31,182 research outputs found

    Laser-induced currents along molecular wire junctions

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    The treatment of the previous paper is extended to molecular wires. Specifically, the effect of electron-vibrational interactions on the electronic transport induced by femtosecond ω+2ω\omega+2\omega laser fields along unbiased molecular nanojunctions is investigated. For this, the photoinduced vibronic dynamics of trans-polyacetylene oligomers coupled to macroscopic metallic leads is followed in a mean-field mixed quantum-classical approximation. A reduced description of the dynamics is obtained by introducing projective lead-molecule couplings and deriving an effective Schr\"odinger equation satisfied by the orbitals in the molecular region. Two possible rectification mechanisms are identified and investigated. The first one relies on near-resonance photon-absorption and is shown to be fragile to the ultrafast electronic decoherence processes introduced by the wire's vibrations. The second one employs the dynamic Stark effect and is demonstrated to be highly efficient and robust to electron-vibrational interactions.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. Accepted in J. Chem. Phy

    High accuracy measure of atomic polarizability in an optical lattice clock

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    Despite being a canonical example of quantum mechanical perturbation theory, as well as one of the earliest observed spectroscopic shifts, the Stark effect contributes the largest source of uncertainty in a modern optical atomic clock through blackbody radiation. By employing an ultracold, trapped atomic ensemble and high stability optical clock, we characterize the quadratic Stark effect with unprecedented precision. We report the ytterbium optical clock's sensitivity to electric fields (such as blackbody radiation) as the differential static polarizability of the ground and excited clock levels: 36.2612(7) kHz (kV/cm)^{-2}. The clock's fractional uncertainty due to room temperature blackbody radiation is reduced an order of magnitude to 3 \times 10^{-17}.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Quantifying the efficiency and biases of forest Saccharomyces sampling strategies

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    Saccharomyces yeasts are emerging as model organisms for ecology and evolution, and researchers need environmental Saccharomyces isolates to test ecological and evolutionary hypotheses. However, methods for isolating Saccharomyces from nature have not been standardized and isolation methods may influence the genotypes and phenotypes of studied strains. We compared the effectiveness and potential biases of an established enrichment culturing method against a newly developed direct plating method for isolating forest floor Saccharomyces spp. In a European forest, enrichment culturing was both less successful at isolating S. paradoxus per sample collected and less labor intensive per isolated S. paradoxus colony than direct isolation. The two methods sampled similar S. paradoxus diversity: the number of unique genotypes sampled (i.e., genotypic diversity) per S. paradoxus isolate and average growth rates of S. paradoxus isolates did not differ between the two methods, and growth rate variances (i.e., phenotypic diversity) only differed in one of three tested environments. However, enrichment culturing did detect rare S. cerevisiae in the forest habitat, and also found two S. paradoxus isolates with outlier phenotypes. Our results validate the historically common method of using enrichment culturing to isolate representative collections of environmental Saccharomyces. We recommend that researchers choose a Saccharomyces sampling method based on resources available for sampling and isolate screening. Researchers interested in discovering new Saccharomyces phenotypes or rare Saccharomyces species from natural environments may also have more success using enrichment culturing. We include step-by-step sampling protocols in the supplemental materials

    Fluorescent visualization of a spreading surfactant

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    The spreading of surfactants on thin films is an industrially and medically important phenomenon, but the dynamics are highly nonlinear and visualization of the surfactant dynamics has been a long-standing experimental challenge. We perform the first quantitative, spatiotemporally-resolved measurements of the spreading of an insoluble surfactant on a thin fluid layer. During the spreading process, we directly observe both the radial height profile of the spreading droplet and the spatial distribution of the fluorescently-tagged surfactant. We find that the leading edge of spreading circular layer of surfactant forms a Marangoni ridge in the underlying fluid, with a trough trailing the ridge as expected. However, several novel features are observed using the fluorescence technique, including a peak in the surfactant concentration which trails the leading edge, and a flat, monolayer-scale spreading film which differs from concentration profiles predicted by current models. Both the Marangoni ridge and surfactant leading edge can be described to spread as RtδR \propto t^{\delta}. We find spreading exponents, δH0.30\delta_H \approx 0.30 and δΓ0.22\delta_\Gamma \approx 0.22 for the ridge peak and surfactant leading edge, respectively, which are in good agreement with theoretical predictions of δ=1/4\delta = 1/4. In addition, we observe that the surfactant leading edge initially leads the peak of the Marangoni ridge, with the peak later catching up to the leading edge

    Slotted Rotatable Target Assembley and Systematic Error Analysis for a Search for Long Range Spin Dependent Interactions from Exotic Vector Boson Exchange Using Neutron Spin Rotation

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    We discuss the design and construction of a novel target array of nonmagnetic test masses used in a neutron polarimetry measurement made in search for new possible exotic spin dependent neutron–atominteractions of Nature at sub-mm length scales. This target was designed to accept and efficiently transmit a transversely polarized slow neutron beam through a series of long open parallel slots bounded by flat rectangular plates. These openings possessed equal atom density gradients normal to the slots from the flat test masses with dimensions optimized to achieve maximum sensitivity to an exotic spin-dependent interaction from vector boson exchanges with ranges in the mm - μm regime. The parallel slots were oriented differently in four quadrants that can be rotated about the neutron beam axis in discrete 90°increments using a Geneva drive. The spin rotation signals from the 4 quadrants were measured using a segmented neutron ion chamber to suppress possible systematic errors from stray magnetic fields in the target region. We discuss the per-neutron sensitivity of the target to the exotic interaction, the design constraints, the potential sources of systematic errors which could be present in this design, and our estimate of the achievable sensitivity using this method

    A Study of the Immunosuppressive Activity of Methylene Dimethane Sulphonate (MDMS) in Relation to its Effectiveness as an Anti-Tumour Agent

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    The anti-tumour action of methylene dimethane sulphonate (MDMS) has been further investigated in relation to its immunosuppressive properties. Following a dose of 10 mg/kg, the proportion of permanent regressions of Yoshida lymphosarcoma transplants is lower in animals treated during the first 5 days of tumour growth. Re-implants on day 28 to those animals in which regression of the tumour had occurred indicated that the immune response to the tumour increases during the first 7 days of tumour growth

    A two-sample Bayesian t-test for microarray data

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    BACKGROUND: Determining whether a gene is differentially expressed in two different samples remains an important statistical problem. Prior work in this area has featured the use of t-tests with pooled estimates of the sample variance based on similarly expressed genes. These methods do not display consistent behavior across the entire range of pooling and can be biased when the prior hyperparameters are specified heuristically. RESULTS: A two-sample Bayesian t-test is proposed for use in determining whether a gene is differentially expressed in two different samples. The test method is an extension of earlier work that made use of point estimates for the variance. The method proposed here explicitly calculates in analytic form the marginal distribution for the difference in the mean expression of two samples, obviating the need for point estimates of the variance without recourse to posterior simulation. The prior distribution involves a single hyperparameter that can be calculated in a statistically rigorous manner, making clear the connection between the prior degrees of freedom and prior variance. CONCLUSION: The test is easy to understand and implement and application to both real and simulated data shows that the method has equal or greater power compared to the previous method and demonstrates consistent Type I error rates. The test is generally applicable outside the microarray field to any situation where prior information about the variance is available and is not limited to cases where estimates of the variance are based on many similar observations