323 research outputs found

    Avaliação de linhagens, materiais comerciais e duas populações de milho para tolerância a alumínio.

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    Neste trabalho realizou-se a avaliacao da tolerancia a Al (4,5 mg.l) de 39 linhagens, 98 materiais comerciais, 167 progenies de uma populacao IAC-Maya e de 466 progenies de uma populacao IAC-Genetica, usando-se a tecnica de solucao nutritiva. Foram usadas na avaliacao as características ICR (indice de crescimento da radicula = comprimento relativo da radicula -CRR (CR+Al.CR-Al)- multiplicado por comprimento relativo da raiz secundaria mais longa - CRRSML (CRSML+Al/CRSML-Al) e CLR (comprimento liquido da radicula = diferenca entre os valores de comprimento da radicula - CR - obtidos no inicio e fim do periodo de crescimento das plantas em presenca de Al). As linhagens e as progenies da populacao IAC-Maya a de milho foram avaliadas através do ICR enquanto que os materiais comerciais e as progenies da populacao IAC-Genetica foram avaliados pelos valores de CLR. Os controles utilizados foram IAC HS1227 (tolerante a Al) e IAC HS7777 (sensivel a Al). O metodo de solucao nutritiva foi eficiente na diferenciacao da tolerancia a Al dentre os materiais testados, evidenciando a ocorrencia de ampla variabilidade genetica para essa caracteristica. As seguintes linhagens e materiais comerciais apresentaram tolerancia a Al (4,5 mg/l): Porto Rico 70. D,2, IP 38-5-3, IP 365-4-I, IA 2992-3-1-2-3, Vic 3-2-3-30-V-6, 490, 519, 532, 536-2 e 820 (linhagens) e AG 82, AG 260, AGROMEM 1022, ASGROW 1255, DINA 03S, DINA 47, IAC Hmd 7974, SS 1243 e UNICAMP 720 (materiais comerciais)

    The application of UAV-derived SfM-MVS photogrammetry for the investigation of storm wave boulder deposits on a small rocky island in the semi-enclosed Northern Adriatic Sea

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    The inventory and categorization of an extensive coastal boulder assemblage originating from storm wave transport on the coastline of Fenoliga Island (Northern Adriatic Sea, southern Istria, Croatia) are presented and discussed herein. The study adopted the use of a commercial Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Structure from Motion-MultiView Stereo (SfM-MVS) photogrammetry for the construction of a 3D model of the island. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and an orthomosaic were produced and employed for the mapping of the boulder assemblage in a GIS. In total, 592 boulders were identified and mapped. Using SfM-MVS-derived products allowed for the identified boulders to be categorized based on size classification. Amassed data relating to the boulder characteristics was inserted and stored in a GIS, including the results of a comparative assessment with historical Google Earth imagery which enabled the ‘quantification of boulder transport over a 9-year timeframe’. Field evidence indicates that boulders were created in-situ via the quarrying of bedrock strata by breaking waves causing increased water pressure within preexisting surfaces of weakness such as bedding planes and sub-vertical fractures. Once detached, the boulders were transported and deposited during storm wave events. Repeated storm events can further displace previously detached clasts

    Avaliação de linhagens materiais comerciais e duas populações de milho para tolerância a alumínio.

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    Avaliacao da tolerancia a Al (4,5mg/l) de 39 linhagens, 98 materiais comerciais, 167 progenies de uma populacao IAC-Maya e de 466 progenies de uma populacao IAC-Taiuba de milho (Zea mays L), usando-se a tecnica de solucao nutritiva. Foram utilizados os seguintes indices: ICR (indice de crescimento da radicula), determinado atraves da multiplicacao dos indices CRR (comprimento relativo da radicula) e CRRSML (comprimento relativo da raiz secundaria mais longa), e CLR (comprimento liquido da radicula) calculado pela diferenca entre os valores de CR (comprimento da radicula) obtidos no inicio e fim do periodo de crescimento das plantas em presenca de aluminio. Os indices CRR e CRRSML foram derivados da relacao obtida entre os valores obtidos na presenca e ausencia de Al. As linhagens e as progenies da populacao IAC-Maya foram avaliadas atraves do ICR, enquanto os demais o foram pelo indice CLR. Os materiais controles foram IAC HS1227 (tolerante a Al) e IAC HS7777 (sensivel a Al). O metodo de solucao nutritiva foi eficiente na diferenciacao da tolerancia a Al dentre os materiais testados, evidenciando a ocorrencia de ampla variabilidade genetica para essa caracteristica. As seguintes linhagens e materiais comerciais apresentaram tolerancia ao Al(4,5 mg/l): Porto Rico 70.D.2, Ip 48-5-3, Ip 365-4-1, IA 2992-3-1-2-3, Vic 3-2-3-30-V6, 490, 519, 532, 535-2 e 820 (linhagens) e AG 82, AG260, AGROMEM 1022, ASGROW 1255, DINA 03 S, DINA 47, IAC Hmd 7974, SS 1243 e UNICAMP 720 (materiais comerciais)

    Development and validation of a new in situ technique to measure total gaseous chlorine in air

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    Total gaseous chlorine (TClg) measurements can improve our understanding of unknown sources of Cl in the atmosphere. Existing techniques for measuring TClg have been limited to offline analysis of extracted filters and do not provide suitable temporal information on fast atmospheric processes. We describe high-time-resolution in situ measurements of TClg by thermolyzing air over a heated platinum (Pt) substrate coupled to a cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS). The method relies on the complete decomposition of TClg to release Cl atoms that react to form HCl, for which detection by CRDS has previously been shown to be fast and reliable. The method was validated using custom organochlorine permeation devices (PDs) that generated gas-phase dichloromethane (DCM), 1-chlorobutane (CB), and 1,3-dichloropropene (DCP). The optimal conversion temperature and residence time through the high-temperature furnace was 825 ∘C and 1.5 s, respectively. Complete conversion was observed for six organochlorine compounds, including alkyl, allyl, and aryl C–Cl bonds, which are amongst the strongest Cl-containing bonds. The quantitative conversion of these strong C–Cl bonds suggests complete conversion of similar or weaker bonds that characterize all other TClg. We applied this technique to both outdoor and indoor environments and found reasonable agreements in ambient background mixing ratios with the sum of expected HCl from known long-lived Cl species. We measured the converted TClg in an indoor environment during cleaning activities and observed varying levels of TClg comparable to previous studies. The method validated here is capable of measuring in situ TClg and has a broad range of potential applications

    New Multithreaded Hybrid CPU/GPU Approach to Hartree−Fock

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    In this article, a new multithreaded Hartree–Fock CPU/GPU method is presented which utilizes automatically generated code and modern C++ techniques to achieve a significant improvement in memory usage and computer time. In particular, the newly implemented Rys Quadrature and Fock Matrix algorithms, implemented as a stand-alone C++ library, with C and Fortran bindings, provides up to 40% improvement over the traditional Fortran Rys Quadrature. The C++ GPU HF code provides approximately a factor of 17.5 improvement over the corresponding C++ CPU code
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