5 research outputs found

    Minimizing the expected weighted number of tardy jobs in stochastic flow shops

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    This paper is devoted to two types of stochastic scheduling problems, one involving a single machine and the other involving a flow shop consisting of an arbitrary number of machines. In both problem types, all jobs to be processed have due dates, and the objective is to find a job sequence that minimizes the expected weighted number of tardy jobs. For the single-machine case, sufficient optimality conditions for job sequences are derived for various choices of due date and processing time distributions. For the case of a flow shop with an arbitrary number of machines and identically distributed due dates for all jobs, we prove the following intuitively appealing results: (i) when all jobs have the same processing time distributions, the expected weighted number of tardy jobs is minimized by sequencing the jobs in decreasing order of the weights, (ii) when all weights are equal, the jobs should be sequenced according to an increasing stochastic ordering of the processing time distributions

    Problema de programação da produção um esquema de classificação

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    Muitas vezes, não é simples encontrar uma classificação exata para os problemas de programação, não somente porque existem diferentes versões para um dado problema, mas, porque vários procedimentos para uma questão particular, são caracterizados por premissas diferentes e limitações de aplicação dos modelos desenvolvidos. O objetivo deste artigo é delinear uma classificação ampla que permita estabelecer o sentido, direção e perspectiva de pesquisas conduzidas na área. O trabalho não tem a intenção de dar um levantamento exaustivo da literatura de programação da produção, que pode ser encontrado em vários outros trabalhos de revisão.<br>It is the purpose of this article to review the various solutions that have been proposed for the production scheduling problem. An attempt is made to give a classification scheme to categorize the existing procedures that allow to point out potential future courses of development. Emphasis is placed on the basic assumptions involved in each production sequencing problem rather than to approaches used to obtain a solution