6 research outputs found

    Characterization And Sensorial Evaluation Of Functional Cereal Bar [caracterização E Avaliação Sensorial De Barra De Cereais Funcional De Alto Teor Protéico E Vitamínico]

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    Cereal bars were introduced over a decade ago as a "healthy" alternative confectionery. Concomitantly, foods as soybean, with high vitamin and mineral levels and antioxidants properties come receiving great application in functional products, because they can prevent against chronic-degenerative illnesses of the heart. Considering the growth of the segment of cereal bars in the food sector, it was developed a formulation with high protein and vitamin levels cereal bar based on textured soy protein, wheat germ and oat, enriched with acid ascorbic and acetate of α-tocoferol. The cereal bar and its ingredients had been submitted to the analyses for characterization and three formulations, varying the content of acid ascorbic; they had also been evaluated as a sensorial preference and an ideal intensity of sweetness and acidity. The textured soy protein used presented high levels of oligosaccharides raffinose and stachiose (1.92 g/100 g e 4.66 g/100 g) and of total isoflavones (283.49 mg/100 g), when compared with the grain, integral flour and isolated protein. The final formulation of the cereal bar presented 15.31% of protein, high vitamin E content (118.0 mg/100 g) and minerals such as phosphorus, iron and manganese. The 1.1 g/100 g added formulation of acid ascorbic got greater significantly sensorial preference, differing from the other samples (p≤0.05).262318324(1997) Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analutical Chemistry. 16 th Ed., , WashingtonAraújo, J.M.A., Carlos, J.C.S., Sedyama, C.S., Isoflavonas em grãos de sojaimportância da atividade de β-glicosidase na formação do sabor amargo e adstringente (1997) Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 17 (2), pp. 137-141. , mai.-agoBarbosa, M., Na Onda Da Barra. 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    Effect Of High Hydrostatic Pressure On The Color And Texture Parameters Of Refrigerated Caiman (caiman Crocodilus Yacare) Tail Meat

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    The effect of applying high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on the instrumental parameters of color and texture and sensory characteristics of alligator meat were evaluated. Samples of alligator tail meat were sliced, vacuum-packed, pressurized and distributed into four groups: control, treated with 200. MPa/10. min, 300. MPa/10. min and 400. MPa/10. min, then stored at 4. °C ± 1. °C for 45. days. Instrumental color, texture profile and a sensory profiling using quantitative descriptive analysis were carried out on the 1st, 15th, 30th and 45th days of storage. HHP was shown to affect the color and texture of the product, and the sensory descriptors (p. < 0.05). The results suggest that high pressure is a promising technology for the processing of alligator meat, especially low pressures (200. MPa) which can have positive effects on the quality of the product. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.913255260Angsupanich, K., Ledward, D.A., High pressure treatment effects on cod (Gadus morhua) muscle (1998) Food Chemistry, 63 (1), pp. 39-50Ashie, I.N.A., Simpson, B.K., Application of high hydrostatic pressure to control enzyme related fresh seafood texture deterioration (1996) Food Research Internacional, 29 (5-6), pp. 569-575Aymerich, T., Picouet, P.A., Monfort, J.M., Decontamination technologies for meat products (2008) Meat Science, 78 (1-2), pp. 114-129Bourne, M.C., Texture profile analysis (1978) Food Technology, 32 (7), pp. 62-66Instrução Normativa n o 03, de 17 de janeiro de 2000 (2000) Aprova o Regulamento Técnico de Métodos de Insensibilização para o Abate Humanitário de Animais de Açougue, , Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brazília, Brazil, BrasilCarlez, A., Veciana-Nogues, T., Cheftel, J.C., Changes in colour and myoglobin of minced beef meat due to high pressure processing (1995) Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie, 28 (5), pp. 528-538Chéret, R., Chapleau, N., Delbarre, C.L., Verrez-Bagnis, S.M., Effects of high pressure on texture and microstructure of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) fillets (2005) Journal of Food Science, 70 (8), pp. 477-483Chevalier, D., Bail, A.L., Ghoul, M., Effects of high pressure treatment (100-200MPa) at low temperature on turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) muscle (2001) Food Research Internacional, 34 (5), pp. 425-429Crehana, C.M., Troya, D.J., Buckley, D.J., Effects of salt level and high hydrostatic pressure processing on frankfurters formulated with 1.5 and 2.5% salt (2000) Meat Science, 55, pp. 123-130Cruz, A.G., Faria, J.A.F., Saad, S.M.I., Santd́ana, A.S., Cristianini, M., High Pressure Processing and Pulsed Electric Fields: Potential use in probiotic dairy foods processing (2010) Trends in Food Science & Technology, 21, pp. 483-493Cruz-Romero, M., Smiddy, M., Hill, C., Kerry, J.P., Kelly, A.L., Effects of high pressure treatment on physicochemical characteristics of fresh oysters (Crassostrea gigas) (2004) Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 5 (2), pp. 161-169Damásio, M.H., Costell, E., Análisis sensorial descriptivo: Generación de desciptores e seleción de catadores (1991) Revista Agroquímica de Tecnologia Alimentaria, 31 (2), pp. 165-178Dong Sun, X., Holley, R.A., High hydrostatic pressure effects on the texture of meat and meat products (2010) Journal of Food Science, 75 (1), pp. 17-23Ferreira, E.H.R., Masson, L.M.P., Rosenthal, A., Efeito da alta pressão hidrostática nos microrganismos (2008) Boletim do Centro de Pesquisa de Processamento de Alimentos, 26 (1), pp. 135-150Fletcher, D.L., Qiao, M., Smith, D.P., The relationship of raw broiler breast meat color and pH to cooked meat color and pH (2000) Poultry Science, 79, pp. 784-788Freitas, M.Q., (2005) Características e aceitação sensorial de mortadelas produzidas com carne mecanicamente separada de frango, , Editora UFV, Viçosa, BrazilGou, J., Lee, H.Y., Ahn, J., Effect of high pressure processing on the quality of squid (Todarodes pacificus) during refrigerated storage (2010) Food Chemistry, 119 (2), pp. 471-476Jung, S., Ghoul, M., Lamballerie-Anton, M.D., Influence of high pressure on the color and microbial quality of beef meat (2003) Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie, 36 (6), pp. 625-631Lamballerie-Anton, M.D., Taylor, R.G., Culioli, J., High pressure processing of meat (2002) Meatprocessing: Improving quality. 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    Genótipos de sorgo para produção de barra de cereais

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma barra de cereais com pipoca de sorgo e avaliá-la quanto à aceitação do produto por consumidores, assim como identificar genótipos de sorgo e distintos modos de processamento para a produção de pipoca visando maior rendimento. Foram avaliados os processamentos sem (STH) e com tratamento hidrotérmico (CTH) dos grãos antes do pipoqueamento. O tratamento CTH reduziu o percentual de piruás em cerca de 36% e aumentou o rendimento da produção de pipoca em cerca de 80%. No STH, os genótipos BRS 310, BR 501, BR 506 e CMSXS 283 produziram menor percentual de piruás e maior capacidade de expansão. No CTH, 'BRS 310' e 'CMSXS 283' apresentaram melhor desempenho. Uma pesquisa sobre a aceitação e a intenção de compra das barras de cereais foi realizada em Londrina, PR e no Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Verificou-se que o produto foi aceito por 98, 4 e 76, 5% dos consumidores, e a média de aceitação, em uma escala de 1 a 9, foi de 7, 7 em Londrina e de 7, 1 no Rio de Janeiro. Quanto à intenção de compra, verificou-se que 88, 8% dos londrinenses e 80, 6% dos cariocas atribuíram notas acima de 4 ("talvez não comprasse, talvez comprasse") na escala de 7 pontos utilizada