12 research outputs found

    Breast Cancer in Young Women: Poor Survival Despite Intensive Treatment

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    The general aim of the thesis was to gain increased insight into the long-term prognosis for young women with breast cancer. In a population-based cohort of 22,017 women with breast cancer, we studied prognosis by age. Women aged <35 (n=471), 35–39 (n=858) and 40–49 (n=4789) were compared with women aged 50–69. The cumulative 5-year relative survival ratio (RSR) and the relative excess risk (RER) of mortality were calculated. Women <35 years of age had a worse survival than middle-aged women, partly explained by a later stage at diagnosis. After correction for stage, tumor characteristics and treatment, young age remained an independent risk factor for death. The excess risk of death in young women was only present in stage I-II disease and was most pronounced in women with small tumors. For in-depth studies on a large subpopulation from the original cohort (all 471 women aged <35 and a random sample of 700 women aged 35–69), we collected detailed data from the medical records, re-evaluated slides and produced TMAs from tumor tissue. Breast cancer- specific survival (BCSS), distant disease-free survival (DDFS) and locoregional recurrence- free survival (LRFS) by age were analysed. In a multivariate analysis, age <35 and age 35– 39 years conferred a risk in LRFS but not in DDFS and BCSS. The age-related differences in prognosis were most pronounced in early stage luminal Her2-negative tumors, where low age was an independent prognostic factor also for DDFS (HR 1.87 (1.03–3.44)). To study the importance of proliferation markers for the long-term prognosis in young women, protein expression of Ki-67, cyclin A2, B1, D1 and E1 was analysed in 504 women aged <40 and in 383 women aged β‰₯40. The higher expression of proliferation markers in young women did not have a strong impact on the prognosis. Proliferation markers are less important in young women, and Ki-67 was prognostic only in young women with Luminal PR+ tumors. Age <40 years was an independent risk factor of DDFS exclusively in this subgroup (adjusted HR 2.35 (1.22-4.50)). The only cyclin adding prognostic value beyond subtype in young women was cyclin E1. In a cohort of 469 women aged <40 and 360 women aged β‰₯40 we examined whether Her2 status assessed by silver enhanced in situ hybridization (SISH) for all cases, would reveal a proportion of women undiagnosed by routine Her2 testing and whether this would affect their prognosis. With SISH testing for all women, the Her2-positive rate increased from 20.0% to 24.4% (p<0.001), and similarly for women aged <40 and β‰₯40 years. Young women had Her2+ breast cancer twice as often as middle-aged women. Her2 amplification was present in 4.6% of cases scored 0 with IHC, while the corresponding proportions for scores 1+, 2+ and 3+ were 36.0%, 83.7% and 96.8%, respectively. All Her2 amplified cases, both true positive and false negative, had a significantly worse BCSS than the true negative cases

    BRCA1 promoter methylation is associated with increased mortality among women with breast cancer

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    Promoter-CpG island hypermethylation is a common molecular defect in cancer cells. It has been proposed as an alternative mechanism to inactivate BRCA1in the breast where somatic mutations of BRCA1 are rare. To better understand breast cancer etiology and progression, we explored the association between BRCA1 promoter methylation status and prognostic factors as well as survival among women with breast cancer. We also examined whether dietary methyl content and functional polymorphisms of genes involved in one-carbon metabolism influenced the methylation pattern. Promoter methylation of BRCA1 was assessed in 851 archived tumor tissues collected from a population-based study of women diagnosed with invasive or in situ breast cancer in 1996–1997, and who were followed for vital status through the end of 2002. About 59% of the tumors were methylated at the promoter of BRCA1. The BRCA1 promoter methylation was more frequent in invasive cancers (p=0.02) and among premenopausal cases (p=0.05). BRCA1 promoter methylation was associated with increased risk of breast cancer-specific mortality (age-adjusted HR 1.71; 95% CI: 1.05–2.78) and all-cause mortality (age-adjusted HR 1.49; 95% CI: 1.02–2.18). Among dietary methyl intakes in the year prior to the baseline interview examined, cases with lowest quintile of choline intake (<20%) had higher BRCA1 methylation level in the tumor compared to the rest (66.1% vs. 57.7%, p=0.04). Functional polymorphisms in one-carbon metabolism were not correlated with BRCA1 methylation status. Our study is the first epidemiological investigation on the prognostic value of BRCA1 promoter methylation in a large population-based cohort of breast cancer patients. Our results indicate that BRCA1 promoter methylation is an important factor to consider in predicting breast cancer survival