10 research outputs found

    New developments in early industrial stained glasses

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    In the present work, 50 samples of stained glass have been studied in order to disclose the improvements in glass production introduced after the growth of industry in the late 18th and early 19th centuries; the large scale production of glass and the development of new techniques led to a revival of stained glass manufacture, culminated during the late 19th century with the addition to the batch of many new colouring agents, or syhnthetic versions of the old ones, and synthesized raw materials (such as Solvay processed soda). The sample repertory includes both transparent and opalescent glasses produced by some Italian, German and American glassworks between the late 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries. All samples have been preliminarily analyzed by SEM-EDS and XRF in order to characterize the batch composition and the colouring agents. XRD has been utilized as well to identify crystalline phases employed as opacifying agents. Based on major element contents, the majority of samples can be considered as soda-lime-silica glasses, with few examples of mixed alkali-lime and lead-potash glasses. Concerning coloured transparent glasses, the addition of new colouring agents synthesized during the 19th century such as pure cobalt (mainly used for blue tints), cadmium (yellow and orange), selenium (pink and amber) and zinc (associated with sulphur to produce a deep red tint) has been confirmed. Moreover, high contents of calcium and fluorine have been detected in all opalescent samples by SEM-EDS and XRF (XRD analysis confirmed the presence of fluorite, CaF), while zirconium (introduced as zircon, ZrSiO4 or zirconium dioxide,ZrO2), has been detected as well in some samples

    Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients menopausal

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    El síndrome metabólico implica la asociación en un mismo individuo de dislipidemia, Diabetes Mellitus 2 o intolerancia a la glucosa, hipertensión arterial y exceso de peso u obesidad. La resistencia a la insulina juega un papel central en la génesis de este síndrome y se considera causante del inicio del proceso de aterosclerosis. Esto sumado a la pérdida del efecto protector de los estrógenos durante la menopausia puede llevar a la formación de placa ateromatosa y secundariamente el desarrollo de la enfermedades cardiocerebro vasculares y sus posibles secuelas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la prevalencia de síndrome metabólico en las pacientes menopáusicas y posibles factores relacionados, mediante un Estudio de tipo corte transversal, a través de la revisión de historias clínicas de las pacientes que acudieron a la consulta de Ginecología Endocrinológica en el Hospital Militar Central entre el 13 de marzo de 2013 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014. Resultados: En total 81 mujeres menopáusicas fueron incluidas en el estudio. La media de edad fue de 58.6 ± 10.3 años. El promedio de edad de la última regla fue de 10.3 años. La prevalencia de síndrome metabólico fue del 23.5%. Se encontró antecedente personal de Hipertensión arterial en 44.4%, Diabetes Mellitus en 25.6%, Hipercolesterolemia en 60.0% e Hipertrigliceridemia en 46.9% de los casos. También se documentó que 50% presentan niveles de HDL <50mg/dl, 46.9% triglicéridos ≥150mg/dl, 44.4% tensión arterial ≥130/85mmHg, 25.6% glicemia 100mg/dl y 22.2% IMC ≥30. Se evidenció que el 82.7% de las pacientes presentan algún tipo de dislipidemia como diagnóstico final. El 59.2% de la población estudiada presentan sobrepeso y obesidad, de las cuales el 35.8% presentan sobrepeso y el 23.4% obesidad. El análisis bivariado en busca de factores de riesgo mostró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa con el estrato socioeconómico <3 (p = 0.011), antecedente familiar de hipertensión arterial (p = 0.117) y de Diabetes Mellitus (p = 0.157). De acuerdo al modelo multivariado final, la variable que aumentan el riesgo de síndrome metabólico fue el estrato socioeconómico (OR 4.7; IC 95% 1.03 – 22.11). En conclusión el síndrome metabólico es una enfermedad de presentación alta en pacientes menopáusicas, con mayor riesgo en pacientes de estrato socioeconómico bajo y antecedente de patologías de base con HTA y diabetes mellitus que facilitan la instauración del mismo, por lo que estas pacientes se benefician de intervenciones tempranas y un manejo multidisciplinario para la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares secundarias al mismo.Metabolic syndrome involves the association in the same individual of dyslipidemia, Diabetes Mellitus 2 or glucose intolerance, hypertension and overweight or obese. The insulin resistance plays a central role in the genesis of this syndrome and to be causing the start of the process of atherosclerosis. This coupled with the loss of the protective effect of estrogen during menopause can lead to the formation of atheromatous plaque and secondly the development of vascular diseases cardiocerebro and its possible consequences. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal patients and possible related factors, using a cross-sectional study type, through review of medical records of patients who attended the Gynecological Endocrinology in Central Military hospital between March 13, 2013 and December 31, 2014. Results: A total of 81 postmenopausal women were included in the study. The mean age was 58.6 ± 10.3 years. The average age of the last menstrual period was 10.3 years. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 23.5%. Personal history of arterial hypertension in 44.4%, 25.6% diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia in 60.0% was found in 46.9% of cases. Was also documented that 50% have levels of HDL <50mg / dl, triglycerides 46.9% ≥150mg / dl, 44.4% blood pressure ≥130 / 85mmHg, 25.6% glucose 100 mg / dl and 22.2% BMI ≥30. It showed that 82.7% of patients have some type of dyslipidemia as a final diagnosis. 59.2% of the study population were overweight or obese, of which 35.8% were overweight and 23.4% obese. The bivariate analysis in search of risk factors showed a statistically significant difference with socioeconomic <3 strata (p = 0.011), family history of hypertension (p = 0.117) and diabetes mellitus (p = 0.157). According to the final multivariate model, the variable that increase the risk of metabolic syndrome was socioeconomic status (OR 4.7, 95% CI 1.03 - 22.11). In conclusion, the metabolic syndrome is a disease of high presentation menopausal patients with increased risk in patients of low socioeconomic status and history of underlying conditions with hypertension and diabetes mellitus that facilitate the establishment of the same, so these patients benefit from early interventions and a multidisciplinary approach for the prevention of cardiovascular disease secondary to it

    Studio colorimetrico di un repertorio di ceramiche provenienti dal sito archeologico di Tell Barri (Siria)

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    Uno studio colorimetrico su una serie di manufatti ceramici provenienti dal sito archeologico di Tell Barri (Siria,) è stato condotto all’interno di un più ampio progetto di indagini archeometriche portato avanti nell’ambito del progetto TEMART (Tecniche avanzate per la conoscenza materica e la conservazione del patrimonio storico-artistico). I 36 frammenti analizzati, molto eterogenei per caratteristiche tessiturali, rappresentano una vasta gamma di produzioni ceramiche della Siria nord-orientale (dalla ceramica comune fino alla ceramica metallica e alle ceramiche di lusso) e abbracciano un vasto intervallo temporale, che va dal Bronzo Antico fino al Ferro III. Lo studio sulle temperature di cottura dei manufatti è stato condotto attraverso misurazioni colorimetriche (spazio CIE L*a*b* e CIE L*C*h) sui campioni sottoposti a operazioni di ricottura a temperature crescenti e comprese fra 600°C e 1100°C. L’elaborazione dei risultati conseguiti ha inoltre permesso, per ogni campione, di realizzare curve colorimetriche sul piano a*b* e di studiare il comportamento di tinta e saturazione (spazio CIE L*C*h) al variare della temperatura di ricottura: questo ha consentito di suddividere i campioni in base alle analogie riscontrate negli andamenti delle curve ottenute e di poter stabilire dei rapporti anche fra campioni a prima vista molto diversi. Le classi ottenute hanno inoltre mostrato una notevole corrispondenza con quelle indicate dagli archeologi consentendo di ritenere che la tecnica analitica impiegata possa essere considerata un valido strumento nell’analisi di manufatti ceramici

    Studio colorimetrico di un repertorio di ceramiche provenienti dal sito archeologico di Tell Barri (Siria)

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    In the framework of the TEMART project (Tecniche avanzate per la conoscenza materica e la conservazione del patrimonio storico-artistico), a colorimetric study was undertaken on 36 sherds of archaelogical pottery coming from the site of Tell Barri (Syria). Samples consisted in a very heterogeneous group of sherds datable between the first half of the third and the beginning of the first millennium B.C.. Many kinds of North-Syrian ceramic categories like stone ware, fine and luxury wares, Khabur ware and Ninivite V are represented. Colour measurements was used as a means of evaluating maximum firing temperatures and other technological issues of every sample. Powders taken from each sherds were submitted to six refiring steps reaching different maximum temperature (from 600°C to 1100°C). CIE L*a*b* and CIE L*C*h colour coordinates were used also to create colour curves used to discriminate between products made up from different kinds of clay

    Archaeometric provenance constraints for Early Medieval sparse glazed pottery from Donoratico (Livorno, Italy)

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    The study of a huge repertory of sparse glazed ware from Donoratico (Livorno, Italy) dated back to the 9th century was carried out to investigate the production technology via petrographic, chemical and isotopic investigations. The mineralogical and chemical evidence suggested the application of a lead oxide flux to an unfired non‐calcareous ceramic body, in accordance with late Antique and early‐Medieval traditions. The isotopic investigation of the glazes also suggested different sources for PbO, that was frequently applied as a mix of different metal batches. The Pb isotopic record identified the Southern Tuscany districts (Campiglia Marittima and Colline Metallifere) and a source controlled by the Carolingian kings in the northern districts of Central Europe (either in Aquitaine or in the Middle German ore districts) as the most reliable sources. SEM‐EDS showed the presence of tin impurities in the form of secondary cassiterite agglomerates in most of the glazes obtained by the use of local lead. The presence of cassiterite veins in Southern Tuscany lead sulphide deposits was considered as the main cause for tin impurities in the glazing mixture and, thus, an important marker for the exploitation of local lead

    Characterization of a Jian‐like sherd with the optical microscope, confocal Raman, wavelength‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence, and portable XRF spectrometers

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    The ceramic masterpieces that belong to the private collections and art galleries are rarely studied with analytical instruments to define the authenticity, provenance, and characteristics of the materials because the scientific investigations are required to be solely noninvasive for characterizing the unfractured genuine objects. A monographic program, Blue Print, which was initiated by a German cultural heritage foundation, Art & Science Endowment Trust (ASET) Stiftung, aims at developing on-site research protocols for systematic research investigations on the fragmentary samples, with and without verifiable archeological contexts. For that reason, a combination of analytical techniques was carried out on a Jian-like sherd, which was assumed to be produced either as a genuine artifact between the 11th and late 14th centuries ad or as a Qing Dynasty copy (1644-1911 ad). Before slicing the sherd, confocal Raman microscopy was used to define the red glaze signature and the crystals formed on the glazed surface, whereas portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) (pXRF) was used to define the composition of the glaze and body. Afterward, the sherd was cut and polished for the characterization with a zoom microscope, wavelength-dispersive XRF (WD-XRF), and Raman. The macroscopic examination revealed the presence of a glassy black colored interface layer, which was detected between the body and red glaze. The composition of the red glaze was determined with XRF and Raman spectrometers, and the presence of cadmium sulfoselenide (CdSxSe1-x, 0 <= x <= 1) with a high amount of zirconium (WD-XRF: 2.20 wt.%, pXRF: 1.55-wt.% ZrO2) was found. Additionally, Raman measurements evidenced the presence of epsilon-hematite crystals formed on the blackened red glazed surface. Unlike the glaze composition, the elemental content of the body is almost the same (Al2O3: 25.7 wt.%, Fe2O3: 8.19 wt.%, K2O: 2.54 wt.%) with the genuine Jian wares already documented by artistic and scientific examinations