425 research outputs found

    Renormalization of the quasiparticle hopping integrals by spin interactions in layered copper oxides

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    Holes doped within the square CuO2 network specific to the cuprate superconducting materials have oxygen 2p character. We investigate the basic properties of such oxygen holes by wavefunction-based quantum chemical calculations on large embedded clusters. We find that a 2p hole induces ferromagnetic correlations among the nearest-neighbor Cu 3d spins. When moving through the antiferromagnetic background the hole must bring along this spin polarization cloud at nearby Cu sites, which gives rise to a substantial reduction of the effective hopping parameters. Such interactions can explain the relatively low values inferred for the effective hoppings by fitting the angle-resolved photoemission data. The effect of the background antiferromagnetic couplings of renormalizing the effective nearest-neighbor hopping is also confirmed by density-matrix renormalization-group model Hamiltonian calculations for chains and ladders of CuO4 plaquettes

    Orbital Localization and Delocalization Effects in the U 5f^2 Configuration: Impurity Problem

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    Anderson models, based on quantum chemical studies of the molecule of U(C_8H_8)_2, are applied to investigate the problem of an U impurity in a metal. The special point here is that the U 5f-orbitals are divided into two subsets: an almost completely localized set and a considerably delocalized one. Due to the crystal field, both localized and delocalized U 5f-orbitals affect the low-energy physics. A numerical renormalization group study shows that every fixed point is characterized by a residual local spin and a phase shift. The latter changes between 0 and \pi/2, which indicates the competition between two different fixed points. Such a competition between the different local spins at the fixed points reflects itself in the impurity magnetic susceptibility at high temperatures. These different features cannot be obtained if the special characters of U 5f-orbitals are neglected.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, email to [email protected]

    A multideterminant assessment of mean field methods for the description of electron transfer in the weak coupling regime

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    Multideterminant calculations have been performed on model systems to emphasize the role of many-body effects in the general description of charge quantization experiments. We show numerically and derive analytically that a closed-shell ansatz, the usual ingredient of mean-field methods, does not properly describe the step-like electron transfer characteristic in weakly coupled systems. With the multideterminant results as a benchmark, we have evaluated the performance of common ab initio mean field techniques, such as Hartree Fock (HF) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) with local and hybrid exchange correlation functionals, with a special focus on spin-polarization effects. For HF and hybrid DFT, a qualitatively correct open-shell solution with distinct steps in the electron transfer behaviour can be obtained with a spin-unrestricted (i.e., spin-polarized) ansatz though this solution differs quantitatively from the multideterminant reference. We also discuss the relationship between the electronic eigenvalue gap and the onset of charge transfer for both HF and DFT and relate our findings to recently proposed practical schemes for calculating the addition energies in the Coulomb blockade regime for single molecule junctions from closed-shell DFT within the local density approximation

    Wave-function-based approach to quasiparticle bands: new insight into the electronic structure of c-ZnS

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    Ab initio wave-function-based methods are employed for the study of quasiparticle energy bands of zinc-blende ZnS, with focus on the Zn 3d "semicore" states. The relative energies of these states with respect to the top of the S 3p valence bands appear to be poorly described as compared to experimental values not only within the local density approximation (LDA), but also when many-body corrections within the GW approximation are applied to the LDA or LDA+U mean-field solutions [T. Miyake, P. Zhang, M. L. Cohen, and S. G. Louie, Phys. Rev. B 74, 245213 (2006)]. In the present study, we show that for the accurate description of the Zn 3d states a correlation treatment based on wave function methods is needed. Our study rests on a local Hamiltonian approach which rigorously describes the short-range polarization and charge redistribution effects around an extra hole or electron placed into the valence respective conduction bands of semiconductors and insulators. The method also facilitates the computation of electron correlation effects beyond relaxation and polarization. The electron correlation treatment is performed on finite clusters cut off the infinite system. The formalism makes use of localized Wannier functions and embedding potentials derived explicitly from prior periodic Hartree-Fock calculations. The on-site and nearest-neighbor charge relaxation lead to corrections of several eV to the Hartree-Fock band energies and gap. Corrections due to long-range polarization are of the order of 1.0 eV. The dispersion of the Hartree-Fock bands is only little affected by electron correlations. We find the Zn 3d "semicore" states to lie about 9.0 eV below the top of the S 3p valence bands, in very good agreement with values from valence-band x-ray photoemission.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Superconductivity, magnetic order, and quadrupolar order in the filled skutterudite system Pr1−x_{1-x}Ndx_{x}Os4_4Sb12_{12}

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    Superconductivity, magnetic order, and quadrupolar order have been investigated in the filled skutterudite system Pr1−x_{1-x}Ndx_{x}Os4_4Sb12_{12} as a function of composition xx in magnetic fields up to 9 tesla and at temperatures between 50 mK and 10 K. Electrical resistivity measurements indicate that the high field ordered phase (HFOP), which has been identified with antiferroquadruoplar order, persists to xx ∼\sim 0.5. The superconducting critical temperature TcT_c of PrOs4_4Sb12_{12} is depressed linearly with Nd concentration to xx ∼\sim 0.55, whereas the Curie temperature TFMT_{FM} of NdOs4_4Sb12_{12} is depressed linearly with Pr composition to (1−x1-x) ∼\sim 0.45. In the superconducting region, the upper critical field Hc2(x,0)H_{c2}(x,0) is depressed quadratically with xx in the range 0 << xx ≲\lesssim 0.3, exhibits a kink at xx ≈\approx 0.3, and then decreases linearly with xx in the range 0.3 ≲\lesssim xx ≲\lesssim 0.6. The behavior of Hc2(x,0)H_{c2}(x,0) appears to be due to pair breaking caused by the applied magnetic field and the exhange field associated with the polarization of the Nd magnetic moments, in the superconducting state. From magnetic susceptibility measurements, the correlations between the Nd moments in the superconducting state appear to change from ferromagnetic in the range 0.3 ≲\lesssim xx ≲\lesssim 0.6 to antiferromagnetic in the range 0 << xx ≲\lesssim 0.3. Specific heat measurements on a sample with xx == 0.45 indicate that magnetic order occurs in the superconducting state, as is also inferred from the depression of Hc2(x,0)H_{c2}(x,0) with xx.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, currently submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Temperature dependent band structure of the Kondo insulator

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    We present a Qantum Monte Carlo (QMC) study of the temperature dependent dynamics of the Kondo insulator. Working at the so-called symmetrical point allows to perform minus-sign free QMC simulations and thus reach temperatures of less than 1% of the conduction electron bandwidth. Study of the temperature dependence of the single particle Green's function and dynamical spin correlation function shows a surprisingly intricate low temperature band structure and gives evidence for two characteristic temperatures, which we identify with the Kondo and coherence temperature, respectively. In particular, the data show a temperature induced metal-insulator transition at the coherence temperature.Comment: RevTex-file, 4 PRB pages with 4 eps figures. Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]

    Cohesive energies of cubic III-V semiconductors

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    Cohesive energies for twelve cubic III-V semiconductors with zincblende structure have been determined using an ab-initio scheme. Correlation contributions, in particular, have been evaluated using the coupled-cluster approach with single and double excitations (CCSD). This was done by means of increments obtained for localized bond orbitals and for pairs and triples of such bonds. Combining these results with corresponding Hartree-Fock data, we recover about 92 \% of the experimental cohesive energies.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, late

    Reentrant charge order transition in the extended Hubbard model

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    We study the extended Hubbard model with both on-site and nearest neighbor Coulomb repulsion (UU and VV, respectively) in the Dynamical Mean Field theory. At quarter filling, the model shows a transition to a charge ordered phase with different sublattice occupancies n_A \nen_B. The effective mass increases drastically at the critical VV and a pseudo-gap opens in the single-particle spectral function for higher values of VV. The Vc(T)V_c(T)-curve has a negative slope for small temperatures, i.e. the charge ordering transition can be driven by increasing the temperature. This is due to the higher spin-entropy of the charge ordered phase.Comment: 4 pages, 4 EPS figures included, REVTe

    Correlation in the transition metal based Heusler compounds Co2_2MnSi and Co2_2FeSi

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    Half-metallic ferromagnets like the full Heusler compounds with formula X2_2YZ are supposed to show an integer value of the spin magnetic moment. Calculations reveal in certain cases of X = Co based compounds non-integer values, in contrast to experiments. In order to explain deviations of the magnetic moment calculated for such compounds, the dependency of the electronic structure on the lattice parameter was studied theoretically. In local density approximation (LDA), the minimum total energy of Co2_2FeSi is found for the experimental lattice parameter, but the calculated magnetic moment is about 12% too low. Half-metallic ferromagnetism and a magnetic moment equal to the experimental value of 6μB6\mu_B are found, however, only after increasing the lattice parameter by more than 6%. To overcome this discrepancy, the LDA+U+U scheme was used to respect on-site electron correlation in the calculations. Those calculations revealed for Co2_2FeSi that an effective Coulomb-exchange interaction Ueff=U−JU_{eff}=U-J in the range of about 2eV to 5eV leads to half-metallic ferromagnetism and the measured, integer magnetic moment at the measured lattice parameter. Finally, it is shown in the case of Co2_2MnSi that correlation may also serve to destroy the half-metallic behavior if it becomes too strong (for Co2_2MnSi above 2eV and for Co2_2FeSi above 5eV). These findings indicate that on-site correlation may play an important role in the description of Heusler compounds with localized moments.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Optical spectra of the heavy fermion uniaxial ferromagnet UGe2_2

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    We report a detailed study of UGe2_{2} single crystals using infrared reflectivity and spectroscopic ellipsometry. The optical conductivity suggests the presence of a low frequency interband transition and a narrow free-carrier response with strong frequency dependence of the scattering rate and effective mass. We observe sharp changes in the low frequency mass and scattering rate below the upper ferromagnetic transition TC=53KT_C = 53 K. The characteristic changes are exhibited most strongly at an energy scale of around 12 meV (100 cm−1^{-1}). They recover their unrenormalized value above TCT_C and for ω>\omega > 40 meV. In contrast no sign of an anomaly is seen at the lower transition temperature of unknown nature Tx∼T_x \sim 30 K, observed in transport and thermodynamic experiments. In the ferromagnetic state we find signatures of a strong coupling to the longitudinal magnetic excitations that have been proposed to mediate unconventional superconductivity in this compound
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