435 research outputs found

    Flannery’s Ghost: Paradigms of the Holy Ghost in Three Stories by Flannery O’Connor

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    Les lecteurs des nouvelles de Flannery O’Connor auront sûrement remarqué les multiples allusions au Saint-Esprit, insérées sous une forme ou une autre. L’une des nouvelles utilise même ces mots en guise de titre, “ Le Temple du Saint-Esprit ” (“ The Temple of the Holy Ghost ”), et de nombreuses autres y font référence de manière directe, iconographique ou implicite. “ The Enduring Chill ”allie les trois et ajoute une autre dimension en présentant le Saint-Esprit comme un personnage humain, sous l’apparence du mystérieux prêtre Jésuite, Ignatius Vogle, dont le nom et l’unique profession de foi dans “ The Third Person of the Trinity ”, parcourent l’histoire du début jusqu’à la fin. Lire les nouvelles de Flannery O’Connor m’a amené à croire que la présence du Saint-Esprit joue un rôle essentiel dans la signification profonde de cette satire. Cependant, je tiens à insister sur le fait que mon intérêt pour la fonction du Saint-Esprit dans les trois nouvelles que j’étudie est bien plus d’ordre dramatique que doctrinal. Certes, Flannery O’Connor elle-même affirmerait sans aucun doute que la dimension doctrinale, ou ce qu’elle appellerait la dimension anagogique du Saint-Esprit, est, finalement, plus importante que la dimension dramatique. Pourtant je suis sûr qu’elle admettrait aussi que sans cet effet dramatique, l’histoire court le risque de tourner au sermon et de sacrifier l’art au profit de la théologie

    Flannery’s Ghost: Paradigms of the Holy Ghost in Three Stories by Flannery O’Connor

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    Les lecteurs des nouvelles de Flannery O’Connor auront sûrement remarqué les multiples allusions au Saint-Esprit, insérées sous une forme ou une autre. L’une des nouvelles utilise même ces mots en guise de titre, “ Le Temple du Saint-Esprit ” (“ The Temple of the Holy Ghost ”), et de nombreuses autres y font référence de manière directe, iconographique ou implicite. “ The Enduring Chill ”allie les trois et ajoute une autre dimension en présentant le Saint-Esprit comme un personnage humain, sous l’apparence du mystérieux prêtre Jésuite, Ignatius Vogle, dont le nom et l’unique profession de foi dans “ The Third Person of the Trinity ”, parcourent l’histoire du début jusqu’à la fin. Lire les nouvelles de Flannery O’Connor m’a amené à croire que la présence du Saint-Esprit joue un rôle essentiel dans la signification profonde de cette satire. Cependant, je tiens à insister sur le fait que mon intérêt pour la fonction du Saint-Esprit dans les trois nouvelles que j’étudie est bien plus d’ordre dramatique que doctrinal. Certes, Flannery O’Connor elle-même affirmerait sans aucun doute que la dimension doctrinale, ou ce qu’elle appellerait la dimension anagogique du Saint-Esprit, est, finalement, plus importante que la dimension dramatique. Pourtant je suis sûr qu’elle admettrait aussi que sans cet effet dramatique, l’histoire court le risque de tourner au sermon et de sacrifier l’art au profit de la théologie

    The United States Sentencing Guidelines

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    Is the Illinois Equity in Eminent Domain Act Truly Equitable?

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    Since the Supreme Court approved of economic growth as a proper public use to support the exercise of eminent domain power to take privately-owned property in Kelo v. City of New London, state legislatures across the country have been reviewing and revising their eminent domain statutes. Private property owners have urged states to protect their rights by adopting a more restrictive interpretation of public use, while municipalities have argued that broad eminent domain powers allow the government to serve the best interest of the public in an efficient and cost effective manner. In Illinois, the state legislature attempted to strike a balance between these two opposing positions by passing the Equity in Eminent Domain Act. This note examines the public use provisions of the Act in light of United States Supreme Court and Illinois Supreme Court precedents, and then suggests that a new definition of blight is required in order to ensure that the goals of the Act are accomplished

    Short story cycles of the Americas, a transitional post-colonial form: a study of V.S. Naipaul\u27s Miguel Street, Ernest Gaines\u27s Bloodline, and Garbriel Garcia Marquez\u27s Los Funerales de Mama Grande

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    This dissertation is a study of three short story cycles which are representative of the genre in the Americas: Miguel Street (1959) by V.S. Naipaul, Los Funerales de Mama Grande (1962) by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Bloodline (1968) by Ernest Gaines. I analyze each of these cycles in depth concentrating on the structure, the order of the stories, and unifying elements such as characters, themes, internal symbolism, place, language and events, in order to demonstrate that these short story collections are indeed short story cycles. I examine these cycles in light of the two themes or factors out of which the modern cycle originates: desire for selfhood versus desire for community and desire for change versus desire to remain the same or even to go back. I believe that the modern short story cycle relates in some ways the dynamic duality of a desire or acceptation of individuality, selfhood, independence, versus the desire for a lost, denied, ideal (utopia) community. The cycle and more specifically the cycles from the South, Hispanic America and the Caribbean reflect the need for individuals to assert their selfhoods but also the need to challenge an imposed mass identity in order to form a new collective identity based on revived and revised inherited myths. The concept of change, evolution, transition in the community, is maybe not inherent to all short story cycles; however, I believe it is a key factor in cycles of the American South, Latin America and the Caribbean. These three regions have many common traits not only in literature, but also in their history, and especially in a reforging of their own national/regional identity. All three cycles focus on a transitional period in the history of their nation which is derived from the postcolonial experience

    And Do You Take This Stranger To Be Your Lawfully Wedded Wife? : The Usefulness of Social Penetration Theory within Premarital Counseling

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    With fifty percent of today\u27s marriages ending in divorce, one begins to wonder if engaged couples should be more prepared when entering into a marriage commitment. This mixed-methods study investigates the function of social penetration theory within premarital counseling programs. The research was designed to address three questions: (1) Do engaged couples believe they know the depth and breadth of their partner adequately enough to be prepared for marriage after receiving premarital counseling? (2) Do counselors indirectly support the basic premise of social penetration theory by actively using strategies to help engaged partners reveal important aspects of the breadth and depth of their personalities before entering into marriage? (3) What areas of deficiency do counselors and couples find exist in current premarital counseling programs in regards to reaching an intimate depth and breadth of each partner\u27s personality? In order to answer these questions, ten pastoral counselors and ten newly married couples were interviewed regarding their perspectives on the premarital counseling program. The results revealed that pastors support the premises of social penetration theory in that they encourage couples to spend a vast amount of time together, learning about each other, before committing to marriage. Pastors can effectively use a variety of methods to get couples engaged in deeper conversations during premarital counseling, including asking the couple direct and meaningful questions, building a close relationship with the couple, and using an inventory or questionnaire to reveal important aspects of the couple\u27s relationship that need addressing. Premarital counseling was perceived by both pastors and couples to be stronger at discussing certain areas in depth rather than addressing a wide breadth of topics. The majority of the couples (60%) were satisfied with the depth and breadth of their premarital counseling material, but those who did wish to discuss topics more fully wanted to engage in more conversations about finances, developing boundaries with in-laws, sexual intimacy, and dealing with anger. Some depth and breadth of knowledge about one\u27s partner cannot be learned until one begins marriage, and most couples found they talked more about the physical details of sex, practical finances, and coordinating schedules after their wedding day

    Utilizing Ultrasound-Guided Technology for Epidural Placement in Obese Laboring Patients

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    Epidural anesthesia is the mainstay choice to provide parturient patient pain relief during the laboring process. However, the incorrect placement of an epidural catheter can result in inadequate control of labor pain and other adverse complications to both mother and fetus. Aside from normal physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy that may contribute to difficulty in placing an epidural catheter, obesity further complicates the procedure by further obscuring anatomical landmarks that are traditionally used for epidural placement in non-obese parturient (Brodsky & Mariano, 2011). As the prevalence of obesity is rising in the United States, anesthesia providers may face more difficulty in placing epidural catheters and providing adequate analgesia to the obese laboring patient. Current literature has shown that by including the utilization of additional tools such as ultrasound-guidance and the traditional landmark-based technique during epidural placement in an obese laboring patient, both anesthesia providers and patients will benefit. This doctoral project focused on creating an educational module that includes information and video demonstrations in the form of a PowerPoint™ presentation for utilizing ultrasound guidance for epidural placement in obese laboring patients. The educational module was sent to 20 student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNA) in their third year of the nurse anesthesia program and an expert panel consisting of four certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNA) who are also faculty of the nurse anesthesia program. They were all considered to be relevant stakeholders due to their knowledge concerning regional anesthesia. A post-educational module survey was also sent to each participant to complete afterward to evaluate the educational module’s effectiveness and allowed additional comments and feedback from the participants. All of the stakeholders found the educational module informative on the utilization of ultrasound for epidural placement in obese laboring patients. The expert panel unanimously agreed that this educational module was informative and would consider a practice change in their current practice

    Technical Bulletins: Conducting A Special Census

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    This Technical Bulletin provides information about the two types of special censuses (census of annexed territory and citywide census) and their costs
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