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    Postpartum blues (PPB) atau sering juga disebut Maternity blues atau Baby blues dimengerti sebagai suatu sindroma gangguan efek ringan yang sering tampak dalam minggu pertama setelah persalinan dan memuncak pada hari ke tiga sampai kelima dan menyerang dalam rentang waktu 14 hari terhitung setelah persalinan. Untuk mengantisipasi ibu postpartum yang mengalami post partum blues perlu diadakan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektifitas Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) terhadap kadar hormon kortisol pada ibu postpartum blues di Wilayah Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Quasi Experimental atau eksperimental semu dengan rancangan penelitian Pre and post test with control group design. Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan di wilayah Kota Semarang. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Desember 2015- Juni 2016. Sampel penelitian ibu postpartum baik primipara maupun multipara yang mengalami postpartum blues berada di wilayah kerja kota Semarang yang terbagi menjadi 3 bagian, yaitu kelompok kontrol, kelompok musik alam, dan kelompok musik Kenny G dengan masing-masing terdiri atas 12 responden dengan total 36 responden. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji one way anova dan analisis regresi linier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan paritas (p value = 0,441), pendidikan (p value = 0,586), pekerjaan (p value = 0,837), dan dukungan sosial (p value = 0,877) antara kelompok intervensi musik GIM (Guided Imagey and Music) di BPM Wilayah Kota Semarang. Terapi musik GIM Kenny G adalah yang paling efektif menurunkan hormon kortisol. kelompok GIM Kenny G dapat menurunkan skor EPDS sebesar 2,37 dan menurunkan skor post kortisol sebesar 28,95 dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Sedangkan setiap kenaikan 1 poin skor EPDS maka akan meningkatkan 0,53 skor post EPDS. Selain itu setiap kenaikan 1 skor pre kortisol maka akan meningkatkan 0,75 skor post kortisol. Untuk pre kortisol dan pre EPDS menjadi tidak bermakna terhadap post kortisol dan post EPDS. Kata kunci : paritas, pekerjaan, pendidikan, dukungan sosial, Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) Postpartum blues (PPB) or Maternity Baby blues known as a mild syndrome disorder effects that sometime appears in the first week after delivery and peaked on third or fifth day, and the symptom occur in the span of 14 days after delivery. Based on number of postpartum mothers who experienced post partum blues, there need a study to identify the effectiveness of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) toward cortisol hormone levels of postpartum blues mother in the city of Semarang. The study used Quasi Experimental or quasi-experimental research design with pre and post-test with control group design. the research conducted in the city of Semarang, on December 2015 to June 2016. The research samples are postpartum mothers both primiparous and multiparous who experienced postpartum blues in BPM Region Semarang and divided into 3 groups, namely a control group, a group of natural music, and music groups Kenny G. Each group consists of 12 respondents with 36 respondents totaly. The results of the study was analyzed using one-way anova test and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that there was no difference in parity (p value = 0.441), education (p value = 0.586), occupation (p value = 0.837), and social support (p value = 0.877) between the intervention group music GIM (Guided Imagey and Music ) in BPM Region Semarang. The GIM - Kenny G Music therapy was the most effective lowering cortisol hormone level. The GIM – Kenny G can lowered EPDS score of 2.37 and lowered cortisol post a score of 28.95 compared with the control group. While every increasing of 1 point EPDS score will increase post EPDS score of 0.53. Moreover, any increasing in of 1 point of pre cortisol will increase cortisol post score of 0.75. The pre cortisol and pre EPDS is meaningless towads post cortisol and post EPDS. Keywords : parity, employment, education, social support, Guided Imagery and Music (GIM

    Pengaruh Penyuluhan tentang Kanker Servik terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Usia 35-45 Tahun di RW 02 Kelurahan Ngampilan Yogyakarta 2010

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    Cervical cancer is the sec ond most common malignancy in women worldwide, and is still the le ading cause of cancer deaths in women in the country - a developing country. The research method is experimental pseudo / quasi experimental design was used with non-equivalent c ontrol group. Sampling technique using a sampling Bored, the respondents were 44 respondents. Data collection by questionnaire. By analysis of testing data us ing two-sample T-test. test results of the experimental and control group pretest obtai ned t value of 0.164 with significance of 0.871. T table value at 5% significance leve l amounted to 2.021, because the value of the t <t table (0.164 <2.021), meaning that there was no significant difference between pretest knowledge on the experimental and control groups. For the posttest results obtained by t test t value of 2.537 with significance of 0.015. Since the value t count> t table (2.357 <2.021), this means that ther e are significant differences in posttest knowledge level between experi mental groups and control