190 research outputs found

    T=0 Phase Diagram of the Double-Exchange Model

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    We present the T=0 phase diagram of the double-exchange model (ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model) for all values of the carrier concentration nn and Hund's couplng JJ, within dynamical mean field theory. We find that depending on the values of nn and JJ, the ground state is either a ferromagnet, a commensurate antiferromagnet or some other incommensurate phase with intermediate wave vectors . The antiferromagnetic phase is separated by first order phase boundaries and wide regimes of phase separation. The transition from the ferromagnetic phase to an incommensurate phase is second order.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. The analysis now includes incommensurate phases with arbitrary wave vectors. Correspondingly, the figures have been change

    1D Frustrated Ferromagnetic Model with Added Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction

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    The one-dimensional (1D) isotropic frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 model is considered. Classical and quantum effects of adding a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction on the ground state of the system is studied using the analytical cluster method and numerical Lanczos technique. Cluster method results, show that the classical ground state magnetic phase diagram consists of only one single phase: "chiral". The quantum corrections are determined by means of the Lanczos method and a rich quantum phase diagram including the gapless Luttinger liquid, the gapped chiral and dimer orders is obtained. Moreover, next nearest neighbors will be entangled by increasing DM interaction and for open chains, end-spins are entangled which shows the long distance entanglement (LDE) feature that can be controlled by DM interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Fermi Surfaces of Diborides: MgB2 and ZrB2

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    We provide a comparison of accurate full potential band calculations of the Fermi surfaces areas and masses of MgB2 and ZrB2 with the de Haas-van Alphen date of Yelland et al. and Tanaka et al., respectively. The discrepancies in areas in MgB2 can be removed by a shift of sigma-bands downward with respect to pi-bands by 0.24 eV. Comparison of effective masses lead to orbit averaged electron-phonon coupling constants lambda(sigma)=1.3 (both orbits), lambda(pi)=0.5. The required band shifts, which we interpret as an exchange attraction for sigma states beyond local density band theory, reduces the number of holes from 0.15 to 0.11 holes per cell. This makes the occurrence of superconductivity in MgB2 a somewhat closer call than previously recognized, and increases the likelihood that additional holes can lead to an increased Tc.Comment: 7 pages including 4 figure

    The phase diagram of the extended anisotropic ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain

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    By using Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) technique we study the phase diagram of 1D extended anisotropic Heisenberg model with ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor and antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor interactions. We analyze the static correlation functions for the spin operators both in- and out-of-plane and classify the zero-temperature phases by the range of their correlations. On clusters of 64,100,200,30064,100,200,300 sites with open boundary conditions we isolate the boundary effects and make finite-size scaling of our results. Apart from the ferromagnetic phase, we identify two gapless spin-fluid phases and two ones with massive excitations. Based on our phase diagram and on estimates for the coupling constants known from literature, we classify the ground states of several edge-sharing materials.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Dynamical Scaling: the Two-Dimensional XY Model Following a Quench

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    To sensitively test scaling in the 2D XY model quenched from high-temperatures into the ordered phase, we study the difference between measured correlations and the (scaling) results of a Gaussian-closure approximation. We also directly compare various length-scales. All of our results are consistent with dynamical scaling and an asymptotic growth law L(t/ln[t/t0])1/2L \sim (t/\ln[t/t_0])^{1/2}, though with a time-scale t0t_0 that depends on the length-scale in question. We then reconstruct correlations from the minimal-energy configuration consistent with the vortex positions, and find them significantly different from the ``natural'' correlations --- though both scale with LL. This indicates that both topological (vortex) and non-topological (``spin-wave'') contributions to correlations are relevant arbitrarily late after the quench. We also present a consistent definition of dynamical scaling applicable more generally, and emphasize how to generalize our approach to other quenched systems where dynamical scaling is in question. Our approach directly applies to planar liquid-crystal systems.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Pinned Balseiro-Falicov Model of Tunneling and Photoemission in the Cuprates

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    The smooth evolution of the tunneling gap of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 with doping from a pseudogap state in the underdoped cuprates to a superconducting state at optimal and overdoping, has been interpreted as evidence that the pseudogap must be due to precursor pairing. We suggest an alternative explanation, that the smoothness reflects a hidden SO(N) symmetry near the (pi,0) points of the Brillouin zone (with N = 3, 4, 5, or 6). Because of this symmetry, the pseudogap could actually be due to any of a number of nesting instabilities, including charge or spin density waves or more exotic phases. We present a detailed analysis of this competition for one particular model: the pinned Balseiro-Falicov model of competing charge density wave and (s-wave) superconductivity. We show that most of the anomalous features of both tunneling and photoemission follow naturally from the model, including the smooth crossover, the general shape of the pseudogap phase diagram, the shrinking Fermi surface of the pseudogap phase, and the asymmetry of the tunneling gap away from optimal doping. Below T_c, the sharp peak at Delta_1 and the dip seen in the tunneling and photoemission near 2Delta_1 cannot be described in detail by this model, but we suggest a simple generalization to account for inhomogeneity, which does provide an adequate description. We show that it should be possible, with a combination of photoemission and tunneling, to demonstrate the extent of pinning of the Fermi level to the Van Hove singularity. A preliminary analysis of the data suggests pinning in the underdoped, but not in the overdoped regime.Comment: 18 pages LaTeX, 26 ps. figure

    Nonquasiparticle states in half-metallic ferromagnets

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    Anomalous magnetic and electronic properties of the half-metallic ferromagnets (HMF) have been discussed. The general conception of the HMF electronic structure which take into account the most important correlation effects from electron-magnon interactions, in particular, the spin-polaron effects, is presented. Special attention is paid to the so called non-quasiparticle (NQP) or incoherent states which are present in the gap near the Fermi level and can give considerable contributions to thermodynamic and transport properties. Prospects of experimental observation of the NQP states in core-level spectroscopy is discussed. Special features of transport properties of the HMF which are connected with the absence of one-magnon spin-flip scattering processes are investigated. The temperature and magnetic field dependences of resistivity in various regimes are calculated. It is shown that the NQP states can give a dominate contribution to the temperature dependence of the impurity-induced resistivity and in the tunnel junction conductivity. First principle calculations of the NQP-states for the prototype half-metallic material NiMnSb within the local-density approximation plus dynamical mean field theory (LDA+DMFT) are presented.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, Proceedings of Berlin/Wandlitz workshop 2004; Local-Moment Ferromagnets. Unique Properties for Moder Applications, ed. M. Donath, W.Nolting, Springer, Berlin, 200

    Carrier relaxation, pseudogap, and superconducting gap in high-Tc cuprates: A Raman scattering study

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    We describe results of electronic Raman-scattering experiments in differently doped single crystals of Y-123 and Bi-2212. The comparison of AF insulating and metallic samples suggests that at least the low-energy part of the spectra originates predominantly from excitations of free carriers. We therefore propose an analysis of the data in terms of a memory function approach. Dynamical scattering rates and mass-enhancement factors for the carriers are obtained. In B2g symmetry the Raman data compare well to the results obtained from ordinary and optical transport. For underdoped materials the dc scattering rates in B1g symmetry become temperature independent and considerably larger than in B2g symmetry. This increasing anisotropy is accompanied by a loss of spectral weight in B2g symmetry in the range between the superconducting transition at Tc and a characteristic temperature T* of order room temperature which compares well with the pseudogap temperature found in other experiments. The energy range affected by the pseudogap is doping and temperature independent. The integrated spectral loss is approximately 25% in underdoped samples and becomes much weaker towards higher carrier concentration. In underdoped samples, superconductivity related features in the spectra can be observed only in B2g symmetry. The peak frequencies scale with Tc. We do not find a direct relation between the pseudogap and the superconducting gap.Comment: RevTeX, 21 pages, 24 gif figures. For PostScript with embedded eps figures, see http://www.wmi.badw-muenchen.de/~opel/k2.htm

    Optical symmetries and anisotropic transport in high-Tc superconductors

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    A simple symmetry analysis of in-plane and out-of-plane transport in a family of high temperature superconductors is presented. It is shown that generalized scaling relations exist between the low frequency electronic Raman response and the low frequency in-plane and out-of-plane conductivities in both the normal and superconducting states of the cuprates. Specifically, for both the normal and superconducting state, the temperature dependence of the low frequency B1gB_{1g} Raman slope scales with the cc-axis conductivity, while the B2gB_{2g} Raman slope scales with the in-plane conductivity. Comparison with experiments in the normal state of Bi-2212 and Y-123 imply that the nodal transport is largely doping independent and metallic, while transport near the BZ axes is governed by a quantum critical point near doping p0.22p\sim 0.22 holes per CuO2_{2} plaquette. Important differences for La-214 are discussed. It is also shown that the cc- axis conductivity rise for TTcT\ll T_{c} is a consequence of partial conservation of in-plane momentum for out-of-plane transport.Comment: 16 pages, 8 Figures (3 pages added, new discussion on pseudogap and charge ordering in La214

    On the Degradation of Retained Austenite in Transformation Induced Plasticity Steel

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    © 2020, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International. A transformation-induced plasticity steel was thermomechanically processed and then transformed to bainite at an isothermal transformation temperature of 723 K for 1800 seconds, which exceeds the time required for completion of the bainite transformation. The formation of lenticular-shaped carbides with a triclinic lattice and internal substructure was found after thermomechanical processing. After 16 years of storage at room temperature, the decomposition of retained austenite into pearlite was observed for the first time at this temperature