6 research outputs found

    L’autophagie, l’homéostasie intestinale et ses pathologies

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    L’épithélium intestinal est la plus grande surface du corps exposée à l’environnement. L’homéostasie intestinale repose essentiellement sur l’intégrité des cellules épithéliales, processus complexe impliquant un équilibre avec la flore intestinale, le système immunitaire et les dépenses énergétiques liées au métabolisme. L’autophagie est au centre de ces fonctions et permet à l’épithélium de s’adapter à son environnement et aux différentes situations de stress en participant aux défenses antibactériennes, en contrôlant la composition de la flore intestinale, la réponse immunitaire et en participant à l’homéostasie énergétique. Une altération de ce mécanisme de protection est observée dans les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin et le cancer colorectal

    cAMP Bursts Control T Cell Directionality by Actomyosin Cytoskeleton Remodeling

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    International audienceT lymphocyte migration is an essential step to mounting an efficient immune response. The rapid and random motility of these cells which favors their sentinel role is conditioned by chemokines as well as by the physical environment. Morphological changes, underlaid by dynamic actin cytoskeleton remodeling, are observed throughout migration but especially when the cell modifies its trajectory. However, the signaling cascade regulating the directional changes remains largely unknown. Using dynamic cell imaging, we investigated in this paper the signaling pathways involved in T cell directionality. We monitored cyclic adenosine 3-5 monosphosphate (cAMP) variation concomitantly with actomyosin distribution upon T lymphocyte migration and highlighted the fact that spontaneous bursts in cAMP starting from the leading edge, are sufficient to promote actomyosin redistribution triggering trajectory modification. Although cAMP is commonly considered as an immunosuppressive factor, our results suggest that, when transient, it rather favors the exploratory behavior of T cells

    Paneth cells promote angiogenesis and regulate portal hypertension in response to microbial signals.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS Paneth cells (PCs) synthesize and secrete antimicrobial peptides that are key mediators of host-microbe interactions, establishing a balance between intestinal microflora and enteric pathogens. We observed that their number increases in experimental portal hypertension and aimed to investigate the mechanisms by which these cells can contribute to the regulation of portal pressure. METHODS We first treated Math1Lox/LoxVilcreERT2 mice with tamoxifen to induce the complete depletion of intestinal PCs. Subsequently, we performed partial portal vein or bile duct ligation. We then studied the effects of these interventions on hemodynamic parameters, proliferation of blood vessels and the expression of genes regulating angiogenesis. Intestinal organoids were cultured and exposed to different microbial products to study the composition of their secreted products (by proteomics) and their effects on the proliferation and tube formation of endothelial cells (ECs). In vivo confocal laser endomicroscopy was used to confirm the findings on blood vessel proliferation. RESULTS Portal hypertension was significantly attenuated in PC-depleted mice compared to control mice and was associated with a decrease in portosystemic shunts. Depletion of PCs also resulted in a significantly decreased density of blood vessels in the intestinal wall and mesentery. Furthermore, we observed reduced expression of intestinal genes regulating angiogenesis in Paneth cell depleted mice using arrays and next generation sequencing. Tube formation and wound healing responses were significantly decreased in ECs treated with conditioned media from PC-depleted intestinal organoids exposed to intestinal microbiota-derived products. Proteomic analysis of conditioned media in the presence of PCs revealed an increase in factors regulating angiogenesis and additional metabolic processes. In vivo endomicroscopy showed decreased vascular proliferation in the absence of PCs. CONCLUSIONS These results suggest that in response to intestinal flora and microbiota-derived factors, PCs secrete not only antimicrobial peptides, but also pro-angiogenic signaling molecules, thereby promoting intestinal and mesenteric angiogenesis and regulating portal hypertension. LAY SUMMARY Paneth cells are present in the lining of the small intestine. They prevent the passage of bacteria from the intestine into the blood circulation by secreting substances to fight bacteria. In this paper, we discovered that these substances not only act against bacteria, but also increase the quantity of blood vessels in the intestine and blood pressure in the portal vein. This is important, because high blood pressure in the portal vein may result in several complications which could be targeted with novel approaches

    Intestinal inhibition of <em>Atg7</em> prevents tumour initiation through a microbiome-influenced immune response and suppresses tumour growth

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    Here, we show that autophagy is activated in the intestinal epithelium in murine and human colorectal cancer and that the conditional inactivation of Atg7 in intestinal epithelial cells inhibits the formation of pre-cancerous lesions in Apc(+/-) mice by enhancing anti-tumour responses. The antibody-mediated depletion of CD8(+) T cells showed that these cells are essential for the anti-tumoral responses mediated by the inhibition of autophagy. We show that Atg7 deficiency leads to intestinal dysbiosis and that the microbiota is required for anticancer responses. In addition, Atg7 deficiency resulted in a stress response accompanied by metabolic defects, AMPK activation and p53-mediated cell-cycle arrest in tumour cells but not in normal tissue. This study reveals that the inhibition of autophagy within the epithelium may prevent the development and progression of colorectal cancer in genetically predisposed patients

    Axin1 Protects Colon Carcinogenesis by an Immune-Mediated EffectSummary

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    Background &amp; Aims: Axin1 is a negative regulator of wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 1 (Wnt)/β-catenin signaling with tumor-suppressor function. The Wnt pathway has a critical role in the intestine, both during homeostasis and cancer, but the role of Axin1 remains elusive. Methods: We assessed the role of Axin1 in normal intestinal homeostasis, with control, epithelial-specific, Axin1-knockout mice (Axin1ΔIEC) and Axin2-knockout mice. We evaluated the tumor-suppressor function of Axin1 during chemically induced colorectal tumorigenesis and dextran sulfate sodium–induced colitis, and performed comparative gene expression profiling by whole-genome RNA sequencing. The clinical relevance of the Axin1-dependent gene expression signature then was tested in a database of 2239 clinical colorectal cancer (CRC) samples. Results: We found that Axin1 was dispensable for normal intestinal homeostasis and redundant with Axin2 for Wnt pathway down-regulation. Axin1 deficiency in intestinal epithelial cells rendered mice more susceptible to chemically induced colon carcinogenesis, but reduced dextran sulfate sodium–induced colitis by attenuating the induction of a proinflammatory program. RNA-seq analyses identified an interferon γ/T-helper1 immune program controlled by Axin1 that enhances the inflammatory response and protects against CRC. The Axin1-dependent gene expression signature was applied to human CRC samples and identified a group of patients with potential vulnerability to immune checkpoint blockade therapies. Conclusions: Our study establishes, in vivo, that Axin1 has redundant function with Axin2 for Wnt down-regulation and infers a new role for Axin1. Physiologically, Axin1 stimulates gut inflammation via an interferon γ/Th1 program that prevents tumor growth. Linked to its T-cell–mediated effect, the colonic Axin1 signature offers therapeutic perspectives for CRC