269 research outputs found

    Imaging spontaneous currents in superconducting arrays of pi-junctions

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    Superconductors separated by a thin tunneling barrier exhibit the Josephson effect that allows charge transport at zero voltage, typically with no phase shift between the superconductors in the lowest energy state. Recently, Josephson junctions with ground state phase shifts of pi proposed by theory three decades ago have been demonstrated. In superconducting loops, pi-junctions cause spontaneous circulation of persistent currents in zero magnetic field, analogous to spin-1/2 systems. Here we image the spontaneous zero-field currents in superconducting networks of temperature-controlled pi-junctions with weakly ferromagnetic barriers using a scanning SQUID microscope. We find an onset of spontaneous supercurrents at the 0-pi transition temperature of the junctions Tpi = 3 K. We image the currents in non-uniformly frustrated arrays consisting of cells with even and odd numbers of pi-junctions. Such arrays are attractive model systems for studying the exotic phases of the 2D XY-model and achieving scalable adiabatic quantum computers.Comment: Pre-referee version. Accepted to Nature Physic

    Exceptional Operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills

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    We consider one particularly interesting class of composite gauge-invariant operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. An exceptional feature of these operators is that in the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz approach the one-loop rapidities of the constituent magnons are shown to be exact in the 't Hooft coupling constant. This is used to propose the mirror TBA description for these operators. The proposal is shown to pass several non-trivial checks.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures, 1 attached Mathematica noteboo

    Electroproduction of nucleon resonances

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    The unitary isobar model MAID has been extended and used for a partial wave analysis of pion photo- and electroproduction in the resonance region W < 2 GeV. Older data from the world data base and more recent experimental results from Mainz, Bates, Bonn and JLab for Q^2 up to 4.0 (GeV/c)^2 have been analyzed and the Q^2 dependence of the helicity amplitudes have been extracted for a series of four star resonances. We compare single-Q^2 analyses with a superglobal fit in a new parametrization of Maid2003 together with predictions of the hypercentral constituent quark model. As a result we find that the helicity amplitudes and transition form factors of constituent quark models should be compared with the analysis of bare resonances, where the pion cloud contributions have been subtracted.Comment: 6 pages Latex including 5 figures, Invited talk at ICTP 4th International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics, Trieste, Italy, 12-16 May 200

    Comments on the Mirror TBA

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    We discuss various aspects of excited state TBA equations describing the energy spectrum of the AdS_5 \times S^5 strings and, via the AdS/CFT correspondence, the spectrum of scaling dimensions of N = 4 SYM local operators. We observe that auxiliary roots which are used to partially enumerate solutions of the Bethe-Yang equations do not play any role in engineering excited state TBA equations via the contour deformation trick. We further argue that the TBA equations are in fact written not for a particular string state but for the whole superconformal multiplet, and, therefore, the psu(2,2|4) invariance is built in into the TBA construction.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, v2: misprints are correcte

    Exploring the mirror TBA

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    We apply the contour deformation trick to the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations for the AdS_5 \times S^5 mirror model, and obtain the integral equations determining the energy of two-particle excited states dual to N=4 SYM operators from the sl(2) sector. We show that each state/operator is described by its own set of TBA equations. Moreover, we provide evidence that for each state there are infinitely-many critical values of 't Hooft coupling constant \lambda, and the excited states integral equations have to be modified each time one crosses one of those. In particular, estimation based on the large L asymptotic solution gives \lambda \approx 774 for the first critical value corresponding to the Konishi operator. Our results indicate that the related calculations and conclusions of Gromov, Kazakov and Vieira should be interpreted with caution. The phenomenon we discuss might potentially explain the mismatch between their recent computation of the scaling dimension of the Konishi operator and the one done by Roiban and Tseytlin by using the string theory sigma model.Comment: 69 pages, v2: new "hybrid" equations for YQ-functions, figures and tables are added. Analyticity of Y-system is discussed, v3: published versio

    On the classical equivalence of monodromy matrices in squashed sigma model

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    We proceed to study the hybrid integrable structure in two-dimensional non-linear sigma models with target space three-dimensional squashed spheres. A quantum affine algebra and a pair of Yangian algebras are realized in the sigma models and, according to them, there are two descriptions to describe the classical dynamics 1) the trigonometric description and 2) the rational description, respectively. For every description, a Lax pair is constructed and the associated monodromy matrix is also constructed. In this paper we show the gauge-equivalence of the monodromy matrices in the trigonometric and rational description under a certain relation between spectral parameters and the rescalings of sl(2) generators.Comment: 32pages, 3figures, references added, introduction and discussion sections revise

    Quantum Symmetries and Marginal Deformations

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    We study the symmetries of the N=1 exactly marginal deformations of N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory. For generic values of the parameters, these deformations are known to break the SU(3) part of the R-symmetry group down to a discrete subgroup. However, a closer look from the perspective of quantum groups reveals that the Lagrangian is in fact invariant under a certain Hopf algebra which is a non-standard quantum deformation of the algebra of functions on SU(3). Our discussion is motivated by the desire to better understand why these theories have significant differences from N=4 SYM regarding the planar integrability (or rather lack thereof) of the spin chains encoding their spectrum. However, our construction works at the level of the classical Lagrangian, without relying on the language of spin chains. Our approach might eventually provide a better understanding of the finiteness properties of these theories as well as help in the construction of their AdS/CFT duals.Comment: 1+40 pages. v2: minor clarifications and references added. v3: Added an appendix, fixed minor typo

    Numerical results for the exact spectrum of planar AdS4/CFT3

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    We compute the anomalous dimension for a short single-trace operator in planar ABJM theory at intermediate coupling. This is done by solving numerically the set of Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations which are expected to describe the exact spectrum of the theory. We implement a truncation method which significantly reduces the number of integral equations to be solved and improves numerical efficiency. Results are obtained for a range of 't Hooft coupling lambda corresponding to 0h(λ)10 \leq h(\lambda) \leq 1, where h(lambda) is the interpolating function of the AdS4/CFT3 Bethe equations.Comment: v3: corrected Acknowledgements section; v4: minor changes, published version; v5: fixed typos in Eq. (3.9

    The quark anti-quark potential and the cusp anomalous dimension from a TBA equation

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    We derive a set of integral equations of the TBA type for the generalized cusp anomalous dimension, or the quark antiquark potential on the three sphere, as a function of the angles. We do this by considering a family of local operators on a Wilson loop with charge L. In the large L limit the problem can be solved in terms of a certain boundary reflection matrix. We determine this reflection matrix by using the symmetries and the boundary crossing equation. The cusp is introduced through a relative rotation between the two boundaries. Then the TBA trick of exchanging space and time leads to an exact equation for all values of L. The L=0 case corresponds to the cusped Wilson loop with no operators inserted. We then derive a slightly simplified integral equation which describes the small angle limit. We solve this equation up to three loops in perturbation theory and match the results that were obtained with more direct approaches.Comment: 63 pages, 12 figures. v2: references added, typos correcte

    Supergraphs and the cubic Leigh-Strassler model

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    We discuss supergraphs and their relation to "chiral functions" in N=4 Super Yang-Mills. Based on the magnon dispersion relation and an explicit three-loop result of Sieg's we make an all loop conjecture for the rational contributions of certain classes of supergraphs. We then apply superspace techniques to the "cubic" branch of Leigh-Strassler N=1 superconformal theories. We show that there are order 2^L/L single trace operators of length L which have zero anomalous dimensions to all loop order in the planar limit. We then compute the anomalous dimensions for another class of single trace operators we call one-pair states. Using the conjecture we can find a simple expression for the rational part of the anomalous dimension which we argue is valid at least up to and including five-loop order. Based on an explicit computation we can compute the anomalous dimension for these operators to four loops.Comment: 22 pages; v2: Conjecture modified to apply only for the rational part of the chiral functions. Typos fixed. Minor modification