93 research outputs found

    Rapidly-Disintegrating Laminar Extrudates: Preliminary Experiments upon an Age Appropriate Pediatric Formulation

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    The aim of the present investigation is to produce rapidly disintegrating laminar extrudates for delivering ibuprofen in the mouth of paediatric patients. This laminar shape is particularly convenient for drug delivering in the mouth and can be easily cut in cut in different sizes allowing for a convenient adjustment of the drug dose depending on the age of the patient. Due to the fact that in paediatric formulations, the selection of the excipients is always a challenging issue and the reduction of their amount is always highly desirable, in this study to select the most appropriate composition to achieve a rapid disintegration and simultaneously permit a high amount of ibuprofen in the system, an experimental design for mixtures was employed and the disintegration time in simulated saliva was used as experimental response. In addition, after solid state analyses to check possible insurgence of drug-excipients interactions, laminar extrudates were characterised in terms of mechanical properties and in vitro dissolution performances. Extrudates with the desired uniform laminar shape, constant thickness (2 mm) and a very high content of drug (82% wt) were produced. These products exhibited a short disintegration time. The dose for a patient of 6-12 years corresponded to a length of extrudate between 1-1.5 cm, perfectly compatible with a formulation orodispersible thin laminar extrudate intended for a paediatric patient (Figure 1)

    Spatial patterns of organic matter content in the surface soil of the salt marshes of the Venice Lagoon (Italy)

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    Salt marshes are crucial eco-geomorphic features of tidal environments as they provide important ecological functions and deliver a wide range of ecosystem services. Being controlled by the interplay between hydrodynamics, geomorphology, and vegetation, the contribution of both organic matter (OM) and inorganic sediments drives salt marsh vertical accretion. This allows marshes to keep pace with relative sea level rise and likewise capture and store carbon, making them valuable allies in climate mitigation strategies. Thus, soil organic matter (SOM), i.e. the organic component of the soil, plays a key role within salt marsh environments, directly contributing to soil formation and supporting carbon storage. This study aims at inspecting spatial patterns of OM in surface salt marsh soils (top 20 cm), providing further insights into the physical and biological factors driving OM dynamics that affect salt marsh survival and carbon sink potential. Our results reveal two scales of variations in SOM content in marsh environments. At the marsh scale, OM variability is influenced by the interplay between surface elevation and changes in sediment supply linked with the distance from the marsh edge. At the system scale, OM content distribution is dominated by the gradient generated by marine and fluvial influence. The observed variations in SOM are explained by the combination of inorganic and organic input, preservation conditions, and sediment grain size. Our results highlight the importance of marshes as carbon sink environments, further emphasising that environmental conditions within a tidal system may generate strongly variable and site-specific carbon accumulation patterns, enhancing blue carbon assessment complexity.</p

    Foam-Mat Freeze-Drying of Blueberry Juice by Using Trehalose-β-Lactoglobulin and Trehalose-Bovine Serum Albumin as Matrices

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of pure protein compounds and trehalose incorporated into blueberry juice for foam-mat freeze-drying on the foam and powder properties. Foam-mat freeze-drying (FMFD) of blueberry juice was tested at − 55 °C for 24 h. Matrices used were trehalose + β-lactoglobulin (T3BL1) and trehalose + bovine serum albumin (T3A1) and compared with maltodextrin + whey protein isolate (M3W1). Physicochemical properties of foam and powder, e.g., foam stability, foam density, moisture, rehydration time, color, particle morphology, total phenolic, and anthocyanins (total and individuals), were investigated. T3BL1 and T3A1 had more stable foam than M3W1. However, overrun of T3BL1 and T3A1 foamed were inferior to the M3W1 sample. The M3W1 sample recovered 79% powder (dry weight) and was superior to others. Rehydration time of powdered T3BL1 and T3A1, with bulk densities of 0.55–0.60 g cm−3, was the fastest (34–36 s). The blueberry powders of M3W1 showed more irregular particle size and shape, while the samples with trehalose and pure proteins generated particles of more uniform size with obvious pores. T3BL1 and T3A1 showed less redness (a*) values than the M3W1 product. All samples were considered pure red due to hue values < 90. M3W1 was superior in total phenolic content (TPC) and total monomeric anthocyanins (TMA) compared with both samples made with trehalose + β-lactoglobulin and trehalose+bovine serum albumin. Delphinidin-3-glucoside (Del3Gl) concentration was found to be higher in M3W1. Also, M3W1 had higher cyanidin-3-glucoside (Cyn3Gl) and malvidin-3-glucoside (Mal3Gl) concentration. M3W1 also prevented the degradation of these bioactive compounds better than the other FMFD samples. The use of pure proteins and trehalose as matrices in the FMFD process had little advantage compared with maltodextrin/whey protein isolate. Thus, maltodextrin/whey protein isolate seems an ideal matrix for the manufacture of FMFD blueberry

    Spatial dimensions of stated preference valuation in environmental and resource economics: methods, trends and challenges

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    Well-Defined Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets: A Net-Level Method to Specify Priorities

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    Generalized stochastic Petri nets (GSPN), with immediate transitions, are extensively used to model concurrent systems in a wide range of application domains, particularly including software and hardware aspects of computer systems, and their interactions. These models are typically used for system specification, logical and performance analysis, or automatic code generation. In order to keep modeling separate from the analysis and to gain in efficiency and robustness of the modeling process, the complete specification of the stochastic process underlying a model should be guaranteed at the net level, without requiring the generation and exploration of the state space. In this paper, we propose a net-level method that guides the modeler in the task of defining the priorities (and weights) of immediate transitions in a GSPN model, to deal with confusion and conflict problems. The application of this method ensures well-definition without reducing modeling flexibility or expressiveness
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