1,368 research outputs found

    Fracking finance

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    Coal seam gas (CSG) is an unconventional gas source that often requires highly invasive extraction methods, including horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking). While CSG has made up a small part of Australia’s gas supply mix since the late 90s, production has increased drastically in the past few years, and with it the threat of many more CSG projects going ahead in the near future.   At the end of 2013, Queensland was home to approximately 5,500 CSG producing wells, however this number is projected to grow to over 14,000 by the end of 2020. Similarly, NSW CSG production is expected to increase dramatically if two major proposed projects go ahead. AGL’s Gloucester gas project is expected to produce up to 30 petajoules (PJ) per annum over its 30-year lifespan, and Santos’ Narrabri project up to 73PJ per annum over 25 years. Together, these two NSW projects’ annual production would amount to around 40% of the total CSG produced in Queensland during the 2013-14 financial year.   The massive increase in CSG production is largely due to the development of three liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facilities on Curtis Island in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area near Gladstone, Queensland, which are to be supplied with gas from unconventional sources in eastern Australia

    Fueling the fire

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    Since the global financial crisis, tens of billions of dollars have been loaned to the Australian fossil fuel industry. Many of these projects have been responsible for horrific environmental damage, including the destruction of prime agricultural land and nature reserves, contamination of aquifers, declining air quality and the industrialisation of iconic sites including the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.   Fossil fuels are also the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. Fossil fuels make up over 85% of global energy consumption, producing more than 30 Gt CO2 (billion tonnes of carbon dioxide) each year. The increasing concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere is causing global warming, which is already delivering dangerous impacts that are set to become catastrophic without an urgent reduction in emissions.   Funding decisions made by banks to support fossil fuel projects have massive impacts on our climate, environment, health, communities and economy. It is incumbent on these institutions to withdraw their support for the destructive and dangerous activities of the fossil fuel industry

    Financing reef destruction

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    The “big four” Australian banks—ANZ, Commonwealth, NAB and Westpac—have played an integral role, together lending almost $4 billion to coal and gas projects in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area since 2008.   Deals are becoming larger and more complex. While the role of Australian banks remains critical, projects now require a host of international lenders participating in a deal and support from government-backed institutions.   Australian and overseas banks alike are contravening principles and initiatives that promote environmentally responsible investment. Several major new fossil fuel export projects are seeking to meet investment deadlines in 2013.   Australians have a brief window of opportunity to intervene and prevent these projects securing the investment required to proceed

    AS-484-97 Resolution on Cal Poly\u27s Response to The Cornerstones Report

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    Receives report entitled Cal Poly\u27s Response to The Cornerstones Report

    The pictorial history of the 444th Bombardment Group, very heavy special

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    Dedication War brings glory and war brings death. Let no man think the former compensates the latter. This book is not dedicated to the glories of a great combat record. It is a memorial to those who gave their lives to make that record. They are the only heroes. No rank, medals, or words of praise can do justice to their sacrifices. Author unknownhttps://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/ww_reg_his/1134/thumbnail.jp

    316th Troop Carrier Group

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    From page 72 of document: The 316th had the hazardous and vital job of flying supplies and equipment into the battle zone for Montgomery\u27s forces. Killing Germans was the one aim of all the coordinated operations. As the fighting progressed, battle casualties began to show up at the 316th\u27s field at Agedabia, So for the return trip to their base at Tobruk, as many litters as could be laid on the floor of the planes were taken aboard and flown back for hospitalization in the rear areas. Major Francis Z. Reinus, of New York City, group surgeon, had charge of this operation. Colonel Washburn said only two men died en route, and they had been wounded critically in a land mine explosion as they were coming to the base on a truck. Later, after results of this spur-of-the-moment evacuation had been studied, it became a planned and large-scale operation, resulting in the saving of many lives and in higher morale. It was for maintaining supply and evacuation lines in that area that the group was awarded its first Presidential Citation.https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/ww_reg_his/1117/thumbnail.jp

    The story of the 73rd: the unofficial history of the 73rd Bomb Wing

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    From the Introduction Before leaving Saipan a number of men with the 73rd Wing and its units expressed a hope that some sort of a history of our organization would be published and made available to all Wing personnel. The Wing historical officer seemed the logical person to do this since he had handled the official history of the Wing which is now on file in Washington. In response to this demand, as well as to other requests received since returning to the States, this volume is prepared. While material in the book is partly borrowed from the official history, it is mostly written and collected now after a few months in the States have mellowed our memories of the Marianas. The 73rd Wing, as a whole, was a homogeneous, hard-working organization. Its personnel were cooperative with one another and did a tremendous piece of work on and from Saipan. The Wing was not only the first 20th Air Force organization to hit Tokyo but it also dropped the largest number of bombs on the Japanese Empire and flew the most missions of any of the 20th\u27s five wings. To the 15,000 men who went through the months on Saipan, those months were long and hard. While these men may not have actually been in the front lines, the Wing\u27s casualty list of both men and airplanes show that we were a fighting organization. Also our living conditions were far from comfortable most of the time. Our food was sometimes inferior and our quarters were not too good. We were subject to Japanese raids during the early part of the period. Nevertheless, our memories of Saipan will always be close to us. While this volume is written primarily from the point of view of the Wing Headquarters itself it should be of interest to all personnel of the Wing\u27s organizations. After all, the Wing did operate as a single unit from Saipan and the groups never did operate independently. The statistics and figures included have to do with the Wing operation as a whole rather than any particular organization. This history will necessarily lack the personal touch that the story of a smaller unit might have. Personalities are pretty much lost in the over-all picture. These 73rd Wing organizations included the four tactical groups-the 497th, the 498th, the 499th and the 500th Bombardment Groups. Also there were the four Air Service Groups -- the 65th, 91st, 303rd and 330th. Without these maintenance and engineering specialists and the Service Centers they manned, the Wing would surely have failed.https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/ww_reg_his/1155/thumbnail.jp

    History of the 410th Bombardment Group

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    Foreword This is the first page in the unofficial history of the 410th Bombardment Group (L). Written in France at a time when Hitler\u27s throne is crumbling and the axis dream of world domination is about to burst like a bubble in the breeze, it is intended to recall a few incidents of the past without any attempt to foresee the future. Lacking a crystal ball or the courage of a weatherman, we frown upon all attempts to predict how, when or where the 410th Bomb Group will cease to exist. To the contrary, we confine these pages to history, and history, as you know, is a recitation of facts. You will therefore find among the pages to follow both humor and tragedy -- the fun of a party, the loss of a friend. You will find here many things that can never be forgotten and consequently need never be written, and yet if among the pages you find one little incident worthwhile remembering that might otherwise have been forgotten, this book does indeed serve its purpose. Author unknownhttps://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/ww_reg_his/1131/thumbnail.jp

    Henri Temianka Photographs, Professional Acquaintances

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