27 research outputs found

    "Ut illi non repugnet esse in materia": la dottrina di Zaccaria Pasqualigo (1600-1664) sulla natura della metafisica e del suo oggetto

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    Zacarias Pasqualigo desenvolveu sua doutrina concernente à natureza da metafísica e ao seu objeto nos anos vinte do século XVII. Ela pertence, no meio católico, ao grupo de reação às teses propostas por Francisco Suárez sobre esse assunto. Pasqualigo desenvolve uma metafísica cujo objeto formal não é o ente transcendental, mas o ente considerado como um modo de ser da quidditas rei omnino abstrahens a materia. Contudo, o prescindindo da matéria que é próprio a esse ente não é entendido por Pasqualigo como uma indiferença ao que é material e ao que é espiritual. Ao contrário, de acordo com esse autor, o ente do qual a metafísica trata é intrinsecamente material. Não obstante, a metafísica trata do ente material considerado separado da matéria puramente por meios da ação da mente. Como resultado, de acordo com Pasqualigo, a metafísica é uma ciência superior à física, mas não é uma ciência superior à teologia racional; com efeito, a metafísica pasqualiguiana é quase completamente separada de qualquer tipo de teologi

    The Ratio studiorum of the conventual Franciscans in the Baroque Age and the cultural-political background to the Scotist philosophy Cursus of Bartolomeo Mastri and Bonaventura Belluto

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    During the century following the Council of Trent, two trends within Catholic religious orders matured: the first consisted in unifying and strengthening the Order’s culture by focussing on one author of reference; the other in elaborating a new way of presenting that author’s doctrines. In the case of the Friars Minor Conventuals, these trends were fostered in the second decade of the seventeenth century by the minister general of the Order, Giacomo Montanari, who promoted the idea that providing the Order with new works featuring innovative didactic characteristics and a renewed defence of the doctrines of John Duns Scotus was a prime way to lead an authentic religious life. Bartolomeo Mastri and Bonaventura Belluto’s “philosophiae cursus ad mentem Scoti” was probably the major result of this impulse. This essay examines the ways in which this process occurred and the outcomes to which it led

    Logical Error Rates of XZZX and Rotated Quantum Surface Codes

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    Surface codes are versatile quantum error-correcting codes known for their planar geometry, making them ideal for practical implementations. While the original proposal used Pauli XX or Pauli ZZ operators in a square structure, these codes can be improved by rotating the lattice or incorporating a mix of generators in the XZZX variant. However, a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the logical error rate for these variants has been lacking. To address this gap, we present theoretical formulas based on recent advancements in understanding the weight distribution of stabilizer codes. For example, over an asymmetric channel with asymmetry A=10A=10 and a physical error rate p0p \to 0, we observe that the logical error rate asymptotically approaches pL10p2p_\mathrm{L} \to 10 p^2 for the rotated [[9,1,3]][[9,1,3]] XZZX code and pL18.3p2p_\mathrm{L} \to 18.3 p^2 for the [[13,1,3]][[13,1,3]] surface code. Additionally, we observe a particular behavior regarding rectangular lattices in the presence of asymmetric channels. Our findings demonstrate that implementing both rotation and XZZX modifications simultaneously can lead to suboptimal performance. Thus, in scenarios involving a rectangular lattice, it is advisable to avoid using both modifications simultaneously. This research enhances our theoretical understanding of the logical error rates for XZZX and rotated surface codes, providing valuable insights into their performance under different conditions.Comment: To appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication

    Performance Analysis of Quantum Error-Correcting Codes via MacWilliams Identities

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    One of the main challenges for an efficient implementation of quantum information technologies is how to counteract quantum noise. Quantum error correcting codes are therefore of primary interest for the evolution towards quantum computing and quantum Internet. We analyze the performance of stabilizer codes, one of the most important classes for practical implementations, on both symmetric and asymmetric quantum channels. To this aim, we first derive the weight enumerator (WE) for the undetectable errors of stabilizer codes based on the quantum MacWilliams identities. The WE is then used to evaluate the error rate of quantum codes under maximum likelihood decoding or, in the case of surface codes, under minimum weight perfect matching (MWPM) decoding. Our findings lead to analytical formulas for the performance of generic stabilizer codes, including the Shor code, the Steane code, as well as surface codes. For example, on a depolarizing channel with physical error rate ρ0\rho \to 0 it is found that the logical error rate ρL\rho_\mathrm{L} is asymptotically ρL16.2ρ2\rho_\mathrm{L} \to 16.2 \rho^2 for the [[9,1,3]][[9,1,3]] Shor code, ρL16.38ρ2\rho_\mathrm{L} \to 16.38 \rho^2 for the [[7,1,3]][[7,1,3]] Steane code, ρL18.74ρ2\rho_\mathrm{L} \to 18.74 \rho^2 for the [[13,1,3]][[13,1,3]] surface code, and ρL149.24ρ3\rho_\mathrm{L} \to 149.24 \rho^3 for the [[41,1,5]][[41,1,5]] surface code.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, submitted to an IEEE journal. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2302.1301

    L’immagine della medicina nelle lezioni inaugurali padovane: a margine del progetto DArIL

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    Starting from texts and data collected during the installation of the online database DArIL (Digital Archive of Inaugural Lectures at Renaissance and Early Modern Universities), the paper presents some results of this work. It is divided in two sections: in the first one, Marco Forlivesi describes DArIL, its structure, content, aims, and potential. In the second part, Iolanda Ventura attempts to distinguish the various types of lectiones inaugurales by focusing on specific texts dealing with medicine produced at the Universities of Padua, Jena, and Helmstedt during the Eighteenth Century

    Imaging features and ultraearly hematoma growth in intracerebral hemorrhage associated with COVID-19

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    Purpose: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is an uncommon but deadly event in patients with COVID-19 and its imaging features remain poorly characterized. We aimed to describe the clinical and imaging features of COVID-19-associated ICH. Methods: Multicenter, retrospective, case-control analysis comparing ICH in COVID-19 patients (COV19\u2009+) versus controls without COVID-19 (COV19\u2009-). Clinical presentation, laboratory markers, and severity of COVID-19 disease were recorded. Non-contrast computed tomography (NCCT) markers (intrahematoma hypodensity, heterogeneous density, blend sign, irregular shape fluid level), ICH location, and hematoma volume (ABC/2 method) were analyzed. The outcome of interest was ultraearly hematoma growth (uHG) (defined as NCCT baseline ICH volume/onset-to-imaging time), whose predictors were explored with multivariable linear regression. Results: A total of 33 COV19\u2009+\u2009patients and 321 COV19\u2009-\u2009controls with ICH were included. Demographic characteristics and vascular risk factors were similar in the two groups. Multifocal ICH and NCCT markers were significantly more common in the COV19\u2009+\u2009population. uHG was significantly higher among COV19\u2009+\u2009patients (median 6.2 mL/h vs 3.1 mL/h, p\u2009=\u20090.027), and this finding remained significant after adjustment for confounding factors (systolic blood pressure, antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy), in linear regression (B(SE)\u2009=\u20090.31 (0.11), p\u2009=\u20090.005). This association remained consistent also after the exclusion of patients under anticoagulant treatment (B(SE)\u2009=\u20090.29 (0.13), p\u2009=\u20090.026). Conclusions: ICH in COV19\u2009+\u2009patients has distinct NCCT imaging features and a higher speed of bleeding. This association is not mediated by antithrombotic therapy and deserves further research to characterize the underlying biological mechanisms


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    Il saggio intende delucidare la genesi delle nozioni di “filosofia scolastica” e “seconda scolastica”. Le ricerche svolte fino a oggi sulla storia della nozione di “scolastica” non sembrano aver preso in esame la questione della possibile diversità della storia della nozione di “filosofia scolastica” rispetto alla storia delle nozioni di “teologia scolastica” e di “scolastica” tout court. In questo studioviene proposta la tesi secondo la quale la storia della nozione di “filosofia scolastica”, benché strettamente connessa con la storia della nozione di “teologia scolastica”, non è identica a quest’ultima e vengono presentati elementi e indizi circa i tempi e i modi nei quali, tra prima modernità e iniziodel XX secolo, l’aggettivo “scolastica” fu utilizzato per designare un tipo di filosofia che viene ritenuto essere altro dal genere di filosofia praticato dagli autori moderni. I risultati raggiunti forniscono la base per determinare le ragioni che portarono Carlo Giacon a formulare, negli anni ’40 del XX secolo, la nozione di “seconda scolastica”, della quale vengono individuate le originarie finalità e implicazioni teoretiche

    "Fides virtus". The Virtue of Faith from the Twelfth to the Early Sixteenth Century

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    The volume contains the proceedings of the congress held in Padova in July 2011 on the theme "Fides virtus." The aim of the congress was to analyse 12th to 16th century doctrines specifically concerned with faith as a virtue, considered within the wider group of theological virtues (hope and charity) and also compared with the four cardinal virtues. The analysis has been developped at three different levels: biblical exegesis, systematic theology and pastoral and devotional literature