples), and (3) attempt to homiletically speak the language of faith by picturing God in our fragmented world through the lens of the parable of the Good Samaritan. We come to the conclusion that authentic homiletic speech can only flow from a heart in which the hardened crust of perpetual attempts at self-righteousness and conservation of the own comfort-zone are shattered by the words and deeds of our Lord. It is through the words and deeds of our Lord that the preacher is enlightened to bear authentic witness to how God fuses a shattered reality and a shattered heart into a prismatic, multifaceted witness to the glory of his all-conquering healing power

    Is there an association between female gender and outcome in severe trauma? A multi-center analysis in the Netherlands

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    Introduction Little evidence suggest that female gender is associated with a lower risk of mortality in severely injured patients, especially in premenopausal women. Previous clinical studies have shown contradictory results regarding protective effects of gender on outcome after severe trauma. The objective of this study was to determine the association between gender and outcome (mortality and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission) among severely injured patients in the Netherlands. Methods A retrospective multicentre study was performed including all polytrauma patients (Injury Severity Score (ISS) ≥16) admitted to the ED of three level 1 trauma centres, between January 1st, 2006 and December 31st, 2014. Data on age, gender, mechanism of injury, ISS, Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), prehospital intubation, Revised Trauma Score (RTS), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and Glasgow Com

    Vitamin A and Retinoid Derivatives for Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis

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    Despite reported antiproliferative activity of vitamin A and its common use for cancer, there is no comprehensive synthesis of its safety and efficacy in lung cancers. To address this issue we conducted a systematic review of the safety and efficacy of vitamin A for the treatment and prevention of lung cancers.Two independent reviewers searched six electronic databases from inception to July 2009 for clinical, observational, and preclinical evidence pertaining to the safety and efficacy of vitamin A and related retinoids for lung cancers. 248 studies were included for full review and analysis. Five RCTs assessed treatment of lung cancers, three assessed primary prevention, and three looked at secondary prevention of lung cancers. Five surrogate studies, 26 phase I/II, 32 observational, and 67 preclinical studies were also included. 107 studies were included for interactions between vitamin A and chemo- or radiation-therapy. Although some studies demonstrated benefits, there was insufficient evidence overall to support the use of vitamin A or related retinoids for the treatment or prevention of lung cancers. Retinyl palmitate combined with beta carotene increased risk of lung cancer in smokers in the large CARET trial. Pooling of three studies pertaining to treatment and three studies on secondary prevention revealed no significant effects on response rate, second primary tumor, recurrence, 5-year survival, and mortality. There was a small improvement in event free survival associated with vitamin A compared to controls, RR 1.24 (95% CI 1.13-1.35). The synthetic rexinoid bexarotene increased survival significantly among a subset of patients in two RCTs (p<0.014, <0.087).There is a lack of evidence to support the use of naturally occurring retinoids for the treatment and prevention of lung cancers. The rexinoid bexarotene may hold promise for use among a subset of patients, and deserves further study

    A Future Perspective on Constitutional Stability

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    Former State President F W de Klerk, an alumnus of Potchefstroom, delivered the seventh lecture in a series bearing his name last year in October. Some of the other lectures in the series were published in PER (2004(2), 2005(1), 2009(2). We are proud to publish Mr de Klerk's presentation in this issue as an oratio in which he stated that "the Constitution is the indispensable basis of our national unity and our best and abiding hope for continued freedom, prosperity and stability," but simultaneously felt constrained to identify seven threats to which the Constitution was exposed

    Die atmosfeer in die erediens deur die loop van die geskiedenis

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    The worship service occupies a central position in the life of the believer and therefore the atmosphere in the worship service is vital. The variations through history are studied in this article.� The viewpoints of the first four centuries, the Middle Ages, Reformation, post-Reformation and twentieth century came under discussion. Lessons from history are stated. The atmosphere in the worship service should be such that the worshipper meets God with the necessary awe and respect.� The service must also create an atmosphere of love, warmth, friendliness, and joy. All present must be invited and made welcome by the service. The atmosphere must further encourage and create room for everybody to participate and use their specific gifts. It can therefore change from service to service and within a single service. Important instruments in the <br />atmosphere are the liturgical space, symbols, rituals, physical movement, gestures, music, song and the senses