2,007 research outputs found

    Experimental demonstration of entanglement assisted coding using a two-mode squeezed vacuum state

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    We have experimentally realized the scheme initially proposed as quantum dense coding with continuous variables [Ban, J. Opt. B \textbf{1}, L9 (1999), and Braunstein and Kimble, \pra\textbf{61}, 042302 (2000)]. In our experiment, a pair of EPR (Einstein-Podolski-Rosen) beams is generated from two independent squeezed vacua. After adding two-quadrature signal to one of the EPR beams, two squeezed beams that contain the signal were recovered. Although our squeezing level is not sufficient to demonstrate the channel capacity gain over the Holevo limit of a single-mode channel without entanglement, our channel is superior to conventional channels such as coherent and squeezing channels. In addition, optical addition and subtraction processes demonstrated are elementary operations of universal quantum information processing on continuous variables.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Near-Complete Teleportation of a Superposed Coherent State

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    The four Bell-type entangled coherent states, |\alpha>|-\alpha> \pm |-\alpha> |\alpha> and |\alpha>|\alpha> \pm |-\alpha> |-\alpha>, can be discriminated with a high probability using only linear optical means, as long as |\alpha| is not too small. Based on this observation, we propose a simple scheme to almost completely teleport a superposed coherent state. The nonunitary transformation, that is required to complete the teleportation, can be achieved by embedding the receiver's field state in a larger Hilbert space consisting of the field and a single atom and performing a unitary transformation on this Hilbert space.Comment: 4 pages,3 figures, Two columns, LaTex2

    Number Density of Bright Lyman-Break Galaxies at z~6 in the Subaru Deep Field

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    We report on the bright Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) selected in a 767 arcmin^2 area of the Subaru Deep Field. The selection is made in the i-zR vs zB-zR plane, where zB and zR are new bandpasses with a central wavelength of 8842A and 9841A, respectively. This set of bandpasses enables us to separate well z~6 LBGs from foreground galaxies and Galactic cool stars. We detect 12 LBG candidates down to zR=25.4, and calculate the normalization of the rest-frame far-ultraviolet (FUV: 1400A) luminosity function at MFUV = -21.6 to be \phi(-21.6) = (2.6+/-0.7) x 10^{-5} mag^{-1} Mpc^{-3}. This must be the most reliable measurement ever obtained of the number density of bright z~6 LBGs, because it is more robust against both contamination and cosmic variance than previous values. The FUV luminosity density contributed from LBGs brighter than MFUV = -21.3 is (2.8+/-0.8) x 10^{24} ergs/s/Hz/Mpc^3, which is equivalent to a star formation rate density of (3.5+/-1.0) x 10^{-4} Msun/yr/Mpc^3. Combining our measurement with those at z<6 in the literature, we find that the FUV luminosity density of bright galaxies increases by an order of magnitude from z~6 to z~3 and then drops by 10^3 from z~3 to the present epoch, while the evolution of the total luminosity density is much milder. The evolutionary behavior of bright LBGs resembles that of luminous dusty star-forming galaxies and bright QSOs. The redshift of z~3 appears to be a remarkable era in the cosmic history when massive galaxies were being intensively formed.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for PASJ, a high resolution version is available at http://hikari.astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~shima/z6LBGs

    Time domain Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlation

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    We experimentally demonstrate creation and characterization of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlation between optical beams in the time domain. The correlated beams are created with two independent continuous-wave optical parametric oscillators and a half beam splitter. We define temporal modes using a square temporal filter with duration TT and make time-resolved measurement on the generated state. We observe the correlations between the relevant conjugate variables in time domain which correspond to the EPR correlation. Our scheme is extendable to continuous variable quantum teleportation of a non-Gaussian state defined in the time domain such as a Schr\"odinger cat-like state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hybrid quantum information processing

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    The development of quantum information processing has traditionally followed two separate and not immediately connected lines of study. The main line has focused on the implementation of quantum bit (qubit) based protocols whereas the other line has been devoted to implementations based on high-dimensional Gaussian states (such as coherent and squeezed states). The separation has been driven by the experimental difficulty in interconnecting the standard technologies of the two lines. However, in recent years, there has been a significant experimental progress in refining and connecting the technologies of the two fields which has resulted in the development and experimental realization of numerous new hybrid protocols. In this Review, we summarize these recent efforts on hybridizing the two types of schemes based on discrete and continuous variables.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Teleportation of Nonclassical Wave Packets of light

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    We report on the experimental quantum teleportation of strongly nonclassical wave packets of light. To perform this full quantum operation while preserving and retrieving the fragile non-classicality of the input state, we have developed a broadband, zero-dispersion teleportation apparatus that works in conjunction with time-resolved state preparation equipment. Our approach brings within experimental reach a whole new set of hybrid protocols involving discrete- and continuous-variable techniques in quantum information processing for optical sciences

    Cavity QED with high-Q whispering gallery modes

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    We report measurements of cavity-QED effects for the radiative coupling of atoms in a dilute vapor to the external evanescent field of a whispering-gallery mode (WGM) in a fused silica microsphere. The high Q (5 x 10^(7)), small mode volume (10^(-8) cm^(3)), and unusual symmetry of the microcavity evanescent field enable velocity-selective interactions between fields with photon number of order unity in the WGM and (N) over bar(T) similar to 1 atoms in the surrounding vapor

    Minimum cbits for remote preperation and measurement of a qubit

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    We show that a qubit chosen from equatorial or polar great circles on a Bloch spehere can be remotely prepared with one cbit from Alice to Bob if they share one ebit of entanglement. Also we show that any single particle measurement on an arbitrary qubit can be remotely simulated with one ebit of shared entanglement and communication of one cbit.Comment: Latex, 7 pages, minor changes, references adde
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